<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"> <html> <head> <title>Command line</title> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1252"> </head> <body style="FONT-FAMILY: verdana; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)" alink="#008000" link="#008000" vlink="#008000"> <h2 style="COLOR: rgb(0,128,0)">Command line</h2> <hr size="4"> <p style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">AppleWin can be driven from the command line as follows: </p> -conf <pathname><br> Use an INI file for configuration instead of the Registry.<br> Use this switch if you want to have multiple copies of AppleWin with different configurations, or don't want to use the Registry.<br><br> -current-dir <path><br> This is guaranteed to be processed after all the image loading switches (eg. -d1, -h1, etc).<br> Use this switch if you have a mix of (eg) -d1 and -h1 loading images from different folders, and you want to guarantee the current dir.<br><br> -d1 <pathname><br> Start with a floppy disk in slot 6 drive-1 (and auto power-on the Apple II).<br> NB. -s6d1 has the meaning same as -d1.<br><br> -d2 <pathname><br> Start with a floppy disk in slot 6 drive-2.<br> NB. -s6d2 has the meaning same as -d2.<br><br> -s5d1 <pathname><br> Start with a floppy disk in slot 5 drive-1 (must be used with '-s5 diskii' or '-s5 diskii13').<br><br> -s5d2 <pathname><br> Start with a floppy disk in slot 5 drive-2 (must be used with '-s5 diskii' or '-s5 diskii13').<br><br> -h1 <pathname><br> Start with hard disk 1 plugged in (and auto power-on the Apple II). NB. Hard disk controller card in slot 7 gets enabled.<br><br> -h2 <pathname><br> Start with hard disk 2 plugged in. NB. Hard disk controller card in slot 7 gets enabled.<br><br> -s5h1 <pathname><br> Start with hard disk 1 plugged into HDC in slot 5 (must be used with '-s5 hdc').<br><br> -s5h2 <pathname><br> Start with hard disk 2 plugged into HDC in slot 5 (must be used with '-s5 hdc').<br><br> -s5h<1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8> <pathname><br> Start with hard disk n plugged into HDC in slot 5 (must be used with '-s5 hdc').<br> NB. Only SmartPort firmware for enhanced //e supports hard disks 5-8.<br><br> -s7h1 <pathname><br> Start with hard disk 1 plugged into HDC in slot 7 (must be used with '-s7 hdc').<br><br> -s7h2 <pathname><br> Start with hard disk 2 plugged into HDC in slot 7 (must be used with '-s7 hdc').<br><br> -s7h<1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8> <pathname><br> Start with hard disk n plugged into HDC in slot 7 (must be used with '-s7 hdc').<br> NB. Only SmartPort firmware for enhanced //e supports hard disks 5-8.<br><br> NB. For -d1,-d2,-s5d1,-s5d2,-h1,-h2,-s5h*,-s7h*, if pathname is "", then the disk is ejected or the hard disk is unplugged.<br><br> -model <apple2|apple2p|apple2jp|apple2e|apple2ee><br> Select the machine model: Apple II, Apple II+, Apple II J-Plus, Apple //e, Enhanced Apple //e.<br><br> -clock-multiplier <value><br> Where value is between 0.5 and 3.9, and is a base-clock multiplier, roughly mapping to 0.5MHz - 3.9MHz<br><br> -s0 <saturn|saturn64|saturn128><br> Insert a Saturn 64K or Saturn 128K card into slot 0 in the Apple II or II+ machines (or similar clone).<br> Where -s0 saturn is an alias for -s0 saturn128.<br><br> -s3 <saturn|saturn128><br> Insert a Saturn 128K card into slot 3 in any Apple II machine.<br> Use this configuration for Robocom Ltd's (Robo Systems') CAD software in combination with the Interface Module protection dongle in the Game I/O Connector.<br><br> -s0 <languagecard|lc><br> Insert an Apple 16K Language Card into slot 0 in the original Apple II and use the F8 auto-start ROM.<br> NB. The Apple II+ already defaults to having a Language Card, so this switch is not required.<br><br> -s<N> empty<br> Remove any card from slot N (N=1-7).<br> NB. '-s7 empty' is useful to allow a floppy disk to boot from slot 6, drive 1. Use in combination with -d1.<br> NB. '-s6 empty' persists this state to the Registry and there's currently no GUI option to re-insert a Disk II controller card into slot 6. So you must use '-s6 diskii' to re-enable the card in slot 6.<br><br> -s1 parallel<br> Insert a parallel printer card into slot 1.<br><br> -s2 ssc<br> Insert a SSC into slot 2.<br><br> -s3 vidhd<br> Insert a VidHD card into slot 3.<br><br> -s5 diskii<br> -s6 diskii<br> Insert a Disk II controller card into slot 5 or 6.<br><br> -s5 diskii13<br> -s6 diskii13<br> Insert a Disk II controller card (with 13-sector firmware) into slot 5 or 6.<br><br> -s7-empty-on-exit<br> Remove the hard disk controller card from slot 7 on AppleWin exit.<br><br> -s5 hdc<br> -s7 hdc<br> Insert a hard disk controller card into slot 5 or 7.<br> NB. For enhanced //e, the firmware will support SmartPort commands (and up to 8 hard disk devices).<br><br> -d1-disconnected, -d2-disconnected<br> Disconnect drive-1 and/or drive-2 from the Disk II controller card in slot 6.<br><br> -harddisknumblocks <number of ProDOS blocks><br> Set the number of blocks returned by a ProDOS status call. Use -harddisknumblocks 32767 to have the same autoexpanding behavior as older AppleWin versions.<br><br> -no-nsc<br> Remove the No-Slot clock (NSC).<br><br> -r <number of pages><br> Emulate a RamWorks III card with 1 to 127 pages (each page is 64K, giving a max of 8MB) in the auxiliary slot in an Apple //e machine.<br><br> -load-state <savestate><br> Load a save-state file (and auto power-on the Apple II).<br> NB. This takes precedent over the -d1, -d2, -s#d#, -h1, -h2, s0-7, -model and -r switches.<br><br> -f or -full-screen<br> Start in full-screen mode.<br><br> -no-full-screen<br> Start in Windowed mode (default).<br><br> -fs-height=<best|nnnn><br> Use to select a better resolution for full-screen mode.<br> <ul> <li>best: picks the highest resolution where the height is an integer multiple of (192*2)</li> <li>nnnn: select a specific resolution with height=nnnn pixels</li> </ul> -fs-width=<nnnn><br> Use in conjunction with -fs-height to select a better aspect ratio for full-screen mode.<br> EG. for 4:3 aspect ratio on monitors that support it: -no-full-screen -fs-width=1600 -fs-height=1200<br><br> NB. Combine with <em>-no-full-screen</em> to start in Windowed mode. Without this it'll just default to full-screen.<br> NB. When switching to Windowed mode the default desktop resolution will be restored, and when switching back to full-screen mode this better resolution will again be used.<br><br> -multimon<br> At start-up, AppleWin will use the Registry's saved "Window x/y position" to position the AppleWin window correctly for the multiple monitors<br><br> -rom <file><br> Use custom 12K ROM (at $D000) for Apple II machine, or 16K ROM (at $C000) for Apple //e machine.<br><br> -f8rom <file><br> Use custom 2K ROM for any Apple II machine at [$F800..$FFFF]. <file> must be 2048 bytes long.<br><br> -videorom <file><br> Use an alternate custom 2K video ROM for Apple II or II+ machines (but not clones).<br> Use an alternate European or custom 4K, 8K or 16K (top 8K only) video ROM for the original or Enhanced //e (but not clones).<br><br> -printscreen<br> Enable the dialog box to display the last file saved to<br><br> -no-printscreen-key<br> Prevent the PrintScreen key from being registered<br><br> -no-hook-system-key<br> Prevent certain system key combinations from being hooked (to prevent the emulator from trapping ALT+ESC, ALT+SPACE, ALT+TAB and CTRL+ESC). This means that the equivalent Open Apple+<key> combinations won't work within the emulator.<br> NB. This switch takes precedence over -hook-alt-tab and -hook-altgr-control.<br><br> -no-hook-alt<br> Prevent the left and right ALT keys from being hooked (eg. to prevent emulation of Open/Solid Apple keys via the ALT keys).<br><br> -hook-alt-tab<br> By default the emulator doesn't hook ALT+TAB. Use this to allow Open Apple+TAB to be readable by the emulated machine.<br><br> -hook-altgr-control<br> By default the emulator doesn't suppress AltGr's (Right Alt's) fake LEFT CONTROL. Use this to suppress this fake LEFT CONTROL to allow Solid Apple+CTRL+<key> to be readable by the emulated machine.<br> NB. Suppressing this fake LEFT CONTROL seems to prevent international keyboards from being able to type certain keys.<br><br> -altgr-sends-wmchar<br> Use this switch to allow Solid Apple (AltGr) to be used in combination with regular keys.<br> When AltGr is pressed, Windows only sends a WM_CHAR message for (eg) international key codes; and so by default the emulator doesn't explicitly send a WM_CHAR message for regular keys when AltGr is being pressed.<br> NB. Using this switch may prevent international keyboards from being able to type certain keys.<br><br> -capslock=off<br> Start with Caps Lock off.<br><br> -left-alt-control-buttons<br> Use Left Control & Left Alt for Open Apple & Solid Apple keys respectively.<br> Caveat: Left Control + F2 will do the //e Ctrl+Open Apple+RESET (as Left Control is now both Ctrl and Open Apple!). A workaround is just to use the Right Control key.<br><br> -right-alt-control-buttons<br> Use Right Alt (AltGr) & Right Control for Open Apple & Solid Apple keys respectively.<br> Caveat: Right Control + F2 will do the //e self test (as Right Control is now both Ctrl and Solid Apple!). A workaround is just to use the Left Control key.<br><br> -swap-buttons<br> Swap buttons 0 and 1 for all input devices.<br> EG. the Windows keys used for Open Apple & Solid Apple keys, and the current device being used to emulate a joystick (keyboard, real joystick or mouse)<br><br> -use-real-printer<br> Enables Advanced configuration control to allow dumping to a real printer<br><br> -noreg<br> Disable registration of file extensions (.do/.dsk/.nib/.po/.woz)<br><br> -memclear <n><br> Where n is [0..7]: <ul> <li>0 Initialize memory to zero</li> <li>1 Initialize memory to random values</li> <li>2 Initialize memory to 4 byte pattern: FF FF 00 00</li> <li>3 Initialize memory to even pages FF, odd pages 00</li> <li>4 Initialize memory to first half page 00, last half page FF</li> <li>5 Initialize memory to first half page FF, last half page 00</li> <li>6 Initialize memory to byte offset of that page (current memory address low byte) i.e. 00:00 01 02 03 ... for page $20</li> <li>7 Initialize memory to page address (current memory address high byte) i.e. 00:20 20 20 20 ... for page $20</li> </ul> -modem<br> Shorthand for passing -dcd<br> Use with GBBS Pro (or any other BBS package). See the <a href="http://www.callapple.org/documentation/books/gbbs-pro-2-2/">GBBS Pro 2.2</a> book from Call-A.P.P.L.E. <br><br> -dcd<br> For the SSC's 6551's Status register's DCD bit, use this switch to force AppleWin to use the state of the MS_RLSD_ON bit from GetCommModemStatus().<br><br> -alt-enter=<toggle-full-screen|open-apple-enter><br> Define the behavior of Alt+Enter: <ul> <li>Either: Toggle between windowed and full screen video modes (default).</li> <li>Or: Allow the emulated Apple II to read the Enter key state when Alt (Open Apple key) is pressed.</li> </ul> -rgb-card-type <apple|sl7|eve|feline><br> <ul> <li><i>apple</i> is Apple's Extended 80-Column Text/AppleColor Adaptor Card (default).</li> <li><i>sl7</i> is Video-7's RGB-SL7 card.</li> <ul> <li>NB. Both these apple/sl7 cards support an extra foreground/background hi-res mode that can be triggered by AN3 switching, resulting in corrupt color graphics! See <a href="Troubleshooting.html">troubleshooting</a>. </ul> <li><i>eve/feline</i> are Le Chat Mauve variants.</li> <ul> <li>Eve is currently unsupported, so the behavior just defaults to 'apple' RGB card type. <li>Feline differs from 'apple' card type in that it doesn't support the 160 color pixel mode (so falls back to 140 mode) and has a slightly different color palette. </ul> </ul> Use in conjunction with the 'Color (RGB Card/Monitor)' video mode.<br><br> -rgb-card-foreground <n><br> -rgb-card-background <n><br> Where n is [0..15]. Defaults are foreground=15(White) and background=0(Black).<br> The only supported DIPSW colors are: Black=0, Blue=6, Orange=9, Green=12, White=15<br> NB. Only supported by '-rgb-card-type <apple|sl7>'.<br> Use in conjunction with the 'Color (RGB Card/Monitor)' video mode.<br><br> -rgb-card-invert-bit7<br> Force the RGB card to invert bit7 in MIX mode. Enables the correct rendering for Dragon Wars.<br> Use in conjunction with the 'Color (RGB Card/Monitor)' video mode.<br><br> -mac-lc-card-dlgr<br> Support the DLGR display bug in the 'Apple IIe card for Mac LC'.<br> NB. This switch only has an effect when in either "Color (Composite Idealized)" or "RGB Card/Monitor" video modes.<br><br> -50hz<br> Support 50Hz(PAL) video refresh rate and PAL 1.016MHz base CPU clock.<br><br> -60hz<br> Support 60Hz(NTSC) video refresh rate and NTSC 1.020MHz base CPU clock (default).<br><br> -power-on<br> Force a power-on.<br> Use to auto power-on when not using -d1, -h1 or -load-state.<br><br> -snes-max-alt-joy1 or -snes-max-alt-joy2<br> Use alternate button mappings for the SNES MAX card. See <a href="cfg-input.html">Input Settings</a>.<br><br> -snes-max-user-joy1 <file.yaml> or -snes-max-user-joy2 <file.yaml><br> Use a user specified button mappings file for the SNES MAX card.<br> For some examples, see the supplied <i>controller_*.yaml</i> files in the <i>snesmax</i> folder.<br> <br> -wav-speaker <file.wav><br> Save the speaker audio to a .wav file.<br> Warning: there's no file size limit, so it just keeps saving until AppleWin exits (~10MB per minute).<br> <br> Save the Mockingboard audio (but not speech) to a .wav file.<br> -wav-mockingboard <file.wav><br> Warning: there's no file size limit, so it just keeps saving until AppleWin exits (~10MB per minute).<br> <br> <br> <P style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Debug arguments: </P> -l or -log<br> Enable logging. Creates an AppleWin.log file.<br><br> -m<br> Disable DirectSound support.<br><br> -no-printscreen-dlg<br> Suppress the warning message-box if AppleWin fails to capture the PrintScreen key.<br> NB. There's now a "Don't show this message again" option on this message-box. <br><br> -screenshot-and-exit<br> For testing. Use in combination with -load-state.<br><br> -hdc-firmware-v1<br> Force all attached hard disk controllers to use the old v1 firmware (as per pre-AppleWin 1.30.17). <ul> <li>NB. Switch likely to be removed after a few releases.</li> </ul> -s<n> hdc-[sp|bm2|bm4] <ul> <li>hdc-sp: Force HDC SmartPort firmware for II/II+/Unenhanced //e machines (now won't autoboot from HDD-1).</li> <li>hdc-bm2: Modify HDC firmware: $Cn07=$3C (block mode, not SmartPort), and $CnFE to report supporting 2 block mode devices.</li> <li>hdc-bm4: Modify HDC firmware: $Cn07=$3C (block mode, not SmartPort), and $CnFE to report supporting 4 block mode devices.</li> </ul> <br><br> </body> </html>