#pragma once #include "yaml.h" #define SS_YAML_KEY_FILEHDR "File_hdr" #define SS_YAML_KEY_TAG "Tag" #define SS_YAML_KEY_VERSION "Version" #define SS_YAML_KEY_UNIT "Unit" #define SS_YAML_KEY_TYPE "Type" #define SS_YAML_KEY_CARD "Card" #define SS_YAML_KEY_STATE "State" #define SS_YAML_VALUE_AWSS "AppleWin Save State" struct MapValue; typedef std::map MapYaml; struct MapValue { std::string value; MapYaml* subMap; }; class YamlHelper { friend class YamlLoadHelper; // YamlLoadHelper can access YamlHelper's private members public: YamlHelper(void) : m_hFile(NULL) { MakeAsciiToHexTable(); } ~YamlHelper(void) { if (m_hFile) fclose(m_hFile); } int InitParser(const char* pPathname); void FinaliseParser(void); int GetScalar(std::string& scalar); void GetMapStartEvent(void); private: void GetNextEvent(bool bInMap = false); int ParseMap(MapYaml& mapYaml); std::string GetMapValue(MapYaml& mapYaml, const std::string key, bool& bFound); void GetMapValueMemory(MapYaml& mapYaml, const LPBYTE pMemBase, const size_t kAddrSpaceSize); bool GetSubMap(MapYaml** mapYaml, const std::string key); void GetMapRemainder(std::string& mapName, MapYaml& mapYaml); void MakeAsciiToHexTable(void); yaml_parser_t m_parser; yaml_event_t m_newEvent; std::string m_scalarName; FILE* m_hFile; char m_AsciiToHex[256]; MapYaml m_mapYaml; }; // ----- class YamlLoadHelper { public: YamlLoadHelper(YamlHelper& yamlHelper) : m_yamlHelper(yamlHelper), m_pMapYaml(&yamlHelper.m_mapYaml), m_bIteratingOverMap(false), m_bDoGetMapRemainder(true), m_topLevelMapName(yamlHelper.m_scalarName), m_currentMapName(m_topLevelMapName) { if (!m_yamlHelper.ParseMap(yamlHelper.m_mapYaml)) { m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Failed to parse map"); } } ~YamlLoadHelper(void) { if (m_bDoGetMapRemainder) m_yamlHelper.GetMapRemainder(m_topLevelMapName, m_yamlHelper.m_mapYaml); } INT GetMapValueINT(const std::string key) { bool bFound; std::string value = m_yamlHelper.GetMapValue(*m_pMapYaml, key, bFound); if (value == "") { m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Missing: " + key); } return strtol(value.c_str(), NULL, 0); } UINT GetMapValueUINT(const std::string key) { bool bFound; std::string value = m_yamlHelper.GetMapValue(*m_pMapYaml, key, bFound); if (value == "") { m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Missing: " + key); } return strtoul(value.c_str(), NULL, 0); } UINT64 GetMapValueUINT64(const std::string key) { bool bFound; std::string value = m_yamlHelper.GetMapValue(*m_pMapYaml, key, bFound); if (value == "") { m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Missing: " + key); } return _strtoui64(value.c_str(), NULL, 0); } bool GetMapValueBool(const std::string key) { return GetMapValueUINT(key) ? true : false; } std::string GetMapValueSTRING_NoThrow(const std::string& key, bool& bFound) { std::string value = m_yamlHelper.GetMapValue(*m_pMapYaml, key, bFound); return value; } std::string GetMapValueSTRING(const std::string& key) { bool bFound; std::string value = GetMapValueSTRING_NoThrow(key, bFound); if (!bFound) { m_bDoGetMapRemainder = false; throw std::string(m_currentMapName + ": Missing: " + key); } return value; } void GetMapValueMemory(const LPBYTE pMemBase, const size_t size) { m_yamlHelper.GetMapValueMemory(*m_pMapYaml, pMemBase, size); } bool GetSubMap(const std::string key) { YamlStackItem item = {m_pMapYaml, m_currentMapName}; m_stackMap.push(item); bool res = m_yamlHelper.GetSubMap(&m_pMapYaml, key); if (!res) m_stackMap.pop(); else m_currentMapName = key; return res; } void PopMap(void) { if (m_stackMap.empty()) return; YamlStackItem item = m_stackMap.top(); m_stackMap.pop(); m_pMapYaml = item.pMapYaml; m_currentMapName = item.mapName; } std::string GetMapNextSlotNumber(void) { if (!m_bIteratingOverMap) { m_iter = m_pMapYaml->begin(); m_bIteratingOverMap = true; } if (m_iter == m_pMapYaml->end()) { m_bIteratingOverMap = false; return ""; } std::string scalar = m_iter->first; ++m_iter; return scalar; } private: YamlHelper& m_yamlHelper; MapYaml* m_pMapYaml; bool m_bDoGetMapRemainder; struct YamlStackItem { MapYaml* pMapYaml; std::string mapName; }; std::stack m_stackMap; std::string m_topLevelMapName; std::string m_currentMapName; bool m_bIteratingOverMap; MapYaml::iterator m_iter; }; // ----- class YamlSaveHelper { public: YamlSaveHelper(std::string pathname) : m_hFile(NULL), m_indent(0) { m_hFile = fopen(pathname.c_str(), "wt"); // todo: handle ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS - ask if user wants to replace existing file // - at this point any old file will have been truncated to zero if(m_hFile == NULL) throw std::string("Save error"); _tzset(); time_t ltime; time(<ime); char timebuf[26]; errno_t err = ctime_s(timebuf, sizeof(timebuf), <ime); // includes newline at end of string fprintf(m_hFile, "# Date-stamp: %s\n", err == 0 ? timebuf : "Error: Datestamp\n\n"); fprintf(m_hFile, "---\n"); // memset(m_szIndent, ' ', kMaxIndent); } ~YamlSaveHelper() { if (m_hFile) { fprintf(m_hFile, "...\n"); fclose(m_hFile); } } void Save(const char* format, ...); class Label { public: Label(YamlSaveHelper& rYamlSaveHelper, const char* format, ...) : yamlSaveHelper(rYamlSaveHelper) { fwrite(yamlSaveHelper.m_szIndent, 1, yamlSaveHelper.m_indent, yamlSaveHelper.m_hFile); va_list vl; va_start(vl, format); vfprintf(yamlSaveHelper.m_hFile, format, vl); va_end(vl); yamlSaveHelper.m_indent += 2; _ASSERT(yamlSaveHelper.m_indent < yamlSaveHelper.kMaxIndent); } ~Label(void) { yamlSaveHelper.m_indent -= 2; _ASSERT(yamlSaveHelper.m_indent >= 0); } YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper; }; class Slot : public Label { public: Slot(YamlSaveHelper& rYamlSaveHelper, std::string type, UINT slot, UINT version) : Label(rYamlSaveHelper, "%d:\n", slot) { rYamlSaveHelper.Save("%s: %s\n", SS_YAML_KEY_CARD, type.c_str()); rYamlSaveHelper.Save("%s: %d\n", SS_YAML_KEY_VERSION, version); } ~Slot(void) {} }; void FileHdr(UINT version); void UnitHdr(std::string type, UINT version); void SaveMapValueMemory(const LPBYTE pMemBase, const UINT uMemSize); std::string GetSaveString(const char* pValue); private: FILE* m_hFile; int m_indent; static const UINT kMaxIndent = 50*2; char m_szIndent[kMaxIndent]; };