/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2007, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: Super Serial Card emulation * * Author: Various */ // TO DO: // . Enable & test Tx IRQ // . DIP switch read values // // Refs: // (1) "Super Serial Card (SSC) Memory Locations for Programmers" - Aaron Heiss // (2) SSC recv IRQ example: http://www.wright.edu/~john.matthews/ssc.html#lst - John B. Matthews, 5/13/87 // (3) WaitCommEvent, etc: http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-list/2002-November/131437.html // (4) SY6551 info: http://www.axess.com/twilight/sock/rs232pak.html // #include "StdAfx.h" #pragma hdrstop //#define SUPPORT_MODEM static DWORD baudrate = CBR_19200; static BYTE bytesize = 8; static BYTE commandbyte = 0x00; static HANDLE commhandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; static DWORD comminactivity = 0; static BYTE controlbyte = 0x1F; static BYTE parity = NOPARITY; DWORD serialport = 0; static BYTE stopbits = ONESTOPBIT; // static CRITICAL_SECTION g_CriticalSection; // To guard /g_vRecvBytes/ static BYTE g_RecvBuffer[uRecvBufferSize]; // NB: More work required if >1 is used static volatile DWORD g_vRecvBytes = 0; // static bool g_bTxIrqEnabled = false; static bool g_bRxIrqEnabled = false; static bool g_bWrittenTx = false; // static volatile bool g_vbCommIRQ = false; static HANDLE g_hCommThread = NULL; enum {COMMEVT_WAIT=0, COMMEVT_ACK, COMMEVT_TERM, COMMEVT_MAX}; static HANDLE g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_MAX] = {NULL}; static OVERLAPPED o; //=========================================================================== static void UpdateCommState () { if (commhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; DCB dcb; ZeroMemory(&dcb,sizeof(DCB)); dcb.DCBlength = sizeof(DCB); GetCommState(commhandle,&dcb); dcb.BaudRate = baudrate; dcb.ByteSize = bytesize; dcb.Parity = parity; dcb.StopBits = stopbits; SetCommState(commhandle,&dcb); } //=========================================================================== static BOOL CheckComm () { comminactivity = 0; if ((commhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) && serialport) { TCHAR portname[8]; wsprintf(portname, TEXT("COM%u"), serialport); commhandle = CreateFile(portname, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, // exclusive access (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, // default security attributes OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, // required for WaitCommEvent() NULL); if (commhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { UpdateCommState(); COMMTIMEOUTS ct; ZeroMemory(&ct,sizeof(COMMTIMEOUTS)); ct.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD; SetCommTimeouts(commhandle,&ct); CommThInit(); } else { DWORD uError = GetLastError(); } } return (commhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); } //=========================================================================== static void CloseComm () { CommThUninit(); // Kill CommThread before closing COM handle if (commhandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(commhandle); commhandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; comminactivity = 0; } //=========================================================================== // EG. 0x09 = Enable IRQ, No parity [Ref.2] BYTE __stdcall CommCommand (WORD, BYTE, BYTE write, BYTE value, ULONG) { if (!CheckComm()) return 0; if (write && (value != commandbyte)) { commandbyte = value; // UPDATE THE PARITY if (commandbyte & 0x20) { switch (commandbyte & 0xC0) { case 0x00 : parity = ODDPARITY; break; case 0x40 : parity = EVENPARITY; break; case 0x80 : parity = MARKPARITY; break; case 0xC0 : parity = SPACEPARITY; break; } } else { parity = NOPARITY; } if (commandbyte & 0x10) // Receiver mode echo [0=no echo, 1=echo] { } switch (commandbyte & 0x0C) // transmitter interrupt control { // Note: the RTS signal must be set 'low' in order to receive any // incoming data from the serial device case 0<<2: // set RTS high and transmit no interrupts g_bTxIrqEnabled = false; break; case 1<<2: // set RTS low and transmit interrupts g_bTxIrqEnabled = true; break; case 2<<2: // set RTS low and transmit no interrupts g_bTxIrqEnabled = false; break; case 3<<2: // set RTS low and transmit break signals instead of interrupts g_bTxIrqEnabled = false; break; } // interrupt request disable [0=enable receiver interrupts] g_bRxIrqEnabled = ((commandbyte & 0x02) == 0); if (commandbyte & 0x01) // Data Terminal Ready (DTR) setting [0=set DTR high (indicates 'not ready')] { // Note that, although the DTR is generally not used in the SSC (it may actually not // be connected!), it must be set to 'low' in order for the 6551 to function correctly. } UpdateCommState(); } return commandbyte; } //=========================================================================== BYTE __stdcall CommControl (WORD, BYTE, BYTE write, BYTE value, ULONG) { if (!CheckComm()) return 0; if (write && (value != controlbyte)) { controlbyte = value; // UPDATE THE BAUD RATE switch (controlbyte & 0x0F) { // Note that 1 MHz Apples (everything other than the Apple IIgs and //c // Plus running in "fast" mode) cannot handle 19.2 kbps, and even 9600 // bps on these machines requires either some highly optimised code or // a decent buffer in the device being accessed. The faster Apples // have no difficulty with this speed, however. case 0x00: // fall through [16x external clock] case 0x01: // fall through [50 bps] case 0x02: // fall through [75 bps] case 0x03: // fall through [109.92 bps] case 0x04: // fall through [134.58 bps] case 0x05: baudrate = CBR_110; break; // [150 bps] case 0x06: baudrate = CBR_300; break; case 0x07: baudrate = CBR_600; break; case 0x08: baudrate = CBR_1200; break; case 0x09: // fall through [1800 bps] case 0x0A: baudrate = CBR_2400; break; case 0x0B: // fall through [3600 bps] case 0x0C: baudrate = CBR_4800; break; case 0x0D: // fall through [7200 bps] case 0x0E: baudrate = CBR_9600; break; case 0x0F: baudrate = CBR_19200; break; } if (controlbyte & 0x10) { // receiver clock source [0= external, 1= internal] } // UPDATE THE BYTE SIZE switch (controlbyte & 0x60) { case 0x00: bytesize = 8; break; case 0x20: bytesize = 7; break; case 0x40: bytesize = 6; break; case 0x60: bytesize = 5; break; } // UPDATE THE NUMBER OF STOP BITS if (controlbyte & 0x80) { if ((bytesize == 8) && (parity == NOPARITY)) stopbits = ONESTOPBIT; else if ((bytesize == 5) && (parity == NOPARITY)) stopbits = ONE5STOPBITS; else stopbits = TWOSTOPBITS; } else { stopbits = ONESTOPBIT; } UpdateCommState(); } return controlbyte; } //=========================================================================== BYTE __stdcall CommReceive (WORD, BYTE, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG) { if (!CheckComm()) return 0; BYTE result = 0; if (g_vRecvBytes) { // Don't need critical section in here as CommThread is waiting for ACK result = g_RecvBuffer[0]; --g_vRecvBytes; if (g_vbCommIRQ && !g_vRecvBytes) { // Read last byte, so get CommThread to call WaitCommEvent() again OutputDebugString("CommRecv: SetEvent - ACK\n"); SetEvent(g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_ACK]); } } return result; } //=========================================================================== BYTE __stdcall CommTransmit (WORD, BYTE, BYTE, BYTE value, ULONG) { if (!CheckComm()) return 0; DWORD uBytesWritten; WriteFile(commhandle, &value, 1, &uBytesWritten, &o); g_bWrittenTx = true; // Transmit done // TO DO: // 1) Use CommThread determine when transmit is complete // 2) OR do this: //if (g_bTxIrqEnabled) // CpuIrqAssert(IS_SSC); return 0; } //=========================================================================== // 6551 ACIA Status Register ($C089+s0) // ------------------------------------ // Bit Value Meaning // 0 1 Parity error // 1 1 Framing error // 2 1 Overrun error // 3 1 Receive register full // 4 1 Transmit register empty // 5 0 Data Carrier Detect (DCD) true [0=DCD low (detected), 1=DCD high (not detected)] // 6 0 Data Set Ready (DSR) true [0=DSR low (ready), 1=DSR high (not ready)] // 7 1 Interrupt (IRQ) true (cleared by reading status reg [Ref.4]) enum { ST_PARITY_ERR = 1<<0, ST_FRAMING_ERR = 1<<1, ST_OVERRUN_ERR = 1<<2, ST_RX_FULL = 1<<3, ST_TX_EMPTY = 1<<4, ST_DCD = 1<<5, ST_DSR = 1<<6, ST_IRQ = 1<<7 }; BYTE __stdcall CommStatus (WORD, BYTE, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG) { if (!CheckComm()) return ST_DSR | ST_DCD | ST_TX_EMPTY; #ifdef SUPPORT_MODEM DWORD modemstatus = 0; GetCommModemStatus(commhandle,&modemstatus); // Returns 0x30 = MS_DSR_ON|MS_CTS_ON #endif // // TO DO - ST_TX_EMPTY: // . IRQs enabled : set after WaitCommEvent has signaled that TX has completed // . IRQs disabled : always set it [Currently done] // // So that /g_vRecvBytes/ doesn't change midway (from 0 to 1): // . bIRQ=false, but uStatus.ST_RX_FULL=1 EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); bool bIRQ = false; if (g_bTxIrqEnabled && g_bWrittenTx) { bIRQ = true; } if (g_bRxIrqEnabled && g_vRecvBytes) { bIRQ = true; } g_bWrittenTx = false; // Read status reg always clears IRQ // BYTE uStatus = ST_TX_EMPTY | (g_vRecvBytes ? ST_RX_FULL : 0x00) #ifdef SUPPORT_MODEM | ((modemstatus & MS_RLSD_ON) ? 0x00 : ST_DCD) // Need 0x00 to allow ZLink to start up | ((modemstatus & MS_DSR_ON) ? 0x00 : ST_DSR) #endif | (bIRQ ? ST_IRQ : 0x00); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); CpuIrqDeassert(IS_SSC); return uStatus; } //=========================================================================== BYTE __stdcall CommDipSw (WORD, BYTE addr, BYTE, BYTE, ULONG) { // TO DO: determine what values a real SSC returns BYTE sw = 0; return sw; } //=========================================================================== void CommReset () { CloseComm(); baudrate = CBR_19200; bytesize = 8; commandbyte = 0x00; controlbyte = 0x1F; parity = NOPARITY; g_vRecvBytes = 0; stopbits = ONESTOPBIT; } //=========================================================================== void CommDestroy () { if ((baudrate != CBR_19200) || (bytesize != 8) || (parity != NOPARITY) || (stopbits != ONESTOPBIT)) { CommReset(); } CloseComm(); } //=========================================================================== void CommSetSerialPort (HWND window, DWORD newserialport) { if (commhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { serialport = newserialport; } else { MessageBox(window, TEXT("You cannot change the serial port while it is ") TEXT("in use."), TEXT("Configuration"), MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_SETFOREGROUND); } } //=========================================================================== void CommUpdate (DWORD totalcycles) { if (commhandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) return; if ((comminactivity += totalcycles) > 1000000) { static DWORD lastcheck = 0; if ((comminactivity > 2000000) || (comminactivity-lastcheck > 99950)) { #ifdef SUPPORT_MODEM DWORD modemstatus = 0; GetCommModemStatus(commhandle,&modemstatus); if ((modemstatus & MS_RLSD_ON) || DiskIsSpinning()) comminactivity = 0; #else if (DiskIsSpinning()) comminactivity = 0; #endif } //if (comminactivity > 2000000) // CloseComm(); } } //=========================================================================== static void CheckCommEvent(DWORD dwEvtMask) { if (dwEvtMask & EV_RXCHAR) { EnterCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); ReadFile(commhandle, g_RecvBuffer, 1, (DWORD*)&g_vRecvBytes, &o); LeaveCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); if (g_bRxIrqEnabled && g_vRecvBytes) { g_vbCommIRQ = true; CpuIrqAssert(IS_SSC); } } //else if (dwEvtMask & EV_TXEMPTY) //{ // if (g_bTxIrqEnabled) // { // g_vbCommIRQ = true; // CpuIrqAssert(IS_SSC); // } //} } static DWORD WINAPI CommThread(LPVOID lpParameter) { char szDbg[100]; // BOOL bRes = SetCommMask(commhandle, EV_TXEMPTY | EV_RXCHAR); BOOL bRes = SetCommMask(commhandle, EV_RXCHAR); // Just RX if (!bRes) return -1; // const UINT nNumEvents = 2; #if 1 HANDLE hCommEvent_Wait[nNumEvents] = {g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_WAIT], g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_TERM]}; HANDLE hCommEvent_Ack[nNumEvents] = {g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_ACK], g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_TERM]}; #else HANDLE hCommEvent_Wait[nNumEvents]; HANDLE hCommEvent_Ack[nNumEvents]; hCommEvent_Wait[0] = g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_WAIT]; hCommEvent_Wait[1] = g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_TERM]; hCommEvent_Ack[0] = g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_ACK]; hCommEvent_Ack[1] = g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_TERM]; #endif while(1) { DWORD dwEvtMask = 0; DWORD dwWaitResult; bRes = WaitCommEvent(commhandle, &dwEvtMask, &o); // Will return immediately (probably with ERROR_IO_PENDING) _ASSERT(!bRes); if (!bRes) { DWORD dwRet = GetLastError(); _ASSERT(dwRet == ERROR_IO_PENDING); if (dwRet != ERROR_IO_PENDING) return -1; // // Wait for comm event // while(1) { OutputDebugString("CommThread: Wait1\n"); dwWaitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects( nNumEvents, // number of handles in array hCommEvent_Wait, // array of event handles FALSE, // wait until any one is signaled INFINITE); // On very 1st wait *only*: get a false signal (when not running via debugger) if ((dwWaitResult == WAIT_OBJECT_0) && (dwEvtMask == 0)) continue; if ((dwWaitResult >= WAIT_OBJECT_0) && (dwWaitResult <= WAIT_OBJECT_0+nNumEvents-1)) break; } dwWaitResult -= WAIT_OBJECT_0; // Determine event # that signaled sprintf(szDbg, "CommThread: GotEvent1: %d\n", dwWaitResult); OutputDebugString(szDbg); if (dwWaitResult == (nNumEvents-1)) break; // Termination event } // Comm event CheckCommEvent(dwEvtMask); if (g_vbCommIRQ) { // // Wait for ack // while(1) { OutputDebugString("CommThread: Wait2\n"); dwWaitResult = WaitForMultipleObjects( nNumEvents, // number of handles in array hCommEvent_Ack, // array of event handles FALSE, // wait until any one is signaled INFINITE); if ((dwWaitResult >= WAIT_OBJECT_0) && (dwWaitResult <= WAIT_OBJECT_0+nNumEvents-1)) break; } dwWaitResult -= WAIT_OBJECT_0; // Determine event # that signaled sprintf(szDbg, "CommThread: GotEvent2: %d\n", dwWaitResult); OutputDebugString(szDbg); if (dwWaitResult == (nNumEvents-1)) break; // Termination event g_vbCommIRQ = false; } } return 0; } bool CommThInit() { _ASSERT(g_hCommThread == NULL); _ASSERT(commhandle); if ((g_hCommEvent[0] == NULL) && (g_hCommEvent[1] == NULL) && (g_hCommEvent[2] == NULL)) { // Create an event object for use by WaitCommEvent o.hEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, // default security attributes FALSE, // auto reset event (bManualReset) FALSE, // not signaled (bInitialState) NULL // no name ); // Initialize the rest of the OVERLAPPED structure to zero o.Internal = 0; o.InternalHigh = 0; o.Offset = 0; o.OffsetHigh = 0; // g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_WAIT] = o.hEvent; g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_ACK] = CreateEvent(NULL, // lpEventAttributes FALSE, // bManualReset (FALSE = auto-reset) FALSE, // bInitialState (FALSE = non-signaled) NULL); // lpName g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_TERM] = CreateEvent(NULL, // lpEventAttributes FALSE, // bManualReset (FALSE = auto-reset) FALSE, // bInitialState (FALSE = non-signaled) NULL); // lpName if ((g_hCommEvent[0] == NULL) || (g_hCommEvent[1] == NULL) || (g_hCommEvent[2] == NULL)) { if(g_fh) fprintf(g_fh, "Comm: CreateEvent failed\n"); return false; } } // if (g_hCommThread == NULL) { DWORD dwThreadId; g_hCommThread = CreateThread(NULL, // lpThreadAttributes 0, // dwStackSize CommThread, NULL, // lpParameter 0, // dwCreationFlags : 0 = Run immediately &dwThreadId); // lpThreadId InitializeCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } return true; } void CommThUninit() { if (g_hCommThread) { SetEvent(g_hCommEvent[COMMEVT_TERM]); // Signal to thread that it should exit do { DWORD dwExitCode; if(GetExitCodeThread(g_hCommThread, &dwExitCode)) { if(dwExitCode == STILL_ACTIVE) Sleep(10); else break; } } while(1); CloseHandle(g_hCommThread); g_hCommThread = NULL; DeleteCriticalSection(&g_CriticalSection); } // for (UINT i=0; ibaudrate = baudrate; pSS->bytesize = bytesize; pSS->commandbyte = commandbyte; pSS->comminactivity = comminactivity; pSS->controlbyte = controlbyte; pSS->parity = parity; memcpy(pSS->recvbuffer, g_RecvBuffer, uRecvBufferSize); pSS->recvbytes = g_vRecvBytes; pSS->stopbits = stopbits; return 0; } DWORD CommSetSnapshot(SS_IO_Comms* pSS) { baudrate = pSS->baudrate; bytesize = pSS->bytesize; commandbyte = pSS->commandbyte; comminactivity = pSS->comminactivity; controlbyte = pSS->controlbyte; parity = pSS->parity; memcpy(g_RecvBuffer, pSS->recvbuffer, uRecvBufferSize); g_vRecvBytes = pSS->recvbytes; stopbits = pSS->stopbits; return 0; }