/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2010, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski, Nick Westgate AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: No Slot Clock/Phantom Clock (Dallas SmartWatch DS1216) emulation * * Author: Nick Westgate */ /* Posted to csa2, "No Slot Clock and Day Of Week apps?" by Nick on 21/06/2011: DOW interpretation is only a convention, but unfortunately it seems Dallas chose a different convention from the original NSC vendors. And perhaps the NSC vendors then adopted the new convention. This conclusion is drawn from the 3 available data points: - Original (1986/1987) NSC manual: 1=MON - SmartWatch Utility (1987) v1.1: 1=SUN - No Slot Clock Utilities (1991) v.14: 1=SUN All the other drivers and utilities available to me don't define the DOW mapping. */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "NoSlotClock.h" #include "YamlHelper.h" CNoSlotClock::CNoSlotClock() : m_ClockRegister(), m_ComparisonRegister(kClockInitSequence) { Reset(); } void CNoSlotClock::Reset() { // SmartWatch reset - whether tied to system reset is component specific m_ComparisonRegister.Reset(); m_bClockRegisterEnabled = false; m_bWriteEnabled = true; } bool CNoSlotClock::Read(int address, int& data) { // this may read or write the clock (returns true if data is changed) if (address & 0x04) return ClockRead(data); else { ClockWrite(address); return false; } } void CNoSlotClock::Write(int address) { // this may read or write the clock int dummy = 0; if (address & 0x04) ClockRead(dummy); else ClockWrite(address); } bool CNoSlotClock::ClockRead(int& data) { // for a ROM, A2 high = read, and data out (if any) is on D0 if (!m_bClockRegisterEnabled) { m_ComparisonRegister.Reset(); m_bWriteEnabled = true; return false; } else { m_ClockRegister.ReadBit(data); if (m_ClockRegister.NextBit()) m_bClockRegisterEnabled = false; return true; } } void CNoSlotClock::ClockWrite(int address) { // for a ROM, A2 low = write, and data in is on A0 if (!m_bWriteEnabled) return; if (!m_bClockRegisterEnabled) { if ((m_ComparisonRegister.CompareBit(address & 0x1))) { if (m_ComparisonRegister.NextBit()) { m_bClockRegisterEnabled = true; PopulateClockRegister(); } } else { // mismatch ignores further writes m_bWriteEnabled = false; } } else if (m_ClockRegister.NextBit()) { // simulate writes, but our clock register is read-only m_bClockRegisterEnabled = false; } } void CNoSlotClock::PopulateClockRegister() { // all values are in packed BCD format (4 bits per decimal digit) SYSTEMTIME now; GetLocalTime(&now); int centisecond = now.wMilliseconds / 10; // 00-99 m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(centisecond % 10); m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(centisecond / 10); int second = now.wSecond; // 00-59 m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(second % 10); m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(second / 10); int minute = now.wMinute; // 00-59 m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(minute % 10); m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(minute / 10); int hour = now.wHour; // 01-23 m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(hour % 10); m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(hour / 10); int day = now.wDayOfWeek + 1; // 01-07 (1 = Sunday) m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(day % 10); m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(day / 10); int date = now.wDay; // 01-31 m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(date % 10); m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(date / 10); int month = now.wMonth; // 01-12 m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(month % 10); m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(month / 10); int year = now.wYear % 100; // 00-99 m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(year % 10); m_ClockRegister.WriteNibble(year / 10); } #define SS_YAML_KEY_CLOCK_REGISTER_ENABLED "Clock Register Enabled" #define SS_YAML_KEY_WRITE_ENABLED "Write Enabled" #define SS_YAML_KEY_CLOCK_REGISTER_MASK "Clock Register Mask" #define SS_YAML_KEY_CLOCK_REGISTER "Clock Register" #define SS_YAML_KEY_COMPARISON_REGISTER_MASK "Comparison Register Mask" #define SS_YAML_KEY_COMPARISON_REGISTER "Comparison Register" std::string CNoSlotClock::GetSnapshotStructName(void) { static const std::string name("No Slot Clock"); return name; } void CNoSlotClock::SaveSnapshot(YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper) { YamlSaveHelper::Label state(yamlSaveHelper, "%s:\n", GetSnapshotStructName().c_str()); yamlSaveHelper.SaveBool(SS_YAML_KEY_CLOCK_REGISTER_ENABLED, m_bClockRegisterEnabled); yamlSaveHelper.SaveBool(SS_YAML_KEY_WRITE_ENABLED, m_bWriteEnabled); yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint64(SS_YAML_KEY_CLOCK_REGISTER_MASK, m_ClockRegister.m_Mask); yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint64(SS_YAML_KEY_CLOCK_REGISTER, m_ClockRegister.m_Register); yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint64(SS_YAML_KEY_COMPARISON_REGISTER_MASK, m_ComparisonRegister.m_Mask); yamlSaveHelper.SaveHexUint64(SS_YAML_KEY_COMPARISON_REGISTER, m_ComparisonRegister.m_Register); } void CNoSlotClock::LoadSnapshot(YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper) { if (!yamlLoadHelper.GetSubMap(GetSnapshotStructName())) return; m_bClockRegisterEnabled = yamlLoadHelper.LoadBool(SS_YAML_KEY_CLOCK_REGISTER_ENABLED); m_bWriteEnabled = yamlLoadHelper.LoadBool(SS_YAML_KEY_WRITE_ENABLED); m_ClockRegister.m_Mask = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint64(SS_YAML_KEY_CLOCK_REGISTER_MASK); m_ClockRegister.m_Register = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint64(SS_YAML_KEY_CLOCK_REGISTER); m_ComparisonRegister.m_Mask = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint64(SS_YAML_KEY_COMPARISON_REGISTER_MASK); m_ComparisonRegister.m_Register = yamlLoadHelper.LoadUint64(SS_YAML_KEY_COMPARISON_REGISTER); yamlLoadHelper.PopMap(); } CNoSlotClock::RingRegister64::RingRegister64() { Reset(); m_Register = 0; } CNoSlotClock::RingRegister64::RingRegister64(UINT64 data) { Reset(); m_Register = data; } void CNoSlotClock::RingRegister64::Reset() { m_Mask = 1; } void CNoSlotClock::RingRegister64::WriteNibble(int data) { WriteBits(data, 4); } void CNoSlotClock::RingRegister64::WriteBits(int data, int count) { for (int i = 1; i <= count; i++) { WriteBit(data); NextBit(); data >>= 1; } } void CNoSlotClock::RingRegister64::WriteBit(int data) { m_Register = (data & 0x1) ? (m_Register | m_Mask) : (m_Register & ~m_Mask); } void CNoSlotClock::RingRegister64::ReadBit(int& data) { data = (m_Register & m_Mask) ? data | 1 : data & ~1; } bool CNoSlotClock::RingRegister64::CompareBit(int data) { return ((m_Register & m_Mask) != 0) == ((data & 1) != 0); } bool CNoSlotClock::RingRegister64::NextBit() { if ((m_Mask <<= 1) == 0) { m_Mask = 1; return true; // wrap } return false; }