#include "StdAfx.h" #include "Windows/Win32Frame.h" #include "Windows/WinFrame.h" #include "Interface.h" #include "Core.h" #include "CPU.h" #include "Joystick.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "CardManager.h" #include "../resource/resource.h" // Win32Frame methods are implemented in AppleWin, WinFrame and WinVideo. // in time they should be brought together and more freestanding functions added to Win32Frame. Win32Frame::Win32Frame() { g_pFramebufferinfo = NULL; num_draw_devices = 0; g_lpDD = NULL; g_hLogoBitmap = (HBITMAP)0; g_hDeviceBitmap = (HBITMAP)0; g_hDeviceDC = (HDC)0; } void Win32Frame::videoCreateDIBSection(Video & video) { // CREATE THE DEVICE CONTEXT HWND window = GetDesktopWindow(); HDC dc = GetDC(window); if (g_hDeviceDC) { DeleteDC(g_hDeviceDC); } g_hDeviceDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); // CREATE THE FRAME BUFFER DIB SECTION if (g_hDeviceBitmap) DeleteObject(g_hDeviceBitmap); uint8_t* pFramebufferbits; g_hDeviceBitmap = CreateDIBSection( dc, g_pFramebufferinfo, DIB_RGB_COLORS, (LPVOID*)&pFramebufferbits, 0, 0 ); SelectObject(g_hDeviceDC, g_hDeviceBitmap); video.Initialize(pFramebufferbits); } void Win32Frame::Initialize(void) { // LOAD THE LOGO g_hLogoBitmap = LoadBitmap(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_APPLEWIN)); // CREATE A BITMAPINFO STRUCTURE FOR THE FRAME BUFFER g_pFramebufferinfo = (LPBITMAPINFO) new BYTE[sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)]; Video & video = GetVideo(); memset(g_pFramebufferinfo, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) + 256 * sizeof(RGBQUAD)); g_pFramebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); g_pFramebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biWidth = video.GetFrameBufferWidth(); g_pFramebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biHeight = video.GetFrameBufferHeight(); g_pFramebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; g_pFramebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 32; g_pFramebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biCompression = BI_RGB; g_pFramebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 0; videoCreateDIBSection(video); #if 0 DDInit(); // For WaitForVerticalBlank() #endif } void Win32Frame::Destroy(void) { // DESTROY BUFFERS delete[] g_pFramebufferinfo; g_pFramebufferinfo = NULL; // DESTROY FRAME BUFFER DeleteDC(g_hDeviceDC); g_hDeviceDC = (HDC)0; DeleteObject(g_hDeviceBitmap); // this invalidates the Video's FrameBuffer pointer GetVideo().Destroy(); // this resets the Video's FrameBuffer pointer g_hDeviceBitmap = (HBITMAP)0; // DESTROY LOGO if (g_hLogoBitmap) { DeleteObject(g_hLogoBitmap); g_hLogoBitmap = (HBITMAP)0; } DDUninit(); } //=========================================================================== void Win32Frame::Benchmark(void) { _ASSERT(g_nAppMode == MODE_BENCHMARK); Sleep(500); Video& video = GetVideo(); // PREPARE TWO DIFFERENT FRAME BUFFERS, EACH OF WHICH HAVE HALF OF THE // BYTES SET TO 0x14 AND THE OTHER HALF SET TO 0xAA int loop; LPDWORD mem32 = (LPDWORD)mem; for (loop = 4096; loop < 6144; loop++) *(mem32 + loop) = ((loop & 1) ^ ((loop & 0x40) >> 6)) ? 0x14141414 : 0xAAAAAAAA; for (loop = 6144; loop < 8192; loop++) *(mem32 + loop) = ((loop & 1) ^ ((loop & 0x40) >> 6)) ? 0xAAAAAAAA : 0x14141414; // SEE HOW MANY TEXT FRAMES PER SECOND WE CAN PRODUCE WITH NOTHING ELSE // GOING ON, CHANGING HALF OF THE BYTES IN THE VIDEO BUFFER EACH FRAME TO // SIMULATE THE ACTIVITY OF AN AVERAGE GAME DWORD totaltextfps = 0; video.SetVideoMode(VF_TEXT); memset(mem + 0x400, 0x14, 0x400); VideoRedrawScreen(); DWORD milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds); milliseconds = GetTickCount(); DWORD cycle = 0; do { if (cycle & 1) memset(mem + 0x400, 0x14, 0x400); else memcpy(mem + 0x400, mem + ((cycle & 2) ? 0x4000 : 0x6000), 0x400); VideoPresentScreen(); if (cycle++ >= 3) cycle = 0; totaltextfps++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); // SEE HOW MANY HIRES FRAMES PER SECOND WE CAN PRODUCE WITH NOTHING ELSE // GOING ON, CHANGING HALF OF THE BYTES IN THE VIDEO BUFFER EACH FRAME TO // SIMULATE THE ACTIVITY OF AN AVERAGE GAME DWORD totalhiresfps = 0; video.SetVideoMode(VF_HIRES); memset(mem + 0x2000, 0x14, 0x2000); VideoRedrawScreen(); milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds); milliseconds = GetTickCount(); cycle = 0; do { if (cycle & 1) memset(mem + 0x2000, 0x14, 0x2000); else memcpy(mem + 0x2000, mem + ((cycle & 2) ? 0x4000 : 0x6000), 0x2000); VideoPresentScreen(); if (cycle++ >= 3) cycle = 0; totalhiresfps++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); // DETERMINE HOW MANY 65C02 CLOCK CYCLES WE CAN EMULATE PER SECOND WITH // NOTHING ELSE GOING ON DWORD totalmhz10[2] = { 0,0 }; // bVideoUpdate & !bVideoUpdate for (UINT i = 0; i < 2; i++) { CpuSetupBenchmark(); milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds); milliseconds = GetTickCount(); do { CpuExecute(100000, i == 0 ? true : false); totalmhz10[i]++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); } // IF THE PROGRAM COUNTER IS NOT IN THE EXPECTED RANGE AT THE END OF THE // CPU BENCHMARK, REPORT AN ERROR AND OPTIONALLY TRACK IT DOWN if ((regs.pc < 0x300) || (regs.pc > 0x400)) if (MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, TEXT("The emulator has detected a problem while running ") TEXT("the CPU benchmark. Would you like to gather more ") TEXT("information?"), TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO | MB_SETFOREGROUND) == IDYES) { BOOL error = 0; WORD lastpc = 0x300; int loop = 0; while ((loop < 10000) && !error) { CpuSetupBenchmark(); CpuExecute(loop, true); if ((regs.pc < 0x300) || (regs.pc > 0x400)) error = 1; else { lastpc = regs.pc; ++loop; } } if (error) { TCHAR outstr[256]; wsprintf(outstr, TEXT("The emulator experienced an error %u clock cycles ") TEXT("into the CPU benchmark. Prior to the error, the ") TEXT("program counter was at $%04X. After the error, it ") TEXT("had jumped to $%04X."), (unsigned)loop, (unsigned)lastpc, (unsigned)regs.pc); MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, outstr, TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } else MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, TEXT("The emulator was unable to locate the exact ") TEXT("point of the error. This probably means that ") TEXT("the problem is external to the emulator, ") TEXT("happening asynchronously, such as a problem in ") TEXT("a timer interrupt handler."), TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } // DO A REALISTIC TEST OF HOW MANY FRAMES PER SECOND WE CAN PRODUCE // WITH FULL EMULATION OF THE CPU, JOYSTICK, AND DISK HAPPENING AT // THE SAME TIME DWORD realisticfps = 0; memset(mem + 0x2000, 0xAA, 0x2000); VideoRedrawScreen(); milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds); milliseconds = GetTickCount(); cycle = 0; do { if (realisticfps < 10) { int cycles = 100000; while (cycles > 0) { DWORD executedcycles = CpuExecute(103, true); cycles -= executedcycles; GetCardMgr().GetDisk2CardMgr().UpdateDriveState(executedcycles); JoyUpdateButtonLatch(executedcycles); } } if (cycle & 1) memset(mem + 0x2000, 0xAA, 0x2000); else memcpy(mem + 0x2000, mem + ((cycle & 2) ? 0x4000 : 0x6000), 0x2000); VideoRedrawScreen(); if (cycle++ >= 3) cycle = 0; realisticfps++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); // DISPLAY THE RESULTS DisplayLogo(); TCHAR outstr[256]; wsprintf(outstr, TEXT("Pure Video FPS:\t%u hires, %u text\n") TEXT("Pure CPU MHz:\t%u.%u%s (video update)\n") TEXT("Pure CPU MHz:\t%u.%u%s (full-speed)\n\n") TEXT("EXPECTED AVERAGE VIDEO GAME\n") TEXT("PERFORMANCE: %u FPS"), (unsigned)totalhiresfps, (unsigned)totaltextfps, (unsigned)(totalmhz10[0] / 10), (unsigned)(totalmhz10[0] % 10), (LPCTSTR)(IS_APPLE2 ? TEXT(" (6502)") : TEXT("")), (unsigned)(totalmhz10[1] / 10), (unsigned)(totalmhz10[1] % 10), (LPCTSTR)(IS_APPLE2 ? TEXT(" (6502)") : TEXT("")), (unsigned)realisticfps); MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, outstr, TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } //=========================================================================== // This is called from PageConfig void Win32Frame::ChooseMonochromeColor(void) { Video& video = GetVideo(); CHOOSECOLOR cc; memset(&cc, 0, sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR)); cc.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR); cc.hwndOwner = g_hFrameWindow; cc.rgbResult = video.GetMonochromeRGB(); cc.lpCustColors = customcolors + 1; cc.Flags = CC_RGBINIT | CC_SOLIDCOLOR; if (ChooseColor(&cc)) { video.SetMonochromeRGB(cc.rgbResult); video.VideoReinitialize(); if ((g_nAppMode != MODE_LOGO) && (g_nAppMode != MODE_DEBUG)) { VideoRedrawScreen(); } video.Config_Save_Video(); } } //=========================================================================== void Win32Frame::VideoDrawLogoBitmap(HDC hDstDC, int xoff, int yoff, int srcw, int srch, int scale) { HDC hSrcDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDstDC); SelectObject(hSrcDC, g_hLogoBitmap); StretchBlt( hDstDC, // hdcDest xoff, yoff, // nXDest, nYDest scale * srcw, scale * srch, // nWidth, nHeight hSrcDC, // hdcSrc 0, 0, // nXSrc, nYSrc srcw, srch, SRCCOPY // dwRop ); DeleteObject(hSrcDC); } //=========================================================================== void Win32Frame::DisplayLogo(void) { Video& video = GetVideo(); int nLogoX = 0, nLogoY = 0; int scale = GetViewportScale(); HDC hFrameDC = FrameGetDC(); // DRAW THE LOGO SelectObject(hFrameDC, GetStockObject(NULL_PEN)); if (g_hLogoBitmap) { BITMAP bm; if (GetObject(g_hLogoBitmap, sizeof(bm), &bm)) { nLogoX = (g_nViewportCX - scale * bm.bmWidth) / 2; nLogoY = (g_nViewportCY - scale * bm.bmHeight) / 2; if (IsFullScreen()) { nLogoX += GetFullScreenOffsetX(); nLogoY += GetFullScreenOffsetY(); } VideoDrawLogoBitmap(hFrameDC, nLogoX, nLogoY, bm.bmWidth, bm.bmHeight, scale); } } // DRAW THE VERSION NUMBER TCHAR sFontName[] = TEXT("Arial"); HFONT font = CreateFont(-20, 0, 0, 0, FW_NORMAL, 0, 0, 0, ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS, CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY, VARIABLE_PITCH | 4 | FF_SWISS, sFontName); SelectObject(hFrameDC, font); SetTextAlign(hFrameDC, TA_RIGHT | TA_TOP); SetBkMode(hFrameDC, TRANSPARENT); TCHAR szVersion[64]; StringCbPrintf(szVersion, 64, "Version %s", VERSIONSTRING); int xoff = GetFullScreenOffsetX(), yoff = GetFullScreenOffsetY(); #define DRAWVERSION(x,y,c) \ SetTextColor(hFrameDC,c); \ TextOut(hFrameDC, \ scale*540+x+xoff,scale*358+y+yoff, \ szVersion, \ strlen(szVersion)); if (GetDeviceCaps(hFrameDC, PLANES) * GetDeviceCaps(hFrameDC, BITSPIXEL) <= 4) { DRAWVERSION(2, 2, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); DRAWVERSION(1, 1, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); DRAWVERSION(0, 0, RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF)); } else { DRAWVERSION(1, 1, PALETTERGB(0x30, 0x30, 0x70)); DRAWVERSION(-1, -1, PALETTERGB(0xC0, 0x70, 0xE0)); DRAWVERSION(0, 0, PALETTERGB(0x70, 0x30, 0xE0)); } #if _DEBUG StringCbPrintf(szVersion, 64, "DEBUG"); DRAWVERSION(2, -358 * scale, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); DRAWVERSION(1, -357 * scale, RGB(0x00, 0x00, 0x00)); DRAWVERSION(0, -356 * scale, RGB(0xFF, 0x00, 0xFF)); #endif #undef DRAWVERSION DeleteObject(font); } //=========================================================================== void Win32Frame::VideoPresentScreen(void) { HDC hFrameDC = FrameGetDC(); if (hFrameDC) { Video& video = GetVideo(); int xSrc = video.GetFrameBufferBorderWidth(); int ySrc = video.GetFrameBufferBorderHeight(); int xdest = IsFullScreen() ? GetFullScreenOffsetX() : 0; int ydest = IsFullScreen() ? GetFullScreenOffsetY() : 0; int wdest = g_nViewportCX; int hdest = g_nViewportCY; SetStretchBltMode(hFrameDC, COLORONCOLOR); StretchBlt( hFrameDC, xdest, ydest, wdest, hdest, g_hDeviceDC, xSrc, ySrc, video.GetFrameBufferBorderlessWidth(), video.GetFrameBufferBorderlessHeight(), SRCCOPY); } #ifdef NO_DIRECT_X #else //if (g_lpDD) g_lpDD->WaitForVerticalBlank(DDWAITVB_BLOCKBEGIN, NULL); #endif // NO_DIRECT_X GdiFlush(); } //=========================================================================== BOOL CALLBACK Win32Frame::DDEnumProc(LPGUID lpGUID, LPCTSTR lpszDesc, LPCTSTR lpszDrvName, LPVOID lpContext) { Win32Frame* obj = (Win32Frame*)lpContext; int i = obj->num_draw_devices; if (i == MAX_DRAW_DEVICES) return TRUE; if (lpGUID != NULL) memcpy(&(obj->draw_device_guid[i]), lpGUID, sizeof(GUID)); obj->draw_devices[i] = _strdup(lpszDesc); if (g_fh) fprintf(g_fh, "%d: %s - %s\n", i, lpszDesc, lpszDrvName); (obj->num_draw_devices)++; return TRUE; } bool Win32Frame::DDInit(void) { #ifdef NO_DIRECT_X return false; #else HRESULT hr = DirectDrawEnumerate((LPDDENUMCALLBACK)DDEnumProc, this); if (FAILED(hr)) { LogFileOutput("DSEnumerate failed (%08X)\n", hr); return false; } LogFileOutput("Number of draw devices = %d\n", num_draw_devices); bool bCreatedOK = false; for (int x = 0; x < num_draw_devices; x++) { hr = DirectDrawCreate(&draw_device_guid[x], &g_lpDD, NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { LogFileOutput("DSCreate succeeded for draw device #%d\n", x); bCreatedOK = true; break; } LogFileOutput("DSCreate failed for draw device #%d (%08X)\n", x, hr); } if (!bCreatedOK) { LogFileOutput("DSCreate failed for all draw devices\n"); return false; } return true; #endif // NO_DIRECT_X } // From SoundCore.h #define SAFE_RELEASE(p) { if(p) { (p)->Release(); (p)=NULL; } } void Win32Frame::DDUninit(void) { SAFE_RELEASE(g_lpDD); } #undef SAFE_RELEASE