/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski, Nick Westgate AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: Emulation of video modes * * Author: Various */ #include "StdAfx.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "..\resource\resource.h" /* reference: technote tn-iigs-063 "Master Color Values" Color Color Register LR HR DHR Master Color R,G,B Name Value # # # Value ---------------------------------------------------- Black 0 0 0,4 0 $0000 (0,0,0) -> (00,00,00) Windows (Magenta) Deep Red 1 1 1 $0D03 (D,0,3) -> (D0,00,30) Custom Dark Blue 2 2 8 $0009 (0,0,9) -> (00,00,80) Windows (Violet) Purple 3 3 2 9 $0D2D (D,2,D) -> (FF,00,FF) Windows Dark Green 4 4 4 $0072 (0,7,2) -> (00,80,00) Windows (Gray 1) Dark Gray 5 5 5 $0555 (5,5,5) -> (80,80,80) Windows (Blue) Medium Blue 6 6 6 C $022F (2,2,F) -> (00,00,FF) Windows (Cyan) Light Blue 7 7 D $06AF (6,A,F) -> (60,A0,FF) Custom Brown 8 8 2 $0850 (8,5,0) -> (80,50,00) Custom Orange 9 9 5 3 $0F60 (F,6,0) -> (FF,80,00) Custom (modified to match better with the other Hi-Res Colors) (Gray 2) Light Gray A A A $0AAA (A,A,A) -> (C0,C0,C0) Windows Pink B B B $0F98 (F,9,8) -> (FF,90,80) Custom (Green) Light Green C C 1 6 $01D0 (1,D,0) -> (00,FF,00) Windows Yellow D D 7 $0FF0 (F,F,0) -> (FF,FF,00) Windows (Aqua) Aquamarine E E E $04F9 (4,F,9) -> (40,FF,90) Custom White F F 3,7 F $0FFF (F,F,F) -> (FF,FF,FF) Windows LR: Lo-Res HR: Hi-Res DHR: Double Hi-Res */ #define FLASH_80_COL 1 #define HALF_SHIFT_DITHER 0 // STANDARD WINDOWS COLORS #define CREAM 0xF6 #define MEDIUM_GRAY 0xF7 #define DARK_GRAY 0xF8 #define RED 0xF9 #define GREEN 0xFA #define YELLOW 0xFB #define BLUE 0xFC #define MAGENTA 0xFD #define CYAN 0xFE #define WHITE 0xFF enum Color_Palette_Index_e { // Really need to have Quater Green and Quarter Blue for Hi-Res BLACK , DARK_RED , DARK_GREEN // Half Green , DARK_YELLOW , DARK_BLUE // Half Blue , DARK_MAGENTA , DARK_CYAN , LIGHT_GRAY , MONEY_GREEN , SKY_BLUE // OUR CUSTOM COLORS , DEEP_RED , LIGHT_BLUE , BROWN , ORANGE , PINK , AQUA // CUSTOM HGR COLORS (don't change order) - For tv emulation g_nAppMode , HGR_BLACK , HGR_WHITE , HGR_BLUE , HGR_RED , HGR_GREEN , HGR_MAGENTA , HGR_GREY1 , HGR_GREY2 , HGR_YELLOW , HGR_AQUA , HGR_PURPLE , HGR_PINK // USER CUSTOMIZABLE COLOR , MONOCHROME_CUSTOM // Pre-set "Monochromes" , MONOCHROME_AMBER , MONOCHROME_GREEN , MONOCHROME_WHITE , NUM_COLOR_PALETTE }; //#define SRCOFFS_40COL 0 //#define SRCOFFS_IIPLUS (SRCOFFS_40COL + 256) //#define SRCOFFS_80COL (SRCOFFS_IIPLUS + 256) //#define SRCOFFS_LORES (SRCOFFS_80COL + 128) //#define SRCOFFS_HIRES (SRCOFFS_LORES + 16) //#define SRCOFFS_DHIRES (SRCOFFS_HIRES + 512) //#define SRCOFFS_TOTAL (SRCOFFS_DHIRES + 2560) const int SRCOFFS_40COL = 0; const int SRCOFFS_IIPLUS = (SRCOFFS_40COL + 256); const int SRCOFFS_80COL = (SRCOFFS_IIPLUS + 256); const int SRCOFFS_LORES = (SRCOFFS_80COL + 128); const int SRCOFFS_HIRES = (SRCOFFS_LORES + 16); const int SRCOFFS_DHIRES = (SRCOFFS_HIRES + 512); const int SRCOFFS_TOTAL = (SRCOFFS_DHIRES + 2560); //#define VF_80COL 0x00000001 //#define VF_DHIRES 0x00000002 //#define VF_HIRES 0x00000004 //#define VF_MASK2 0x00000008 //#define VF_MIXED 0x00000010 //#define VF_PAGE2 0x00000020 //#define VF_TEXT 0x00000040 enum VideoFlag_e { VF_80COL = 0x00000001, VF_DHIRES = 0x00000002, VF_HIRES = 0x00000004, VF_MASK2 = 0x00000008, VF_MIXED = 0x00000010, VF_PAGE2 = 0x00000020, VF_TEXT = 0x00000040 }; #define SW_80COL (vidmode & VF_80COL) #define SW_DHIRES (vidmode & VF_DHIRES) #define SW_HIRES (vidmode & VF_HIRES) #define SW_MASK2 (vidmode & VF_MASK2) #define SW_MIXED (vidmode & VF_MIXED) #define SW_PAGE2 (vidmode & VF_PAGE2) #define SW_TEXT (vidmode & VF_TEXT) #define SETSOURCEPIXEL(x,y,c) g_aSourceStartofLine[(y)][(x)] = (c) #define SETFRAMECOLOR(i,r,g,b) framebufferinfo->bmiColors[i].rgbRed = r; \ framebufferinfo->bmiColors[i].rgbGreen = g; \ framebufferinfo->bmiColors[i].rgbBlue = b; #define HGR_MATRIX_YOFFSET 2 // For tv emulation g_nAppMode // video scanner constants int const kHBurstClock = 53; // clock when Color Burst starts int const kHBurstClocks = 4; // clocks per Color Burst duration int const kHClock0State = 0x18; // H[543210] = 011000 int const kHClocks = 65; // clocks per horizontal scan (including HBL) int const kHPEClock = 40; // clock when HPE (horizontal preset enable) goes low int const kHPresetClock = 41; // clock when H state presets int const kHSyncClock = 49; // clock when HSync starts int const kHSyncClocks = 4; // clocks per HSync duration int const kNTSCScanLines = 262; // total scan lines including VBL (NTSC) int const kNTSCVSyncLine = 224; // line when VSync starts (NTSC) int const kPALScanLines = 312; // total scan lines including VBL (PAL) int const kPALVSyncLine = 264; // line when VSync starts (PAL) int const kVLine0State = 0x100; // V[543210CBA] = 100000000 int const kVPresetLine = 256; // line when V state presets int const kVSyncLines = 4; // lines per VSync duration typedef bool (*UpdateFunc_t)(int,int,int,int,int); static BYTE celldirty[40][32]; static COLORREF customcolors[NUM_COLOR_PALETTE]; // MONOCHROME is last custom color static HBITMAP g_hDeviceBitmap; static HDC g_hDeviceDC; static LPBYTE framebufferbits; static LPBITMAPINFO framebufferinfo; const int MAX_FRAME_Y = 384; // 192 scan lines * 2x zoom = 384 static LPBYTE frameoffsettable[384]; static LPBYTE g_pHiresBank1; static LPBYTE g_pHiresBank0; HBITMAP g_hLogoBitmap; static HPALETTE g_hPalette; static HBITMAP g_hSourceBitmap; static LPBYTE g_pSourcePixels; static LPBITMAPINFO g_pSourceHeader; const int MAX_SOURCE_Y = 512; static LPBYTE g_aSourceStartofLine[ MAX_SOURCE_Y ]; static LPBYTE g_pTextBank1; // Aux static LPBYTE g_pTextBank0; // Main // For tv emulation g_nAppMode // 2 extra scan lines on bottom? static BYTE hgrpixelmatrix[280][192 + 2 * HGR_MATRIX_YOFFSET]; static BYTE colormixbuffer[6]; static WORD colormixmap[6][6][6]; // static int g_nAltCharSetOffset = 0; // alternate character set static BOOL displaypage2 = 0; static LPBYTE framebufferaddr = (LPBYTE)0; static LONG framebufferpitch = 0; BOOL graphicsmode = 0; static BOOL hasrefreshed = 0; static DWORD lastpageflip = 0; COLORREF monochrome = RGB(0xC0,0xC0,0xC0); static BOOL rebuiltsource = 0; static BOOL redrawfull = 1; static DWORD dwVBlCounter = 0; static LPBYTE vidlastmem = NULL; static DWORD vidmode = VF_TEXT; DWORD videotype = VT_COLOR_TVEMU; static bool g_bTextFlashState = false; static bool g_bTextFlashFlag = false; static bool bVideoScannerNTSC = true; // NTSC video scanning (or PAL) //------------------------------------- // Video consts: const UINT nVBlStop_NTSC = 21; const UINT nVBlStop_PAL = 29; //------------------------------------- void DrawDHiResSource (); void DrawHiResSource (); void DrawHiResSourceHalfShiftFull (); void DrawHiResSourceHalfShiftDim (); void DrawLoResSource (); void DrawMonoDHiResSource (); void DrawMonoHiResSource (); void DrawMonoLoResSource (); void DrawMonoTextSource (HDC dc); void DrawTextSource (HDC dc); //=========================================================================== void __stdcall CopySource (int destx, int desty, int xsize, int ysize, int sourcex, int sourcey) { LPBYTE currdestptr = frameoffsettable [desty] +destx; LPBYTE currsourceptr = g_aSourceStartofLine[sourcey]+sourcex; int bytesleft; while (ysize--) { bytesleft = xsize; while (bytesleft & 3) { --bytesleft; *(currdestptr+bytesleft) = *(currsourceptr+bytesleft); } while (bytesleft) { bytesleft -= 4; *(LPDWORD)(currdestptr+bytesleft) = *(LPDWORD)(currsourceptr+bytesleft); } currdestptr -= framebufferpitch; currsourceptr -= SRCOFFS_TOTAL; } } //=========================================================================== void CreateFrameOffsetTable (LPBYTE addr, LONG pitch) { if (framebufferaddr == addr && framebufferpitch == pitch) return; framebufferaddr = addr; framebufferpitch = pitch; // CREATE THE OFFSET TABLE FOR EACH SCAN LINE IN THE FRAME BUFFER for (int loop = 0; loop < 384; loop++) frameoffsettable[loop] = framebufferaddr+framebufferpitch*(383-loop); } //=========================================================================== void CreateIdentityPalette () { if (g_hPalette) DeleteObject(g_hPalette); // SET FRAME BUFFER TABLE ENTRIES TO CUSTOM COLORS SETFRAMECOLOR(DEEP_RED, 0xD0,0x00,0x30); SETFRAMECOLOR(LIGHT_BLUE,0x60,0xA0,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(BROWN, 0x80,0x50,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(ORANGE, 0xFF,0x80,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(PINK, 0xFF,0x90,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(AQUA, 0x40,0xFF,0x90); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_BLACK, 0x00,0x00,0x00); // For tv emulation g_nAppMode SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_WHITE, 0xFF,0xFF,0xFE); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_BLUE, 0x00,0x80,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_RED, 0xF0,0x50,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_GREEN, 0x20,0xC0,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_MAGENTA,0xA0,0x00,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_GREY1, 0x80,0x80,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_GREY2, 0x80,0x80,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_YELLOW, 0xD0,0xB0,0x10); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_AQUA, 0x20,0xB0,0xB0); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_PURPLE, 0x60,0x50,0xE0); SETFRAMECOLOR(HGR_PINK, 0xD0,0x40,0xA0); SETFRAMECOLOR( MONOCHROME_CUSTOM , GetRValue(monochrome) , GetGValue(monochrome) , GetBValue(monochrome) ); SETFRAMECOLOR( MONOCHROME_AMBER, 0xFF,0x80,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR( MONOCHROME_GREEN, 0x00,0xC0,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR( MONOCHROME_WHITE, 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF); // IF WE ARE IN A PALETTIZED VIDEO MODE, CREATE AN IDENTITY PALETTE HWND window = GetDesktopWindow(); HDC dc = GetDC(window); int colors = GetDeviceCaps(dc,SIZEPALETTE); int system = GetDeviceCaps(dc,NUMCOLORS); if ((GetDeviceCaps(dc,RASTERCAPS) & RC_PALETTE) && (colors <= 256)) { // GET THE PALETTE ENTRIES OF THE LOGO RGBQUAD logotable[256]; ZeroMemory(logotable,sizeof(logotable)); if (g_hLogoBitmap) { HDC memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); SelectObject(memdc,g_hLogoBitmap); GetDIBColorTable(memdc,0,colors,logotable); DeleteDC(memdc); } // CREATE A PALETTE ENTRY ARRAY LOGPALETTE *paldata = (LOGPALETTE *)VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(LOGPALETTE) +256*sizeof(PALETTEENTRY), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); paldata->palVersion = 0x300; paldata->palNumEntries = colors; GetSystemPaletteEntries(dc,0,colors,paldata->palPalEntry); // FILL IN THE PALETTE ENTRIES int paletteindex = 0; int logoindex = 0; int halftoneindex = 0; // COPY THE SYSTEM PALETTE ENTRIES AT THE BEGINNING OF THE PALETTE for (; paletteindex < system/2; paletteindex++) paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peFlags = 0; // FILL IN THE MIDDLE PORTION OF THE PALETTE WITH OUR OWN COLORS for (int ourindex = DEEP_RED; ourindex <= NUM_COLOR_PALETTE; ourindex++) { paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peRed = framebufferinfo->bmiColors[ourindex].rgbRed; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peGreen = framebufferinfo->bmiColors[ourindex].rgbGreen; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peBlue = framebufferinfo->bmiColors[ourindex].rgbBlue; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE; paletteindex++; } for (; paletteindex < colors-system/2; paletteindex++) { // IF THIS PALETTE ENTRY IS NEEDED FOR THE LOGO, COPY IN THE LOGO COLOR if (logotable[logoindex].rgbRed && logotable[logoindex].rgbGreen && logotable[logoindex].rgbBlue) { paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peRed = logotable[logoindex].rgbRed; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peGreen = logotable[logoindex].rgbGreen; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peBlue = logotable[logoindex].rgbBlue; } // OTHERWISE, ADD A HALFTONING COLOR, SO THAT OTHER APPLICATIONS // RUNNING IN THE BACKGROUND WILL HAVE SOME REASONABLE COLORS TO USE else { static BYTE halftonetable[6] = {32,64,96,160,192,224}; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peRed = halftonetable[halftoneindex % 6]; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peGreen = halftonetable[halftoneindex/6 % 6]; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peBlue = halftonetable[halftoneindex/36 % 6]; ++halftoneindex; } ++logoindex; paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peFlags = PC_NOCOLLAPSE; } // COPY THE SYSTEM PALETTE ENTRIES AT THE END OF THE PALETTE for (; paletteindex < colors; paletteindex++) paldata->palPalEntry[paletteindex].peFlags = 0; // FILL THE FRAME BUFFER TABLE WITH COLORS FROM OUR PALETTE for (int loop = 0; loop < colors; loop++) { framebufferinfo->bmiColors[loop].rgbRed = paldata->palPalEntry[loop].peRed; framebufferinfo->bmiColors[loop].rgbGreen = paldata->palPalEntry[loop].peGreen; framebufferinfo->bmiColors[loop].rgbBlue = paldata->palPalEntry[loop].peBlue; } // CREATE THE PALETTE g_hPalette = CreatePalette(paldata); VirtualFree(paldata,0,MEM_RELEASE); } else // OTHERWISE, FILL THE FRAME BUFFER TABLE WITH THE STANDARD WINDOWS COLORS { SETFRAMECOLOR(BLACK, 0x00,0x00,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_RED, 0x80,0x00,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_GREEN, 0x00,0x80,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_YELLOW, 0x80,0x80,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_BLUE, 0x00,0x00,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_MAGENTA,0x80,0x00,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_CYAN, 0x00,0x80,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(LIGHT_GRAY, 0xC0,0xC0,0xC0); SETFRAMECOLOR(MONEY_GREEN, 0xC0,0xDC,0xC0); SETFRAMECOLOR(SKY_BLUE, 0xA6,0xCA,0xF0); SETFRAMECOLOR(CREAM, 0xFF,0xFB,0xF0); SETFRAMECOLOR(MEDIUM_GRAY, 0xA0,0xA0,0xA4); SETFRAMECOLOR(DARK_GRAY, 0x80,0x80,0x80); SETFRAMECOLOR(RED, 0xFF,0x00,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(GREEN, 0x00,0xFF,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(YELLOW, 0xFF,0xFF,0x00); SETFRAMECOLOR(BLUE, 0x00,0x00,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(MAGENTA, 0xFF,0x00,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(CYAN, 0x00,0xFF,0xFF); SETFRAMECOLOR(WHITE, 0xFF,0xFF,0xFF); g_hPalette = (HPALETTE)0; } ReleaseDC(window,dc); } //=========================================================================== void CreateDIBSections () { CopyMemory(g_pSourceHeader->bmiColors,framebufferinfo->bmiColors,256*sizeof(RGBQUAD)); // CREATE THE DEVICE CONTEXT HWND window = GetDesktopWindow(); HDC dc = GetDC(window); if (g_hDeviceDC) DeleteDC(g_hDeviceDC); g_hDeviceDC = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); // CREATE THE FRAME BUFFER DIB SECTION if (g_hDeviceBitmap) DeleteObject(g_hDeviceBitmap); g_hDeviceBitmap = CreateDIBSection(dc,framebufferinfo,DIB_RGB_COLORS, (LPVOID *)&framebufferbits,0,0); SelectObject(g_hDeviceDC,g_hDeviceBitmap); // CREATE THE SOURCE IMAGE DIB SECTION HDC sourcedc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); ReleaseDC(window,dc); if (g_hSourceBitmap) DeleteObject(g_hSourceBitmap); g_hSourceBitmap = CreateDIBSection( sourcedc,g_pSourceHeader,DIB_RGB_COLORS, (LPVOID *)&g_pSourcePixels,0,0); SelectObject(sourcedc,g_hSourceBitmap); // CREATE THE OFFSET TABLE FOR EACH SCAN LINE IN THE SOURCE IMAGE for (int y = 0; y < MAX_SOURCE_Y; y++) g_aSourceStartofLine[ y ] = g_pSourcePixels + SRCOFFS_TOTAL*((MAX_SOURCE_Y-1) - y); // DRAW THE SOURCE IMAGE INTO THE SOURCE BIT BUFFER ZeroMemory(g_pSourcePixels,SRCOFFS_TOTAL*512); if ((videotype != VT_MONO_CUSTOM) && (videotype != VT_MONO_AMBER ) && (videotype != VT_MONO_GREEN ) && (videotype != VT_MONO_WHITE )) { DrawTextSource(sourcedc); DrawLoResSource(); if (videotype == VT_COLOR_HALF_SHIFT_DIM) DrawHiResSourceHalfShiftDim(); else DrawHiResSource(); DrawDHiResSource(); } else { DrawMonoTextSource(sourcedc); DrawMonoLoResSource(); DrawMonoHiResSource(); DrawMonoDHiResSource(); } DeleteDC(sourcedc); } //=========================================================================== void DrawDHiResSource () { BYTE colorval[16] = {BLACK, DARK_BLUE, DARK_GREEN,BLUE, BROWN, LIGHT_GRAY,GREEN, AQUA, DEEP_RED,MAGENTA, DARK_GRAY, LIGHT_BLUE, ORANGE, PINK, YELLOW, WHITE}; #define OFFSET 3 #define SIZE 10 for (int column = 0; column < 256; column++) { int coloffs = SIZE * column; for (unsigned byteval = 0; byteval < 256; byteval++) { int color[SIZE]; ZeroMemory(color,sizeof(color)); unsigned pattern = MAKEWORD(byteval,column); int pixel; for (pixel = 1; pixel < 15; pixel++) { if (pattern & (1 << pixel)) { int pixelcolor = 1 << ((pixel-OFFSET) & 3); if ((pixel >= OFFSET+2) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET+2) && (pattern & (0x7 << (pixel-4)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET+2)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET+1) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET+1) && (pattern & (0xF << (pixel-4)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET+1)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET+0) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET+0)) color[pixel-(OFFSET+0)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET-1) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET-1) && (pattern & (0xF << (pixel+1)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET-1)] |= pixelcolor; if ((pixel >= OFFSET-2) && (pixel < SIZE+OFFSET-2) && (pattern & (0x7 << (pixel+2)))) color[pixel-(OFFSET-2)] |= pixelcolor; } } if (videotype == VT_COLOR_TEXT_OPTIMIZED) { /*** activate for fringe reduction on white hgr text drawback: loss of color mix patterns in hgr g_nAppMode. select videotype by index ***/ for (pixel = 0; pixel < 13; pixel++) { if ((pattern & (0xF << pixel)) == (unsigned)(0xF << pixel)) for (int pos = pixel; pos < pixel + 4; pos++) if (pos >= OFFSET && pos < SIZE+OFFSET) color[pos-OFFSET] = 15; } } int y = byteval << 1; for (int x = 0; x < SIZE; x++) { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_DHIRES+coloffs+x,y ,colorval[color[x]]); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_DHIRES+coloffs+x,y+1,colorval[color[x]]); } } } #undef SIZE #undef OFFSET } enum ColorMapping { CM_Magenta , CM_Blue , CM_Green , CM_Orange , CM_Black , CM_White , NUM_COLOR_MAPPING }; const BYTE aColorIndex[ NUM_COLOR_MAPPING ] = { HGR_MAGENTA , HGR_BLUE , HGR_GREEN , HGR_RED , HGR_BLACK , HGR_WHITE }; const BYTE aColorDimmedIndex[ NUM_COLOR_MAPPING ] = { DARK_MAGENTA, // <- HGR_MAGENTA DARK_BLUE , // <- HGR_BLUE DARK_GREEN , // <- HGR_GREEN DEEP_RED , // <- HGR_RED HGR_BLACK , // no change LIGHT_GRAY // HGR_WHITE }; //=========================================================================== void DrawHiResSourceHalfShiftDim () { // BYTE colorval[6] = {MAGENTA,BLUE,GREEN,ORANGE,BLACK,WHITE}; // BYTE colorval[6] = {HGR_MAGENTA,HGR_BLUE,HGR_GREEN,HGR_RED,HGR_BLACK,HGR_WHITE}; for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < 16; iColumn++) { int coloffs = iColumn << 5; for (unsigned iByte = 0; iByte < 256; iByte++) { int aPixels[11]; aPixels[ 0] = iColumn & 4; aPixels[ 1] = iColumn & 8; aPixels[ 9] = iColumn & 1; aPixels[10] = iColumn & 2; int nBitMask = 1; int iPixel; for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { aPixels[iPixel] = ((iByte & nBitMask) != 0); nBitMask <<= 1; } int hibit = ((iByte & 0x80) != 0); int x = 0; int y = iByte << 1; while (x < 28) { int adj = (x >= 14) << 1; int odd = (x >= 14); for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { int color = CM_Black; if (aPixels[iPixel]) { if (aPixels[iPixel-1] || aPixels[iPixel+1]) { color = CM_White; } else color = ((odd ^ (iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; } else if (aPixels[iPixel-1] && aPixels[iPixel+1]) { /*** activate for fringe reduction on white hgr text - drawback: loss of color mix patterns in hgr g_nAppMode. select videotype by index exclusion ***/ if (!(aPixels[iPixel-2] && aPixels[iPixel+2])) color = ((odd ^ !(iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; } /* Address Binary -> Displayed 2000:01 0---0001 -> 1 0 0 0 column 1 2400:81 1---0001 -> 1 0 0 0 half-pixel shift right 2800:02 1---0010 -> 0 1 0 0 column 2 2000:02 column 2 2400:82 half-pixel shift right 2800:04 column 3 2000:03 0---0011 -> 1 1 0 0 column 1 & 2 2400:83 1---0011 -> 1 1 0 0 half-pixel shift right 2800:06 1---0110 -> 0 1 1 0 column 2 & 3 @reference: see Beagle Bro's Disk: "Silicon Salid", File: DOUBLE HI-RES Fortunately double-hires is supported via pixel doubling, so we can do half-pixel shifts ;-) */ switch (color) { case CM_Magenta: SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_MAGENTA ); // aColorIndex SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , DARK_MAGENTA ); // aColorDimmedIndex SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_MAGENTA ); // aColorIndex SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, DARK_MAGENTA ); // aColorDimmedIndex break; case CM_Blue : SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_BLUE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+2,y , DARK_BLUE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_BLUE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+2,y+1, DARK_BLUE ); // Prevent column gaps if (hibit) { if (iPixel <= 2) { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , DARK_BLUE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, DARK_BLUE ); } } break; case CM_Green : SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_GREEN ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , DARK_GREEN ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_GREEN ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, DARK_GREEN ); break; case CM_Orange: SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_RED ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+2,y , BROWN ); // DARK_RED is a bit "too" red SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_RED ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+2,y+1, BROWN ); // DARK_RED is a bit "too" red // Prevent column gaps if (hibit) { if (iPixel <= 2) { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , BROWN ); // DARK_RED is a bit "too" red SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, BROWN ); // DARK_RED is a bit "too" red } } break; case CM_Black : SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_BLACK ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_BLACK ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_BLACK ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_BLACK ); break; case CM_White : #if HALF_SHIFT_DIM // 50% dither -- would look OK, except Gumball, on the "Gumball" font has splotches // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_WHITE ); // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); // if (! hibit) // { // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_WHITE ); // SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); // } // 75% dither -- looks kind of nice actually. Passes the Gumball cutscene quality test! SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_WHITE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , LIGHT_GRAY ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, LIGHT_GRAY ); #else // Don't dither / half-shift white, since DROL cutscene looks bad :( SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_WHITE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y , HGR_WHITE ); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); // LIGHT_GRAY <- for that half scan-line look SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); // LIGHT_GRAY <- for that half scan-line look // Prevent column gaps if (hibit) { if (iPixel <= 2) { SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y , HGR_WHITE ); // LIGHT_GRAY HGR_GREY1 SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1, HGR_WHITE ); // LIGHT_GRAY HGR_GREY1 } } #endif break; default: break; } x += 2; } } } } } //=========================================================================== void DrawHiResSource () { // BYTE colorval[6] = {MAGENTA,BLUE,GREEN,ORANGE,BLACK,WHITE}; // BYTE colorval[6] = {HGR_MAGENTA,HGR_BLUE,HGR_GREEN,HGR_RED,HGR_BLACK,HGR_WHITE}; for (int iColumn = 0; iColumn < 16; iColumn++) { int coloffs = iColumn << 5; for (unsigned iByte = 0; iByte < 256; iByte++) { int aPixels[11]; aPixels[ 0] = iColumn & 4; aPixels[ 1] = iColumn & 8; aPixels[ 9] = iColumn & 1; aPixels[10] = iColumn & 2; int nBitMask = 1; int iPixel; for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { aPixels[iPixel] = ((iByte & nBitMask) != 0); nBitMask <<= 1; } int hibit = ((iByte & 0x80) != 0); int x = 0; int y = iByte << 1; while (x < 28) { int adj = (x >= 14) << 1; int odd = (x >= 14); for (iPixel = 2; iPixel < 9; iPixel++) { int color = CM_Black; if (aPixels[iPixel]) { if (aPixels[iPixel-1] || aPixels[iPixel+1]) color = CM_White; else color = ((odd ^ (iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; } else if (aPixels[iPixel-1] && aPixels[iPixel+1]) { /*** activate for fringe reduction on white hgr text - drawback: loss of color mix patterns in hgr g_nAppMode. select videotype by index exclusion ***/ if ((videotype == VT_COLOR_STANDARD) || (videotype == VT_COLOR_TVEMU) || !(aPixels[iPixel-2] && aPixels[iPixel+2])) color = ((odd ^ !(iPixel&1)) << 1) | hibit; // // No white HGR text optimization } // Colors - Top/Bottom Left/Right // cTL cTR // cBL cBR SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y ,aColorIndex[color]); // TL SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y ,aColorIndex[color]); // TR SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj ,y+1,aColorIndex[color]); // BL SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+coloffs+x+adj+1,y+1,aColorIndex[color]); // BR x += 2; } } } } } //=========================================================================== void DrawLoResSource () { BYTE colorval[16] = {BLACK, DEEP_RED, DARK_BLUE, MAGENTA, DARK_GREEN,DARK_GRAY,BLUE, LIGHT_BLUE, BROWN, ORANGE, LIGHT_GRAY,PINK, GREEN, YELLOW, AQUA, WHITE}; for (int color = 0; color < 16; color++) for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_LORES+x,(color << 4)+y,colorval[color]); } //=========================================================================== int GetMonochromeIndex() { int iMonochrome; switch (videotype) { case VT_MONO_AMBER: iMonochrome = MONOCHROME_AMBER ; break; case VT_MONO_GREEN: iMonochrome = MONOCHROME_GREEN ; break; case VT_MONO_WHITE: iMonochrome = MONOCHROME_WHITE ; break; default : iMonochrome = MONOCHROME_CUSTOM; break; } return iMonochrome; } //=========================================================================== void DrawMonoDHiResSource () { int iMonochrome = GetMonochromeIndex(); for (int column = 0; column < 256; column++) { int coloffs = 10 * column; for (unsigned byteval = 0; byteval < 256; byteval++) { unsigned pattern = MAKEWORD(byteval,column); int y = byteval << 1; for (int x = 0; x < 10; x++) { BYTE colorval = pattern & (1 << (x+3)) ? iMonochrome : BLACK; SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_DHIRES+coloffs+x,y ,colorval); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_DHIRES+coloffs+x,y+1,colorval); } } } } //=========================================================================== void DrawMonoHiResSource () { int iMonochrome = GetMonochromeIndex(); for (int column = 0; column < 512; column += 16) { for (int y = 0; y < 512; y += 2) { unsigned val = (y >> 1); for (int x = 0; x < 16; x += 2) { BYTE colorval = (val & 1) ? iMonochrome : BLACK; val >>= 1; SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+column+x ,y ,colorval); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+column+x+1,y ,colorval); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+column+x ,y+1,colorval); SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_HIRES+column+x+1,y+1,colorval); } } } } //=========================================================================== void DrawMonoLoResSource () { int iMonochrome = GetMonochromeIndex(); for (int color = 0; color < 16; color++) for (int x = 0; x < 16; x++) for (int y = 0; y < 16; y++) { BYTE colorval = (color >> (x & 3) & 1) ? iMonochrome : BLACK; SETSOURCEPIXEL(SRCOFFS_LORES+x,(color << 4)+y,colorval); } } //=========================================================================== void DrawMonoTextSource (HDC hDstDC) { HDC hSrcDC = CreateCompatibleDC(hDstDC); HBITMAP hBitmap = LoadBitmap(g_hInstance,TEXT("CHARSET40")); HBRUSH hBrush; switch (videotype) { case VT_MONO_AMBER: hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0xFF,0x80,0x00)); break; case VT_MONO_GREEN: hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0x00,0xC0,0x00)); break; case VT_MONO_WHITE: hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(0xFF,0xFF,0xFF)); break; default : hBrush = CreateSolidBrush(monochrome); break; } SelectObject(hSrcDC,hBitmap); SelectObject(hDstDC,hBrush); // TODO: Update with APPLE_FONT_Y_ values BitBlt(hDstDC,SRCOFFS_40COL,0,256,512,hSrcDC,0,0,MERGECOPY); BitBlt(hDstDC,SRCOFFS_IIPLUS,0,256,256,hSrcDC,0,512,MERGECOPY); StretchBlt(hDstDC,SRCOFFS_80COL,0,128,512,hSrcDC,0,0,256,512,MERGECOPY); SelectObject(hDstDC,GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)); DeleteObject(hBrush); DeleteDC(hSrcDC); DeleteObject(hBitmap); } //=========================================================================== void DrawTextSource (HDC dc) { HDC memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); HBITMAP bitmap = LoadBitmap(g_hInstance,TEXT("CHARSET40")); SelectObject(memdc,bitmap); BitBlt( dc // hdcDest ,SRCOFFS_40COL ,0 // nXDest, nYDest ,256 ,512 // nWidth, nHeight ,memdc // hdcSrc ,0 ,0 // nXSrc, nYSrc ,SRCCOPY ); // dwRop // Chars for Apple ][ BitBlt(dc,SRCOFFS_IIPLUS,0,256,256,memdc,0,512,SRCCOPY); // Chars for 80 col mode StretchBlt(dc,SRCOFFS_80COL,0,128,512,memdc,0,0,256,512,SRCCOPY); DeleteDC(memdc); DeleteObject(bitmap); } //=========================================================================== void SetLastDrawnImage () { memcpy(vidlastmem+0x400,g_pTextBank0,0x400); if (SW_HIRES) memcpy(vidlastmem+0x2000,g_pHiresBank0,0x2000); if (SW_DHIRES && SW_HIRES) memcpy(vidlastmem,g_pHiresBank1,0x2000); else if (SW_80COL) // Don't test for !SW_HIRES, as some 80-col text routines have SW_HIRES set (Bug #8300) memcpy(vidlastmem,g_pTextBank1,0x400); int loop; for (loop = 0; loop < 256; loop++) *(memdirty+loop) &= ~2; } //=========================================================================== bool Update40ColCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { BYTE ch = *(g_pTextBank0+offset); bool bCharChanged = (ch != *(vidlastmem+offset+0x400) || redrawfull); // FLASHing chars: // - FLASHing if:Alt Char Set is OFF && 0x40<=char<=0x7F // - The inverse of this char is located at: char+0x40 bool bCharFlashing = (g_nAltCharSetOffset == 0) && (ch >= 0x40) && (ch <= 0x7F); if(bCharChanged || (bCharFlashing && g_bTextFlashFlag)) { bool bInvert = bCharFlashing ? g_bTextFlashState : false; CopySource(xpixel,ypixel, APPLE_FONT_WIDTH, APPLE_FONT_HEIGHT, (IS_APPLE2 ? SRCOFFS_IIPLUS : SRCOFFS_40COL) + ((ch & 0x0F) << 4), (ch & 0xF0) + g_nAltCharSetOffset + (bInvert ? 0x40 : 0x00)); return true; } return false; } inline bool _Update80ColumnCell( BYTE c, const int xPixel, const int yPixel, bool bCharFlashing ) { bool bInvert = bCharFlashing ? g_bTextFlashState : false; CopySource( xPixel, yPixel, (APPLE_FONT_WIDTH / 2), APPLE_FONT_HEIGHT, SRCOFFS_80COL + ((c & 15)<<3), ((c >>4) <<4) + g_nAltCharSetOffset + (bInvert ? 0x40 : 0x00)); return true; } //=========================================================================== bool Update80ColCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { bool bDirty = false; #if FLASH_80_COL BYTE c1 = *(g_pTextBank1 + offset); // aux BYTE c0 = *(g_pTextBank0 + offset); // main bool bC1Changed = (c1 != *(vidlastmem + offset + 0) || redrawfull); bool bC0Changed = (c0 != *(vidlastmem + offset + 0x400) || redrawfull); bool bC1Flashing = (g_nAltCharSetOffset == 0) && (c1 >= 0x40) && (c1 <= 0x7F); bool bC0Flashing = (g_nAltCharSetOffset == 0) && (c0 >= 0x40) && (c0 <= 0x7F); if (bC1Changed || (bC1Flashing && g_bTextFlashFlag)) bDirty = _Update80ColumnCell( c1, xpixel, ypixel, bC1Flashing ); if (bC0Changed || (bC0Flashing && g_bTextFlashFlag)) bDirty |= _Update80ColumnCell( c0, xpixel + 7, ypixel, bC0Flashing ); #else BYTE auxval = *(g_pTextBank1 + offset); // aux BYTE mainval = *(g_pTextBank0 + offset); // main if ((auxval != *(vidlastmem+offset)) || (mainval != *(vidlastmem+offset+0x400)) || redrawfull) { CopySource(xpixel,ypixel, (APPLE_FONT_WIDTH / 2), APPLE_FONT_HEIGHT, SRCOFFS_80COL + ((auxval & 15)<<3), ((auxval>>4)<<4) + g_nAltCharSetOffset); CopySource(xpixel+7,ypixel, (APPLE_FONT_WIDTH / 2), APPLE_FONT_HEIGHT, SRCOFFS_80COL + ((mainval & 15)<<3), ((mainval>>4)<<4) + g_nAltCharSetOffset ); bDirty = true; } #endif return bDirty; } //=========================================================================== bool UpdateDHiResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { bool bDirty = false; int yoffset = 0; while (yoffset < 0x2000) { BYTE byteval1 = (x > 0) ? *(g_pHiresBank0+offset+yoffset-1) : 0; BYTE byteval2 = *(g_pHiresBank1 +offset+yoffset); BYTE byteval3 = *(g_pHiresBank0+offset+yoffset); BYTE byteval4 = (x < 39) ? *(g_pHiresBank1 +offset+yoffset+1) : 0; if ((byteval2 != *(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset)) || (byteval3 != *(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+0x2000)) || ((x > 0) && ((byteval1 & 0x70) != (*(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+0x1FFF) & 0x70))) || ((x < 39) && ((byteval4 & 0x07) != (*(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+ 1) & 0x07))) || redrawfull) { DWORD dwordval = (byteval1 & 0x70) | ((byteval2 & 0x7F) << 7) | ((byteval3 & 0x7F) << 14) | ((byteval4 & 0x07) << 21); #define PIXEL 0 #define COLOR ((xpixel + PIXEL) & 3) #define VALUE (dwordval >> (4 + PIXEL - COLOR)) CopySource(xpixel+PIXEL,ypixel+(yoffset >> 9),7,2, SRCOFFS_DHIRES+10*HIBYTE(VALUE)+COLOR,LOBYTE(VALUE)<<1); #undef PIXEL #define PIXEL 7 CopySource(xpixel+PIXEL,ypixel+(yoffset >> 9),7,2, SRCOFFS_DHIRES+10*HIBYTE(VALUE)+COLOR,LOBYTE(VALUE)<<1); #undef PIXEL #undef COLOR #undef VALUE bDirty = true; } yoffset += 0x400; } return bDirty; } //=========================================================================== BYTE MixColors(BYTE c1, BYTE c2) { // For tv emulation g_nAppMode #define COMBINATION(c1,c2,ref1,ref2) (((c1)==(ref1)&&(c2)==(ref2)) || ((c1)==(ref2)&&(c2)==(ref1))) if (c1 == c2) return c1; if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_BLUE,HGR_RED)) return HGR_GREY1; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_GREEN,HGR_MAGENTA)) return HGR_GREY2; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_RED,HGR_GREEN)) return HGR_YELLOW; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_BLUE,HGR_GREEN)) return HGR_AQUA; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_BLUE,HGR_MAGENTA)) return HGR_PURPLE; else if (COMBINATION(c1,c2,HGR_RED,HGR_MAGENTA)) return HGR_PINK; else return MONOCHROME_CUSTOM; // visible failure indicator #undef COMBINATION } //=========================================================================== void CreateColorMixMap() { // For tv emulation g_nAppMode #define FROM_NEIGHBOUR 0x00 int t,m,b; BYTE cTop, cMid, cBot; WORD mixTop, mixBot; for (t=0; t<6; t++) for (m=0; m<6; m++) for (b=0; b<6; b++) { cTop = t | 0x10; cMid = m | 0x10; cBot = b | 0x10; if (cMid < HGR_BLUE) { mixTop = mixBot = cMid; } else { if (cTop < HGR_BLUE) { mixTop = FROM_NEIGHBOUR; } else { mixTop = MixColors(cMid,cTop); } if (cBot < HGR_BLUE) { mixBot = FROM_NEIGHBOUR; } else { mixBot = MixColors(cMid,cBot); } if (mixTop == FROM_NEIGHBOUR && mixBot != FROM_NEIGHBOUR) { mixTop = mixBot; } else if (mixBot == FROM_NEIGHBOUR && mixTop != FROM_NEIGHBOUR) { mixBot = mixTop; } else if (mixBot == FROM_NEIGHBOUR && mixTop == FROM_NEIGHBOUR) { mixBot = mixTop = cMid; } } colormixmap[t][m][b] = (mixTop << 8) | mixBot; } #undef FROM_NEIGHBOUR } //=========================================================================== void __stdcall MixColorsVertical(int matx, int maty) { // For tv emulation g_nAppMode WORD twoHalfPixel; int bot1idx, bot2idx; if (SW_MIXED && maty > 159) { if (maty < 161) { bot1idx = hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty+1] & 0x0F; bot2idx = 0; } else { bot1idx = bot2idx = 0; } } else { bot1idx = hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty+1] & 0x0F; bot2idx = hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty+2] & 0x0F; } twoHalfPixel = colormixmap[hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty-2] & 0x0F] [hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty-1] & 0x0F] [hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty ] & 0x0F]; colormixbuffer[0] = (twoHalfPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8; colormixbuffer[1] = twoHalfPixel & 0x00FF; twoHalfPixel = colormixmap[hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty-1] & 0x0F] [hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty ] & 0x0F] [bot1idx]; colormixbuffer[2] = (twoHalfPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8; colormixbuffer[3] = twoHalfPixel & 0x00FF; twoHalfPixel = colormixmap[hgrpixelmatrix[matx][maty ] & 0x0F] [bot1idx] [bot2idx]; colormixbuffer[4] = (twoHalfPixel & 0xFF00) >> 8; colormixbuffer[5] = twoHalfPixel & 0x00FF; } //=========================================================================== void __stdcall CopyMixedSource (int x, int y, int sourcex, int sourcey) { // For tv emulation g_nAppMode LPBYTE currsourceptr = g_aSourceStartofLine[sourcey]+sourcex; LPBYTE currdestptr = frameoffsettable[y<<1] + (x<<1); LPBYTE currptr; int matx = x; int maty = HGR_MATRIX_YOFFSET + y; int count; int bufxoffset; int hgrlinesabove = (y > 0)? 1 : 0; int hgrlinesbelow = SW_MIXED ? ((y < 159)? 1:0) : ((y < 191)? 1:0); int i; int istart = 2 - (hgrlinesabove << 1); int iend = 3 + (hgrlinesbelow << 1); // transfer 7 pixels (i.e. the visible part of an apple hgr-byte) from row to pixelmatrix for (count = 0, bufxoffset = 0; count < 7; count++, bufxoffset += 2) { hgrpixelmatrix[matx+count][maty] = *(currsourceptr+bufxoffset); // color mixing between adjacent scanlines at current x position MixColorsVertical(matx+count, maty); // transfer up to 6 mixed (half-)pixels of current column to framebuffer currptr = currdestptr+bufxoffset; if (hgrlinesabove) currptr += framebufferpitch << 1; for (i = istart; i <= iend; currptr -= framebufferpitch, i++) { *currptr = *(currptr+1) = colormixbuffer[i]; } } } //=========================================================================== bool UpdateHiResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { bool bDirty = false; int yoffset = 0; while (yoffset < 0x2000) { BYTE byteval1 = (x > 0) ? *(g_pHiresBank0+offset+yoffset-1) : 0; BYTE byteval2 = *(g_pHiresBank0+offset+yoffset); BYTE byteval3 = (x < 39) ? *(g_pHiresBank0+offset+yoffset+1) : 0; if ((byteval2 != *(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+0x2000)) || ((x > 0) && ((byteval1 & 0x60) != (*(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+0x1FFF) & 0x60))) || ((x < 39) && ((byteval3 & 0x03) != (*(vidlastmem+offset+yoffset+0x2001) & 0x03))) || redrawfull) { #define COLOFFS (((byteval1 & 0x60) << 2) | \ ((byteval3 & 0x03) << 5)) if (videotype == VT_COLOR_TVEMU) { CopyMixedSource(xpixel >> 1, (ypixel+(yoffset >> 9)) >> 1, SRCOFFS_HIRES+COLOFFS+((x & 1) << 4),(((int)byteval2) << 1)); } else { CopySource(xpixel,ypixel+(yoffset >> 9), 14,2, SRCOFFS_HIRES+COLOFFS+((x & 1) << 4),(((int)byteval2) << 1)); } #undef COLOFFS bDirty = true; } yoffset += 0x400; } return bDirty; } //=========================================================================== bool UpdateLoResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { BYTE val = *(g_pTextBank0+offset); if ((val != *(vidlastmem+offset+0x400)) || redrawfull) { CopySource(xpixel,ypixel, 14,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),((val & 0xF) << 4)); CopySource(xpixel,ypixel+8, 14,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),(val & 0xF0)); return true; } return false; } //=========================================================================== bool UpdateDLoResCell (int x, int y, int xpixel, int ypixel, int offset) { BYTE auxval = *(g_pTextBank1 +offset); BYTE mainval = *(g_pTextBank0+offset); if ( (auxval != *(vidlastmem+offset)) || (mainval != *(vidlastmem+offset+0x400)) || redrawfull ) { CopySource( xpixel,ypixel, 7,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),((auxval & 0xF) << 4)); CopySource( xpixel,ypixel+8, 7,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),(auxval & 0xF0)); // CopySource( xpixel+7,ypixel, 7,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),((mainval & 0xF) << 4)); CopySource( xpixel+7,ypixel+8, 7,8, SRCOFFS_LORES+((x & 1) << 1),(mainval & 0xF0)); return true; } return false; } // // ----- ALL GLOBALLY ACCESSIBLE FUNCTIONS ARE BELOW THIS LINE ----- // //=========================================================================== BOOL VideoApparentlyDirty () { if (SW_MIXED || redrawfull) return 1; DWORD address = (SW_HIRES && !SW_TEXT) ? (0x20 << displaypage2) : (0x4 << displaypage2); DWORD length = (SW_HIRES && !SW_TEXT) ? 0x20 : 0x4; while (length--) if (*(memdirty+(address++)) & 2) return 1; // bool bCharFlashing = false; // Scan visible text page for any flashing chars if((SW_TEXT || SW_MIXED) && (g_nAltCharSetOffset == 0)) { BYTE* pnMemText = MemGetMainPtr(0x400 << displaypage2); // Scan 8 long-lines of 120 chars (at 128 char offsets): // . Skip 8-char holes in TEXT for(UINT y=0; y<8; y++) { for(UINT x=0; x<40*3; x++) { BYTE ch = pnMemText[y*128+x]; if((ch >= 0x40) && (ch <= 0x7F)) { bCharFlashing = true; break; } } } } if(bCharFlashing) return 1; return 0; } //=========================================================================== void VideoBenchmark () { Sleep(500); // PREPARE TWO DIFFERENT FRAME BUFFERS, EACH OF WHICH HAVE HALF OF THE // BYTES SET TO 0x14 AND THE OTHER HALF SET TO 0xAA int loop; LPDWORD mem32 = (LPDWORD)mem; for (loop = 4096; loop < 6144; loop++) *(mem32+loop) = ((loop & 1) ^ ((loop & 0x40) >> 6)) ? 0x14141414 : 0xAAAAAAAA; for (loop = 6144; loop < 8192; loop++) *(mem32+loop) = ((loop & 1) ^ ((loop & 0x40) >> 6)) ? 0xAAAAAAAA : 0x14141414; // SEE HOW MANY TEXT FRAMES PER SECOND WE CAN PRODUCE WITH NOTHING ELSE // GOING ON, CHANGING HALF OF THE BYTES IN THE VIDEO BUFFER EACH FRAME TO // SIMULATE THE ACTIVITY OF AN AVERAGE GAME DWORD totaltextfps = 0; vidmode = VF_TEXT; FillMemory(mem+0x400,0x400,0x14); VideoRedrawScreen(); DWORD milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds) ; milliseconds = GetTickCount(); DWORD cycle = 0; do { if (cycle & 1) FillMemory(mem+0x400,0x400,0x14); else CopyMemory(mem+0x400,mem+((cycle & 2) ? 0x4000 : 0x6000),0x400); VideoRefreshScreen(); if (cycle++ >= 3) cycle = 0; totaltextfps++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); // SEE HOW MANY HIRES FRAMES PER SECOND WE CAN PRODUCE WITH NOTHING ELSE // GOING ON, CHANGING HALF OF THE BYTES IN THE VIDEO BUFFER EACH FRAME TO // SIMULATE THE ACTIVITY OF AN AVERAGE GAME DWORD totalhiresfps = 0; vidmode = VF_HIRES; FillMemory(mem+0x2000,0x2000,0x14); VideoRedrawScreen(); milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds) ; milliseconds = GetTickCount(); cycle = 0; do { if (cycle & 1) FillMemory(mem+0x2000,0x2000,0x14); else CopyMemory(mem+0x2000,mem+((cycle & 2) ? 0x4000 : 0x6000),0x2000); VideoRefreshScreen(); if (cycle++ >= 3) cycle = 0; totalhiresfps++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); // DETERMINE HOW MANY 65C02 CLOCK CYCLES WE CAN EMULATE PER SECOND WITH // NOTHING ELSE GOING ON CpuSetupBenchmark(); DWORD totalmhz10 = 0; milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds) ; milliseconds = GetTickCount(); cycle = 0; do { CpuExecute(100000); totalmhz10++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); // IF THE PROGRAM COUNTER IS NOT IN THE EXPECTED RANGE AT THE END OF THE // CPU BENCHMARK, REPORT AN ERROR AND OPTIONALLY TRACK IT DOWN if ((regs.pc < 0x300) || (regs.pc > 0x400)) if (MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, TEXT("The emulator has detected a problem while running ") TEXT("the CPU benchmark. Would you like to gather more ") TEXT("information?"), TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONQUESTION | MB_YESNO | MB_SETFOREGROUND) == IDYES) { BOOL error = 0; WORD lastpc = 0x300; int loop = 0; while ((loop < 10000) && !error) { CpuSetupBenchmark(); CpuExecute(loop); if ((regs.pc < 0x300) || (regs.pc > 0x400)) error = 1; else { lastpc = regs.pc; ++loop; } } if (error) { TCHAR outstr[256]; wsprintf(outstr, TEXT("The emulator experienced an error %u clock cycles ") TEXT("into the CPU benchmark. Prior to the error, the ") TEXT("program counter was at $%04X. After the error, it ") TEXT("had jumped to $%04X."), (unsigned)loop, (unsigned)lastpc, (unsigned)regs.pc); MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, outstr, TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } else MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, TEXT("The emulator was unable to locate the exact ") TEXT("point of the error. This probably means that ") TEXT("the problem is external to the emulator, ") TEXT("happening asynchronously, such as a problem in ") TEXT("a timer interrupt handler."), TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } // DO A REALISTIC TEST OF HOW MANY FRAMES PER SECOND WE CAN PRODUCE // WITH FULL EMULATION OF THE CPU, JOYSTICK, AND DISK HAPPENING AT // THE SAME TIME DWORD realisticfps = 0; FillMemory(mem+0x2000,0x2000,0xAA); VideoRedrawScreen(); milliseconds = GetTickCount(); while (GetTickCount() == milliseconds) ; milliseconds = GetTickCount(); cycle = 0; do { if (realisticfps < 10) { int cycles = 100000; while (cycles > 0) { DWORD executedcycles = CpuExecute(103); cycles -= executedcycles; DiskUpdatePosition(executedcycles); JoyUpdatePosition(); VideoUpdateVbl(0); } } if (cycle & 1) FillMemory(mem+0x2000,0x2000,0xAA); else CopyMemory(mem+0x2000,mem+((cycle & 2) ? 0x4000 : 0x6000),0x2000); VideoRefreshScreen(); if (cycle++ >= 3) cycle = 0; realisticfps++; } while (GetTickCount() - milliseconds < 1000); // DISPLAY THE RESULTS VideoDisplayLogo(); TCHAR outstr[256]; wsprintf(outstr, TEXT("Pure Video FPS:\t%u hires, %u text\n") TEXT("Pure CPU MHz:\t%u.%u%s\n\n") TEXT("EXPECTED AVERAGE VIDEO GAME\n") TEXT("PERFORMANCE: %u FPS"), (unsigned)totalhiresfps, (unsigned)totaltextfps, (unsigned)(totalmhz10/10), (unsigned)(totalmhz10 % 10), (LPCTSTR)(IS_APPLE2 ? TEXT(" (6502)") : TEXT("")), (unsigned)realisticfps); MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, outstr, TEXT("Benchmarks"), MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } //=========================================================================== BYTE __stdcall VideoCheckMode (WORD, WORD address, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG nCyclesLeft) { address &= 0xFF; if (address == 0x7F) return MemReadFloatingBus(SW_DHIRES != 0, nCyclesLeft); else { BOOL result = 0; switch (address) { case 0x1A: result = SW_TEXT; break; case 0x1B: result = SW_MIXED; break; case 0x1D: result = SW_HIRES; break; case 0x1E: result = g_nAltCharSetOffset; break; case 0x1F: result = SW_80COL; break; case 0x7F: result = SW_DHIRES; break; } return KeybGetKeycode() | (result ? 0x80 : 0); } } //=========================================================================== void VideoCheckPage (BOOL force) { if ((displaypage2 != (SW_PAGE2 != 0)) && (force || (emulmsec-lastpageflip > 500))) { displaypage2 = (SW_PAGE2 != 0); VideoRefreshScreen(); hasrefreshed = 1; lastpageflip = emulmsec; } } //=========================================================================== BYTE __stdcall VideoCheckVbl (WORD, WORD, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG nCyclesLeft) { /* // Drol expects = 80 68DE A5 02 LDX #02 68E0 AD 50 C0 LDA TXTCLR 68E3 C9 80 CMP #80 68E5 D0 F7 BNE $68DE 6957 A5 02 LDX #02 6959 AD 50 C0 LDA TXTCLR 695C C9 80 CMP #80 695E D0 F7 BNE $68DE 69D3 A5 02 LDX #02 69D5 AD 50 C0 LDA TXTCLR 69D8 C9 80 CMP #80 69DA D0 F7 BNE $68DE // Karateka expects < 80 07DE AD 19 C0 LDA RDVBLBAR 07E1 30 FB BMI $7DE 77A1 AD 19 C0 LDA RDVBLBAR 77A4 30 FB BMI $7DE // Gumball expects non-zero low-nibble on VBL BBB5 A5 60 LDA $60 BBB7 4D 50 C0 EOR TXTCLR BBBA 85 60 STA $60 BBBC 29 0F AND #$0F BBBE F0 F5 BEQ $BBB5 BBC0 C9 0F CMP #$0F BBC2 F0 F1 BEQ $BBB5 // return MemReturnRandomData(dwVBlCounter <= nVBlStop_NTSC); if (dwVBlCounter <= nVBlStop_NTSC) return (BYTE)(dwVBlCounter & 0x7F); // 0x00; else return 0x80 | ((BYTE)(dwVBlCounter & 1)); */ bool bVblBar; VideoGetScannerAddress(&bVblBar, nCyclesLeft); BYTE r = KeybGetKeycode(); return (r & ~0x80) | ((bVblBar) ? 0x80 : 0); } //=========================================================================== void VideoChooseColor () { CHOOSECOLOR cc; ZeroMemory(&cc,sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR)); cc.lStructSize = sizeof(CHOOSECOLOR); cc.hwndOwner = g_hFrameWindow; cc.rgbResult = monochrome; cc.lpCustColors = customcolors; cc.Flags = CC_RGBINIT | CC_SOLIDCOLOR; if (ChooseColor(&cc)) { monochrome = cc.rgbResult; VideoReinitialize(); if ((g_nAppMode != MODE_LOGO) && (g_nAppMode != MODE_DEBUG)) VideoRedrawScreen(); RegSaveValue(TEXT("Configuration"),TEXT("Monochrome Color"),1,monochrome); } } //=========================================================================== void VideoDestroy () { // DESTROY BUFFERS VirtualFree(framebufferinfo,0,MEM_RELEASE); VirtualFree(g_pSourceHeader ,0,MEM_RELEASE); VirtualFree(vidlastmem ,0,MEM_RELEASE); framebufferinfo = NULL; g_pSourceHeader = NULL; vidlastmem = NULL; // DESTROY FRAME BUFFER DeleteDC(g_hDeviceDC); DeleteObject(g_hDeviceBitmap); g_hDeviceDC = (HDC)0; g_hDeviceBitmap = (HBITMAP)0; // DESTROY SOURCE IMAGE DeleteObject(g_hSourceBitmap); g_hSourceBitmap = (HBITMAP)0; // DESTROY LOGO if (g_hLogoBitmap) { DeleteObject(g_hLogoBitmap); g_hLogoBitmap = (HBITMAP)0; } // DESTROY PALETTE if (g_hPalette) { DeleteObject(g_hPalette); g_hPalette = (HPALETTE)0; } } //=========================================================================== void VideoDrawLogoBitmap ( HDC hDstDC ) { // HDC memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(framedc); // SelectObject(memdc,g_hLogoBitmap); // BitBlt(framedc,0,0,560,384,memdc,0,0,SRCCOPY); // DeleteDC(memdc); HDC hSrcDC = CreateCompatibleDC( hDstDC ); SelectObject( hSrcDC, g_hLogoBitmap ); BitBlt( hDstDC, // hdcDest 0, 0, // nXDest, nYDest 560, 384, // nWidth, nHeight // HACK: HARD-CODED hSrcDC, // hdcSrc 0, 0, // nXSrc, nYSrc SRCCOPY // dwRop ); DeleteObject( hSrcDC ); hSrcDC = NULL; } //=========================================================================== void VideoDisplayLogo () { HDC hFrameDC = FrameGetDC(); // DRAW THE LOGO HBRUSH brush = CreateSolidBrush(PALETTERGB(0x70,0x30,0xE0)); if (g_hLogoBitmap) { VideoDrawLogoBitmap( hFrameDC ); } else { SelectObject(hFrameDC,brush); SelectObject(hFrameDC,GetStockObject(NULL_PEN)); Rectangle(hFrameDC,0,0,560+1,384+1); } // DRAW THE VERSION NUMBER HFONT font = CreateFont(-20,0,0,0,FW_NORMAL,0,0,0,ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS,DEFAULT_QUALITY, VARIABLE_PITCH | 4 | FF_SWISS, TEXT("Arial")); SelectObject(hFrameDC,font); SetTextAlign(hFrameDC,TA_RIGHT | TA_TOP); SetBkMode(hFrameDC,TRANSPARENT); #define VERSION_TXT "Version " char* szVersion = new char[strlen(VERSION_TXT) + strlen(VERSIONSTRING) + 1]; strcpy(&szVersion[0], VERSION_TXT); strcpy(&szVersion[strlen(VERSION_TXT)], VERSIONSTRING); szVersion[strlen(szVersion)] = 0x00; #define DRAWVERSION(x,y,c) SetTextColor(hFrameDC,c); \ TextOut(hFrameDC, \ 540+x,358+y, \ szVersion, \ strlen(szVersion)); if (GetDeviceCaps(hFrameDC,PLANES) * GetDeviceCaps(hFrameDC,BITSPIXEL) <= 4) { DRAWVERSION( 2, 2,RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00)); DRAWVERSION( 1, 1,RGB(0x00,0x00,0x00)); DRAWVERSION( 0, 0,RGB(0xFF,0x00,0xFF)); } else { DRAWVERSION( 1, 1,PALETTERGB(0x30,0x30,0x70)); DRAWVERSION(-1,-1,PALETTERGB(0xC0,0x70,0xE0)); DRAWVERSION( 0, 0,PALETTERGB(0x70,0x30,0xE0)); } delete [] szVersion; #undef DRAWVERSION FrameReleaseDC(); DeleteObject(brush); DeleteObject(font); } //=========================================================================== BOOL VideoHasRefreshed () { BOOL result = hasrefreshed; hasrefreshed = 0; return result; } //=========================================================================== void VideoInitialize () { // CREATE A BUFFER FOR AN IMAGE OF THE LAST DRAWN MEMORY vidlastmem = (LPBYTE)VirtualAlloc(NULL,0x10000,MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE); ZeroMemory(vidlastmem,0x10000); // LOAD THE LOGO g_hLogoBitmap = (HBITMAP)LoadImage(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDB_APPLEWIN), IMAGE_BITMAP, 0, 0, LR_CREATEDIBSECTION); // CREATE A BITMAPINFO STRUCTURE FOR THE FRAME BUFFER framebufferinfo = (LPBITMAPINFO)VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +256*sizeof(RGBQUAD), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); ZeroMemory(framebufferinfo,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)+256*sizeof(RGBQUAD)); framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biWidth = 560; framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biHeight = 384; framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8; framebufferinfo->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 256; // CREATE A BITMAPINFO STRUCTURE FOR THE SOURCE IMAGE g_pSourceHeader = (LPBITMAPINFO)VirtualAlloc(NULL, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER) +256*sizeof(RGBQUAD), MEM_COMMIT, PAGE_READWRITE); ZeroMemory(g_pSourceHeader,sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER)); g_pSourceHeader->bmiHeader.biSize = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER); g_pSourceHeader->bmiHeader.biWidth = SRCOFFS_TOTAL; g_pSourceHeader->bmiHeader.biHeight = 512; g_pSourceHeader->bmiHeader.biPlanes = 1; g_pSourceHeader->bmiHeader.biBitCount = 8; g_pSourceHeader->bmiHeader.biClrUsed = 256; // CREATE AN IDENTITY PALETTE AND FILL IN THE CORRESPONDING COLORS IN // THE BITMAPINFO STRUCTURE CreateIdentityPalette(); // PREFILL THE 16 CUSTOM COLORS AND MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE THE CURRENT MONOCHROME COLOR for (int index = DARK_RED; index <= NUM_COLOR_PALETTE; index++) customcolors[index-DARK_RED] = RGB(framebufferinfo->bmiColors[index].rgbRed, framebufferinfo->bmiColors[index].rgbGreen, framebufferinfo->bmiColors[index].rgbBlue); // CREATE THE FRAME BUFFER DIB SECTION AND DEVICE CONTEXT, // CREATE THE SOURCE IMAGE DIB SECTION AND DRAW INTO THE SOURCE BIT BUFFER CreateDIBSections(); // RESET THE VIDEO MODE SWITCHES AND THE CHARACTER SET OFFSET VideoResetState(); } //=========================================================================== void VideoRealizePalette (HDC dc) { if (g_hPalette) { SelectPalette(dc,g_hPalette,0); RealizePalette(dc); } } //=========================================================================== void VideoRedrawScreen () { redrawfull = 1; VideoRefreshScreen(); } //=========================================================================== void VideoRefreshScreen () { LPBYTE addr = framebufferbits; LONG pitch = 560; HDC framedc = FrameGetVideoDC(&addr,&pitch); CreateFrameOffsetTable(addr,pitch); // CHECK EACH CELL FOR CHANGED BYTES. REDRAW PIXELS FOR THE CHANGED BYTES // IN THE FRAME BUFFER. MARK CELLS IN WHICH REDRAWING HAS TAKEN PLACE AS // DIRTY. g_pHiresBank1 = MemGetAuxPtr (0x2000 << displaypage2); g_pHiresBank0 = MemGetMainPtr(0x2000 << displaypage2); g_pTextBank1 = MemGetAuxPtr (0x400 << displaypage2); g_pTextBank0 = MemGetMainPtr(0x400 << displaypage2); ZeroMemory(celldirty,40*32); UpdateFunc_t update = SW_TEXT ? SW_80COL ? Update80ColCell : Update40ColCell : SW_HIRES ? (SW_DHIRES && SW_80COL) ? UpdateDHiResCell : UpdateHiResCell : (SW_DHIRES && SW_80COL) ? UpdateDLoResCell : UpdateLoResCell; BOOL anydirty = 0; int y = 0; int ypixel = 0; while (y < 20) { int offset = ((y & 7) << 7) + ((y >> 3) * 40); int x = 0; int xpixel = 0; while (x < 40) { anydirty |= celldirty[x][y] = update(x,y,xpixel,ypixel,offset+x); ++x; xpixel += 14; } ++y; ypixel += 16; } if (SW_MIXED) update = SW_80COL ? Update80ColCell : Update40ColCell; while (y < 24) { int offset = ((y & 7) << 7) + ((y >> 3) * 40); int x = 0; int xpixel = 0; while (x < 40) { anydirty |= celldirty[x][y] = update(x,y,xpixel,ypixel,offset+x); ++x; xpixel += 14; } ++y; ypixel += 16; } // Clear this flag after TEXT screen has been updated g_bTextFlashFlag = false; #if 0 // New simpified code: // . Oliver Schmidt gets a flickering mouse cursor with this code if (framedc && anydirty) { BitBlt(framedc,0,0,560,384,g_hDeviceDC,0,0,SRCCOPY); GdiFlush(); } #else // Original code: if (!framedc || !anydirty) { FrameReleaseVideoDC(); SetLastDrawnImage(); redrawfull = 0; return; } // COPY DIRTY CELLS FROM THE DEVICE DEPENDENT BITMAP ONTO THE SCREEN // IN LONG HORIZONTAL RECTANGLES BOOL remainingdirty = 0; y = 0; ypixel = 0; while (y < 24) { int start = -1; int startx = 0; int x = 0; int xpixel = 0; while (x < 40) { if ((x == 39) && celldirty[x][y]) if (start >= 0) { xpixel += 14; celldirty[x][y] = 0; } else remainingdirty = 1; if ((start >= 0) && !celldirty[x][y]) { if ((x - startx > 1) || ((x == 39) && (xpixel == 560))) { int height = 1; while ((y+height < 24) && celldirty[startx][y+height] && celldirty[x-1][y+height] && celldirty[(startx+x-1) >> 1][y+height]) height++; BitBlt(framedc,start,ypixel,xpixel-start,height << 4, g_hDeviceDC,start,ypixel,SRCCOPY); while (height--) { int loop = startx; while (loop < x+(xpixel == 560)) celldirty[loop++][y+height] = 0; } start = -1; } else remainingdirty = 1; start = -1; } else if ((start == -1) && celldirty[x][y] && (x < 39)) { start = xpixel; startx = x; } x++; xpixel += 14; } y++; ypixel += 16; } // COPY ANY REMAINING DIRTY CELLS FROM THE DEVICE DEPENDENT BITMAP // ONTO THE SCREEN IN VERTICAL RECTANGLES if (remainingdirty) { int x = 0; int xpixel = 0; while (x < 40) { int start = -1; int y = 0; int ypixel = 0; while (y < 24) { if ((y == 23) && celldirty[x][y]) { if (start == -1) start = ypixel; ypixel += 16; celldirty[x][y] = 0; } if ((start >= 0) && !celldirty[x][y]) { BitBlt(framedc,xpixel,start,14,ypixel-start, g_hDeviceDC,xpixel,start,SRCCOPY); start = -1; } else if ((start == -1) && celldirty[x][y]) start = ypixel; y++; ypixel += 16; } x++; xpixel += 14; } } GdiFlush(); #endif FrameReleaseVideoDC(); SetLastDrawnImage(); redrawfull = 0; } //=========================================================================== void VideoReinitialize () { CreateIdentityPalette(); CreateDIBSections(); } //=========================================================================== void VideoResetState () { g_nAltCharSetOffset = 0; displaypage2 = 0; vidmode = VF_TEXT; redrawfull = 1; } //=========================================================================== BYTE __stdcall VideoSetMode (WORD, WORD address, BYTE write, BYTE, ULONG nCyclesLeft) { address &= 0xFF; DWORD oldpage2 = SW_PAGE2; int oldvalue = g_nAltCharSetOffset+(int)(vidmode & ~(VF_MASK2 | VF_PAGE2)); switch (address) { case 0x00: vidmode &= ~VF_MASK2; break; case 0x01: vidmode |= VF_MASK2; break; case 0x0C: if (!IS_APPLE2) vidmode &= ~VF_80COL; break; case 0x0D: if (!IS_APPLE2) vidmode |= VF_80COL; break; case 0x0E: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_nAltCharSetOffset = 0; break; // Alternate char set off case 0x0F: if (!IS_APPLE2) g_nAltCharSetOffset = 256; break; // Alternate char set on case 0x50: vidmode &= ~VF_TEXT; break; case 0x51: vidmode |= VF_TEXT; break; case 0x52: vidmode &= ~VF_MIXED; break; case 0x53: vidmode |= VF_MIXED; break; case 0x54: vidmode &= ~VF_PAGE2; break; case 0x55: vidmode |= VF_PAGE2; break; case 0x56: vidmode &= ~VF_HIRES; break; case 0x57: vidmode |= VF_HIRES; break; case 0x5E: if (!IS_APPLE2) vidmode |= VF_DHIRES; break; case 0x5F: if (!IS_APPLE2) vidmode &= ~VF_DHIRES; break; } if (SW_MASK2) vidmode &= ~VF_PAGE2; if (oldvalue != g_nAltCharSetOffset+(int)(vidmode & ~(VF_MASK2 | VF_PAGE2))) { graphicsmode = !SW_TEXT; redrawfull = 1; } if (g_bFullSpeed && oldpage2 && !SW_PAGE2) { static DWORD lasttime = 0; DWORD currtime = GetTickCount(); if (currtime-lasttime >= 20) lasttime = currtime; else oldpage2 = SW_PAGE2; } if (oldpage2 != SW_PAGE2) { static DWORD lastrefresh = 0; if ((displaypage2 && !SW_PAGE2) || (!behind)) { displaypage2 = (SW_PAGE2 != 0); if (!redrawfull) { VideoRefreshScreen(); hasrefreshed = 1; lastrefresh = emulmsec; } } else if ((!SW_PAGE2) && (!redrawfull) && (emulmsec-lastrefresh >= 20)) { displaypage2 = 0; VideoRefreshScreen(); hasrefreshed = 1; lastrefresh = emulmsec; } lastpageflip = emulmsec; } return MemReadFloatingBus(nCyclesLeft); } //=========================================================================== void VideoUpdateVbl (DWORD dwCyclesThisFrame) { dwVBlCounter = (DWORD) ((double)dwCyclesThisFrame / (double)uCyclesPerLine); } //=========================================================================== // Called at 60Hz (every 16.666ms) void VideoUpdateFlash() { static UINT nTextFlashCnt = 0; nTextFlashCnt++; if(nTextFlashCnt == 60/6) // Flash rate = 6Hz (every 166ms) { nTextFlashCnt = 0; g_bTextFlashState = !g_bTextFlashState; // Redraw any FLASHing chars if any text showing. NB. No FLASH g_nAppMode for 80 cols if ((SW_TEXT || SW_MIXED) ) // && !SW_80COL) // FIX: FLASH 80-Column g_bTextFlashFlag = true; } } //=========================================================================== bool VideoGetSW80COL() { return SW_80COL ? true : false; } //=========================================================================== DWORD VideoGetSnapshot(SS_IO_Video* pSS) { pSS->bAltCharSet = !(g_nAltCharSetOffset == 0); pSS->dwVidMode = vidmode; return 0; } //=========================================================================== DWORD VideoSetSnapshot(SS_IO_Video* pSS) { g_nAltCharSetOffset = !pSS->bAltCharSet ? 0 : 256; vidmode = pSS->dwVidMode; // graphicsmode = !SW_TEXT; displaypage2 = (SW_PAGE2 != 0); return 0; } //=========================================================================== WORD VideoGetScannerAddress(bool* pbVblBar_OUT, const DWORD uExecutedCycles) { // get video scanner position // int nCycles = CpuGetCyclesThisFrame(uExecutedCycles); // machine state switches // int nHires = (SW_HIRES & !SW_TEXT) ? 1 : 0; int nPage2 = (SW_PAGE2) ? 1 : 0; int n80Store = (MemGet80Store()) ? 1 : 0; // calculate video parameters according to display standard // int nScanLines = bVideoScannerNTSC ? kNTSCScanLines : kPALScanLines; int nVSyncLine = bVideoScannerNTSC ? kNTSCVSyncLine : kPALVSyncLine; int nScanCycles = nScanLines * kHClocks; // calculate horizontal scanning state // int nHClock = (nCycles + kHPEClock) % kHClocks; // which horizontal scanning clock int nHState = kHClock0State + nHClock; // H state bits if (nHClock >= kHPresetClock) // check for horizontal preset { nHState -= 1; // correct for state preset (two 0 states) } int h_0 = (nHState >> 0) & 1; // get horizontal state bits int h_1 = (nHState >> 1) & 1; int h_2 = (nHState >> 2) & 1; int h_3 = (nHState >> 3) & 1; int h_4 = (nHState >> 4) & 1; int h_5 = (nHState >> 5) & 1; // calculate vertical scanning state // int nVLine = nCycles / kHClocks; // which vertical scanning line int nVState = kVLine0State + nVLine; // V state bits if ((nVLine >= kVPresetLine)) // check for previous vertical state preset { nVState -= nScanLines; // compensate for preset } int v_A = (nVState >> 0) & 1; // get vertical state bits int v_B = (nVState >> 1) & 1; int v_C = (nVState >> 2) & 1; int v_0 = (nVState >> 3) & 1; int v_1 = (nVState >> 4) & 1; int v_2 = (nVState >> 5) & 1; int v_3 = (nVState >> 6) & 1; int v_4 = (nVState >> 7) & 1; int v_5 = (nVState >> 8) & 1; // calculate scanning memory address // if (SW_HIRES && SW_MIXED && (v_4 & v_2)) // NICK: Should this be (SW_HIRES && !SW_TEXT) instead of just 'SW_HIRES' ? { nHires = 0; // (address is in text memory) } int nAddend0 = 0x68; // 1 1 0 1 int nAddend1 = (h_5 << 5) | (h_4 << 4) | (h_3 << 3); int nAddend2 = (v_4 << 6) | (v_3 << 5) | (v_4 << 4) | (v_3 << 3); int nSum = (nAddend0 + nAddend1 + nAddend2) & (0x0F << 3); int nAddress = 0; nAddress |= h_0 << 0; // a0 nAddress |= h_1 << 1; // a1 nAddress |= h_2 << 2; // a2 nAddress |= nSum; // a3 - aa6 nAddress |= v_0 << 7; // a7 nAddress |= v_1 << 8; // a8 nAddress |= v_2 << 9; // a9 nAddress |= ((nHires) ? v_A : (1 ^ (nPage2 & (1 ^ n80Store)))) << 10; // a10 nAddress |= ((nHires) ? v_B : (nPage2 & (1 ^ n80Store))) << 11; // a11 if (nHires) // hires? { // Y: insert hires only address bits // nAddress |= v_C << 12; // a12 nAddress |= (1 ^ (nPage2 & (1 ^ n80Store))) << 13; // a13 nAddress |= (nPage2 & (1 ^ n80Store)) << 14; // a14 } else { // N: text, so no higher address bits unless Apple ][, not Apple //e // if ((IS_APPLE2) && // Apple ][? (kHPEClock <= nHClock) && // Y: HBL? (nHClock <= (kHClocks - 1))) { nAddress |= 1 << 12; // Y: a12 (add $1000 to address!) } } // update VBL' state // if (pbVblBar_OUT != NULL) { if (v_4 & v_3) // VBL? { *pbVblBar_OUT = false; // Y: VBL' is false } else { *pbVblBar_OUT = true; // N: VBL' is true } } return static_cast(nAddress); } //=========================================================================== // Derived from VideoGetScannerAddress() bool VideoGetVbl(const DWORD uExecutedCycles) { // get video scanner position // int nCycles = CpuGetCyclesThisFrame(uExecutedCycles); // calculate video parameters according to display standard // int nScanLines = bVideoScannerNTSC ? kNTSCScanLines : kPALScanLines; // calculate vertical scanning state // int nVLine = nCycles / kHClocks; // which vertical scanning line int nVState = kVLine0State + nVLine; // V state bits if ((nVLine >= kVPresetLine)) // check for previous vertical state preset { nVState -= nScanLines; // compensate for preset } int v_3 = (nVState >> 6) & 1; int v_4 = (nVState >> 7) & 1; // update VBL' state // if (v_4 & v_3) // VBL? { return false; // Y: VBL' is false } else { return true; // N: VBL' is true } } //===========================================================================