AppleWin 1.16.1

Apple //e Emulator Logo

Download Version 1.16.1
Download older releases

Tom Charlesworth

AppleWin is now hosted at BerliOS and is distributed under the terms of the GNU General Public License
The SVN repository is located here: AppleWin SVN

Latest AppleWin compiled html help: AppleWin.chm
NB. If you have trouble reading the CHM:
- On Windows XP you can simply right-click on the CHM file, select "Properties", and click on the "Unblock" button.
- Click "Apply" and the content should be visible.

1.16.1 - 21 Apr 2009

  • Changes:
  • Fixes:

  • 1.16.0 (beta) - 1 Feb 2009

  • Changes:
  • Fixes:

  • 1.15.0 (beta) - 24 Aug 2008

  • Changes:
    • CP/M support (Microsoft CP/M SoftCard in slot-5)
      • No save-state support
      • No Z80 debugging support
    • PrintScrn key now saves screen shots
    • Added new video mode: "Monochrome - Authentic"
    • Debugger

    1.14.2 - 23 Jun 2008

  • Changes:
    • Support for Bulgarian clones: Pravets 82 & 8A
    • Mouse can be configured to show/hide crosshairs; and can be restricted (or not) to AppleWin's window
    • Added 'Send to CiderPress' function via the context menu of the drive buttons
    • Added support for "The Freeze's" F8 ROM (Apple][ & Apple][+ only)
    • Added -f8rom <rom-file> cmd line switch to allow loading a custom 2K Rom at $F800
    • Support Shift-F9 to cycle backwards through video modes
    • Support Ctrl-F9 to cycle through the character sets
  • Fixes:
    • Mouse support for Contiki v1.3, Blazing Paddles & GEOS
    • Mouse support now integrates much better with Windows (when in unrestricted mode)
    • Extended HDD image file filter to include *.po
    • [Bug #13425] Full Screen mode: drawing/erasing of the buttons on the RHS of the screen
    • [Bug #12723] DOSMaster .hdv/.po images work
    • [Bug #11592] Infiltrator now boots

    1.14.0 - 8 Aug 2007 (beta)


    • Super Serial Card: PR#2 & IN#2 now working
    • Full support for Peripheral Expansion ROM (at $C800) & $CFFF access
    • F2 (Power-cycle) when ROM is switched *out* caused Apple to freeze


    • Attempt to use drive1's image name as the name for the .aws file
    • Added Apple//e (original 6502 version with "Venetian Blinds" self-test)
    • Turbo mode via Scroll Lock (temporary or toggle mode) - selectable via UI


    • Mouse Interface card support in slot 4 (selectable via UI)
      • Full 6821 emulation & 2K ROM. Based on code by Kyle Kim (Apple in PC)
      • Tested with: Dazzle Draw, Blazing Paddles, Archon II: Adept, Orge[Fix], Dragon Wars

    1.13.2 - 7 April 2007

    • Added: Apple ][ (non-autostart monitor)
    • Added: 6502 NMOS illegal opcode support (for ][ & ][+)
    • Added: 65C02 CMOS undefined opcode support (for //e)
    • Added: Simple parallel printer support in slot-1
        . Creates (or overwrites) a file called "Printer.txt" in AppleWin.exe's folder
        . Eg. PR#1, then LIST, then PR#0
        . The file will auto-close 10 seconds after the last printed output
    • Fix: [Bug #7238] FLASH support in 80-column mode
    • Fix: [Bug #8300] 80-col text in Silvern Castle got corrupted
    • Fix: Speech with MB/Phasor for short phonemes - bug in DirectSound in WinXP (see KB327698)
    • Fix: Disk ][ track stepping (Mabel's Mansion now works)
    • Docs updated (although debugger docs still partially out of date)
    • Debugger:
        + Now uses Apple font
        + Can configure entry to debugger via specific opcode or illegal(6502)/undefined(65C02) opcode - use BRKOP cmd
          - So you can run Apple at full-speed until it hits your breakpoint (eg. BRK)
        + BRKOP, BRK # to enter debugger
        + Mouse support: button & wheel
        + BLOAD/BSAVE
        + Search command: S/SH
        + New DISASM command
        + bookmarks, via bm, bma, bmc, bml, ctrl-#, alt-#
        + HELP RANGE
        + PRINT, PRINTF
        + ctrl-v (paste) support
        ... & lots more (doc's to be updated soon)

    1.13.1 - 7 May 2006

    • Fix: [Bug #7375]  Crashes on Win98/ME

    1.13.0 - 2 May 2006

    • New: Uthernet card support
      • Allows internet access when used with the Contiki OS
      • See: Uthernet.txt
    • New: Floating bus support
      • Fixes the hang at Drol's cut-scene
      • Bob Bishop's Money Munchers is a little bit closer to working
    • Change: Added support for SSC receive IRQ (eg. Z-Link)
    • Fix: Checkerboard cursor is back for //e mode
    • Fix: [Bug #6778] enable harddisk not working in
    • Fix: [Bug #6790] Right click menu stops working on drives
    • Fix: [Bug #7231] AppleWin installed in path with spaces - 10 Mar 2006

    • Right-Click on drive icon for disk popup menu. Options are:
      • Eject disk
      • Read only (write protection on.)
      • Read / Write (write protection off.)
        Note: If a file is read-only, the Read only option will be checked.
    • Fixed invalid F7 opcode addressing mode, so Lock N' Chase is now playable.
    • Video Blanking Timing now has preliminary support.
      i.e. Drol now longer stalls at the cutscene.
      Note: The VBL is not exact timing (yet), so some games like Karateka might exhibit a little choppiness.
    • Debugger
      • New Command: #G, same as Apple "Monitor" go command, where # is an hex address.
          i.e. C600G
      • New Command: #L, same as Apple "Monitor" list command, where # is an hex address.
          i.e. 300L
      • New Command: //
        Starts a line comment anywhere in the line.
      • New Command: RUN "filename", to run a debugger script
      • New Command: ECHO ...
        Text may be quoted: ECHO "...text..."
        Echo the current line, since scripts don't echo their commands.
      • New Command: SH address ## [? ?? ##]
          You can now search memory!
          SH 800,8000 AD ? C0 // search for one byte gap, AD xx C0
          SH 800,8000 C030 // search for two bytes: 30 C0
      • Mini-Assembler preview:
        Note: None of the indexed/indirect modes are working (yet), expressions are not evaluated.
          usage: A address
          usage: A
          The assembler prompt is the '!' -- for your mini-assembler fans ;-)
          The format is: label mnemonic []
          To exit the assembler, press Enter without any input.
          The spacebar to execute the next instruction is disabled while in assembler mode. You must press space, if you don't wish to define a label.
      • Fixed Console sometimes not drawing.
      • Fixed UI bug: Memory View text over-writing buttons.
      • Changed BPX to now defaults to setting breakpoint at cursor.
      • Changed BP to now default to setting breakpoint at Program Counter (PC)
      • Added new color scheme: BW. (This used to be an alias for MONO before.) - 25 Feb 2006
    - Moved source to BerliOS & released under GPL
    Debugger v2.4.2.16
      + Breakpoint on memory address added: BPM address[,length] - 22 Feb 2006
    - *** Major re-write of debugger by Michael Pohoreski ***
      . Debugger v2.4.2.15: Improvements & new features abound!
        + Syntax coloring, navigation, execution (eg. step-out), view memory as varying Ascii types
        + Symbol maintenance (main, user, source), source-level debugging, mini-calculator
        + Breakpoints: conditional on register, profiling + much more
      . See: Introduction to New Debugger
    - Fixed speaker volume not being set correctly at start-up
    - Fixed emulation speed control (was only running at 1MHz)
    - Fixed internal ADC: was flagged as write to memory
    - Fixed internal BRK: only pushed PC+1, not PC+2 to stack
    - Fixed CPU not getting properly reset (eg. SP) on Ctrl+Reset
    - Changed attenuation on AY8910 outputs before mixing: MB: none (was 2/3), Phasor: still 2/3 - 25 Jan 2006
    - Fixed crash-bug in C++ 65C02 emu code for opcode $7C : JMP (ABS,X)
    - Updated help file (by Brian Broker)
    - Added ability to use Shift+Insert to paste from clipboard during emulation
    - Added buttons to Config->Sound tab to select Mockingboard (s4 & s5), Phasor (s4) or none
    - Removed keyboard buffer from Config->Input (this was redundant from
    - Fixed speaker click (eg. when selecting disk image)
    - Added check to prevent loading old & incompatible 6502 DLLs (caused random 6502 crashes to monitor)
    - Added support for AE's RAMWorks III, which adds up to 8MB (cmd-line switch only):
      . -r <#pages>  : where #pages = [1..127], each page is 64KB.

    - NB. The following aren't saved out to the save-state file yet:
      . Phasor card  (only the Mockingboards are)
      . RAMWorks card - 8 Jan 2006
    - Fixed cmd-line switches -d1/-d2 to work with filenames with spaces
    - Reset: Init Phasor back to Mockingboard mode
    - Benchmark button acts immediately
    - Fixes to speaker emulation introduced in
    - Adjusted speaker freq to work better with MJ Mahon's RT.SYNTH.dsk
    - Fixed Bxx; ABS,X; ABS,Y; (IND),Y opcodes: take variable cycles depending on branch taken & page crossed (30 Dec 2005)
    - Public release
    - Fixed Apple][+ ROM (IRQ vector was vectoring to $FF59/OLDRST)
    - Added cmd-line switches (-f, -d1, -d2)
        . -f                   : full-screen
        . -dn <image>  : Load a disk image into a drive. A disk in drive-1 will force a reboot.
    - Extended 6502 debugger (M1, M2, P0,...P4)
        . Mn <addr>     : Memory window 1/2
        . Pn <zp-addr> : Display a zero-page pointer
        . Extended memory-dump to output SY6522/AY8910 regs with SYn/AYn, eg: M1 AY0
        . Added support for ACME symbol files
    - Phasor support (defaulting to Mockingboard mode, available in slots 4 & 5)
    - Display updated at ~60Hz (instead of 20Hz)
    - Emulation broken into 1ms units (instead of video-frame units)
    - Uses internal CPU emulator instead of DLLs (DLLs to be phased out) (23 Apr 2005)
    - Added support for Votrax speech: emulated using SSI263 phonemes
    - Added joystick x/y trim control to Input property sheet
    - Added support for double-lores graphics
    - Updated Applewin.chm
    - Load state: F12 nows works like Ctrl-F12

    History Wishlist

    Tested with the following Mockingboard/Phasor titles:

    Adventure Construction Set
    Broadsides (SSI) - Card must be in slot-4. Appears to be noise only
    Crimewave (Votrax speech only)
    Crypt of Medea (Votrax speech only)
    Cybernoid Music Disk
    Lady Tut (Mockingboard version)
    Mockingboard software (Sweet Micro Systems)
    Music Construction Set
    Night Flight
    Phasor software (Applied Engineering)
    Rescue Raiders v1.3 (SSI263 speech only)
    Silent Service (Microprose)
    Spy Strikes Back
    Ultima III (Mockingboard version)
    Ultima IV
    Ultima V
    Willy Byte
    Zaxxon (Mockingboard version)

    There are docs on the web that claimed these titles support Mockingboard. The titles that I managed to find didn't appear to support it:

    One on One
    Guitar Master (Can't find)
    Music Star (Can't find)
    Thunder Bombs

    Old releases:

    Download Version 1.14.2 (beta)
    Download Version 1.14.0 (beta)
    Download Version 1.13.2
    Download Version 1.13.1
    Download Version 1.13.0
    Download Version
    Download Version
    Download Version 1.10.4 (Oliver Schmidt's last version)

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