/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: Emulation of video modes * * Author: Various */ #include "StdAfx.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "..\resource\resource.h" /* reference: technote tn-iigs-063 "Master Color Values" Color Color Register LR HR DHR Master Color R,G,B Name Value # # # Value ---------------------------------------------------- Black 0 0 0,4 0 $0000 (0,0,0) -> (00,00,00) Windows (Magenta) Deep Red 1 1 1 $0D03 (D,0,3) -> (D0,00,30) Custom Dark Blue 2 2 8 $0009 (0,0,9) -> (00,00,80) Windows (Violet) Purple 3 3 2 9 $0D2D (D,2,D) -> (FF,00,FF) Windows Dark Green 4 4 4 $0072 (0,7,2) -> (00,80,00) Windows (Gray 1) Dark Gray 5 5 5 $0555 (5,5,5) -> (80,80,80) Windows (Blue) Medium Blue 6 6 6 C $022F (2,2,F) -> (00,00,FF) Windows (Cyan) Light Blue 7 7 D $06AF (6,A,F) -> (60,A0,FF) Custom Brown 8 8 2 $0850 (8,5,0) -> (80,50,00) Custom Orange 9 9 5 3 $0F60 (F,6,0) -> (FF,80,00) Custom (modified to match better with the other Hi-Res Colors) (Gray 2) Light Gray A A A $0AAA (A,A,A) -> (C0,C0,C0) Windows Pink B B B $0F98 (F,9,8) -> (FF,90,80) Custom (Green) Light Green C C 1 6 $01D0 (1,D,0) -> (00,FF,00) Windows Yellow D D 7 $0FF0 (F,F,0) -> (FF,FF,00) Windows (Aqua) Aquamarine E E E $04F9 (4,F,9) -> (40,FF,90) Custom White F F 3,7 F $0FFF (F,F,F) -> (FF,FF,FF) Windows LR: Lo-Res HR: Hi-Res DHR: Double Hi-Res */ #define HALF_SHIFT_DITHER 0 // STANDARD WINDOWS COLORS #define CREAM 0xF6 #define MEDIUM_GRAY 0xF7 #define DARK_GRAY 0xF8 #define RED 0xF9 #define GREEN 0xFA #define YELLOW 0xFB #define BLUE 0xFC #define MAGENTA 0xFD #define CYAN 0xFE #define WHITE 0xFF enum Color_Palette_Index_e { // Really need to have Quater Green and Quarter Blue for Hi-Res BLACK , DARK_RED , DARK_GREEN // Half Green , DARK_YELLOW , DARK_BLUE // Half Blue , DARK_MAGENTA , DARK_CYAN , LIGHT_GRAY , MONEY_GREEN , SKY_BLUE // OUR CUSTOM COLORS , DEEP_RED , LIGHT_BLUE , BROWN , ORANGE , PINK , AQUA // CUSTOM HGR COLORS (don't change order) - For tv emulation mode , HGR_BLACK , HGR_WHITE , HGR_BLUE , HGR_RED , HGR_GREEN , HGR_MAGENTA , HGR_GREY1 , HGR_GREY2 , HGR_YELLOW , HGR_AQUA , HGR_PURPLE , HGR_PINK // USER CUSTOMIZABLE COLOR , MONOCHROME_CUSTOM // Pre-set "Monochromes" , MONOCHROME_AMBER , MONOCHROME_GREEN , MONOCHROME_WHITE , NUM_COLOR_PALETTE }; #define SRCOFFS_40COL 0 #define SRCOFFS_80COL (SRCOFFS_40COL + 256) #define SRCOFFS_LORES (SRCOFFS_80COL + 128) #define SRCOFFS_HIRES (SRCOFFS_LORES + 16) #define SRCOFFS_DHIRES (SRCOFFS_HIRES + 512) #define SRCOFFS_TOTAL (SRCOFFS_DHIRES + 2560) #define VF_80COL 0x00000001 #define VF_DHIRES 0x00000002 #define VF_HIRES 0x00000004 #define VF_MASK2 0x00000008 #define VF_MIXED 0x00000010 #define VF_PAGE2 0x00000020 #define VF_TEXT 0x00000040 #define SW_80COL (vidmode & VF_80COL) #define SW_DHIRES (vidmode & VF_DHIRES) #define SW_HIRES (vidmode & VF_HIRES) #define SW_MASK2 (vidmode & VF_MASK2) #define SW_MIXED (vidmode & VF_MIXED) #define SW_PAGE2 (vidmode & VF_PAGE2) #define SW_TEXT (vidmode & VF_TEXT) #define SETSOURCEPIXEL(x,y,c) sourceoffsettable[(y)][(x)] = (c) #define SETFRAMECOLOR(i,r,g,b) framebufferinfo->bmiColors[i].rgbRed = r; \ framebufferinfo->bmiColors[i].rgbGreen = g; \ framebufferinfo->bmiColors[i].rgbBlue = b; #define HGR_MATRIX_YOFFSET 2 // For tv emulation mode typedef BOOL (*UpdateFunc_t)(int,int,int,int,int); static BYTE celldirty[40][32]; static COLORREF customcolors[NUM_COLOR_PALETTE]; // MONOCHROME is last custom color static HBITMAP devicebitmap; static HDC devicedc; static LPBYTE framebufferbits; static LPBITMAPINFO framebufferinfo; static LPBYTE frameoffsettable[384]; static LPBYTE hiresauxptr; static LPBYTE hiresmainptr; static HBITMAP logobitmap; static HPALETTE palette; static HBITMAP sourcebitmap; static LPBYTE sourcebits; static LPBITMAPINFO sourceinfo; static LPBYTE sourceoffsettable[512]; static LPBYTE textauxptr; static LPBYTE textmainptr; // For tv emulation mode // 2 extra pixels on end? static BYTE hgrpixelmatrix[280][192 + 2 * HGR_MATRIX_YOFFSET]; static BYTE colormixbuffer[6]; static WORD colormixmap[6][6][6]; // static int charoffs = 0; static BOOL displaypage2 = 0; static LPBYTE framebufferaddr = (LPBYTE)0; static LONG framebufferpitch = 0; BOOL graphicsmode = 0; static BOOL hasrefreshed = 0; static DWORD lastpageflip = 0; COLORREF monochrome = RGB(0xC0,0xC0,0xC0); static BOOL rebuiltsource = 0; static BOOL redrawfull = 1; static DWORD dwVBlCounter = 0; static LPBYTE vidlastmem = NULL; static DWORD vidmode = VF_TEXT; DWORD videotype = VT_COLOR_TVEMU; static bool g_bTextFlashState = false; static bool g_bTextFlashFlag = false; //------------------------------------- // Video consts: const UINT nVBlStop_NTSC = 21; const UINT nVBlStop_PAL = 29; //------------------------------------- void DrawDHiResSource (); void DrawHiResSource (); void DrawHiResSourceHalfShiftFull (); void DrawHiResSourceHalfShiftDim (); void DrawLoResSource (); void DrawMonoDHiResSource (); void DrawMonoHiResSource (); void DrawMonoLoResSource (); void DrawMonoTextSource (HDC dc); void DrawTextSource (HDC dc); //=========================================================================== void __stdcall CopySource (int destx, int desty, int xsize, int ysize, int sourcex, int sourcey) { LPBYTE currdestptr = frameoffsettable [desty] +destx; LPBYTE currsourceptr = sourceoffsettable[sourcey]+sourcex; int bytesleft; while (ysize--) { bytesleft = xsize; while (bytesleft & 3) { --bytesleft; *(currdestptr+bytesleft) = *(currsourceptr+bytesleft); } while (bytesleft) { bytesleft -= 4; *(LPDWORD)(currdestptr+bytesleft) = *(LPDWORD)(currsourceptr+bytesleft); } currdestptr -= framebufferpitch; currsourceptr -= SRCOFFS_TOTAL; } } //=========================================================================== void CreateFrameOffsetTable (LPBYTE addr, LONG pitch) { if (framebufferaddr == addr && framebufferpitch == pitch) return; framebufferaddr = addr; framebufferpitch = pitch; // CREATE THE OFFSET TABLE FOR EACH SCAN LINE IN THE FRAME BUFFER for (int loop = 0; loop < 384; loop++) frameoffsettable[loop] = framebufferaddr+framebufferpitch*(383-loop); } //=========================================================================== void CreateIdentityPalette () { if (palette) DeleteObject(palette); // SET FRAME BUFFER TABLE ENTRIES TO CUSTOM COLORS SETFRAMECOLOR(DEEP_RED, 0xD0,0x00,0x30); SETFRAMECOLOR(LIGHT_BLUE,0x60,0xA0,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(BROWN, 0x80,0x50,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(ORANGE, 0xFF,0x80,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(PINK, 0xFF,0x90,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(AQUA, 0x40,0xFF,0x90); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_BLACK, 0x00,0x00,0x00); // For tv emulation mode SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_WHITE, 0xFF,0xFF,0xFE); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_BLUE, 0x00,0x80,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_RED, 0xF0,0x50,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_GREEN, 0x20,0xC0,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_MAGENTA,0xA0,0x00,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_GREY1, 0x80,0x80,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_GREY2, 0x80,0x80,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_YELLOW, 0xD0,0xB0,0x10); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_AQUA, 0x20,0xB0,0xB0); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_PURPLE, 0x60,0x50,0xE0); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_PINK, 0xD0,0x40,0xA0); SETFRAMECOLOR( MONOCHROME_CUSTOM , GetRValue(monochrome) , GetGValue(monochrome) , GetBValue(monochrome) ); SETFRAMECOLOR( MONOCHROME_AMBER, 0xFF,0x80,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR( MONOCHROME_GREEN, 0x00,0xC0,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR( MONOCHROME_WHITE, 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF); // IF WE ARE IN A PALETTIZED VIDEO MODE, CREATE AN IDENTITY PALETTE HWND window = GetDesktopWindow(); HDC dc = GetDC(window); int colors = GetDeviceCaps(dc,SIZEPALETTE); int system = GetDeviceCaps(dc,NUMCOLORS); if ((GetDeviceCaps(dc,RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE) && (colors <= 256)) { // GET THE PALETTE ENTRIES OF THE LOGO RGBQUAD logotable[256]; ZeroMemory(logotable,sizeof(logotable)); if (logobitmap) { HDC memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); SelectObject(memdc,logobitmap); GetDIBColorTable(memdc,0,colors,logotable); DeleteDC(memdc); } // CREATE A PALETTE ENTRY ARRAY LOGPALETTE *paldata = (LOGPALETTE *)VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(LOGPALETTE) +256*sizeof(PALETTEENTRY), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); paldata->palVersion = 0x300; paldata->palNumEntries = colors; GetSystemPaletteEntries(dc,0,colors,paldata->palPalEntry); // FILL IN THE PALETTE ENTRIES int paletteindex = 0; int logoindex = 0; int halftoneindex = 0; // COPY THE SYSTEM PALETTE ENTRIES AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PALETTE for (; paletteindex < system/2; paletteindex++) paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peFlags = 0; // FILL IN THE MIDDLE PORTION OF THE PALETTE WITH OUR OWN COLORS for (int ourindex = DEEP_RED; ourindex <= NUM_COLOR_PALETTE; ourindex++) { paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peRed = framebufferinfo->bmiColors[ourindex].rgbRed; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peGreen = framebufferinfo->bmiColors[ourindex].rgbGreen; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peBlue = framebufferinfo->bmiColors[ourindex].rgbBlue; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE; paletteindex++; } for (; paletteindex < colors-system/2; paletteindex++) { // IF THIS PALETTE ENTRY IS NEEDED FOR THE LOGO, COPY IN THE LOGO COLOR if (logotable[logoindex].rgbRed && logotable[logoindex].rgbGreen && logotable[logoindex].rgbBlue) { paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peRed = logotable[logoindex].rgbRed; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peGreen = logotable[logoindex].rgbGreen; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peBlue = logotable[logoindex].rgbBlue; } // OTHERWISE, ADD A HALFTONING COLOR, SO THAT OTHER APPLICATIONS // RUNNING IN THE BACKGROUND WILL HAVE SOME REASONABLE COLORS TO USE else { static BYTE halftonetable[6] = {32,64,96,160,192,224}; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peRed = halftonetable[halftoneindex % 6]; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peGreen = halftonetable[halftoneindex/6 % 6]; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peBlue = halftonetable[halftoneindex/36 % 6]; ++halftoneindex; } ++logoindex; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE; } // COPY THE SYSTEM PALETTE ENTRIES AT THE END OF THE PALETTE for (; paletteindex < colors; paletteindex++) paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peFlags = 0; // FILL THE FRAME BUFFER TABLE WITH COLORS FROM OUR PALETTE for (int loop = 0; loop < colors; loop++) { framebufferinfo->bmiColors[loop].rgbRed = paldata->palPalEntry[loop].peRed; framebufferinfo->bmiColors[loop].rgbGreen = paldata->palPalEntry[loop].peGreen; framebufferinfo->bmiColors[loop].rgbBlue = paldata->palPalEntry[loop].peBlue; } // CREATE THE PALETTE palette = CreatePalette(paldata); VirtualFree(paldata,0,MEM_RELEASE); } else // OTHERWISE, FILL THE FRAME BUFFER TABLE WITH THE STANDARD WINDOWS COLORS { SETFRAMECOLOR(BLACK, 0x00,0x00,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_RED, 0x80,0x00,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_GREEN, 0x00,0x80,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_YELLOW, 0x80,0x80,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_BLUE, 0x00,0x00,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_MAGENTA,0x80,0x00,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_CYAN, 0x00,0x80,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(LIGHT_GRAY, 0xC0,0xC0,0xC0); SETFRAMECOLOR(MONEY_GREEN, 0xC0,0xDC,0xC0); SETFRAMECOLOR(SKY_BLUE, 0xA6,0xCA,0xF0); SETFRAMECOLOR(CREAM, 0xFF,0xFB,0xF0); SETFRAMECOLOR(MEDIUM_GRAY, 0xA0,0xA0,0xA4); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_GRAY, 0x80,0x80,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(RED, 0xFF,0x00,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(GREEN, 0x00,0xFF,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(YELLOW, 0xFF,0xFF,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(BLUE, 0x00,0x00,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(MAGENTA, 0xFF,0x00,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(CYAN, 0x00,0xFF,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(WHITE, 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF); palette = (HPALETTE)0; } ReleaseDC(window,dc); } //=========================================================================== void CreateDIBSections () { CopyMemory(sourceinfo->bmiColors,framebufferinfo->bmiColors,256*sizeof(RGBQUAD)); // CREATE THE DEVICE CONTEXT HWND window = GetDesktopWindow(); HDC dc = GetDC(window); if (devicedc) DeleteDC(devicedc); devicedc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); // CREATE THE FRAME BUFFER DIB SECTION if (devicebitmap) DeleteObject(devicebitmap); devicebitmap = CreateDIBSection(dc,framebufferinfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS, (LPVOID *)&framebufferbits,0,0); SelectObject(devicedc,devicebitmap); // CREATE THE SOURCE IMAGE DIB SECTION HDC sourcedc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); ReleaseDC(window,dc); if (sourcebitmap) DeleteObject(sourcebitmap); sourcebitmap = CreateDIBSection(sourcedc,sourceinfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS, (LPVOID *)&sourcebits,0,0); SelectObject(sourcedc,sourcebitmap); // CREATE THE OFFSET TABLE FOR EACH SCAN LINE IN THE SOURCE IMAGE for (int loop = 0; loop < 512; loop++) sourceoffsettable[loop] = sourcebits+SRCOFFS_TOTAL*(511-loop); // DRAW THE SOURCE IMAGE INTO THE SOURCE BIT BUFFER ZeroMemory(sourcebits,SRCOFFS_TOTAL*512); if ((videotype != VT_MONO_CUSTOM) && (videotype != VT_MONO_AMBER ) && (videotype != VT_MONO_GREEN ) && (videotype != VT_MONO_WHITE )) { DrawTextSource(sourcedc); DrawLoResSource(); if (videotype == VT_COLOR_HALF_SHIFT_DIM) DrawHiResSourceHalfShiftDim(); else DrawHiResSource(); DrawDHiResSource(); } else { DrawMonoTextSource(sourcedc); DrawMonoLoResSource(); DrawMonoHiResSource(); DrawMonoDHiResSource(); } DeleteDC(sourcedc); } //=========================================================================== void DrawDHiResSource () { BYTE colorval[16] = {BLACK, DARK_BLUE, DARK_GREEN,BLUE, BROWN, LIGHT_GRAY,GREEN, AQUA, DEEP_RED,MAGENTA, DARK_GRAY, LIGHT_BLUE, ORANGE, PINK, YELLOW, WHITE}; #define OFFSET 3 #define SIZE 10 for (int column = 0; column < 256; column++) { int coloffs = SIZE * column; for (unsigned byteval = 0; byteval < 256; byteval++) { int color[SIZE]; ZeroMemory(color,sizeof(color)); unsigned pattern = MAKEWORD(byteval,column); int pixel; for (pixel = 1; pixel < 15; pixel++) { if (pattern & (1 << pixel)) { int pixelcolor = 1 << ((pixel-OFFSET) & 3); if ((pixel >= OFFSET+2) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET+2) && (pattern & (0x7 << (pixel-4)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET+2)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET+1) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET+1) && (pattern & (0xF << (pixel-4)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET+1)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET+0) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET+0)) color[pixel-(OFFSET+0)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET-1) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET-1) && (pattern & (0xF << (pixel+1)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET-1)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET-2) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET-2) && (pattern & (0x7 << (pixel+2)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET-2)] |= pixelcolor; } } if (videotype == VT_COLOR_TEXT_OPTIMIZED) { /*** activate for fringe reduction on white hgr text drawback: loss of color mix patterns in hgr mode. select videotype by index ***/ for (pixel = 0; pixel < 13; pixel++) { if ((pattern & (0xF << pixel)) == (unsigned)(0xF << pixel)) for (int pos = pixel; pos < pixel + 4; pos++) if (pos >= OFFSET && pos < SIZE+OFFSET) color[pos-OFFSET] = 15; } } int y = byteval << 1; for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_DHIRES+coloffs+x,y ,colorval[color[x]]); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_DHIRES+coloffs+x,y+1,colorval[color[x]]); } } } #undef SIZE #undef OFFSET } enum ColorMapping { CM_Magenta , CM_Blue , CM_Green , CM_Orange , CM_Black , CM_White , NUM_COLOR_MAPPING }; const BYTE aColorIndex[ NUM_COLOR_MAPPING ] = { HGR_MAGENTA , HGR_BLUE , HGR_GREEN , HGR_RED , HGR_BLACK , HGR_WHITE }; const BYTE aColorDimmedIndex[ NUM_COLOR_MAPPING ] = { DARK_MAGENTA, // <- HGR_MAGENTA DARK_BLUE , // <- HGR_BLUE DARK_GREEN , // <- HGR_GREEN DEEP_RED , // <- HGR_RED HGR_BLACK , // no change LIGHT_GRAY // HGR_WHITE }; //=========================================================================== void DrawHiResSourceHalfShiftDim () { // BYTE colorval[6] = {MAGENTA,BLUE,GREEN,ORANGE,BLACK,WHITE}; // BYTE colorval[6] = {HGR_MAGENTA,HGR_BLUE,HGR_GREEN,HGR_RED,HGR_BLACK,HGR_WHITE}; for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < 16; iColumn++) { int coloffs = iColumn << 5; for (unsigned iByte = 0; iByte < 256; iByte++) { int aPixels[11]; aPixels[ 0] = iColumn & 4; aPixels[ 1] = iColumn & 8; aPixels[ 9] = iColumn & 1; aPixels[10] = iColumn & 2; int nBitMask = 1; int iPixel; for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { aPixels[iPixel] = ((iByte & nBitMask) != 0); nBitMask <<= 1; } int hibit = ((iByte & 0x80) != 0); int x = 0; int y = iByte << 1; while (x < 28) { int adj = (x >= 14) << 1; int odd = (x >= 14); for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { int color = CM_Black; if (aPixels[iPixel]) { if (aPixels[iPixel-1] || aPixels[iPixel+1]) { color = CM_White; } else color = ((odd ^ (iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; } else if (aPixels[iPixel-1] && aPixels[iPixel+1]) { /*** activate for fringe reduction on white hgr text - drawback: loss of color mix patterns in hgr mode. select videotype by index exclusion ***/ if (!(aPixels[iPixel-2] && aPixels[iPixel+2])) color = ((odd ^ !(iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; } /* Address Binary -> Displayed 2000:01 0---0001 -> 1 0 0 0 column 1 2400:81 1---0001 -> 1 0 0 0 half-pixel shift right 2800:02 1---0010 -> 0 1 0 0 column 2 2000:02 column 2 2400:82 half-pixel shift right 2800:04 column 3 2000:03 0---0011 -> 1 1 0 0 column 1 & 2 2400:83 1---0011 -> 1 1 0 0 half-pixel shift right 2800:06 1---0110 -> 0 1 1 0 column 2 & 3 @reference: see Beagle Bro's Disk: "Silicon Salid", File: DOUBLE HI-RES Fortunately double-hires is supported via pixel doubling, so we can do half-pixel shifts ;-) */ switch (color) { case CM_Magenta: SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_MAGENTA ); // aColorIndex SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , DARK_MAGENTA ); // aColorDimmedIndex SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_MAGENTA ); // aColorIndex SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, DARK_MAGENTA ); // aColorDimmedIndex break; case CM_Blue : SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_BLUE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+2,y , DARK_BLUE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_BLUE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+2,y+1, DARK_BLUE ); // Prevent column gaps if (hibit) { if (iPixel <= 2) { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , DARK_BLUE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, DARK_BLUE ); } } break; case CM_Green : SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_GREEN ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , DARK_GREEN ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_GREEN ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, DARK_GREEN ); break; case CM_Orange: SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_RED ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+2,y , BROWN ); // DARK_RED is a bit "too" red SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_RED ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+2,y+1, BROWN ); // DARK_RED is a bit "too" red // Prevent column gaps if (hibit) { if (iPixel <= 2) { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , BROWN ); // DARK_RED is a bit "too" red SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, BROWN ); // DARK_RED is a bit "too" red } } break; case CM_Black : SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_BLACK ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_BLACK ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_BLACK ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_BLACK ); break; case CM_White : #if HALF_SHIFT_DIM // 50% dither -- would look OK, except Gumball, on the "Gumball" font has splotches // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_WHITE ); // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); // if (! hibit) // { // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_WHITE ); // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); // } // 75% dither -- looks kind of nice actually. Passes the Gumball cutscene quality test! SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_WHITE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , LIGHT_GRAY ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, LIGHT_GRAY ); #else // Don't dither / half-shift white, since DROL cutscene looks bad :( SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_WHITE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_WHITE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); // LIGHT_GRAY <- for that half scan-line look SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); // LIGHT_GRAY <- for that half scan-line look // Prevent column gaps if (hibit) { if (iPixel <= 2) { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_WHITE ); // LIGHT_GRAY HGR_GREY1 SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); // LIGHT_GRAY HGR_GREY1 } } #endif break; default: break; } x += 2; } } } } } //=========================================================================== void DrawHiResSource () { // BYTE colorval[6] = {MAGENTA,BLUE,GREEN,ORANGE,BLACK,WHITE}; // BYTE colorval[6] = {HGR_MAGENTA,HGR_BLUE,HGR_GREEN,HGR_RED,HGR_BLACK,HGR_WHITE}; for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < 16; iColumn++) { int coloffs = iColumn << 5; for (unsigned iByte = 0; iByte < 256; iByte++) { int aPixels[11]; aPixels[ 0] = iColumn & 4; aPixels[ 1] = iColumn & 8; aPixels[ 9] = iColumn & 1; aPixels[10] = iColumn & 2; int nBitMask = 1; int iPixel; for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { aPixels[iPixel] = ((iByte & nBitMask) != 0); nBitMask <<= 1; } int hibit = ((iByte & 0x80) != 0); int x = 0; int y = iByte << 1; while (x < 28) { int adj = (x >= 14) << 1; int odd = (x >= 14); for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { int color = CM_Black; if (aPixels[iPixel]) { if (aPixels[iPixel-1] || aPixels[iPixel+1]) color = CM_White; else color = ((odd ^ (iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; } else if (aPixels[iPixel-1] && aPixels[iPixel+1]) { /*** activate for fringe reduction on white hgr text - drawback: loss of color mix patterns in hgr mode. select videotype by index exclusion ***/ if ((videotype == VT_COLOR_STANDARD) || (videotype == VT_COLOR_TVEMU) || !(aPixels[iPixel-2] && aPixels[iPixel+2])) color = ((odd ^ !(iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; // // No white HGR text optimization } // Colors - Top/Bottom Left/Right // cTL cTR // cBL cBR SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y ,aColorIndex[color]); // TL SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y ,aColorIndex[color]); // TR SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1,aColorIndex[color]); // BL SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1,aColorIndex[color]); // BR x += 2; } } } } } //=========================================================================== void DrawLoResSource () { BYTE colorval[16] = {BLACK, DEEP_RED, DARK_BLUE, MAGENTA, DARK_GREEN,DARK_GRAY,BLUE, LIGHT_BLUE, BROWN, ORANGE, LIGHT_GRAY,PINK, GREEN, YELLOW, AQUA, WHITE}; for (int color = 0; color < 16; color++) for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_LORES+x,(color << 4)+y,colorval[color]); } //=========================================================================== int GetMonochromeIndex() { int iMonochrome; switch (videotype) { case VT_MONO_AMBER: iMonochrome = MONOCHROME_AMBER ; break; case VT_MONO_GREEN: iMonochrome = MONOCHROME_GREEN ; break; case VT_MONO_WHITE: iMonochrome = MONOCHROME_WHITE ; break; default : iMonochrome = MONOCHROME_CUSTOM; break; } return iMonochrome; } //=========================================================================== void DrawMonoDHiResSource () { int iMonochrome = GetMonochromeIndex(); for (int column = 0; column < 256; column++) { int coloffs = 10 * column; for (unsigned byteval = 0; byteval < 256; byteval++) { unsigned pattern = MAKEWORD(byteval,column); int y = byteval << 1; for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { BYTE colorval = pattern & (1 << (x+3)) ? iMonochrome : BLACK; SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_DHIRES+coloffs+x,y ,colorval); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_DHIRES+coloffs+x,y+1,colorval); } } } } //=========================================================================== void DrawMonoHiResSource () { int iMonochrome = GetMonochromeIndex(); for (int column = 0; column < 512; column += 16) { for (int y = 0; y < 512; y += 2) { unsigned val = (y >> 1); for (int x = 0; x < 16; x += 2) { BYTE colorval = (val & 1) ? iMonochrome : BLACK; val >>= 1; SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+column+x ,y ,colorval); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+column+x+1,y ,colorval); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+column+x ,y+1,colorval); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+column+x+1,y+1,colorval); } } } } //=========================================================================== void DrawMonoLoResSource () { int iMonochrome = GetMonochromeIndex(); for (int color = 0; color < 16; color++) for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) { BYTE colorval = (color >> (x & 3) & 1) ? iMonochrome : BLACK; SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_LORES+x,(color << 4)+y,colorval); } } //=========================================================================== void DrawMonoTextSource (HDC dc) { HDC memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); HBITMAP bitmap = LoadBitmap(instance,TEXT("CHARSET40")); HBRUSH brush = CreateSolidBrush(monochrome); SelectObject(memdc,bitmap); SelectObject(dc,brush); BitBlt(dc,SRCOFFS_40COL,0,256,512,memdc,0,0,MERGECOPY); StretchBlt(dc,SRCOFFS_80COL,0,128,512,memdc,0,0,256,512,MERGECOPY); SelectObject(dc,GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)); DeleteObject(brush); DeleteDC(memdc); DeleteObject(bitmap); } //=========================================================================== void DrawTextSource (HDC dc) { HDC memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); HBITMAP bitmap = LoadBitmap(instance,TEXT("CHARSET40")); SelectObject(memdc,bitmap); BitBlt(dc,SRCOFFS_40COL,0,256,512,memdc,0,0,SRCCOPY); StretchBlt(dc,SRCOFFS_80COL,0,128,512,memdc,0,0,256,512,SRCCOPY); DeleteDC(memdc); DeleteObject(bitmap); } //=========================================================================== void SetLastDrawnImage () { memcpy(vidlastmem+0x400,textmainptr,0x400); if (SW_HIRES) memcpy(vidlastmem+0x2000,hiresmainptr,0x2000); if (SW_DHIRES && SW_HIRES) memcpy(vidlastmem,hiresauxptr,0x2000); if (SW_80COL && !SW_HIRES) memcpy(vidlastmem,textauxptr,0x400); int loop; for (loop = 0; loop < 256; loop++) *(memdirty+loop) &= ~2; } //=========================================================================== BOOL Update40ColCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { BYTE ch = *(textmainptr+offset); bool bCharChanged = (ch != *(vidlastmem+offset+0x400) || redrawfull); // FLASHing chars: // - FLASHing if:Alt Char Set is OFF && 0x40<=char<=0x7F // - The inverse of this char is located at: char+0x40 bool bCharFlashing = (charoffs == 0) && (ch >= 0x40) && (ch <= 0x7F); if(bCharChanged || (bCharFlashing && g_bTextFlashFlag)) { bool bInvert = bCharFlashing ? g_bTextFlashState : false; // Apple ][ inits memory to FF,FF,00,00 // The 7F char is same as (inverse) space if (ch == 0xFF) ch = 32; CopySource(xpixel,ypixel, 14,16, SRCOFFS_40COL+((ch & 0x0F) << 4), (ch & 0xF0)+charoffs + (bInvert?0x40:0x00)); return 1; } else { return 0; } } //=========================================================================== BOOL Update80ColCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { BYTE auxval = *(textauxptr +offset); BYTE mainval = *(textmainptr+offset); if ((auxval != *(vidlastmem+offset)) || (mainval != *(vidlastmem+offset+0x400)) || redrawfull) { CopySource(xpixel,ypixel, 7,16, SRCOFFS_80COL+((auxval & 15)<<3),((auxval>>4)<<4)+charoffs); CopySource(xpixel+7,ypixel, 7,16, SRCOFFS_80COL+((mainval & 15)<<3),((mainval>>4)<<4)+charoffs); return 1; } else return 0; } //=========================================================================== BOOL UpdateDHiResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { BOOL dirty = 0; int yoffset = 0; while (yoffset < 0x2000) { BYTE byteval1 = (x > 0) ? *(hiresmainptr+offset+yoffset-1) : 0; BYTE byteval2 = *(hiresauxptr +offset+yoffset); BYTE byteval3 = *(hiresmainptr+offset+yoffset); BYTE byteval4 = (x < 39) ? *(hiresauxptr +offset+yoffset+1) : 0; if ((byteval2 != *(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset)) || (byteval3 != *(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+0x2000)) || ((x > 0) && ((byteval1 & 0x70) != (*(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+0x1FFF) & 0x70))) || ((x < 39) && ((byteval4 & 0x07) != (*(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+ 1) & 0x07))) || redrawfull) { DWORD dwordval = (byteval1 & 0x70) | ((byteval2 & 0x7F) << 7) | ((byteval3 & 0x7F) << 14) | ((byteval4 & 0x07) << 21); #define PIXEL 0 #define COLOR ((xpixel + PIXEL) & 3) #define VALUE (dwordval >> (4 + PIXEL - COLOR)) CopySource(xpixel+PIXEL,ypixel+(yoffset >> 9),7,2, SRCOFFS_DHIRES+10*HIBYTE(VALUE)+COLOR,LOBYTE(VALUE)<<1); #undef PIXEL #define PIXEL 7 CopySource(xpixel+PIXEL,ypixel+(yoffset >> 9),7,2, SRCOFFS_DHIRES+10*HIBYTE(VALUE)+COLOR,LOBYTE(VALUE)<<1); #undef PIXEL #undef COLOR #undef VALUE dirty = 1; } yoffset += 0x400; } return dirty; } //=========================================================================== BYTE MixColors(BYTE c1, BYTE c2) { // For tv emulation mode #define COMBINATION(c1,c2,ref1,ref2) (((c1)==(ref1)&&(c2)==(ref2)) || ((c1)==(ref2)&&(c2)==(ref1))) if (c1 == c2) return c1; if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_BLUE,HGR_RED)) return HGR_GREY1; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_GREEN,HGR_MAGENTA)) return HGR_GREY2; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_RED,HGR_GREEN)) return HGR_YELLOW; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_BLUE,HGR_GREEN)) return HGR_AQUA; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_BLUE,HGR_MAGENTA)) return HGR_PURPLE; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_RED,HGR_MAGENTA)) return HGR_PINK; else return MONOCHROME_CUSTOM; // visible failure indicator #undef COMBINATION } //=========================================================================== void CreateColorMixMap() { // For tv emulation mode #define FROM_NEIGHBOUR 0x00 int t,m,b; BYTE cTop, cMid, cBot; WORD mixTop, mixBot; for (t=0; t<6; t++) for (m=0; m<6; m++) for (b=0; b<6; b++) { cTop = t | 0x10; cMid = m | 0x10; cBot = b | 0x10; if (cMid < HGR_BLUE) { mixTop = mixBot = cMid; } else { if (cTop < HGR_BLUE) { mixTop = FROM_NEIGHBOUR; } else { mixTop = MixColors(cMid,cTop); } if (cBot < HGR_BLUE) { mixBot = FROM_NEIGHBOUR; } else { mixBot = MixColors(cMid,cBot); } if (mixTop == FROM_NEIGHBOUR && mixBot != FROM_NEIGHBOUR) { mixTop = mixBot; } else if (mixBot == FROM_NEIGHBOUR && mixTop != FROM_NEIGHBOUR) { mixBot = mixTop; } else if (mixBot == FROM_NEIGHBOUR && mixTop == FROM_NEIGHBOUR) { mixBot = mixTop = cMid; } } colormixmap[t][m][b] = (mixTop << 8) | mixBot; } #undef FROM_NEIGHBOUR } //=========================================================================== void __stdcall MixColorsVertical(int matx, int maty) { // For tv emulation mode WORD twoHalfPixel; int bot1idx, bot2idx; if (SW_MIXED && maty > 159) { if (maty < 161) { bot1idx = hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty+1] & 0x0F; bot2idx = 0; } else { bot1idx = bot2idx = 0; } } else { bot1idx = hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty+1] & 0x0F; bot2idx = hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty+2] & 0x0F; } twoHalfPixel = colormixmap[hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty-2] & 0x0F] [hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty-1] & 0x0F] [hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty ] & 0x0F]; colormixbuffer[0] = (twoHalfPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8; colormixbuffer[1] = twoHalfPixel & 0x00FF; twoHalfPixel = colormixmap[hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty-1] & 0x0F] [hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty ] & 0x0F] [bot1idx]; colormixbuffer[2] = (twoHalfPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8; colormixbuffer[3] = twoHalfPixel & 0x00FF; twoHalfPixel = colormixmap[hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty ] & 0x0F] [bot1idx] [bot2idx]; colormixbuffer[4] = (twoHalfPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8; colormixbuffer[5] = twoHalfPixel & 0x00FF; } //=========================================================================== void __stdcall CopyMixedSource (int x, int y, int sourcex, int sourcey) { // For tv emulation mode LPBYTE currsourceptr = sourceoffsettable[sourcey]+sourcex; LPBYTE currdestptr = frameoffsettable[y<<1] + (x<<1); LPBYTE currptr; int matx = x; int maty = HGR_MATRIX_YOFFSET + y; int count; int bufxoffset; int hgrlinesabove = (y > 0)? 1 : 0; int hgrlinesbelow = SW_MIXED ? ((y < 159)? 1:0) : ((y < 191)? 1:0); int i; int istart = 2 - (hgrlinesabove << 1); int iend = 3 + (hgrlinesbelow << 1); // transfer 7 pixels (i.e. the visible part of an apple hgr-byte) from row to pixelmatrix for (count = 0, bufxoffset = 0; count < 7; count++, bufxoffset += 2) { hgrpixelmatrix[matx+count][maty] = *(currsourceptr+bufxoffset); // color mixing between adjacent scanlines at current x position MixColorsVertical(matx+count, maty); // transfer up to 6 mixed (half-)pixels of current column to framebuffer currptr = currdestptr+bufxoffset; if (hgrlinesabove) currptr += framebufferpitch << 1; for (i = istart; i <= iend; currptr -= framebufferpitch, i++) { *currptr = *(currptr+1) = colormixbuffer[i]; } } } //=========================================================================== BOOL UpdateHiResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { BOOL dirty = 0; int yoffset = 0; while (yoffset < 0x2000) { BYTE byteval1 = (x > 0) ? *(hiresmainptr+offset+yoffset-1) : 0; BYTE byteval2 = *(hiresmainptr+offset+yoffset); BYTE byteval3 = (x < 39) ? *(hiresmainptr+offset+yoffset+1) : 0; if ((byteval2 != *(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+0x2000)) || ((x > 0) && ((byteval1 & 0x60) != (*(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+0x1FFF) & 0x60))) || ((x < 39) && ((byteval3 & 0x03) != (*(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+0x2001) & 0x03))) || redrawfull) { #define COLOFFS (((byteval1 & 0x60) << 2) | \ ((byteval3 & 0x03) << 5)) if (videotype == VT_COLOR_TVEMU) { CopyMixedSource(xpixel >> 1, (ypixel+(yoffset >> 9)) >> 1, SRCOFFS_HIRES+COLOFFS+((x & 1) << 4),(((int)byteval2) << 1)); } else { CopySource(xpixel,ypixel+(yoffset >> 9), 14,2, SRCOFFS_HIRES+COLOFFS+((x & 1) << 4),(((int)byteval2) << 1)); } #undef COLOFFS dirty = 1; } yoffset += 0x400; } return dirty; } //=========================================================================== BOOL UpdateLoResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { BYTE val = *(textmainptr+offset); if ((val != *(vidlastmem+offset+0x400)) || redrawfull) { CopySource(xpixel,ypixel, 14,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),((val & 0xF) << 4)); CopySource(xpixel,ypixel+8, 14,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),(val & 0xF0)); return 1; } else return 0; } //=========================================================================== BOOL UpdateDLoResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { BYTE auxval = *(textauxptr +offset); BYTE mainval = *(textmainptr+offset); if ( (auxval != *(vidlastmem+offset)) || (mainval != *(vidlastmem+offset+0x400)) || redrawfull ) { CopySource( xpixel,ypixel, 7,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),((auxval & 0xF) << 4)); CopySource( xpixel,ypixel+8, 7,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),(auxval & 0xF0)); // CopySource( xpixel+7,ypixel, 7,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),((mainval & 0xF) << 4)); CopySource( xpixel+7,ypixel+8, 7,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),(mainval & 0xF0)); return 1; } else { return 0; } } // // ----- ALL GLOBALLY ACCESSIBLE FUNCTIONS ARE BELOW THIS LINE ----- // //=========================================================================== BOOL VideoApparentlyDirty () { if (SW_MIXED || redrawfull) return 1; DWORD address = (SW_HIRES && !SW_TEXT) ? (0x20 << displaypage2) : (0x4 << displaypage2); DWORD length = (SW_HIRES && !SW_TEXT) ? 0x20 : 0x4; while (length--) if (*(memdirty+(address++)) & 2) return 1; // bool bCharFlashing = false; // Scan visible text page for any flashing chars if((SW_TEXT || SW_MIXED) && (charoffs == 0)) { BYTE* pnMemText = MemGetMainPtr(0x400 << displaypage2); // Scan 8 long-lines of 120 chars (at 128 char offsets): // . Skip 8-char holes in TEXT for(UINT y=0; y<8; y++) { for(UINT x=0; x<40*3; x++) { BYTE ch = pnMemText[y*128+x]; if((ch >= 0x40) && (ch <= 0x7F)) { bCharFlashing = true; break; } } } } if(bCharFlashing) return 1; return 0; } //=========================================================================== void VideoBenchmark () { Sleep(500); // PREPARE TWO DIFFERENT FRAME BUFFERS, EACH OF WHICH HAVE HALF OF THE // BYTES SET TO 0x14 AND THE OTHER HALF SET TO 0xAA int loop; LPDWORD mem32 = (LPDWORD)mem; for (loop = 4096; loop < 6144; loop++) *(mem32+loop) = ((loop & 1) ^ ((loop & 0x40) >> 6)) ? 0x14141414 : 0xAAAAAAAA; for (loop = 6144; loop < 8192; loop++) *(mem32+loop) = ((loop & 1) ^ ((loop & 0x40) >> 6)) ? 0xAAAAAAAA : 0x14141414; // SEE HOW MANY TEXT FRAMES PER SECOND WE CAN PRODUCE WITH NOTHING ELSE // GOING ON, CHANGING HALF OF THE BYTES IN THE VIDEO BUFFER EACH FRAME TO // SIMULATE THE ACTIVITY OF AN AVERAGE GAME DWORD totaltextfps = 0; vidmode = VF_TEXT; FillMemory(mem+0x400,0x400,0x14); VideoRedrawScreen(); DWORD milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds) ; milliseconds = GetTickCount(); DWORD cycle = 0; do { if (cycle & 1) FillMemory(mem+0x400,0x400,0x14); else CopyMemory(mem+0x400,mem+((cycle & 2) ? 0x4000 : 0x6000),0x400); VideoRefreshScreen(); if (cycle++ >= 3) cycle = 0; totaltextfps++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); // SEE HOW MANY HIRES FRAMES PER SECOND WE CAN PRODUCE WITH NOTHING ELSE // GOING ON, CHANGING HALF OF THE BYTES IN THE VIDEO BUFFER EACH FRAME TO // SIMULATE THE ACTIVITY OF AN AVERAGE GAME DWORD totalhiresfps = 0; vidmode = VF_HIRES; FillMemory(mem+0x2000,0x2000,0x14); VideoRedrawScreen(); milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds) ; milliseconds = GetTickCount(); cycle = 0; do { if (cycle & 1) FillMemory(mem+0x2000,0x2000,0x14); else CopyMemory(mem+0x2000,mem+((cycle & 2) ? 0x4000 : 0x6000),0x2000); VideoRefreshScreen(); if (cycle++ >= 3) cycle = 0; totalhiresfps++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); // DETERMINE HOW MANY 65C02 CLOCK CYCLES WE CAN EMULATE PER SECOND WITH // NOTHING ELSE GOING ON CpuSetupBenchmark(); DWORD totalmhz10 = 0; milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds) ; milliseconds = GetTickCount(); cycle = 0; do { CpuExecute(100000); totalmhz10++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); // IF THE PROGRAM COUNTER IS NOT IN THE EXPECTED RANGE AT THE END OF THE // CPU BENCHMARK, REPORT AN ERROR AND OPTIONALLY TRACK IT DOWN if ((regs.pc < 0x300) || (regs.pc > 0x400)) if (MessageBox(framewindow, TEXT("The emulator has detected a problem while running ") TEXT("the CPU benchmark. Would you like to gather more ") TEXT("information?"), TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO | MB_SETFOREGROUND) == IDYES) { BOOL error = 0; WORD lastpc = 0x300; int loop = 0; while ((loop < 10000) && !error) { CpuSetupBenchmark(); CpuExecute(loop); if ((regs.pc < 0x300) || (regs.pc > 0x400)) error = 1; else { lastpc = regs.pc; ++loop; } } if (error) { TCHAR outstr[256]; wsprintf(outstr, TEXT("The emulator experienced an error %u clock cycles ") TEXT("into the CPU benchmark. Prior to the error, the ") TEXT("program counter was at $%04X. After the error, it ") TEXT("had jumped to $%04X."), (unsigned)loop, (unsigned)lastpc, (unsigned)regs.pc); MessageBox(framewindow, outstr, TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } else MessageBox(framewindow, TEXT("The emulator was unable to locate the exact ") TEXT("point of the error. This probably means that ") TEXT("the problem is external to the emulator, ") TEXT("happening asynchronously, such as a problem in ") TEXT("a timer interrupt handler."), TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } // DO A REALISTIC TEST OF HOW MANY FRAMES PER SECOND WE CAN PRODUCE // WITH FULL EMULATION OF THE CPU, JOYSTICK, AND DISK HAPPENING AT // THE SAME TIME DWORD realisticfps = 0; FillMemory(mem+0x2000,0x2000,0xAA); VideoRedrawScreen(); milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds) ; milliseconds = GetTickCount(); cycle = 0; do { if (realisticfps < 10) { int cycles = 100000; while (cycles > 0) { DWORD executedcycles = CpuExecute(103); cycles -= executedcycles; DiskUpdatePosition(executedcycles); JoyUpdatePosition(); VideoUpdateVbl(0); } } if (cycle & 1) FillMemory(mem+0x2000,0x2000,0xAA); else CopyMemory(mem+0x2000,mem+((cycle & 2) ? 0x4000 : 0x6000),0x2000); VideoRefreshScreen(); if (cycle++ >= 3) cycle = 0; realisticfps++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); // DISPLAY THE RESULTS VideoDisplayLogo(); TCHAR outstr[256]; wsprintf(outstr, TEXT("Pure Video FPS:\t%u hires, %u text\n") TEXT("Pure CPU MHz:\t%u.%u%s\n\n") TEXT("EXPECTED AVERAGE VIDEO GAME\n") TEXT("PERFORMANCE: %u FPS"), (unsigned)totalhiresfps, (unsigned)totaltextfps, (unsigned)(totalmhz10/10), (unsigned)(totalmhz10 % 10), (LPCTSTR)(apple2e ? TEXT("") : TEXT(" (6502)")), (unsigned)realisticfps); MessageBox(framewindow, outstr, TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } //=========================================================================== BYTE __stdcall VideoCheckMode (WORD, BYTE address, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG) { if (address == 0x7F) return MemReturnRandomData(SW_DHIRES != 0); else { BOOL result = 0; switch (address) { case 0x1A: result = SW_TEXT; break; case 0x1B: result = SW_MIXED; break; case 0x1D: result = SW_HIRES; break; case 0x1E: result = charoffs; break; case 0x1F: result = SW_80COL; break; case 0x7F: result = SW_DHIRES; break; } return KeybGetKeycode() | (result ? 0x80 : 0); } } //=========================================================================== void VideoCheckPage (BOOL force) { if ((displaypage2 != (SW_PAGE2 != 0)) && (force || (emulmsec-lastpageflip > 500))) { displaypage2 = (SW_PAGE2 != 0); VideoRefreshScreen(); hasrefreshed = 1; lastpageflip = emulmsec; } } //=========================================================================== BYTE __stdcall VideoCheckVbl (WORD, BYTE, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG) { /* // Drol expects = 80 68DE A5 02 LDX #02 68E0 AD 50 C0 LDA TXTCLR 68E3 C9 80 CMP #80 68E5 D0 F7 BNE $68DE 6957 A5 02 LDX #02 6959 AD 50 C0 LDA TXTCLR 695C C9 80 CMP #80 695E D0 F7 BNE $68DE 69D3 A5 02 LDX #02 69D5 AD 50 C0 LDA TXTCLR 69D8 C9 80 CMP #80 69DA D0 F7 BNE $68DE // Karateka expects < 80 07DE AD 19 C0 LDA RDVBLBAR 07E1 30 FB BMI $7DE 77A1 AD 19 C0 LDA RDVBLBAR 77A4 30 FB BMI $7DE // Gumball expects non-zero low-nibble on VBL BBB5 A5 60 LDA $60 BBB7 4D 50 C0 EOR TXTCLR BBBA 85 60 STA $60 BBBC 29 0F AND #$0F BBBE F0 F5 BEQ $BBB5 BBC0 C9 0F CMP #$0F BBC2 F0 F1 BEQ $BBB5 */ // return MemReturnRandomData(dwVBlCounter <= nVBlStop_NTSC); if (dwVBlCounter <= nVBlStop_NTSC) return (BYTE)(dwVBlCounter & 0x7F); // 0x00; else return 0x80 | ((BYTE)(dwVBlCounter & 1)); } //=========================================================================== void VideoChooseColor () { CHOOSECOLOR cc; ZeroMemory(&cc,sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR)); cc.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR); cc.hwndOwner = framewindow; cc.rgbResult = monochrome; cc.lpCustColors = customcolors; cc.Flags = CC_RGBINIT | CC_SOLIDCOLOR; if (ChooseColor(&cc)) { monochrome = cc.rgbResult; VideoReinitialize(); if ((mode != MODE_LOGO) && (mode != MODE_DEBUG)) VideoRedrawScreen(); RegSaveValue(TEXT("Configuration"),TEXT("Monochrome Color"),1,monochrome); } } //=========================================================================== void VideoDestroy () { // DESTROY BUFFERS VirtualFree(framebufferinfo,0,MEM_RELEASE); VirtualFree(sourceinfo ,0,MEM_RELEASE); VirtualFree(vidlastmem ,0,MEM_RELEASE); framebufferinfo = NULL; sourceinfo = NULL; vidlastmem = NULL; // DESTROY FRAME BUFFER DeleteDC(devicedc); DeleteObject(devicebitmap); devicedc = (HDC)0; devicebitmap = (HBITMAP)0; // DESTROY SOURCE IMAGE DeleteObject(sourcebitmap); sourcebitmap = (HBITMAP)0; // DESTROY LOGO if (logobitmap) { DeleteObject(logobitmap); logobitmap = (HBITMAP)0; } // DESTROY PALETTE if (palette) { DeleteObject(palette); palette = (HPALETTE)0; } } //=========================================================================== void VideoDisplayLogo () { HDC framedc = FrameGetDC(); // DRAW THE LOGO HBRUSH brush = CreateSolidBrush(PALETTERGB(0x70,0x30,0xE0)); if (logobitmap) { HDC memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(framedc); SelectObject(memdc,logobitmap); BitBlt(framedc,0,0,560,384,memdc,0,0,SRCCOPY); DeleteDC(memdc); } else { SelectObject(framedc,brush); SelectObject(framedc,GetStockObject(NULL_PEN)); Rectangle(framedc,0,0,560+1,384+1); } // DRAW THE VERSION NUMBER HFONT font = CreateFont(-20,0,0,0,FW_NORMAL,0,0,0,ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,DEFAULT_QUALITY, VARIABLE_PITCH | 4 | FF_SWISS, TEXT("Arial")); SelectObject(framedc,font); SetTextAlign(framedc,TA_RIGHT | TA_TOP); SetBkMode(framedc,TRANSPARENT); #define VERSION_TXT "Version " char* szVersion = new char[strlen(VERSION_TXT) + strlen(VERSIONSTRING) + 1]; strcpy(&szVersion[0], VERSION_TXT); strcpy(&szVersion[strlen(VERSION_TXT)], VERSIONSTRING); szVersion[strlen(szVersion)] = 0x00; #define DRAWVERSION(x,y,c) SetTextColor(framedc,c); \ TextOut(framedc, \ 540+x,358+y, \ szVersion, \ strlen(szVersion)); if (GetDeviceCaps(framedc,PLANES) * GetDeviceCaps(framedc,BITSPIXEL) <= 4) { DRAWVERSION( 2, 2,RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00)); DRAWVERSION( 1, 1,RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00)); DRAWVERSION( 0, 0,RGB(0xFF,0x00,0xFF)); } else { DRAWVERSION( 1, 1,PALETTERGB(0x30,0x30,0x70)); DRAWVERSION(-1,-1,PALETTERGB(0xC0,0x70,0xE0)); DRAWVERSION( 0, 0,PALETTERGB(0x70,0x30,0xE0)); } delete [] szVersion; #undef DRAWVERSION FrameReleaseDC(); DeleteObject(brush); DeleteObject(font); } //=========================================================================== BOOL VideoHasRefreshed () { BOOL result = hasrefreshed; hasrefreshed = 0; return result; } //=========================================================================== void VideoInitialize () { // CREATE A BUFFER FOR AN IMAGE OF THE LAST DRAWN MEMORY vidlastmem = (LPBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL,0x10000,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); ZeroMemory(vidlastmem,0x10000); // LOAD THE LOGO logobitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(instance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_APPLEWIN), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION); // CREATE A BITMAPINFO STRUCTURE FOR THE FRAME BUFFER framebufferinfo = (LPBITMAPINFO)VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +256*sizeof(RGBQUAD), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); ZeroMemory(framebufferinfo,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+256*sizeof(RGBQUAD)); framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biWidth = 560; framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biHeight = 384; framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8; framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 256; // CREATE A BITMAPINFO STRUCTURE FOR THE SOURCE IMAGE sourceinfo = (LPBITMAPINFO)VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +256*sizeof(RGBQUAD), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); ZeroMemory(sourceinfo,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); sourceinfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); sourceinfo->bmiHeader.biWidth = SRCOFFS_TOTAL; sourceinfo->bmiHeader.biHeight = 512; sourceinfo->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; sourceinfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8; sourceinfo->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 256; // CREATE AN IDENTITY PALETTE AND FILL IN THE CORRESPONDING COLORS IN // THE BITMAPINFO STRUCTURE CreateIdentityPalette(); // PREFILL THE 16 CUSTOM COLORS AND MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE THE CURRENT MONOCHROME COLOR for (int index = DARK_RED; index <= NUM_COLOR_PALETTE; index++) customcolors[index-DARK_RED] = RGB(framebufferinfo->bmiColors[index].rgbRed, framebufferinfo->bmiColors[index].rgbGreen, framebufferinfo->bmiColors[index].rgbBlue); // CREATE THE FRAME BUFFER DIB SECTION AND DEVICE CONTEXT, // CREATE THE SOURCE IMAGE DIB SECTION AND DRAW INTO THE SOURCE BIT BUFFER CreateDIBSections(); // RESET THE VIDEO MODE SWITCHES AND THE CHARACTER SET OFFSET VideoResetState(); } //=========================================================================== void VideoRealizePalette (HDC dc) { if (palette) { SelectPalette(dc,palette,0); RealizePalette(dc); } } //=========================================================================== void VideoRedrawScreen () { redrawfull = 1; VideoRefreshScreen(); } //=========================================================================== void VideoRefreshScreen () { LPBYTE addr = framebufferbits; LONG pitch = 560; HDC framedc = FrameGetVideoDC(&addr,&pitch); CreateFrameOffsetTable(addr,pitch); // CHECK EACH CELL FOR CHANGED BYTES. REDRAW PIXELS FOR THE CHANGED BYTES // IN THE FRAME BUFFER. MARK CELLS IN WHICH REDRAWING HAS TAKEN PLACE AS // DIRTY. hiresauxptr = MemGetAuxPtr (0x2000 << displaypage2); hiresmainptr = MemGetMainPtr(0x2000 << displaypage2); textauxptr = MemGetAuxPtr (0x400 << displaypage2); textmainptr = MemGetMainPtr(0x400 << displaypage2); ZeroMemory(celldirty,40*32); UpdateFunc_t update = SW_TEXT ? SW_80COL ? Update80ColCell : Update40ColCell : SW_HIRES ? (SW_DHIRES && SW_80COL) ? UpdateDHiResCell : UpdateHiResCell : (SW_DHIRES && SW_80COL) ? UpdateDLoResCell : UpdateLoResCell; BOOL anydirty = 0; int y = 0; int ypixel = 0; while (y < 20) { int offset = ((y & 7) << 7) + ((y >> 3) * 40); int x = 0; int xpixel = 0; while (x < 40) { anydirty |= celldirty[x][y] = update(x,y,xpixel,ypixel,offset+x); ++x; xpixel += 14; } ++y; ypixel += 16; } if (SW_MIXED) update = SW_80COL ? Update80ColCell : Update40ColCell; while (y < 24) { int offset = ((y & 7) << 7) + ((y >> 3) * 40); int x = 0; int xpixel = 0; while (x < 40) { anydirty |= celldirty[x][y] = update(x,y,xpixel,ypixel,offset+x); ++x; xpixel += 14; } ++y; ypixel += 16; } // Clear this flag after TEXT screen has been updated g_bTextFlashFlag = false; #if 0 // New simpified code: // . Oliver Schmidt gets a flickering mouse cursor with this code if (framedc && anydirty) { BitBlt(framedc,0,0,560,384,devicedc,0,0,SRCCOPY); GdiFlush(); } #else // Original code: if (!framedc || !anydirty) { FrameReleaseVideoDC(); SetLastDrawnImage(); redrawfull = 0; return; } // COPY DIRTY CELLS FROM THE DEVICE DEPENDENT BITMAP ONTO THE SCREEN // IN LONG HORIZONTAL RECTANGLES BOOL remainingdirty = 0; y = 0; ypixel = 0; while (y < 24) { int start = -1; int startx = 0; int x = 0; int xpixel = 0; while (x < 40) { if ((x == 39) && celldirty[x][y]) if (start >= 0) { xpixel += 14; celldirty[x][y] = 0; } else remainingdirty = 1; if ((start >= 0) && !celldirty[x][y]) { if ((x - startx > 1) || ((x == 39) && (xpixel == 560))) { int height = 1; while ((y+height < 24) && celldirty[startx][y+height] && celldirty[x-1][y+height] && celldirty[(startx+x-1) >> 1][y+height]) height++; BitBlt(framedc,start,ypixel,xpixel-start,height << 4, devicedc,start,ypixel,SRCCOPY); while (height--) { int loop = startx; while (loop < x+(xpixel == 560)) celldirty[loop++][y+height] = 0; } start = -1; } else remainingdirty = 1; start = -1; } else if ((start == -1) && celldirty[x][y] && (x < 39)) { start = xpixel; startx = x; } x++; xpixel += 14; } y++; ypixel += 16; } // COPY ANY REMAINING DIRTY CELLS FROM THE DEVICE DEPENDENT BITMAP // ONTO THE SCREEN IN VERTICAL RECTANGLES if (remainingdirty) { int x = 0; int xpixel = 0; while (x < 40) { int start = -1; int y = 0; int ypixel = 0; while (y < 24) { if ((y == 23) && celldirty[x][y]) { if (start == -1) start = ypixel; ypixel += 16; celldirty[x][y] = 0; } if ((start >= 0) && !celldirty[x][y]) { BitBlt(framedc,xpixel,start,14,ypixel-start, devicedc,xpixel,start,SRCCOPY); start = -1; } else if ((start == -1) && celldirty[x][y]) start = ypixel; y++; ypixel += 16; } x++; xpixel += 14; } } GdiFlush(); #endif FrameReleaseVideoDC(); SetLastDrawnImage(); redrawfull = 0; } //=========================================================================== void VideoReinitialize () { CreateIdentityPalette(); CreateDIBSections(); } //=========================================================================== void VideoResetState () { charoffs = 0; displaypage2 = 0; vidmode = VF_TEXT; redrawfull = 1; } //=========================================================================== BYTE __stdcall VideoSetMode (WORD, BYTE address, BYTE write, BYTE, ULONG) { DWORD oldpage2 = SW_PAGE2; int oldvalue = charoffs+(int)(vidmode & ~(VF_MASK2 | VF_PAGE2)); switch (address) { case 0x00: vidmode &= ~VF_MASK2; break; case 0x01: vidmode |= VF_MASK2; break; case 0x0C: vidmode &= ~VF_80COL; break; case 0x0D: vidmode |= VF_80COL; break; case 0x0E: charoffs = 0; break; // Alternate char set off case 0x0F: charoffs = 256; break; // Alternate char set on case 0x50: vidmode &= ~VF_TEXT; break; case 0x51: vidmode |= VF_TEXT; break; case 0x52: vidmode &= ~VF_MIXED; break; case 0x53: vidmode |= VF_MIXED; break; case 0x54: vidmode &= ~VF_PAGE2; break; case 0x55: vidmode |= VF_PAGE2; break; case 0x56: vidmode &= ~VF_HIRES; break; case 0x57: vidmode |= VF_HIRES; break; case 0x5E: vidmode |= VF_DHIRES; break; case 0x5F: vidmode &= ~VF_DHIRES; break; } if (SW_MASK2) vidmode &= ~VF_PAGE2; if (oldvalue != charoffs+(int)(vidmode & ~(VF_MASK2 | VF_PAGE2))) { graphicsmode = !SW_TEXT; redrawfull = 1; } if (g_bFullSpeed && oldpage2 && !SW_PAGE2) { static DWORD lasttime = 0; DWORD currtime = GetTickCount(); if (currtime-lasttime >= 20) lasttime = currtime; else oldpage2 = SW_PAGE2; } if (oldpage2 != SW_PAGE2) { static DWORD lastrefresh = 0; BOOL fastvideoslowcpu = 0; if ((cpuemtype == CPU_FASTPAGING) && (emulmsec-lastrefresh >= 20)) fastvideoslowcpu = 1; if ((displaypage2 && !SW_PAGE2) || (!behind) || fastvideoslowcpu) { displaypage2 = (SW_PAGE2 != 0); if (!redrawfull) { VideoRefreshScreen(); hasrefreshed = 1; lastrefresh = emulmsec; } } else if ((!SW_PAGE2) && (!redrawfull) && (emulmsec-lastrefresh >= 20)) { displaypage2 = 0; VideoRefreshScreen(); hasrefreshed = 1; lastrefresh = emulmsec; } lastpageflip = emulmsec; } if (address == 0x50) return VideoCheckVbl(0,0,0,0,0); else return MemReturnRandomData(1); } //=========================================================================== void VideoUpdateVbl (DWORD dwCyclesThisFrame) { dwVBlCounter = (DWORD) ((double)dwCyclesThisFrame / (double)uCyclesPerLine); } //=========================================================================== // Called at 60Hz (every 16.666ms) void VideoUpdateFlash() { static UINT nTextFlashCnt = 0; nTextFlashCnt++; if(nTextFlashCnt == 60/4) // Flash rate = 4Hz (every 250ms) { nTextFlashCnt = 0; g_bTextFlashState = !g_bTextFlashState; // Redraw any FLASHing chars if any text showing. NB. No FLASH mode for 80 cols if((SW_TEXT || SW_MIXED) && !SW_80COL) g_bTextFlashFlag = true; } } //=========================================================================== bool VideoGetSW80COL() { return SW_80COL ? true : false; } //=========================================================================== DWORD VideoGetSnapshot(SS_IO_Video* pSS) { pSS->bAltCharSet = !(charoffs == 0); pSS->dwVidMode = vidmode; return 0; } DWORD VideoSetSnapshot(SS_IO_Video* pSS) { charoffs = !pSS->bAltCharSet ? 0 : 256; vidmode = pSS->dwVidMode; // graphicsmode = !SW_TEXT; displaypage2 = (SW_PAGE2 != 0); return 0; }