* allow an alternate directory for built-in symbol tables -- needed because macOS apps are a bundle (tree of directories) and resources are packaged somewhere within, not necessarily in the same directory as the executable.
* use tabs
* add parentheses
Differences compared to Mockingboard:
. Only one 6522
. AY8913 is selected by address b7
Add cmd line: -sN sdmusic
Add cmd line: -mb-audit (to enable selection of additional sound cards, eg. for mb-audit)
* Bump debugger version
* Cleanup
* Debugger: Update DISK INFO to display disk info across 2 lines of text
* Debugger: Fix ConsolePrint() to wrap long lines of text
* Debugger: Update DISK INFO to show last nibble for non WOZ floppy image
* Replace optional pointer with reference in GetCurrentState()
* Add Log.h to Disk.h
* Cleanup GetCurrentState()
* Cleanup whitespace
* Add single line output for DISK INFO foundation. Still need CONFIG DISK #
* Added: DISK INFO [#]
* Debugger: Clamp long input
* Fix backspace when input line has 78 characters
* Colorize console error line
* Cleanup alignment
* Init
* Refactor common expression
* Add support for a long input line when we decide to enable it
* Unabbreviate SOL and EOL
Differences compared to Mockingboard:
. TIMER1 underflows to $FFFE before it's reloaded with latch.
. TIMER1's LATCH=$0000 gets interpreted as $FFFF.
. Partial TIMER2 support: IFR.T2 gets set on underflow. But T2 reads as 0x00FF.
. AY register reads are unsupported (always read as 0).
Config->Sound: show 'MEGA Audio' in drop-down menus only if it was specified on the cmd line.
* Add global breakpoint so we can display last breakpoint triggered information
* Cleanup
* Pretty print what register and breakpoint number when a breakpoint is triggered
* Bump debugger version
* Fix missing space between type and var
* Cleanup
* Debugger: add new flags to breakpoints.
Stop / no stop.
Hit count
Keep temp breakpoint alive so they can be inspected.
Signed-off-by: Andrea Odetti <mariofutire@gmail.com>
* Debugger: ensure temporary breakpoints are removed when the execution restarts.
This code:
_BWZ_Clear(pBP, iBreakpoint);
was actually a bug since the function needs the root points of all breakpoints, not to a particular one.
* Breakpoints: some extra tweaks.
Signed-off-by: Andrea Odetti <mariofutire@gmail.com>
* Remove reundant code and comment.
Signed-off-by: Andrea Odetti <mariofutire@gmail.com>
* Breakpoints: coding standards.
Signed-off-by: Andrea Odetti <mariofutire@gmail.com>
Signed-off-by: Andrea Odetti <mariofutire@gmail.com>