#include "StdAfx.h" #pragma hdrstop // Symbols ________________________________________________________________________________________ char* g_sFileNameSymbols[ NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES ] = { "APPLE2E.SYM", "A2_BASIC.SYM", "A2_ASM.SYM", "A2_USER1.SYM", "A2_USER2.SYM", "A2_SRC1.SYM", "A2_SRC2.SYM" }; char g_sFileNameSymbolsUser [ MAX_PATH ] = ""; char * g_aSymbolTableNames[ NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES ] = { "Main", "Basic", "Assembly", "User1", "User2", "Src1", "Src2" }; bool g_bSymbolsDisplayMissingFile = true; SymbolTable_t g_aSymbols[ NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES ]; int g_nSymbolsLoaded = 0; // on Last Load bool g_aConfigSymbolsDisplayed[ NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES ] = { true, true, true }; // Utils _ ________________________________________________________________________________________ //=========================================================================== LPCTSTR GetSymbol (WORD nAddress, int nBytes) { LPCSTR pSymbol = FindSymbolFromAddress( nAddress ); if (pSymbol) return pSymbol; return FormatAddress( nAddress, nBytes ); } //=========================================================================== int GetSymbolTableFromCommand() { return (g_iCommand - CMD_SYMBOLS_ROM); } //=========================================================================== LPCTSTR FindSymbolFromAddress (WORD nAddress, int * iTable_ ) { // Bugfix/User feature: User symbols should be searched first int iTable = NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES; while (iTable-- > 0) { if (g_aSymbols[iTable].size()) { map::iterator iSymbols = g_aSymbols[iTable].find(nAddress); if(g_aSymbols[iTable].find(nAddress) != g_aSymbols[iTable].end()) { if (iTable_) { *iTable_ = iTable; } return iSymbols->second.c_str(); } } } return NULL; } //=========================================================================== bool FindAddressFromSymbol ( LPCTSTR pSymbol, WORD * pAddress_, int * iTable_ ) { // Bugfix/User feature: User symbols should be searched first for (int iTable = NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES; iTable-- > 0; ) { if (! g_aSymbols[iTable].size()) continue; // map::iterator iSymbol = g_aSymbols[iTable].begin(); SymbolTable_t :: iterator iSymbol = g_aSymbols[iTable].begin(); while (iSymbol != g_aSymbols[iTable].end()) { if (!_tcsicmp( iSymbol->second.c_str(), pSymbol)) { if (pAddress_) { *pAddress_ = iSymbol->first; } if (iTable_) { *iTable_ = iTable; } return true; } iSymbol++; } } return false; } // Symbols ________________________________________________________________________________________ //=========================================================================== WORD GetAddressFromSymbol (LPCTSTR pSymbol) { WORD nAddress; bool bFoundSymbol = FindAddressFromSymbol( pSymbol, & nAddress ); if (! bFoundSymbol) { nAddress = 0; } return nAddress; } //=========================================================================== bool String2Address( LPCTSTR pText, WORD & nAddress_ ) { TCHAR sHexApple[ CONSOLE_WIDTH ]; if (pText[0] == '$') { if (!TextIsHexString( pText+1)) return false; _tcscpy( sHexApple, "0x" ); _tcsncpy( sHexApple+2, pText+1, MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN - 3 ); pText = sHexApple; } if (pText[0] == TEXT('0')) { if ((pText[1] == TEXT('X')) || pText[1] == TEXT('x')) { if (!TextIsHexString( pText+2)) return false; TCHAR *pEnd; nAddress_ = (WORD) _tcstol( pText, &pEnd, 16 ); return true; } if (TextIsHexString( pText )) { TCHAR *pEnd; nAddress_ = (WORD) _tcstol( pText, &pEnd, 16 ); return true; } } return false; } //=========================================================================== Update_t CmdSymbols (int nArgs) { if (! nArgs) return CmdSymbolsInfo( 0 ); Update_t iUpdate = _CmdSymbolsUpdate( nArgs, SYMBOL_TABLE_USER_1 ); if (iUpdate != UPDATE_NOTHING) return iUpdate; int bSymbolTables = (1 << NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES) - 1; return _CmdSymbolsListTables( nArgs, bSymbolTables ); } //=========================================================================== Update_t CmdSymbolsClear (int nArgs) { SymbolTable_Index_e eSymbolTable = SYMBOLS_USER_1; _CmdSymbolsClear( eSymbolTable ); return (UPDATE_DISASM | UPDATE_SYMBOLS); } void _CmdSymbolsInfoHeader( int iTable, char * pText ) { int nSymbols = g_aSymbols[ iTable ].size(); sprintf( pText, " %s: %s%d%s" , g_aSymbolTableNames[ iTable ] , CHC_NUM_DEC , nSymbols , CHC_DEFAULT ); } //=========================================================================== Update_t CmdSymbolsInfo (int nArgs) { char sText[ CONSOLE_WIDTH * 2 ] = ""; char sTemp[ CONSOLE_WIDTH ] = ""; int bDisplaySymbolTables = 0; if (! nArgs) { // default to all tables bDisplaySymbolTables = (1 << NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES) - 1; } else { // Convert Command Index to parameter int iWhichTable = GetSymbolTableFromCommand(); if ((iWhichTable < 0) || (iWhichTable >= NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES)) { sprintf( sText, "Only %s%d%s symbol tables supported!" , CHC_NUM_DEC , NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES , CHC_DEFAULT ); return ConsoleDisplayError( sText ); } bDisplaySymbolTables = (1 << iWhichTable); } //sprintf( sText, " Symbols Main: %s%d%s User: %s%d%s Source: %s%d%s" int bTable = 1; int iTable = 0; for( ; bTable <= bDisplaySymbolTables; iTable++, bTable <<= 1 ) { if( bDisplaySymbolTables & bTable ) { _CmdSymbolsInfoHeader( iTable, sTemp ); strcat( sText, sTemp ); } } ConsolePrint( sText ); return ConsoleUpdate(); } //=========================================================================== void _CmdPrintSymbol( LPCTSTR pSymbol, WORD nAddress, int iTable ) { char sText[ CONSOLE_WIDTH ]; sprintf( sText, " %s$%s%04X%s (%s%s%s) %s%s" , CHC_ARG_SEP , CHC_ADDRESS , nAddress , CHC_DEFAULT , CHC_STRING , g_aSymbolTableNames[ iTable ] , CHC_DEFAULT , CHC_SYMBOL , pSymbol ); // ConsoleBufferPush( sText ); ConsolePrint( sText ); } // Test if bit-mask to index (equal to number of bit-shifs required to reach table) //=========================================================================== */ bool _FindSymbolTable( int bSymbolTables, int iTable ) { // iTable is enumeration // bSymbolTables is bit-flags of enabled tables to search if( bSymbolTables & (1 << iTable) ) { return true; } return false; } // Convert bit-mask to index //=========================================================================== */ int _GetSymbolTableFromFlag( int bSymbolTables ) { int iTable = 0; int bTable = 1; for( ; bTable <= bSymbolTables; iTable++, bTable <<= 1 ) { if( bTable & bSymbolTables ) break; } return iTable; } /** @param bSymbolTables Bit Flags of which symbol tables to search //=========================================================================== */ bool _CmdSymbolList_Address2Symbol( int nAddress, int bSymbolTables ) { int iTable; LPCTSTR pSymbol = FindSymbolFromAddress( nAddress, &iTable ); if (pSymbol) { if (_FindSymbolTable( bSymbolTables, iTable )) { _CmdPrintSymbol( pSymbol, nAddress, iTable ); return true; } } return false; } //=========================================================================== bool _CmdSymbolList_Symbol2Address( LPCTSTR pSymbol, int bSymbolTables ) { int iTable; WORD nAddress; bool bFoundSymbol = FindAddressFromSymbol( pSymbol, &nAddress, &iTable ); if (bFoundSymbol) { if (_FindSymbolTable( bSymbolTables, iTable )) { _CmdPrintSymbol( pSymbol, nAddress, iTable ); } } return bFoundSymbol; } // LIST is normally an implicit "LIST *", but due to the numbers of symbols // only look up symbols the user specifies //=========================================================================== Update_t CmdSymbolsList (int nArgs ) { int bSymbolTables = (1 << NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES) - 1; // default to all return _CmdSymbolsListTables( nArgs, bSymbolTables ); } //=========================================================================== Update_t _CmdSymbolsListTables (int nArgs, int bSymbolTables ) { if (! nArgs) { return Help_Arg_1( CMD_SYMBOLS_LIST ); } /* Test Cases SYM 0 RESET FA6F $FA59 $0000 LOC0 $FA6F RESET $FA6F INITAN $FA59 OLDBRK SYM B SYMBOL B = $2000 SYM B */ TCHAR sText[ CONSOLE_WIDTH ] = ""; for( int iArgs = 1; iArgs <= nArgs; iArgs++ ) { WORD nAddress = g_aArgs[iArgs].nValue; LPCTSTR pSymbol = g_aArgs[iArgs].sArg; // Dump all symbols for this table if( g_aArgRaw[iArgs].eToken == TOKEN_STAR) { // int iWhichTable = (g_iCommand - CMD_SYMBOLS_MAIN); // bDisplaySymbolTables = (1 << iWhichTable); int iTable = 0; int bTable = 1; for( ; bTable <= bSymbolTables; iTable++, bTable <<= 1 ) { if( bTable & bSymbolTables ) { int nSymbols = g_aSymbols[iTable].size(); if (nSymbols) { // map::iterator iSymbol = g_aSymbols[iTable].begin(); SymbolTable_t :: iterator iSymbol = g_aSymbols[iTable].begin(); while (iSymbol != g_aSymbols[iTable].end()) { const char *pSymbol = iSymbol->second.c_str(); unsigned short nAddress = iSymbol->first; _CmdPrintSymbol( pSymbol, nAddress, iTable ); ++iSymbol; } } _CmdSymbolsInfoHeader( iTable, sText ); ConsolePrint( sText ); } } } else if (nAddress) { // Have address, do symbol lookup first if (! _CmdSymbolList_Symbol2Address( pSymbol, bSymbolTables )) { // nope, ok, try as address if (! _CmdSymbolList_Address2Symbol( nAddress, bSymbolTables)) { wsprintf( sText , TEXT(" Address not found: %s$%s%04X%s" ) , CHC_ARG_SEP , CHC_ADDRESS, nAddress, CHC_DEFAULT ); ConsolePrint( sText ); } } } else { // Have symbol, do address lookup if (! _CmdSymbolList_Symbol2Address( pSymbol, bSymbolTables )) { // nope, ok, try as address if (String2Address( pSymbol, nAddress )) { if (! _CmdSymbolList_Address2Symbol( nAddress, bSymbolTables )) { wsprintf( sText , TEXT(" Symbol not found: %s%s%s") , CHC_SYMBOL, pSymbol, CHC_DEFAULT ); ConsolePrint( sText ); } } else { wsprintf( sText , TEXT(" Symbol not found: %s%s%s") , CHC_SYMBOL, pSymbol, CHC_DEFAULT ); ConsolePrint( sText ); } } } } return ConsoleUpdate(); } void Print_Current_Path() { ConsoleDisplayError( g_sProgramDir ); } //=========================================================================== int ParseSymbolTable( TCHAR *pFileName, SymbolTable_Index_e eSymbolTableWrite, int nSymbolOffset ) { int nSymbolsLoaded = 0; if (! pFileName) return nSymbolsLoaded; //#if _UNICODE // TCHAR sFormat1[ MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN ]; // TCHAR sFormat2[ MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN ]; // wsprintf( sFormat1, "%%x %%%ds", MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN ); // i.e. "%x %13s" // wsprintf( sFormat2, "%%%ds %%x", MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN ); // i.e. "%13s %x" // ascii char sFormat1[ MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN ]; char sFormat2[ MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN ]; sprintf( sFormat1, "%%x %%%ds", MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN ); // i.e. "%x %13s" sprintf( sFormat2, "%%%ds %%x", MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN ); // i.e. "%13s %x" FILE *hFile = fopen(pFileName,"rt"); if( !hFile && g_bSymbolsDisplayMissingFile ) { ConsoleDisplayError( "Symbol File not found:" ); Print_Current_Path(); nSymbolsLoaded = -1; // HACK: ERROR: FILE NOT EXIST } bool bDupSymbolHeader = false; if( hFile ) { while( !feof(hFile) ) { // Support 2 types of symbols files: // 1) AppleWin: // . 0000 SYMBOL // . FFFF SYMBOL // 2) ACME: // . SYMBOL =$0000; Comment // . SYMBOL =$FFFF; Comment // DWORD nAddress = _6502_MEM_END + 1; // default to invalid address char sName[ MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN+1 ] = ""; const int MAX_LINE = 256; char szLine[ MAX_LINE ] = ""; if( !fgets(szLine, MAX_LINE-1, hFile) ) // Get next line { //ConsolePrint("< MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN) { memset(&szLine[MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN], ' ', nLen-MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN); // sscanf fails for nAddress if string too long } sscanf(szLine, sFormat2, sName, &nAddress); } // SymbolOffset nAddress += nSymbolOffset; if( (nAddress > _6502_MEM_END) || (sName[0] == 0) ) continue; #if 1 // _DEBUG // If updating symbol, print duplicate symbols WORD nAddressPrev; int iTable; bool bExists = FindAddressFromSymbol( sName, &nAddressPrev, &iTable ); if( bExists ) { char sText[ CONSOLE_WIDTH * 3 ]; if( !bDupSymbolHeader ) { bDupSymbolHeader = true; sprintf( sText, " %sDup Symbol Name%s (%s%s%s) %s" , CHC_ERROR , CHC_DEFAULT , CHC_STRING , g_aSymbolTableNames[ iTable ] , CHC_DEFAULT , pFileName ); ConsolePrint( sText ); } sprintf( sText, " %s$%s%04X %s%-31s%s" , CHC_ARG_SEP , CHC_ADDRESS , nAddress , CHC_SYMBOL , sName , CHC_DEFAULT ); ConsolePrint( sText ); } #endif g_aSymbols[ eSymbolTableWrite ] [ (WORD) nAddress ] = sName; nSymbolsLoaded++; } fclose(hFile); } return nSymbolsLoaded; } //=========================================================================== Update_t CmdSymbolsLoad (int nArgs) { TCHAR sFileName[MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(sFileName,g_sProgramDir); int iSymbolTable = GetSymbolTableFromCommand(); if ((iSymbolTable < 0) || (iSymbolTable >= NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES)) { wsprintf( sFileName, "Only %d symbol tables supported!", NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES ); return ConsoleDisplayError( sFileName ); } int nSymbols = 0; if (! nArgs) { // Default to main table // if (g_iCommand == CMD_SYMBOLS_MAIN) // _tcscat(sFileName, g_sFileNameSymbolsMain ); // else // { // if (! _tcslen( g_sFileNameSymbolsUser )) // { // return ConsoleDisplayError(TEXT("No user symbol file to reload.")); // } // // load user symbols // _tcscat( sFileName, g_sFileNameSymbolsUser ); // } _tcscat(sFileName, g_sFileNameSymbols[ iSymbolTable ]); nSymbols = ParseSymbolTable( sFileName, (SymbolTable_Index_e) iSymbolTable ); } int iArg = 1; if (iArg <= nArgs) { TCHAR *pFileName = NULL; if( g_aArgs[ iArg ].bType & TYPE_QUOTED_2 ) { pFileName = g_aArgs[ iArg ].sArg; _tcscpy(sFileName,g_sProgramDir); _tcscat(sFileName, pFileName); // Remember File Name of last symbols loaded _tcscpy( g_sFileNameSymbolsUser, pFileName ); } // SymbolOffset // sym load "filename" [,symbol_offset] int nOffsetAddr = 0; iArg++; if( iArg <= nArgs) { if (g_aArgs[ iArg ].eToken == TOKEN_COMMA) { iArg++; if( iArg <= nArgs ) { nOffsetAddr = g_aArgs[ iArg ].nValue; if( (nOffsetAddr < _6502_MEM_BEGIN) || (nOffsetAddr > _6502_MEM_END) ) { nOffsetAddr = 0; } } } } if( pFileName ) { nSymbols = ParseSymbolTable( sFileName, (SymbolTable_Index_e) iSymbolTable, nOffsetAddr ); } } if( nSymbols > 0 ) { g_nSymbolsLoaded = nSymbols; } Update_t bUpdateDisplay = UPDATE_DISASM; bUpdateDisplay |= (nSymbols > 0) ? UPDATE_SYMBOLS : 0; return bUpdateDisplay; } //=========================================================================== Update_t _CmdSymbolsClear( SymbolTable_Index_e eSymbolTable ) { g_aSymbols[ eSymbolTable ].clear(); return UPDATE_SYMBOLS; } //=========================================================================== void SymbolUpdate( SymbolTable_Index_e eSymbolTable, char *pSymbolName, WORD nAddress, bool bRemoveSymbol, bool bUpdateSymbol ) { if (bRemoveSymbol) pSymbolName = g_aArgs[2].sArg; if (_tcslen( pSymbolName ) < MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN) { WORD nAddressPrev; int iTable; bool bExists = FindAddressFromSymbol( pSymbolName, &nAddressPrev, &iTable ); if (bExists) { if (iTable == eSymbolTable) { if (bRemoveSymbol) { ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT(" Removing symbol." ) ); } g_aSymbols[ eSymbolTable ].erase( nAddressPrev ); if (bUpdateSymbol) { char sText[ CONSOLE_WIDTH * 2 ]; sprintf( sText, " Updating %s%s%s from %s$%s%04X%s to %s$%s%04X%s" , CHC_SYMBOL, pSymbolName, CHC_DEFAULT , CHC_ARG_SEP , CHC_ADDRESS, nAddressPrev, CHC_DEFAULT , CHC_ARG_SEP , CHC_ADDRESS, nAddress, CHC_DEFAULT ); ConsolePrint( sText ); } } } else { if (bRemoveSymbol) { ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT(" Symbol not in table." ) ); } } if (bUpdateSymbol) { #if _DEBUG LPCTSTR pSymbol = FindSymbolFromAddress( nAddress, &iTable ); { // Found another symbol for this address. Harmless. // TODO: Probably should check if same name? } #endif g_aSymbols[ eSymbolTable ][ nAddress ] = pSymbolName; } } } //=========================================================================== Update_t _CmdSymbolsUpdate( int nArgs, int bSymbolTables ) { bool bRemoveSymbol = false; bool bUpdateSymbol = false; if ((nArgs == 2) && ((g_aArgs[ 1 ].eToken == TOKEN_EXCLAMATION) || (g_aArgs[1].eToken == TOKEN_TILDE)) ) bRemoveSymbol = true; if ((nArgs == 3) && (g_aArgs[ 2 ].eToken == TOKEN_EQUAL )) bUpdateSymbol = true; if (bRemoveSymbol || bUpdateSymbol) { TCHAR *pSymbolName = g_aArgs[1].sArg; WORD nAddress = g_aArgs[3].nValue; int iTable = _GetSymbolTableFromFlag( bSymbolTables ); SymbolUpdate( (SymbolTable_Index_e) iTable, pSymbolName, nAddress, bRemoveSymbol, bUpdateSymbol ); return ConsoleUpdate(); } return UPDATE_NOTHING; } //=========================================================================== Update_t _CmdSymbolsCommon ( int nArgs, int bSymbolTables ) { if (! nArgs) { return Help_Arg_1( g_iCommand ); } Update_t iUpdate = _CmdSymbolsUpdate( nArgs, bSymbolTables ); if (iUpdate != UPDATE_NOTHING) return iUpdate; TCHAR sText[ CONSOLE_WIDTH ]; int iArg = 0; while (iArg++ <= nArgs) { int iParam; int nParams = FindParam( g_aArgs[iArg].sArg, MATCH_EXACT, iParam ); // MATCH_FUZZY if (nParams) { if (iParam == PARAM_CLEAR) { int iTable = _GetSymbolTableFromFlag( bSymbolTables ); if (iTable != NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES) { Update_t iUpdate = _CmdSymbolsClear( (SymbolTable_Index_e) iTable ); wsprintf( sText, TEXT(" Cleared symbol table: %s"), g_aSymbolTableNames[ iTable ] ); ConsoleBufferPush( sText ); iUpdate |= ConsoleUpdate(); return iUpdate; } else { ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT(" Error: Unknown Symbol Table Type") ); return ConsoleUpdate(); } // if (bSymbolTable & SYMBOL_TABLE_MAIN) // return _CmdSymbolsClear( SYMBOLS_MAIN ); // else // if (bSymbolsTable & SYMBOL_TABLE_USER) // return _CmdSymbolsClear( SYMBOLS_USER ); // else // Shouldn't have multiple symbol tables selected // nArgs = _Arg_1( eSymbolsTable ); } else if (iParam == PARAM_LOAD) { nArgs = _Arg_Shift( iArg, nArgs); Update_t bUpdate = CmdSymbolsLoad( nArgs ); int iTable = _GetSymbolTableFromFlag( bSymbolTables ); if (iTable != NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES) { if( bUpdate & UPDATE_SYMBOLS ) { wsprintf( sText, " Symbol Table: %s, loaded symbols: %d", g_aSymbolTableNames[ iTable ], g_nSymbolsLoaded ); ConsoleBufferPush( sText ); } } else { ConsoleBufferPush( TEXT(" Error: Unknown Symbol Table Type") ); } return ConsoleUpdate(); } else if (iParam == PARAM_SAVE) { nArgs = _Arg_Shift( iArg, nArgs); return CmdSymbolsSave( nArgs ); } } else { return _CmdSymbolsListTables( nArgs, bSymbolTables ); // bSymbolTables } } return ConsoleUpdate(); } //=========================================================================== Update_t CmdSymbolsCommand (int nArgs) { if (! nArgs) { return CmdSymbolsInfo( 1 ); } int bSymbolTable = SYMBOL_TABLE_MAIN << GetSymbolTableFromCommand(); return _CmdSymbolsCommon( nArgs, SYMBOL_TABLE_MAIN ); } //=========================================================================== Update_t CmdSymbolsSave (int nArgs) { return UPDATE_CONSOLE_DISPLAY; }