/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2023, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* CopyProtectionDongles.cpp Emulate hardware copy protection dongles for Apple II Currently supported: - Southwestern Data Systems' datakey for SpeedStar Applesoft Compiler (Matthew D'Asaro Dec 2022) - Dynatech Microsoftware / Cortechs Corp's protection key for "CodeWriter" - Robocom Ltd's Interface Module for Robo Graphics 500/1000/1500 & RoboCAD 1/2 (BitStik joystick plugs in on top) - Hayden Book Company, Inc's protection key for "Applesoft Compiler" */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include #include "CopyProtectionDongles.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "YamlHelper.h" static DONGLETYPE copyProtectionDongleType = DT_EMPTY; static const BYTE codewriterInitialLFSR = 0x6B; // %1101011 (7-bit LFSR) static BYTE codewriterLFSR = codewriterInitialLFSR; static void CodeWriterResetLFSR() { codewriterLFSR = codewriterInitialLFSR; } static void CodeWriterClockLFSR() { BYTE bit = ((codewriterLFSR >> 1) ^ (codewriterLFSR >> 0)) & 1; codewriterLFSR = (codewriterLFSR >> 1) | (bit << 6); } void SetCopyProtectionDongleType(DONGLETYPE type) { copyProtectionDongleType = type; } DONGLETYPE GetCopyProtectionDongleType(void) { return copyProtectionDongleType; } void DongleControl(WORD address) { UINT AN = ((address - 8) >> 1) & 7; bool state = address & 1; // ie. C058 = AN0_off; C059 = AN0_on if (copyProtectionDongleType == DT_EMPTY || copyProtectionDongleType == DT_SDSSPEEDSTAR) return; if (copyProtectionDongleType == DT_CODEWRITER) { if ((AN == 3 && state == true) || MemGetAnnunciator(3)) // reset or was already reset? (ie. takes precedent over AN2) CodeWriterResetLFSR(); else if (AN == 2 && state == false && MemGetAnnunciator(2) == true) // AN2 true->false edge? CodeWriterClockLFSR(); } } // This protection dongle consists of a NAND gate connected with AN1 and AN2 on the inputs // PB2 on the output, and AN0 connected to power it. static bool SdsSpeedStar(void) { return !MemGetAnnunciator(0) || !(MemGetAnnunciator(1) && MemGetAnnunciator(2)); } // Returns the copy protection dongle state of PB0. A return value of -1 means not used by copy protection dongle int CopyProtectionDonglePB0(void) { return -1; } // Returns the copy protection dongle state of PB1. A return value of -1 means not used by copy protection dongle int CopyProtectionDonglePB1(void) { if (copyProtectionDongleType == DT_HAYDENCOMPILER) return 0; // connected to GND return -1; } // Returns the copy protection dongle state of PB2. A return value of -1 means not used by copy protection dongle int CopyProtectionDonglePB2(void) { switch (copyProtectionDongleType) { case DT_SDSSPEEDSTAR: return SdsSpeedStar(); case DT_CODEWRITER: return codewriterLFSR & 1; default: return -1; } } // Returns the copy protection dongle state of PDL(n). A return value of -1 means not used by copy protection dongle int CopyProtectionDonglePDL(UINT pdl) { if (copyProtectionDongleType == DT_HAYDENCOMPILER && pdl == 3) { static BYTE haydenValue[4] = {0xFF, 0x96, 0x96, 0x50}; // Derived from reverse-engineered Hayden code - although other than 0xFF, actual values are unknown. UINT haydenDongleMode = ((UINT)MemGetAnnunciator(2) << 1) | (UINT)MemGetAnnunciator(0); return haydenValue[haydenDongleMode]; } // if (copyProtectionDongleType != DT_ROBOCOM500 && copyProtectionDongleType != DT_ROBOCOM1000 && copyProtectionDongleType != DT_ROBOCOM1500) return -1; bool roboComInterfaceModulePower = !MemGetAnnunciator(3); if (!roboComInterfaceModulePower || pdl != 3) return -1; UINT roboComInterfaceModuleMode = ((UINT)MemGetAnnunciator(2) << 2) | ((UINT)MemGetAnnunciator(1) << 1) | (UINT)MemGetAnnunciator(0); switch (copyProtectionDongleType) { case DT_ROBOCOM500: { static BYTE robo500_lo[8] = { 0x3F,0x2E,0x54,0x54,0x2E,0x22,0x72,0x17 }; // PDL3 lower bound - see GH#1247 static BYTE robo500_hi[8] = { 0x6F,0x54,0x94,0x94,0x54,0x40,0xC4,0x2E }; // PDL3 upper bound - see GH#1247 // This mean value gives values that are very close to the actual 1000 & 1500 Module Interfaces - so assume it's similar for the 500 series. return (robo500_lo[roboComInterfaceModuleMode] + robo500_hi[roboComInterfaceModuleMode] - 1) / 2; } case DT_ROBOCOM1000: { static BYTE robo1000[8] = { 34,151,48,64,113,113,64,85 }; // Actual Module Interface values for PDL3 return robo1000[roboComInterfaceModuleMode]; } case DT_ROBOCOM1500: { static BYTE robo1500[8] = { 153,34,64,34,48,86,114,48 }; // Actual Module Interface values for PDL3 return robo1500[roboComInterfaceModuleMode]; } default: return -1; } } //=========================================================================== #define SS_YAML_KEY_CODEWRITER_INDEX "LFSR" // Unit version history: // 1: Add SDS SpeedStar dongle // 2: Add Cortechs Corp CodeWriter protection key // Add Robocom Ltd - Robo 500/1000/1500 Interface Modules // 3: Add Hayden Compiler protection key static const std::string& GetSnapshotStructName_SDSSpeedStar(void) { static const std::string name("SDS SpeedStar dongle"); return name; } static const std::string& GetSnapshotStructName_CodeWriter(void) { static const std::string name("Cortechs Corp - CodeWriter protection key"); return name; } static const std::string& GetSnapshotStructName_Robocom500(void) { static const std::string name("Robocom Ltd - Robo 500 Interface Module"); return name; } static const std::string& GetSnapshotStructName_Robocom1000(void) { static const std::string name("Robocom Ltd - Robo 1000 Interface Module"); return name; } static const std::string& GetSnapshotStructName_Robocom1500(void) { static const std::string name("Robocom Ltd - Robo 1500 Interface Module"); return name; } static const std::string& GetSnapshotStructName_HaydenCompiler(void) { static const std::string name("Hayden - Applesoft Compiler protection key"); return name; } void CopyProtectionDongleSaveSnapshot(YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper) { if (copyProtectionDongleType == DT_SDSSPEEDSTAR) { yamlSaveHelper.SaveString(SS_YAML_KEY_DEVICE, GetSnapshotStructName_SDSSpeedStar()); // NB. No state for this dongle } else if (copyProtectionDongleType == DT_CODEWRITER) { yamlSaveHelper.SaveString(SS_YAML_KEY_DEVICE, GetSnapshotStructName_CodeWriter()); yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint8(SS_YAML_KEY_CODEWRITER_INDEX, codewriterLFSR); } else if (copyProtectionDongleType == DT_ROBOCOM500) { yamlSaveHelper.SaveString(SS_YAML_KEY_DEVICE, GetSnapshotStructName_Robocom500()); // NB. No state for this dongle } else if (copyProtectionDongleType == DT_ROBOCOM1000) { yamlSaveHelper.SaveString(SS_YAML_KEY_DEVICE, GetSnapshotStructName_Robocom1000()); // NB. No state for this dongle } else if (copyProtectionDongleType == DT_ROBOCOM1500) { yamlSaveHelper.SaveString(SS_YAML_KEY_DEVICE, GetSnapshotStructName_Robocom1500()); // NB. No state for this dongle } else if (copyProtectionDongleType == DT_HAYDENCOMPILER) { yamlSaveHelper.SaveString(SS_YAML_KEY_DEVICE, GetSnapshotStructName_HaydenCompiler()); // NB. No state for this dongle } else { _ASSERT(0); } } void CopyProtectionDongleLoadSnapshot(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT version, UINT kUNIT_VERSION) { if (version < 1 || version > kUNIT_VERSION) { std::ostringstream msg; msg << "Version " << version; msg << " is not supported for game I/O device."; throw std::runtime_error(msg.str()); } std::string device = yamlLoadHelper.LoadString(SS_YAML_KEY_DEVICE); if (device == GetSnapshotStructName_SDSSpeedStar()) { copyProtectionDongleType = DT_SDSSPEEDSTAR; } else if (device == GetSnapshotStructName_CodeWriter()) { copyProtectionDongleType = DT_CODEWRITER; codewriterLFSR = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_CODEWRITER_INDEX); } else if (device == GetSnapshotStructName_Robocom500()) { copyProtectionDongleType = DT_ROBOCOM500; } else if (device == GetSnapshotStructName_Robocom1000()) { copyProtectionDongleType = DT_ROBOCOM1000; } else if (device == GetSnapshotStructName_Robocom1500()) { copyProtectionDongleType = DT_ROBOCOM1500; } else if (device == GetSnapshotStructName_HaydenCompiler()) { copyProtectionDongleType = DT_HAYDENCOMPILER; } else { _ASSERT(0); } }