// Colors ___________________________________________________________________ enum Color_Schemes_e { SCHEME_COLOR, // NOTE: MUST match order in CMD_WINDOW_COLOR SCHEME_MONO , // NOTE: MUST match order in CMD_WINDOW_MONOCHROME SCHEME_BW , // NOTE: MUST match order in CMD_WINDOW_BW // SCHEME_CUSTOM NUM_COLOR_SCHEMES }; // Named, since they are easier to remember. // Ok, maybe RGB + CYMK is a little "too" cute. But what the hell, it works out nicely. enum DebugPalette_e { // mipmap level: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 // color depth: 256 224 192 160 128 96 64 32 0 // +32 +32 +32 +32 +32 +32 +32 +32 // NOTE: Levels of black are redundant. // // BGR K0, // --- K R8, R7, R6, R5, R4, R3, R2, R1, // --1 R Red G8, G7, G6, G5, G4, G3, G2, G1, // -1- G Green Y8, Y7, Y6, Y5, Y4, Y3, Y2, Y1, // -11 Y Yellow B8, B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1, // 1-- B Blue M8, M7, M6, M5, M4, M3, M2, M1, // 1-1 M Magenta C8, C7, C6, C5, C4, C3, C2, C1, // 11- C Cyan W8, W7, W6, W5, W4, W3, W2, W1, // 111 W White / Gray / Black COLOR_CUSTOM_01, COLOR_CUSTOM_02, COLOR_CUSTOM_03, COLOR_CUSTOM_04, COLOR_CUSTOM_05, COLOR_CUSTOM_06, COLOR_CUSTOM_07, COLOR_CUSTOM_08, COLOR_CUSTOM_09, COLOR_CUSTOM_11, CUSTOM_COLOR_11, COLOR_CUSTOM_12, COLOR_CUSTOM_13, COLOR_CUSTOM_14, COLOR_CUSTOM_15, COLOR_CUSTOM_16, NUM_PALETTE, // Gray Aliases G000 = K0, G032 = W1, G064 = W2, G096 = W3, G128 = W4, G160 = W5, G192 = W6, G224 = W7, G256 = W8 }; // Yeah, this was a PITA to organize. // enum DebugColors_e { BG_CONSOLE_OUTPUT // Black Window , FG_CONSOLE_OUTPUT // White , BG_CONSOLE_INPUT // Black Window , FG_CONSOLE_INPUT // Light Blue , BG_DISASM_1 // Blue* Odd address , BG_DISASM_2 // Blue* Even address // BreakPoint {Set} {Cursor/Non-Cursor} , BG_DISASM_BP_S_C // Red Breakpoint Set (cursor) , FG_DISASM_BP_S_C // White Breakpoint Set&Ena (cursor) // Note: redundant BG_DISASM_BP_0_C = BG_DISASM_BP_S_C , BG_DISASM_BP_0_C // DimRed Breakpoint Disabled (cursor) , FG_DISASM_BP_0_C // Gray192 Breakpoint Disabled (cursor) , FG_DISASM_BP_S_X // Red Set (not cursor) , FG_DISASM_BP_0_X // White Disabled (not cursor) , BG_DISASM_C // White (Cursor) , FG_DISASM_C // Blue (Cursor) , BG_DISASM_PC_C // Yellow (not cursor) , FG_DISASM_PC_C // White (not cursor) , BG_DISASM_PC_X // Dim Yellow (not cursor) , FG_DISASM_PC_X // White (not cursor) , BG_DISASM_BOOKMARK // Lite Blue (always) , FG_DISASM_BOOKMARK // White addr (always) , FG_DISASM_ADDRESS // White addr , FG_DISASM_OPERATOR // Gray192 : $ (also around instruction addressing g_nAppMode) , FG_DISASM_OPCODE // Yellow xx xx xx , FG_DISASM_MNEMONIC // White LDA /*ZZZ*/ , FG_DISASM_DIRECTIVE// Purple db , FG_DISASM_TARGET // Orange FAC8 /*ZZZ*/ , FG_DISASM_SYMBOL // Green HOME , FG_DISASM_CHAR // Cyan 'c' , FG_DISASM_BRANCH // Green ^ = v , BG_INFO // Cyan Regs/Stack/BP/Watch/ZP , BG_INFO_WATCH // Cyan , BG_INFO_ZEROPAGE // Cyan , FG_INFO_TITLE // White Regs/Stack/BP/Watch/ZP , FG_INFO_BULLET // 1 , FG_INFO_OPERATOR // Gray192 : - , FG_INFO_ADDRESS // Orange FA62 FA63 (Yellow -> Orange) , FG_INFO_OPCODE // Yellow xx , FG_INFO_REG // Orange (Breakpoints) , BG_INFO_INVERSE // White , FG_INFO_INVERSE // Cyan , BG_INFO_CHAR // mid Cyan , FG_INFO_CHAR_HI // White , FG_INFO_CHAR_LO // Yellow , BG_INFO_IO_BYTE // Orange (high bit) , FG_INFO_IO_BYTE // Orange (non-high bit) , BG_DATA_1 // Cyan* Window , BG_DATA_2 // Cyan* , FG_DATA_BYTE // default same as FG_DISASM_OPCODE , FG_DATA_TEXT // default same as FG_DISASM_NMEMONIC , BG_SYMBOLS_1 // window , BG_SYMBOLS_2 , FG_SYMBOLS_ADDRESS // default same as FG_DISASM_ADDRESS , FG_SYMBOLS_NAME // default same as FG_DISASM_SYMBOL , BG_SOURCE_TITLE , FG_SOURCE_TITLE , BG_SOURCE_1 // odd , BG_SOURCE_2 // even , FG_SOURCE , BG_VIDEOSCANNER_TITLE , FG_VIDEOSCANNER_TITLE , FG_VIDEOSCANNER_INVISIBLE // yellow , FG_VIDEOSCANNER_VISIBLE // green , NUM_DEBUG_COLORS }; extern int g_iColorScheme; extern COLORREF g_aColorPalette[ NUM_PALETTE ]; extern int g_aColorIndex[ NUM_DEBUG_COLORS ]; // Color COLORREF DebuggerGetColor( int iColor ); bool DebuggerSetColor ( const int iScheme, const int iColor, const COLORREF nColor ); void ConfigColorsReset(void);