/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2015, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: Save-state (snapshot) module * * Author: Copyright (c) 2004-2015 Tom Charlesworth */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "SaveState.h" #include "YamlHelper.h" #include "Interface.h" #include "CardManager.h" #include "CopyProtectionDongles.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "Joystick.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "Pravets.h" #include "Speaker.h" #include "Speech.h" #include "Harddisk.h" #include "Configuration/Config.h" #include "Configuration/IPropertySheet.h" #define DEFAULT_SNAPSHOT_NAME "SaveState.aws.yaml" bool g_bSaveStateOnExit = false; static std::string g_strSaveStateFilename; static std::string g_strSaveStatePathname; static std::string g_strSaveStatePath; static YamlHelper yamlHelper; #define SS_FILE_VER 2 // Unit version history: // v2: Extended: keyboard (added 'Key Waiting'), memory (LC mem type for II/II+, inverted MF_INTCXROM bit) // v3: Extended: memory (added 'AnnunciatorN') // v4: Extended: video (added 'Video Refresh Rate') // v5: Extended: cpu (added 'Defer IRQ By 1 Opcode') // v6: Added 'Unit Miscellaneous' for NoSlotClock(NSC) // v7: Extended: joystick (added 'Paddle Inactive Cycle') // v8: Added 'Unit Game I/O Connector' for Game I/O Connector // v9: Extended: memory (added 'Last Slot to Set Main Mem LC', 'MMU LC Mode') #define UNIT_APPLE2_VER 9 #define UNIT_SLOTS_VER 1 // See CopyProtectionDongle.cppS #define UNIT_GAME_IO_CONNECTOR_VER 3 #define UNIT_MISC_VER 1 //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static bool g_ignoreHdcFirmware = false; bool Snapshot_GetIgnoreHdcFirmware() { return g_ignoreHdcFirmware; } void Snapshot_SetIgnoreHdcFirmware(const bool ignoreHdcFirmware) { g_ignoreHdcFirmware = ignoreHdcFirmware; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static void Snapshot_SetPathname(const std::string& strPathname) { if (strPathname.empty()) { g_strSaveStateFilename = DEFAULT_SNAPSHOT_NAME; g_strSaveStatePathname = g_sCurrentDir; if (!g_strSaveStatePathname.empty() && *g_strSaveStatePathname.rbegin() != PATH_SEPARATOR) g_strSaveStatePathname += PATH_SEPARATOR; g_strSaveStatePathname.append(DEFAULT_SNAPSHOT_NAME); g_strSaveStatePath = g_sCurrentDir; return; } std::string strFilename = strPathname; // Set default, as maybe there's no path g_strSaveStatePath.clear(); int nIdx = strPathname.find_last_of(PATH_SEPARATOR); if (nIdx >= 0 && nIdx+1 < (int)strPathname.length()) // path exists? { strFilename = &strPathname[nIdx+1]; g_strSaveStatePath = strPathname.substr(0, nIdx+1); // Bugfix: // Snapshot_LoadState() -> SetCurrentImageDir() -> g_sCurrentDir } g_strSaveStateFilename = strFilename; g_strSaveStatePathname = strPathname; } void Snapshot_SetFilename(const std::string& filename, const std::string& path/*=""*/) { if (path.empty()) return Snapshot_SetPathname(filename); _ASSERT(filename.find(PATH_SEPARATOR) == std::string::npos); // since we have a path, then filename mustn't contain a path too! // Ensure path is suffixed with '\' before adding filename std::string pathname = path; if (*pathname.rbegin() != PATH_SEPARATOR) pathname += PATH_SEPARATOR; Snapshot_SetPathname(pathname+filename); } const std::string& Snapshot_GetFilename(void) { return g_strSaveStateFilename; } const std::string& Snapshot_GetPath(void) { return g_strSaveStatePath; } const std::string& Snapshot_GetPathname(void) { return g_strSaveStatePathname; } // Called on successful insertion and on prompting to save/load a save-state void Snapshot_GetDefaultFilenameAndPath(std::string& defaultFilename, std::string& defaultPath) { // Attempt to get a default filename/path based on harddisk plugged-in or floppy disk inserted // . Priority given to harddisk over floppy images if (GetCardMgr().QuerySlot(SLOT7) == CT_GenericHDD) dynamic_cast(GetCardMgr().GetRef(SLOT7)).GetFilenameAndPathForSaveState(defaultFilename, defaultPath); if (defaultFilename.empty()) GetCardMgr().GetDisk2CardMgr().GetFilenameAndPathForSaveState(defaultFilename, defaultPath); } // Called by Disk2InterfaceCard::InsertDisk() and HD_Insert() after a successful insertion // Called by Disk2InterfaceCard::EjectDisk() and HD_Unplug() // Called by RepeatInitialization() when Harddisk Controller card is disabled void Snapshot_UpdatePath(void) { std::string defaultFilename; std::string defaultPath; Snapshot_GetDefaultFilenameAndPath(defaultFilename, defaultPath); if (defaultPath.empty() || g_strSaveStatePath == defaultPath) return; if (!defaultFilename.empty()) defaultFilename += ".aws.yaml"; Snapshot_SetFilename(defaultFilename, defaultPath); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- static const std::string& GetSnapshotUnitApple2Name(void) { static const std::string name("Apple2"); return name; } static const std::string& GetSnapshotUnitSlotsName(void) { static const std::string name("Slots"); return name; } static const std::string& GetSnapshotUnitGameIOConnectorName(void) { static const std::string name("Game I/O Connector"); return name; } static const std::string& GetSnapshotUnitMiscName(void) { static const std::string name("Miscellaneous"); return name; } #define SS_YAML_KEY_MODEL "Model" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2 "Apple][" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2PLUS "Apple][+" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2JPLUS "Apple][ J-Plus" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2E "Apple//e" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2EENHANCED "Enhanced Apple//e" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2C "Apple2c" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_PRAVETS82 "Pravets82" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_PRAVETS8M "Pravets8M" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_PRAVETS8A "Pravets8A" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_TK30002E "TK3000//e" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_BASE64A "Base 64A" static eApple2Type ParseApple2Type(std::string type) { if (type == SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2) return A2TYPE_APPLE2; else if (type == SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2PLUS) return A2TYPE_APPLE2PLUS; else if (type == SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2JPLUS) return A2TYPE_APPLE2JPLUS; else if (type == SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2E) return A2TYPE_APPLE2E; else if (type == SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2EENHANCED) return A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED; else if (type == SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2C) return A2TYPE_APPLE2C; else if (type == SS_YAML_VALUE_PRAVETS82) return A2TYPE_PRAVETS82; else if (type == SS_YAML_VALUE_PRAVETS8M) return A2TYPE_PRAVETS8M; else if (type == SS_YAML_VALUE_PRAVETS8A) return A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A; else if (type == SS_YAML_VALUE_TK30002E) return A2TYPE_TK30002E; else if (type == SS_YAML_VALUE_BASE64A) return A2TYPE_BASE64A; throw std::runtime_error("Load: Unknown Apple2 type"); } static std::string GetApple2TypeAsString(void) { switch ( GetApple2Type() ) { case A2TYPE_APPLE2: return SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2; case A2TYPE_APPLE2PLUS: return SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2PLUS; case A2TYPE_APPLE2JPLUS: return SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2JPLUS; case A2TYPE_APPLE2E: return SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2E; case A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED:return SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2EENHANCED; case A2TYPE_APPLE2C: return SS_YAML_VALUE_APPLE2C; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS82: return SS_YAML_VALUE_PRAVETS82; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8M: return SS_YAML_VALUE_PRAVETS8M; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A: return SS_YAML_VALUE_PRAVETS8A; case A2TYPE_TK30002E: return SS_YAML_VALUE_TK30002E; case A2TYPE_BASE64A: return SS_YAML_VALUE_BASE64A; default: throw std::runtime_error("Save: Unknown Apple2 type"); } } //--- static void ParseUnitApple2(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT version) { if (version == 0 || version > UNIT_APPLE2_VER) throw std::runtime_error(SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT ": Apple2: Version mismatch"); std::string model = yamlLoadHelper.LoadString(SS_YAML_KEY_MODEL); SetApple2Type( ParseApple2Type(model) ); // NB. Sets default main CPU type CpuLoadSnapshot(yamlLoadHelper, version); // NB. Overrides default main CPU type JoyLoadSnapshot(yamlLoadHelper, version); KeybLoadSnapshot(yamlLoadHelper, version); SpkrLoadSnapshot(yamlLoadHelper); GetVideo().VideoLoadSnapshot(yamlLoadHelper, version); MemLoadSnapshot(yamlLoadHelper, version); } //--- static void ParseSlots(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT unitVersion) { if (unitVersion != UNIT_SLOTS_VER) throw std::runtime_error(SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT ": Slots: Version mismatch"); while (1) { std::string scalar = yamlLoadHelper.GetMapNextSlotNumber(); if (scalar.empty()) break; // done all slots const int slot = strtoul(scalar.c_str(), NULL, 10); // NB. aux slot supported as a different "unit" // NB. slot-0 only supported for Apple II or II+ (or similar clones) if (slot < SLOT0 || slot > SLOT7) throw std::runtime_error("Slots: Invalid slot #: " + scalar); yamlLoadHelper.GetSubMap(scalar); std::string card = yamlLoadHelper.LoadString(SS_YAML_KEY_CARD); UINT cardVersion = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_VERSION); if (!yamlLoadHelper.GetSubMap(std::string(SS_YAML_KEY_STATE), true)) // NB. For some cards, State can be null throw std::runtime_error(SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT ": Expected sub-map name: " SS_YAML_KEY_STATE); SS_CARDTYPE type = Card::GetCardType(card); bool bRes = false; if (slot == SLOT0) { SetExpansionMemType(type); // calls GetCardMgr().Insert() & InsertAux() } else { GetCardMgr().Insert(slot, type); } bRes = GetCardMgr().GetRef(slot).LoadSnapshot(yamlLoadHelper, cardVersion); yamlLoadHelper.PopMap(); yamlLoadHelper.PopMap(); } } //--- static void ParseUnit(void) { yamlHelper.GetMapStartEvent(); YamlLoadHelper yamlLoadHelper(yamlHelper); std::string unit = yamlLoadHelper.LoadString(SS_YAML_KEY_TYPE); UINT unitVersion = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint(SS_YAML_KEY_VERSION); if (!yamlLoadHelper.GetSubMap(std::string(SS_YAML_KEY_STATE))) throw std::runtime_error(SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT ": Expected sub-map name: " SS_YAML_KEY_STATE); if (unit == GetSnapshotUnitApple2Name()) { ParseUnitApple2(yamlLoadHelper, unitVersion); if (unitVersion < 6) MemInsertNoSlotClock(); // NSC always inserted else MemRemoveNoSlotClock(); // NSC only add if there's a misc unit } else if (unit == MemGetSnapshotUnitAuxSlotName()) { MemLoadSnapshotAux(yamlLoadHelper, unitVersion); } else if (unit == GetSnapshotUnitSlotsName()) { ParseSlots(yamlLoadHelper, unitVersion); } else if (unit == GetSnapshotUnitGameIOConnectorName()) { CopyProtectionDongleLoadSnapshot(yamlLoadHelper, unitVersion, UNIT_GAME_IO_CONNECTOR_VER); } else if (unit == GetSnapshotUnitMiscName()) { // NB. could extend for other misc devices - see how ParseSlots() calls GetMapNextSlotNumber() NoSlotClockLoadSnapshot(yamlLoadHelper); } else { throw std::runtime_error(SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT ": Unknown type: " + unit); } } static void Snapshot_LoadState_v2(void) { bool restart = false; // Only need to restart if any VM state has change HCURSOR oldcursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(0,IDC_WAIT)); FrameBase& frame = GetFrame(); try { if (!yamlHelper.InitParser(g_strSaveStatePathname.c_str())) throw std::runtime_error("Failed to initialize parser or open file: " + g_strSaveStatePathname); if (yamlHelper.ParseFileHdr(SS_YAML_VALUE_AWSS) != SS_FILE_VER) throw std::runtime_error("Version mismatch"); // restart = true; //m_ConfigNew.m_bEnableTheFreezesF8Rom = ?; // todo: when support saving config for (UINT slot = SLOT0; slot < NUM_SLOTS; slot++) GetCardMgr().Remove(slot); GetCardMgr().RemoveAux(); SetCopyProtectionDongleType(DT_EMPTY); MemReset(); // Also calls CpuInitialize() GetPravets().Reset(); KeybReset(); GetVideo().SetVidHD(false); // Set true later only if VidHDCard is instantiated GetVideo().VideoResetState(); GetVideo().SetVideoRefreshRate(VR_60HZ); // Default to 60Hz as older save-states won't contain refresh rate GetCardMgr().GetMockingboardCardMgr().InitializeForLoadingSnapshot(); // GH#609 #ifdef USE_SPEECH_API g_Speech.Reset(); #endif std::string scalar; while(yamlHelper.GetScalar(scalar)) { if (scalar == SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT) ParseUnit(); else throw std::runtime_error("Unknown top-level scalar: " + scalar); } GetCardMgr().GetMockingboardCardMgr().SetCumulativeCycles(); frame.SetLoadedSaveStateFlag(true); // NB. The following disparity should be resolved: // . A change in h/w via the Configuration property sheets results in a the VM completely restarting (via WM_USER_RESTART) // . A change in h/w via loading a save-state avoids this VM restart // The latter is the desired approach (as the former needs a "power-on" / F2 to start things again) const CConfigNeedingRestart configNew = CConfigNeedingRestart::Create(); GetPropertySheet().ApplyNewConfigFromSnapshot(configNew); // Saves new state to Registry (not slot/cards though) MemInitializeFromSnapshot(); DebugReset(); if (g_nAppMode == MODE_DEBUG) DebugDisplay(TRUE); frame.Initialize(false); // don't reset the video state frame.ResizeWindow(); // g_Apple2Type may've changed: so reload button bitmaps & redraw frame (title, buttons, leds, etc) frame.FrameUpdateApple2Type(); // NB. Calls VideoRedrawScreen() } catch(const std::exception & szMessage) { frame.FrameMessageBox( szMessage.what(), TEXT("Load State"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); if (restart) frame.Restart(); // Power-cycle VM (undoing all the new state just loaded) } SetCursor(oldcursor); yamlHelper.FinaliseParser(); } void Snapshot_LoadState() { const std::string ext_aws = (".aws"); const size_t pos = g_strSaveStatePathname.size() - ext_aws.size(); if (g_strSaveStatePathname.find(ext_aws, pos) != std::string::npos) // find ".aws" at end of pathname { GetFrame().FrameMessageBox( "Save-state v1 no longer supported.\n" "Please load using AppleWin 1.27, and re-save as a v2 state file.", TEXT("Load State"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); return; } LogFileOutput("Loading Save-State from %s\n", g_strSaveStatePathname.c_str()); Snapshot_LoadState_v2(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Snapshot_SaveState(void) { LogFileOutput("Saving Save-State to %s\n", g_strSaveStatePathname.c_str()); try { YamlSaveHelper yamlSaveHelper(g_strSaveStatePathname); yamlSaveHelper.FileHdr(SS_FILE_VER); // Unit: Apple2 { yamlSaveHelper.UnitHdr(GetSnapshotUnitApple2Name(), UNIT_APPLE2_VER); YamlSaveHelper::Label state(yamlSaveHelper, "%s:\n", SS_YAML_KEY_STATE); yamlSaveHelper.Save("%s: %s\n", SS_YAML_KEY_MODEL, GetApple2TypeAsString().c_str()); CpuSaveSnapshot(yamlSaveHelper); JoySaveSnapshot(yamlSaveHelper); KeybSaveSnapshot(yamlSaveHelper); SpkrSaveSnapshot(yamlSaveHelper); GetVideo().VideoSaveSnapshot(yamlSaveHelper); MemSaveSnapshot(yamlSaveHelper); } // Unit: Aux slot MemSaveSnapshotAux(yamlSaveHelper); // Unit: Slots { yamlSaveHelper.UnitHdr(GetSnapshotUnitSlotsName(), UNIT_SLOTS_VER); YamlSaveHelper::Label state(yamlSaveHelper, "%s:\n", SS_YAML_KEY_STATE); GetCardMgr().SaveSnapshot(yamlSaveHelper); } // Unit: Game I/O Connector if (GetCopyProtectionDongleType() != DT_EMPTY) { yamlSaveHelper.UnitHdr(GetSnapshotUnitGameIOConnectorName(), UNIT_GAME_IO_CONNECTOR_VER); YamlSaveHelper::Label unit(yamlSaveHelper, "%s:\n", SS_YAML_KEY_STATE); CopyProtectionDongleSaveSnapshot(yamlSaveHelper); } // Miscellaneous if (MemHasNoSlotClock()) { yamlSaveHelper.UnitHdr(GetSnapshotUnitMiscName(), UNIT_MISC_VER); YamlSaveHelper::Label state(yamlSaveHelper, "%s:\n", SS_YAML_KEY_STATE); NoSlotClockSaveSnapshot(yamlSaveHelper); } } catch(const std::exception & szMessage) { GetFrame().FrameMessageBox( szMessage.what(), TEXT("Save State"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void Snapshot_Startup() { static bool bDone = false; if(!g_bSaveStateOnExit || bDone) return; Snapshot_LoadState(); bDone = true; // Prevents a g_bRestart from loading an old save-state } void Snapshot_Shutdown() { static bool bDone = false; _ASSERT(!bDone); _ASSERT(!g_bRestart); if(!g_bSaveStateOnExit || bDone) return; Snapshot_SaveState(); bDone = true; // Debug flag: this func should only be called once, and never on a g_bRestart }