WIP: fix 560x384 screenshots (600x420 for the time being)

This commit is contained in:
michaelangel007 2015-01-10 11:22:41 -08:00
parent fdd1d73ba6
commit ec6f124140

View File

@ -1561,46 +1561,41 @@ void Video_TakeScreenShot( int iScreenShotType )
typedef char int8;
typedef short int16;
typedef int int32;
typedef unsigned char u8;
typedef signed short s16;
/// turn of MSVC struct member padding
#pragma pack(push,1)
#ifdef _MSC_VER
/// turn of MSVC struct member padding
#pragma pack(push,1)
struct bgra_t
u8 b;
u8 g;
u8 r;
u8 a; // reserved on Win32
uint8_t b;
uint8_t g;
uint8_t r;
uint8_t a; // reserved on Win32
struct WinBmpHeader_t
char nCookie[2] ; // 0x00 0x02 BM
int32 nSizeFile ; // 0x02 0x04 0 = ignore
int16 nReserved1 ; // 0x06 0x02
int16 nReserved2 ; // 0x08 0x02
int32 nOffsetData ; // 0x0A 0x04
uint8_t nCookie[2] ; // 0x00 0x02 BM
uint32_t nSizeFile ; // 0x02 0x04 0 = ignore
uint16_t nReserved1 ; // 0x06 0x02
uint16_t nReserved2 ; // 0x08 0x02
uint32_t nOffsetData ; // 0x0A 0x04
// == 0x0D (14)
int32 nStructSize ; // 0x0E 0x04 biSize
int32 nWidthPixels ; // 0x12 0x04 biWidth
int32 nHeightPixels ; // 0x16 0x04 biHeight
int16 nPlanes ; // 0x1A 0x02 biPlanes
int16 nBitsPerPixel ; // 0x1C 0x02 biBitCount
int32 nCompression ; // 0x1E 0x04 biCompression 0 = BI_RGB
int32 nSizeImage ; // 0x22 0x04 0 = ignore
int32 nXPelsPerMeter ; // 0x26 0x04
int32 nYPelsPerMeter ; // 0x2A 0x04
int32 nPaletteColors ; // 0x2E 0x04
int32 nImportantColors; // 0x32 0x04
uint32_t nStructSize ; // 0x0E 0x04 biSize
uint32_t nWidthPixels ; // 0x12 0x04 biWidth
uint32_t nHeightPixels ; // 0x16 0x04 biHeight
uint16_t nPlanes ; // 0x1A 0x02 biPlanes
uint16_t nBitsPerPixel ; // 0x1C 0x02 biBitCount
uint32_t nCompression ; // 0x1E 0x04 biCompression 0 = BI_RGB
uint32_t nSizeImage ; // 0x22 0x04 0 = ignore
uint32_t nXPelsPerMeter ; // 0x26 0x04
uint32_t nYPelsPerMeter ; // 0x2A 0x04
uint32_t nPaletteColors ; // 0x2E 0x04
uint32_t nImportantColors; // 0x32 0x04
// == 0x28 (40)
@ -1654,12 +1649,20 @@ void Video_MakeScreenShot(FILE *pFile)
g_tBmpHeader.nWidthPixels = g_iScreenshotType ? FRAMEBUFFER_W/2 :FRAMEBUFFER_W;
g_tBmpHeader.nHeightPixels = g_iScreenshotType ? FRAMEBUFFER_H/2 : FRAMEBUFFER_H;
g_tBmpHeader.nPlanes = 1;
g_tBmpHeader.nBitsPerPixel = 8;
g_tBmpHeader.nCompression = BI_RGB;
g_tBmpHeader.nBitsPerPixel = 32;
g_tBmpHeader.nCompression = BI_RGB; // none
g_tBmpHeader.nSizeImage = 0;
g_tBmpHeader.nXPelsPerMeter = 0;
g_tBmpHeader.nYPelsPerMeter = 0;
g_tBmpHeader.nPaletteColors = 256;
g_tBmpHeader.nPaletteColors = 0;
g_tBmpHeader.nImportantColors = 0;
// char sText[256];
@ -1675,24 +1678,27 @@ void Video_MakeScreenShot(FILE *pFile)
int nLen;
fwrite( &g_tBmpHeader, sizeof( g_tBmpHeader ), 1, pFile );
uint32_t *pSrc;
// Write Palette Data
u8 *pSrc = ((u8*)g_pFramebufferinfo) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
pSrc = ((uint8_t*)g_pFramebufferinfo) + sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER);
nLen = g_tBmpHeader.nPaletteColors * sizeof(bgra_t); // RGBQUAD
fwrite( pSrc, nLen, 1, pFile );
pSrc += nLen;
// Write Pixel Data
// No need to use GetDibBits() since we already have http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms532334.aspx
// @reference: "Storing an Image" http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms532340(VS.85).aspx
pSrc = ((uint8_t*)g_pFramebufferbits);
nLen = g_tBmpHeader.nWidthPixels * g_tBmpHeader.nHeightPixels * g_tBmpHeader.nBitsPerPixel / 8;
pSrc = (uint32_t*) g_pFramebufferbits;
nLen = (g_tBmpHeader.nWidthPixels * g_tBmpHeader.nHeightPixels * g_tBmpHeader.nBitsPerPixel) / 8;
if( g_iScreenshotType == SCREENSHOT_280x192 )
pSrc += FRAMEBUFFER_W; // Start on odd scanline (otherwise for 50% scanline mode get an all black image!)
u8 aScanLine[ 280 ];
u8 *pDst;
uint32_t aScanLine[ 280 ];
uint32_t *pDst;
// 50% Half Scan Line clears every odd scanline.
// SHIFT+PrintScreen saves only the even rows.