Advanced Settings

Advanced settings

Save State File Name:
This is the file name to use for save-state files. The default directory is the same as where your AppleWin.exe program is stored.

Save State on Exit:
Checking this box will automatically save the current state of the emulator upon exit.  The state will be saved to the file specified above ( by default).

Save State:
Press this button to save the current state of the emulator to the file specified.  You can also save the system state during emulation by pressing the F11 key.

Load State:
Press this button to load the specified state file into the emulator.  You can also load the system state during emulation by pressing the F12 key.

If you have specified Computer as 'Clone' on the main Configuration page, then this drop-down menu can be used to specify the clone type.
NB. Pravets 82, 8M and 8A are Bulgarian Apple II clones.

Printer settings (Printer is emulated in slot 1)

Printer dump filename:
Data sent to the printer is stored in a text file. Use this setting to select its location.

Dump to printer:
Use with caution! Enables dumping to a real printer. If disabled, the printout is stored only in printer.txt file in the AppleWin folder. It's recommended to use a printer compatible with the printer selected in the Apple II applications. With modern printers trying to print images will result in printing tens of pages of nonsense. Requires command line switch -use-real-printer.

Encoding conversion for clones:
Characters are encoded from the character set used in the real hardware to ASCII. For Pravets 8 this converts MIK to ASCII. Enabling this could cause problems when printing images.

Filter unprintable characters:
Some characters represent commands for the printer and shall not be printed. When saving them to the printer dump file they may appear as some strange symbols. (You will want to disable filtering when dumping to a real printer.)

Append to print-file:
When disabled previous the print file is replaced (unless it has a different name) by the newly created print file. Otherwise the newly printed data is added to the existing print file. (You will want to disable appending when dumping to a real printer.)

Terminate printing after idle:
Whan printing is started a printer file is created and it is closed either after the specified time expires, or when the emulator is reset. This setting is emulation speed dependent.

The Freeze's non-autostart F8 rom:
If you have specified Computer as 'Apple ][' or 'Apple ][+' on the main Configuration page, then you will be able to enable this setting. The Freeze F8 rom is a hacker's rom that replaces the normal 2K rom at $F800. Here's the original release note