/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2014, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: Frame * * Author: Various */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include #include "AppleWin.h" #include "CPU.h" #include "Disk.h" #include "DiskImage.h" #include "Harddisk.h" #include "Frame.h" #include "Keyboard.h" #include "Log.h" #include "Memory.h" #include "Mockingboard.h" #include "MouseInterface.h" #include "ParallelPrinter.h" #include "Registry.h" #include "SaveState.h" #include "SerialComms.h" #include "SoundCore.h" #include "Speaker.h" #ifdef USE_SPEECH_API #include "Speech.h" #endif #include "Video.h" #include "..\resource\resource.h" #include "Configuration\PropertySheet.h" #include "Debugger\Debug.h" //#define ENABLE_MENU 0 // Magic numbers (used by FrameCreateWindow to calc width/height): #define MAGICX 5 // 3D border between Apple window & Emulator's RHS buttons #define MAGICY 5 // 3D border between Apple window & Title bar static const int kDEFAULT_VIEWPORT_SCALE = 2; static int g_nViewportCX = FRAMEBUFFER_W * kDEFAULT_VIEWPORT_SCALE; static int g_nViewportCY = FRAMEBUFFER_H * kDEFAULT_VIEWPORT_SCALE; static int g_nViewportScale = kDEFAULT_VIEWPORT_SCALE; // saved REGSAVE static int g_nMaxViewportScale = kDEFAULT_VIEWPORT_SCALE; #define BUTTONX (g_nViewportCX + VIEWPORTX*2) #define BUTTONY 0 #define BUTTONCX 45 #define BUTTONCY 45 // NB. FSxxx = FullScreen xxx #define FSVIEWPORTX (640-BUTTONCX-MAGICX-g_nViewportCX) #define FSVIEWPORTY ((480-g_nViewportCY)/2) #define FSBUTTONX (640-BUTTONCX) #define FSBUTTONY (((480-g_nViewportCY)/2)-1) #define BUTTONS 8 static HBITMAP g_hCapsLockBitmap[2]; static HBITMAP g_hHardDiskBitmap[2]; //Pravets8 only static HBITMAP g_hCapsBitmapP8[2]; static HBITMAP g_hCapsBitmapLat[2]; //static HBITMAP charsetbitmap [4]; //The idea was to add a charset indicator on the front panel, but it was given up. All charsetbitmap occurences must be REMOVED! //=========================== static HBITMAP g_hDiskWindowedLED[ NUM_DISK_STATUS ]; //static HBITMAP g_hDiskFullScreenLED[ NUM_DISK_STATUS ]; static int g_nTrackDrive1 = -1; static int g_nTrackDrive2 = -1; static int g_nSectorDrive1 = -1; static int g_nSectorDrive2 = -1; static TCHAR g_sTrackDrive1 [8] = TEXT("??"); static TCHAR g_sTrackDrive2 [8] = TEXT("??"); static TCHAR g_sSectorDrive1[8] = TEXT("??"); static TCHAR g_sSectorDrive2[8] = TEXT("??"); Disk_Status_e g_eStatusDrive1 = DISK_STATUS_OFF; Disk_Status_e g_eStatusDrive2 = DISK_STATUS_OFF; // Must keep in sync with Disk_Status_e g_aDiskFullScreenColors static DWORD g_aDiskFullScreenColorsLED[ NUM_DISK_STATUS ] = { RGB( 0, 0, 0), // DISK_STATUS_OFF BLACK RGB( 0,255, 0), // DISK_STATUS_READ GREEN RGB(255, 0, 0), // DISK_STATUS_WRITE RED RGB(255,128, 0) // DISK_STATUS_PROT ORANGE // RGB( 0, 0,255) // DISK_STATUS_PROT -blue- }; static HBITMAP buttonbitmap[BUTTONS]; static bool g_bAppActive = false; static HBRUSH btnfacebrush = (HBRUSH)0; static HPEN btnfacepen = (HPEN)0; static HPEN btnhighlightpen = (HPEN)0; static HPEN btnshadowpen = (HPEN)0; static int buttonactive = -1; static int buttondown = -1; static int buttonover = -1; static int buttonx = BUTTONX; static int buttony = BUTTONY; static HRGN clipregion = (HRGN)0; static HDC g_hFrameDC = (HDC)0; static RECT framerect = {0,0,0,0}; HWND g_hFrameWindow = (HWND)0; BOOL g_bIsFullScreen = 0; BOOL g_bConfirmReboot = 1; // saved PageConfig REGSAVE BOOL g_bMultiMon = 0; // OFF = load window position & clamp initial frame to screen, ON = use window position as is static BOOL helpquit = 0; static BOOL g_bPaintingWindow = 0; static HFONT smallfont = (HFONT)0; static HWND tooltipwindow = (HWND)0; static BOOL g_bUsingCursor = 0; // 1=AppleWin is using (hiding) the mouse-cursor static int viewportx = VIEWPORTX; // Default to Normal (non-FullScreen) mode static int viewporty = VIEWPORTY; // Default to Normal (non-FullScreen) mode int g_nCharsetType = 0; // Direct Draw -- For Full Screen LPDIRECTDRAW g_pDD = (LPDIRECTDRAW)0; LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE g_pDDPrimarySurface = (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE)0; IDirectDrawPalette* g_pDDPal = (IDirectDrawPalette*)0; static bool g_bShowingCursor = true; static bool g_bLastCursorInAppleViewport = false; void DrawStatusArea (HDC passdc, BOOL drawflags); static void ProcessButtonClick (int button, bool bFromButtonUI=false); void ProcessDiskPopupMenu(HWND hwnd, POINT pt, const int iDrive); void RelayEvent (UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam); void ResetMachineState (); void SetFullScreenMode (); void SetNormalMode (); void SetUsingCursor (BOOL); static bool FileExists(std::string strFilename); bool g_bScrollLock_FullSpeed = false; bool g_bFreshReset = false; static bool g_bFullScreen32Bit = true; // __ Prototypes __________________________________________________________________________________ static void DrawCrosshairs (int x, int y); static void FrameSetCursorPosByMousePos(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, bool bLeavingAppleScreen); static void DrawCrosshairsMouse(); static void UpdateMouseInAppleViewport(int iOutOfBoundsX, int iOutOfBoundsY, int x=0, int y=0); static void ScreenWindowResize(const bool bCtrlKey); static void FrameResizeWindow(int nNewScale); static void GetWidthHeight(int& nWidth, int& nHeight); TCHAR g_pAppleWindowTitle[ 128 ] = ""; // Updates g_pAppTitle // ==================================================================== void GetAppleWindowTitle() { g_pAppTitle = g_pAppleWindowTitle; switch (g_Apple2Type) { default: case A2TYPE_APPLE2: _tcscpy(g_pAppleWindowTitle, TITLE_APPLE_2 ); break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2PLUS: _tcscpy(g_pAppleWindowTitle, TITLE_APPLE_2_PLUS ); break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2E: _tcscpy(g_pAppleWindowTitle, TITLE_APPLE_2E ); break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED:_tcscpy(g_pAppleWindowTitle, TITLE_APPLE_2E_ENHANCED); break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS82: _tcscpy(g_pAppleWindowTitle, TITLE_PRAVETS_82 ); break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8M: _tcscpy(g_pAppleWindowTitle, TITLE_PRAVETS_8M ); break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A: _tcscpy(g_pAppleWindowTitle, TITLE_PRAVETS_8A ); break; } #if _DEBUG _tcscat( g_pAppleWindowTitle, " *DEBUG* " ); #endif if (g_nAppMode == MODE_LOGO) return; // TODO: g_bDisplayVideoModeInTitle _tcscat( g_pAppleWindowTitle, " - " ); if( g_uHalfScanLines ) { _tcscat( g_pAppleWindowTitle," 50% " ); } _tcscat( g_pAppleWindowTitle, g_apVideoModeDesc[ g_eVideoType ] ); if (g_hCustomRomF8 != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) _tcscat(g_pAppleWindowTitle,TEXT(" (custom rom)")); else if (sg_PropertySheet.GetTheFreezesF8Rom() && IS_APPLE2) _tcscat(g_pAppleWindowTitle,TEXT(" (The Freeze's non-autostart F8 rom)")); switch (g_nAppMode) { case MODE_PAUSED : _tcscat(g_pAppleWindowTitle,TEXT(" [")); _tcscat(g_pAppleWindowTitle,TITLE_PAUSED ); _tcscat(g_pAppleWindowTitle,TEXT("]")); break; case MODE_STEPPING: _tcscat(g_pAppleWindowTitle,TEXT(" [")); _tcscat(g_pAppleWindowTitle,TITLE_STEPPING); _tcscat(g_pAppleWindowTitle,TEXT("]")); break; } g_pAppTitle = g_pAppleWindowTitle; } //=========================================================================== static void FrameShowCursor(BOOL bShow) { int nCount; if (bShow) { do { nCount = ShowCursor(bShow); } while(nCount < 0); g_bShowingCursor = true; } else { do { nCount = ShowCursor(bShow); } while(nCount >= 0); g_bShowingCursor = false; } } // Called when: // . Ctrl-Left mouse button // . PAUSE pressed (when MODE_RUNNING) // . AppleWin's main window is deactivated static void RevealCursor() { if (!sg_Mouse.IsActiveAndEnabled()) return; sg_Mouse.SetEnabled(false); FrameShowCursor(TRUE); if (sg_PropertySheet.GetMouseShowCrosshair()) // Erase crosshairs if they are being drawn DrawCrosshairs(0,0); if (sg_PropertySheet.GetMouseRestrictToWindow()) SetUsingCursor(FALSE); g_bLastCursorInAppleViewport = false; } //=========================================================================== #define LOADBUTTONBITMAP(bitmapname) LoadImage(g_hInstance,bitmapname, \ IMAGE_BITMAP,0,0, \ LR_CREATEDIBSECTION | \ LR_LOADMAP3DCOLORS | \ LR_LOADTRANSPARENT); static void CreateGdiObjects(void) { ZeroMemory(buttonbitmap, BUTTONS*sizeof(HBITMAP)); buttonbitmap[BTN_HELP] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("HELP_BUTTON")); switch (g_Apple2Type) { case A2TYPE_PRAVETS82: case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8M: case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A: buttonbitmap[BTN_RUN] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("RUNP_BUTTON")); break; default: buttonbitmap[BTN_RUN] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("RUN_BUTTON")); break; } buttonbitmap[BTN_DRIVE1 ] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DRIVE1_BUTTON")); buttonbitmap[BTN_DRIVE2 ] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DRIVE2_BUTTON")); buttonbitmap[BTN_DRIVESWAP] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DRIVESWAP_BUTTON")); buttonbitmap[BTN_FULLSCR ] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("FULLSCR_BUTTON")); buttonbitmap[BTN_DEBUG ] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DEBUG_BUTTON")); buttonbitmap[BTN_SETUP ] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("SETUP_BUTTON")); // g_hCapsLockBitmap[0] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("LED_CAPSOFF_BITMAP")); g_hCapsLockBitmap[1] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("LED_CAPSON_BITMAP")); //Pravets8 only g_hCapsBitmapP8[0] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("LED_CAPSOFF_P8_BITMAP")); g_hCapsBitmapP8[1] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("LED_CAPSON_P8_BITMAP")); g_hCapsBitmapLat[0] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("LED_LATOFF_BITMAP")); g_hCapsBitmapLat[1] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("LED_LATON_BITMAP")); /*charsetbitmap[0] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("CHARSET_APPLE_BITMAP")); charsetbitmap[1] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("CHARSET_82_BITMAP")); charsetbitmap[2] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("CHARSET_8A_BITMAP")); charsetbitmap[3] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("CHARSET_8M_BITMAP")); */ //=========================== g_hDiskWindowedLED[ DISK_STATUS_OFF ] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DISKOFF_BITMAP")); g_hDiskWindowedLED[ DISK_STATUS_READ ] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DISKREAD_BITMAP")); g_hDiskWindowedLED[ DISK_STATUS_WRITE] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DISKWRITE_BITMAP")); g_hDiskWindowedLED[ DISK_STATUS_PROT ] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DISKPROT_BITMAP")); // Full Screen Drive LED // g_hDiskFullScreenLED[ DISK_STATUS_OFF ] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DISK_FULLSCREEN_O")); // Full Screen Off // g_hDiskFullScreenLED[ DISK_STATUS_READ ] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DISK_FULLSCREEN_R")); // Full Screen Read Only // g_hDiskFullScreenLED[ DISK_STATUS_WRITE] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DISK_FULLSCREEN_W")); // Full Screen Write // g_hDiskFullScreenLED[ DISK_STATUS_PROT ] = (HBITMAP)LOADBUTTONBITMAP(TEXT("DISK_FULLSCREEN_P")); // Full Screen Write Protected btnfacebrush = CreateSolidBrush(GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); btnfacepen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNFACE)); btnhighlightpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNHIGHLIGHT)); btnshadowpen = CreatePen(PS_SOLID,1,GetSysColor(COLOR_BTNSHADOW)); smallfont = CreateFont(11,6,0,0,FW_NORMAL,0,0,0,ANSI_CHARSET, OUT_DEFAULT_PRECIS,CLIP_DEFAULT_PRECIS, DEFAULT_QUALITY,VARIABLE_PITCH | FF_SWISS, TEXT("Small Fonts")); } //=========================================================================== static void DeleteGdiObjects(void) { for (int loop = 0; loop < BUTTONS; loop++) _ASSERT(DeleteObject(buttonbitmap[loop])); for (int loop = 0; loop < 2; loop++) { _ASSERT(DeleteObject(g_hCapsLockBitmap[loop])); _ASSERT(DeleteObject(g_hCapsBitmapP8[loop])); _ASSERT(DeleteObject(g_hCapsBitmapLat[loop])); } for (int loop = 0; loop < NUM_DISK_STATUS; loop++) { _ASSERT(DeleteObject(g_hDiskWindowedLED[loop])); //_ASSERT(DeleteObject(g_hDiskFullScreenLED[loop])); } _ASSERT(DeleteObject(btnfacebrush)); _ASSERT(DeleteObject(btnfacepen)); _ASSERT(DeleteObject(btnhighlightpen)); _ASSERT(DeleteObject(btnshadowpen)); _ASSERT(DeleteObject(smallfont)); } // Draws an 3D box around the main apple screen //=========================================================================== static void Draw3dRect (HDC dc, int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, BOOL out) { SelectObject(dc,GetStockObject(NULL_BRUSH)); SelectObject(dc,out ? btnshadowpen : btnhighlightpen); POINT pt[3]; pt[0].x = x1; pt[0].y = y2-1; pt[1].x = x2-1; pt[1].y = y2-1; pt[2].x = x2-1; pt[2].y = y1; Polyline(dc,(LPPOINT)&pt,3); SelectObject(dc,(out == 1) ? btnhighlightpen : btnshadowpen); pt[1].x = x1; pt[1].y = y1; pt[2].x = x2; pt[2].y = y1; Polyline(dc,(LPPOINT)&pt,3); } //=========================================================================== static void DrawBitmapRect (HDC dc, int x, int y, LPRECT rect, HBITMAP bitmap) { HDC memdc = CreateCompatibleDC(dc); SelectObject(memdc,bitmap); BitBlt(dc,x,y, rect->right + 1 - rect->left, rect->bottom + 1 - rect->top, memdc, rect->left, rect->top, SRCCOPY); DeleteDC(memdc); } //=========================================================================== static void DrawButton (HDC passdc, int number) { FrameReleaseDC(); HDC dc = (passdc ? passdc : GetDC(g_hFrameWindow)); int x = buttonx; int y = buttony+number*BUTTONCY; if (number == buttondown) { int loop = 0; while (loop++ < 3) Draw3dRect(dc,x+loop,y+loop,x+BUTTONCX,y+BUTTONCY,0); RECT rect = {0,0,39,39}; DrawBitmapRect(dc,x+4,y+4,&rect,buttonbitmap[number]); } else { Draw3dRect(dc,x+1,y+1,x+BUTTONCX,y+BUTTONCY,1); Draw3dRect(dc,x+2,y+2,x+BUTTONCX-1,y+BUTTONCY-1,1); RECT rect = {1,1,40,40}; DrawBitmapRect(dc,x+3,y+3,&rect,buttonbitmap[number]); } if ((number == BTN_DRIVE1) || (number == BTN_DRIVE2)) { int offset = (number == buttondown) << 1; RECT rect = {x+offset+3, y+offset+31, x+offset+42, y+offset+42}; SelectObject(dc,smallfont); SetTextColor(dc,RGB(0,0,0)); SetTextAlign(dc,TA_CENTER | TA_TOP); SetBkMode(dc,TRANSPARENT); LPCTSTR pszBaseName = DiskGetBaseName(number-BTN_DRIVE1); ExtTextOut(dc,x+offset+22,rect.top,ETO_CLIPPED,&rect, pszBaseName, MIN(8,_tcslen(pszBaseName)), NULL); } if (!passdc) ReleaseDC(g_hFrameWindow,dc); } //=========================================================================== static void DrawCrosshairs (int x, int y) { static int lastx = 0; static int lasty = 0; FrameReleaseDC(); HDC dc = GetDC(g_hFrameWindow); #define LINE(x1,y1,x2,y2) MoveToEx(dc,x1,y1,NULL); LineTo(dc,x2,y2); // ERASE THE OLD CROSSHAIRS if (lastx && lasty) if (g_bIsFullScreen) { int loop = 4; while (loop--) { RECT rect = {0,0,5,5}; switch (loop) { case 0: OffsetRect(&rect,lastx-2,FSVIEWPORTY-5); break; case 1: OffsetRect(&rect,lastx-2,FSVIEWPORTY+g_nViewportCY); break; case 2: OffsetRect(&rect,FSVIEWPORTX-5,lasty-2); break; case 3: OffsetRect(&rect,FSVIEWPORTX+g_nViewportCX,lasty-2); break; } FillRect(dc,&rect,(HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH)); } } else { int loop = 5; while (loop--) { switch (loop) { case 0: SelectObject(dc,GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN)); break; case 1: // fall through case 2: SelectObject(dc,btnshadowpen); break; case 3: // fall through case 4: SelectObject(dc,btnfacepen); break; } LINE(lastx-2,VIEWPORTY-loop-1, lastx+3,VIEWPORTY-loop-1); LINE(VIEWPORTX-loop-1,lasty-2, VIEWPORTX-loop-1,lasty+3); if ((loop == 1) || (loop == 2)) SelectObject(dc,btnhighlightpen); LINE(lastx-2,VIEWPORTY+g_nViewportCY+loop, lastx+3,VIEWPORTY+g_nViewportCY+loop); LINE(VIEWPORTX+g_nViewportCX+loop,lasty-2, VIEWPORTX+g_nViewportCX+loop,lasty+3); } } // DRAW THE NEW CROSSHAIRS if (x && y) { int loop = 4; while (loop--) { if ((loop == 1) || (loop == 2)) SelectObject(dc,GetStockObject(WHITE_PEN)); else SelectObject(dc,GetStockObject(BLACK_PEN)); LINE(x+loop-2,viewporty-5, x+loop-2,viewporty); LINE(x+loop-2,viewporty+g_nViewportCY+4, x+loop-2,viewporty+g_nViewportCY-1); LINE(viewportx-5, y+loop-2, viewportx, y+loop-2); LINE(viewportx+g_nViewportCX+4,y+loop-2, viewportx+g_nViewportCX-1,y+loop-2); } } #undef LINE lastx = x; lasty = y; ReleaseDC(g_hFrameWindow,dc); } //=========================================================================== static void DrawFrameWindow () { FrameReleaseDC(); PAINTSTRUCT ps; HDC dc = (g_bPaintingWindow ? BeginPaint(g_hFrameWindow,&ps) : GetDC(g_hFrameWindow)); VideoRealizePalette(dc); if (!g_bIsFullScreen) { // DRAW THE 3D BORDER AROUND THE EMULATED SCREEN Draw3dRect(dc, VIEWPORTX-2,VIEWPORTY-2, VIEWPORTX+g_nViewportCX+2,VIEWPORTY+g_nViewportCY+2, 0); Draw3dRect(dc, VIEWPORTX-3,VIEWPORTY-3, VIEWPORTX+g_nViewportCX+3,VIEWPORTY+g_nViewportCY+3, 0); SelectObject(dc,btnfacepen); Rectangle(dc, VIEWPORTX-4,VIEWPORTY-4, VIEWPORTX+g_nViewportCX+4,VIEWPORTY+g_nViewportCY+4); Rectangle(dc, VIEWPORTX-5,VIEWPORTY-5, VIEWPORTX+g_nViewportCX+5,VIEWPORTY+g_nViewportCY+5); // DRAW THE TOOLBAR BUTTONS int iButton = BUTTONS; while (iButton--) { DrawButton(dc,iButton); } if (g_nViewportScale == 2) { int x = buttonx + 1; int y = buttony + BUTTONS*BUTTONCY + 36; // 36 = height of StatusArea RECT rect = {x, y, x+45, y+BUTTONS*BUTTONCY+22}; HBRUSH hbr = (HBRUSH) GetStockObject(WHITE_BRUSH); int res = FillRect(dc, &rect, hbr); } } // DRAW THE STATUS AREA DrawStatusArea(dc,DRAW_BACKGROUND | DRAW_LEDS | DRAW_DISK_STATUS); // DRAW THE CONTENTS OF THE EMULATED SCREEN if (g_nAppMode == MODE_LOGO) VideoDisplayLogo(); else if (g_nAppMode == MODE_DEBUG) DebugDisplay(1); else // Win7: In fullscreen mode with 1 redraw, the the screen doesn't get redraw. VideoRedrawScreen(g_bIsFullScreen ? 2 : 1); // TC: 22/06/2014: Why 2 redraws in full-screen mode (32-bit only)? (8-bit doesn't need this nor does Win8, just Win7 or older OS's) // DD Full-Screen Palette: BUGFIX: needs to come _after_ all drawing... if (g_bPaintingWindow) EndPaint(g_hFrameWindow,&ps); else ReleaseDC(g_hFrameWindow,dc); } //=========================================================================== void FrameDrawDiskLEDS( HDC passdc ) { static Disk_Status_e eDrive1Status = DISK_STATUS_OFF; static Disk_Status_e eDrive2Status = DISK_STATUS_OFF; DiskGetLightStatus(&eDrive1Status, &eDrive2Status); g_eStatusDrive1 = eDrive1Status; g_eStatusDrive2 = eDrive2Status; // Draw Track/Sector FrameReleaseDC(); HDC dc = (passdc ? passdc : GetDC(g_hFrameWindow)); int x = buttonx; int y = buttony+BUTTONS*BUTTONCY+1; if (g_bIsFullScreen) { SelectObject(dc,smallfont); SetBkMode(dc,OPAQUE); SetBkColor(dc,RGB(0,0,0)); SetTextAlign(dc,TA_LEFT | TA_TOP); SetTextColor(dc, g_aDiskFullScreenColorsLED[ eDrive1Status ] ); TextOut(dc,x+ 3,y+2,TEXT("1"),1); SetTextColor(dc, g_aDiskFullScreenColorsLED[ eDrive2Status ] ); TextOut(dc,x+13,y+2,TEXT("2"),1); } else { RECT rDiskLed = {0,0,8,8}; DrawBitmapRect(dc,x+12,y+6,&rDiskLed,g_hDiskWindowedLED[eDrive1Status]); DrawBitmapRect(dc,x+31,y+6,&rDiskLed,g_hDiskWindowedLED[eDrive2Status]); } } // Feature Request #201 Show track status // https://github.com/AppleWin/AppleWin/issues/201 //=========================================================================== void FrameDrawDiskStatus( HDC passdc ) { if (mem == NULL) return; // We use the actual drive since probing from memory doesn't tell us anything we don't already know. // DOS3.3 ProDOS // Drive $B7EA $BE3D // Track $B7EC LC1 $D356 // Sector $B7ED LC1 $D357 // RWTS LC1 $D300 int nActiveFloppy = DiskGetCurrentDrive(); int nDisk1Track = DiskGetTrack(0); int nDisk2Track = DiskGetTrack(1); // Probe known OS's for Track/Sector int isProDOS = mem[ 0xBF00 ] == 0x4C; bool isValid = true; // Try DOS3.3 Sector if ( !isProDOS ) { int nDOS33track = mem[ 0xB7EC ]; int nDOS33sector = mem[ 0xB7ED ]; if ((nDOS33track >= 0 && nDOS33track < 40) && (nDOS33sector >= 0 && nDOS33sector < 16)) { #if _DEBUG && 0 if (nDOS33track != nDisk1Track) { char text[128]; sprintf( text, "\n\n\nWARNING: DOS33Track: %d (%02X) != nDisk1Track: %d (%02X)\n\n\n", nDOS33track, nDOS33track, nDisk1Track, nDisk1Track ); OutputDebugString( text ); } #endif // _DEBUG /**/ if (nActiveFloppy == 0) g_nSectorDrive1 = nDOS33sector; else if (nActiveFloppy == 1) g_nSectorDrive2 = nDOS33sector; } else isValid = false; } else // isProDOS { // we can't just read from mem[ 0xD357 ] since it might be bank-switched from ROM // and we need the Language Card RAM // memrom[ 0xD350 ] = " ERROR\x07\x00" Applesoft error message // T S int nProDOStrack = *MemGetMainPtr( 0xC356 ); // LC1 $D356 int nProDOSsector = *MemGetMainPtr( 0xC357 ); // LC1 $D357 if ((nProDOStrack >= 0 && nProDOStrack < 40) && (nProDOSsector >= 0 && nProDOSsector < 16)) { /**/ if (nActiveFloppy == 0) g_nSectorDrive1 = nProDOSsector; else if (nActiveFloppy == 1) g_nSectorDrive2 = nProDOSsector; } else isValid = false; } g_nTrackDrive1 = nDisk1Track; g_nTrackDrive2 = nDisk2Track; if( !isValid ) { if (nActiveFloppy == 0) g_nSectorDrive1 = -1; else g_nSectorDrive2 = -1; } sprintf_s( g_sTrackDrive1 , sizeof(g_sTrackDrive1 ), "%2d", g_nTrackDrive1 ); if (g_nSectorDrive1 < 0) sprintf_s( g_sSectorDrive1, sizeof(g_sSectorDrive1), "??" , g_nSectorDrive1 ); else sprintf_s( g_sSectorDrive1, sizeof(g_sSectorDrive1), "%2d", g_nSectorDrive1 ); sprintf_s( g_sTrackDrive2 , sizeof(g_sTrackDrive2), "%2d", g_nTrackDrive2 ); if (g_nSectorDrive2 < 0) sprintf_s( g_sSectorDrive2, sizeof(g_sSectorDrive2), "??" , g_nSectorDrive2 ); else sprintf_s( g_sSectorDrive2, sizeof(g_sSectorDrive2), "%2d", g_nSectorDrive2 ); // Draw Track/Sector FrameReleaseDC(); HDC dc = (passdc ? passdc : GetDC(g_hFrameWindow)); int x = buttonx; int y = buttony+BUTTONS*BUTTONCY+1; SelectObject(dc,smallfont); SetBkMode(dc,OPAQUE); SetBkColor(dc,RGB(0,0,0)); SetTextAlign(dc,TA_LEFT | TA_TOP); char text[ 16 ]; if (g_bIsFullScreen) { #if _DEBUG && 0 SetBkColor(dc,RGB(255,0,255)); #endif SetTextColor(dc, g_aDiskFullScreenColorsLED[ g_eStatusDrive1 ] ); TextOut(dc,x+ 3,y+2,TEXT("1"),1); SetTextColor(dc, g_aDiskFullScreenColorsLED[ g_eStatusDrive2 ] ); TextOut(dc,x+13,y+2,TEXT("2"),1); int dx = 0; if( nActiveFloppy == 0 ) sprintf( text, "%s/%s ", g_sTrackDrive1, g_sSectorDrive1 ); else sprintf( text, "%s/%s ", g_sTrackDrive2, g_sSectorDrive2 ); SetTextColor(dc, g_aDiskFullScreenColorsLED[ DISK_STATUS_READ ] ); TextOut(dc,x+dx,y-12,text, strlen(text) ); // original: y+2; y-12 puts status in the Configuration Button Icon } else { // NB. Only draw Track/Sector if 2x windowed if (g_nViewportScale == 1) return; // Erase background SelectObject(dc,GetStockObject(NULL_PEN)); #if _DEBUG && 0 SelectObject( dc, CreateSolidBrush( RGB(255,0,255) ) ); #else SelectObject(dc,btnfacebrush); #endif Rectangle(dc,x+4,y+32,x+BUTTONCX+1,y+56); // y+35 -> 44 -> 56 SetTextColor(dc,RGB(0,0,0)); SetBkMode(dc,TRANSPARENT); sprintf( text, "T%s", g_sTrackDrive1 ); TextOut(dc,x+6 ,y+32,text, strlen(text) ); sprintf( text, "S%s", g_sSectorDrive1 ); TextOut(dc,x+ 6,y+42, text, strlen(text) ); sprintf( text, "T%s", g_sTrackDrive2 ); TextOut(dc,x+26,y+32,text, strlen(text) ); sprintf( text, "S%s", g_sSectorDrive2 ); TextOut(dc,x+26,y+42, text, strlen(text) ); } } //=========================================================================== static void DrawStatusArea (HDC passdc, int drawflags) { FrameReleaseDC(); HDC dc = (passdc ? passdc : GetDC(g_hFrameWindow)); int x = buttonx; int y = buttony+BUTTONS*BUTTONCY+1; const bool bCaps = KeybGetCapsStatus(); //const bool bP8Caps = KeybGetP8CapsStatus(); // TODO: FIXME: Not used ?! Should show the LED status ... #if HD_LED // Hard Disk Status/Indicator Light Disk_Status_e eHardDriveStatus = DISK_STATUS_OFF; HD_GetLightStatus(&eHardDriveStatus); #endif if (g_bIsFullScreen) { SelectObject(dc,smallfont); if (drawflags & DRAW_DISK_STATUS) FrameDrawDiskStatus( dc ); #if HD_LED SetTextColor(dc, g_aDiskFullScreenColorsLED[ eHardDriveStatus ] ); TextOut(dc,x+23,y+2,TEXT("H"),1); #endif // Feature Request #3581 ] drive lights in full screen mode // This has been in for a while, at least since // Full Screen Drive LED // Note: Made redundant with above code // RECT rect = {0,0,8,8}; // CONST int DriveLedY = 12; // 8 in windowed mode // DrawBitmapRect(dc,x+12,y+DriveLedY,&rect,g_hDiskFullScreenLED[ eDrive1Status ]); // DrawBitmapRect(dc,x+30,y+DriveLedY,&rect,g_hDiskFullScreenLED[ eDrive2Status ]); // SetTextColor(dc, g_aDiskFullScreenColors[ eDrive1Status ] ); // TextOut(dc,x+ 10,y+2,TEXT("*"),1); // SetTextColor(dc, g_aDiskFullScreenColors[ eDrive2Status ] ); // TextOut(dc,x+ 20,y+2,TEXT("*"),1); if (!IS_APPLE2) { SetTextAlign(dc,TA_RIGHT | TA_TOP); SetTextColor(dc,(bCaps ? RGB(128,128,128) : RGB( 0, 0, 0) )); // const TCHAR sCapsStatus[] = TEXT("Caps"); // Caps or A // const int nCapsLen = sizeof(sCapsStatus) / sizeof(TCHAR); // TextOut(dc,x+BUTTONCX,y+2,"Caps",4); // sCapsStatus,nCapsLen - 1); TextOut(dc,x+BUTTONCX,y+2,TEXT("A"),1); // NB. Caps Lock indicator is already flush right! } SetTextAlign(dc,TA_CENTER | TA_TOP); SetTextColor(dc,(g_nAppMode == MODE_PAUSED || g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING ? RGB(255,255,255) : RGB( 0, 0, 0))); TextOut(dc,x+BUTTONCX/2,y+13,(g_nAppMode == MODE_PAUSED ? TITLE_PAUSED : TITLE_STEPPING) ,8); } else // g_bIsFullScreen { if (drawflags & DRAW_BACKGROUND) { SelectObject(dc,GetStockObject(NULL_PEN)); SelectObject(dc,btnfacebrush); Rectangle(dc,x,y,x+BUTTONCX+2,y+60); // y+35 --> 48 --> 60 Draw3dRect(dc,x+1,y+3,x+BUTTONCX,y+56,0); // y+31 --> 44 --> 56 SelectObject(dc,smallfont); SetTextAlign(dc,TA_CENTER | TA_TOP); SetTextColor(dc,RGB(0,0,0)); SetBkMode(dc,TRANSPARENT); TextOut(dc,x+ 7,y+5,TEXT("1"),1); TextOut(dc,x+27,y+5,TEXT("2"),1); // Hard Disk Status/Indicator Light TextOut(dc,x+ 7,y+17,TEXT("H"),1); } if (drawflags & DRAW_LEDS) { FrameDrawDiskLEDS( dc ); if (drawflags & DRAW_DISK_STATUS) FrameDrawDiskStatus( dc ); if (!IS_APPLE2) { RECT rCapsLed = {0,0,10,12}; // HACK: HARD-CODED bitmaps size switch (g_Apple2Type) { case A2TYPE_APPLE2 : case A2TYPE_APPLE2PLUS : case A2TYPE_APPLE2E : case A2TYPE_APPLE2EENHANCED: default : DrawBitmapRect(dc,x+31,y+17,&rCapsLed,g_hCapsLockBitmap[bCaps != 0]); break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS82 : case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8M : DrawBitmapRect(dc,x+31,y+17,&rCapsLed,g_hCapsBitmapP8 [bCaps != 0]); break; // TODO: FIXME: Shouldn't one of these use g_hCapsBitmapLat ?? case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A : DrawBitmapRect(dc,x+31,y+17,&rCapsLed,g_hCapsBitmapP8 [bCaps != 0]); break; } #if HD_LED // Hard Disk Status/Indicator Light RECT rDiskLed = {0,0,8,8}; DrawBitmapRect(dc,x+12,y+18,&rDiskLed,g_hDiskWindowedLED[eHardDriveStatus]); #endif } } if (drawflags & DRAW_TITLE) { GetAppleWindowTitle(); // SetWindowText() // WindowTitle SendMessage(g_hFrameWindow,WM_SETTEXT,0,(LPARAM)g_pAppTitle); } if (drawflags & DRAW_BUTTON_DRIVES) { DrawButton(dc, BTN_DRIVE1); DrawButton(dc, BTN_DRIVE2); } } if (!passdc) ReleaseDC(g_hFrameWindow,dc); } //=========================================================================== static void EraseButton (int number) { RECT rect; rect.left = buttonx; rect.right = rect.left+BUTTONCX; rect.top = buttony+number*BUTTONCY; rect.bottom = rect.top+BUTTONCY; // TODO: DD Full-Screen Palette // if( !g_bIsFullScreen ) InvalidateRect(g_hFrameWindow,&rect,1); } //=========================================================================== LRESULT CALLBACK FrameWndProc ( HWND window, UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { switch (message) { case WM_ACTIVATE: // Sent when window is activated/deactivated. wParam indicates WA_ACTIVE, WA_INACTIVE, etc // Eg. Deactivate when Config dialog is active, AppleWin app loses focus, etc JoyReset(); SetUsingCursor(0); RevealCursor(); break; case WM_ACTIVATEAPP: // Sent when different app's window is activated/deactivated. // Eg. Deactivate when AppleWin app loses focus g_bAppActive = (wparam ? TRUE : FALSE); break; case WM_CLOSE: LogFileOutput("WM_CLOSE\n"); if (g_bIsFullScreen) SetNormalMode(); if (!IsIconic(window)) GetWindowRect(window,&framerect); RegSaveValue(TEXT(REG_PREFS), TEXT(REGVALUE_PREF_WINDOW_X_POS), 1, framerect.left); RegSaveValue(TEXT(REG_PREFS), TEXT(REGVALUE_PREF_WINDOW_Y_POS), 1, framerect.top); FrameReleaseDC(); SetUsingCursor(0); if (helpquit) { helpquit = 0; HtmlHelp(NULL,NULL,HH_CLOSE_ALL,0); } LogFileOutput("WM_CLOSE (done)\n"); break; case WM_CHAR: if ((g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING) || (g_nAppMode == MODE_LOGO) || ((g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING) && (wparam != TEXT('\x1B')))) { if( !g_bDebuggerEatKey ) { KeybQueueKeypress((int)wparam,ASCII); } else { g_bDebuggerEatKey = false; } } else if ((g_nAppMode == MODE_DEBUG) || (g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING)) { DebuggerInputConsoleChar((TCHAR)wparam); } break; case WM_CREATE: LogFileOutput("WM_CREATE\n"); g_hFrameWindow = window; // NB. g_hFrameWindow by CreateWindow() CreateGdiObjects(); LogFileOutput("WM_CREATE: CreateGdiObjects()\n"); DSInit(); LogFileOutput("WM_CREATE: DSInit()\n"); DIMouse::DirectInputInit(window); LogFileOutput("WM_CREATE: DIMouse::DirectInputInit()\n"); MB_Initialize(); LogFileOutput("WM_CREATE: MB_Initialize()\n"); SpkrInitialize(); LogFileOutput("WM_CREATE: SpkrInitialize()\n"); DragAcceptFiles(window,1); LogFileOutput("WM_CREATE: DragAcceptFiles()\n"); LogFileOutput("WM_CREATE (done)\n"); break; case WM_DDE_INITIATE: { LogFileOutput("WM_DDE_INITIATE\n"); ATOM application = GlobalAddAtom(TEXT("applewin")); ATOM topic = GlobalAddAtom(TEXT("system")); if(LOWORD(lparam) == application && HIWORD(lparam) == topic) SendMessage((HWND)wparam,WM_DDE_ACK,(WPARAM)window,MAKELPARAM(application,topic)); GlobalDeleteAtom(application); GlobalDeleteAtom(topic); LogFileOutput("WM_DDE_INITIATE (done)\n"); break; } case WM_DDE_EXECUTE: { LogFileOutput("WM_DDE_EXECUTE\n"); LPTSTR filename = (LPTSTR)GlobalLock((HGLOBAL)lparam); //MessageBox( g_hFrameWindow, filename, "DDE Exec", MB_OK ); ImageError_e Error = DiskInsert(DRIVE_1, filename, IMAGE_USE_FILES_WRITE_PROTECT_STATUS, IMAGE_DONT_CREATE); if (Error == eIMAGE_ERROR_NONE) { if (!g_bIsFullScreen) DrawButton((HDC)0,BTN_DRIVE1); PostMessage(window, WM_USER_BOOT, 0, 0); } else { DiskNotifyInvalidImage(DRIVE_1, filename, Error); } GlobalUnlock((HGLOBAL)lparam); LogFileOutput("WM_DDE_EXECUTE (done)\n"); break; } case WM_DESTROY: LogFileOutput("WM_DESTROY\n"); DragAcceptFiles(window,0); Snapshot_Shutdown(); DebugDestroy(); if (!restart) { DiskDestroy(); ImageDestroy(); HD_Cleanup(); } PrintDestroy(); sg_SSC.CommDestroy(); CpuDestroy(); MemDestroy(); SpkrDestroy(); VideoDestroy(); MB_Destroy(); DeleteGdiObjects(); DIMouse::DirectInputUninit(window); // NB. do before window is destroyed PostQuitMessage(0); // Post WM_QUIT message to the thread's message queue LogFileOutput("WM_DESTROY (done)\n"); break; case WM_DISPLAYCHANGE: VideoReinitialize(); break; case WM_DROPFILES: { TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]; DragQueryFile((HDROP)wparam,0,filename,sizeof(filename)); POINT point; DragQueryPoint((HDROP)wparam,&point); RECT rect; rect.left = buttonx; rect.right = rect.left+BUTTONCX+1; rect.top = buttony+BTN_DRIVE2*BUTTONCY+1; rect.bottom = rect.top+BUTTONCY; const int iDrive = PtInRect(&rect,point) ? DRIVE_2 : DRIVE_1; ImageError_e Error = DiskInsert(iDrive, filename, IMAGE_USE_FILES_WRITE_PROTECT_STATUS, IMAGE_DONT_CREATE); if (Error == eIMAGE_ERROR_NONE) { if (!g_bIsFullScreen) DrawButton((HDC)0,PtInRect(&rect,point) ? BTN_DRIVE2 : BTN_DRIVE1); rect.top = buttony+BTN_DRIVE1*BUTTONCY+1; if (!PtInRect(&rect,point)) { SetForegroundWindow(window); ProcessButtonClick(BTN_RUN); } } else { DiskNotifyInvalidImage(iDrive, filename, Error); } DragFinish((HDROP)wparam); break; } // @see: http://answers.google.com/answers/threadview?id=133059 // Win32 doesn't pass the PrintScreen key via WM_CHAR // else if (wparam == VK_SNAPSHOT) // Solution: 2 choices: // 1) register hotkey, or // 2) Use low level Keyboard hooks // We use the 1st one since it is compatible with Win95 case WM_HOTKEY: // wparam = user id // lparam = modifiers: shift, ctrl, alt, win if (wparam == VK_SNAPSHOT_560) { #if _DEBUG // MessageBox( g_hFrameWindow, "Double 580x384 size!", "PrintScreen", MB_OK ); #endif Video_TakeScreenShot( SCREENSHOT_560x384 ); } else if (wparam == VK_SNAPSHOT_280) // ( lparam & MOD_SHIFT ) { #if _DEBUG // MessageBox( g_hFrameWindow, "Normal 280x192 size!", "PrintScreen", MB_OK ); #endif Video_TakeScreenShot( SCREENSHOT_280x192 ); } else if (wparam == VK_SNAPSHOT_TEXT) // ( lparam & MOD_CONTROL ) { char *pText; size_t nSize = Util_GetTextScreen( pText ); Util_CopyTextToClipboard( nSize, pText ); } break; case WM_KEYDOWN: KeybUpdateCtrlShiftStatus(); // Process is done in WM_KEYUP: VK_F1 VK_F2 VK_F3 VK_F4 VK_F5 VK_F6 VK_F7 VK_F8 if ((wparam >= VK_F1) && (wparam <= VK_F8) && (buttondown == -1)) { SetUsingCursor(0); buttondown = wparam-VK_F1; if (g_bIsFullScreen && (buttonover != -1)) { if (buttonover != buttondown) EraseButton(buttonover); buttonover = -1; } DrawButton((HDC)0,buttondown); } else if (wparam == VK_F9) { //bool bCtrlDown = (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) < 0) ? true : false; //bool bShiftDown = (GetKeyState(VK_SHIFT ) < 0) ? true : false; // F9 Next Video Mode // ^F9 Next Char Set // #F9 Prev Video Mode // ^#F9 Toggle 50% Scan Lines // @F9 -Can't use Alt-F9 as Alt is Open-Apple = Joystick Button #1 if ( g_bCtrlKey && !g_bShiftKey ) //CTRL+F9 { g_nCharsetType++; // Cycle through available charsets (Ctrl + F9) if (g_nCharsetType >= 3) { g_nCharsetType = 0; } } else // Cycle through available video modes if ( g_bCtrlKey && g_bShiftKey ) // ALT+F9 { g_uHalfScanLines = !g_uHalfScanLines; } else if ( !g_bShiftKey ) // Drop Down Combo Box is in correct order { g_eVideoType++; if (g_eVideoType >= NUM_VIDEO_MODES) g_eVideoType = 0; } else // Forwards { if (g_eVideoType <= 0) g_eVideoType = NUM_VIDEO_MODES; g_eVideoType--; } // TODO: Clean up code:FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_TITLE) DrawStatusArea((HDC)0,DRAW_TITLE) DrawStatusArea( (HDC)0, DRAW_TITLE ); VideoReinitialize(); if ((g_nAppMode != MODE_LOGO) || ((g_nAppMode == MODE_DEBUG) && (g_bDebuggerViewingAppleOutput))) { VideoRedrawScreen(); g_bDebuggerViewingAppleOutput = true; } Config_Save_Video(); } else if ((wparam == VK_F11) && (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0)) // Save state (F11) { SoundCore_SetFade(FADE_OUT); if(sg_PropertySheet.SaveStateSelectImage(window, true)) { Snapshot_SaveState(); } SoundCore_SetFade(FADE_IN); } else if (wparam == VK_F12) // Load state (F12 or Ctrl+F12) { SoundCore_SetFade(FADE_OUT); if(sg_PropertySheet.SaveStateSelectImage(window, false)) { Snapshot_LoadState(); } SoundCore_SetFade(FADE_IN); } else if (wparam == VK_CAPITAL) { KeybToggleCapsLock(); } else if (wparam == VK_PAUSE) { SetUsingCursor(0); switch (g_nAppMode) { case MODE_RUNNING: g_nAppMode = MODE_PAUSED; SoundCore_SetFade(FADE_OUT); RevealCursor(); break; case MODE_PAUSED: g_nAppMode = MODE_RUNNING; SoundCore_SetFade(FADE_IN); // Don't call FrameShowCursor(FALSE) else ClipCursor() won't be called break; case MODE_STEPPING: DebuggerInputConsoleChar( DEBUG_EXIT_KEY ); break; } DrawStatusArea((HDC)0,DRAW_TITLE); if ((g_nAppMode != MODE_LOGO) && (g_nAppMode != MODE_DEBUG)) VideoRedrawScreen(); } else if ((wparam == VK_SCROLL) && sg_PropertySheet.GetScrollLockToggle()) { g_bScrollLock_FullSpeed = !g_bScrollLock_FullSpeed; } else if ((g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING) || (g_nAppMode == MODE_LOGO) || (g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING)) { // Note about Alt Gr (Right-Alt): // . WM_KEYDOWN[Left-Control], then: // . WM_KEYDOWN[Right-Alt] BOOL extended = ((lparam & 0x01000000) != 0); BOOL down = 1; BOOL autorep = ((lparam & 0x40000000) != 0); if ((!JoyProcessKey((int)wparam,extended,down,autorep)) && (g_nAppMode != MODE_LOGO)) KeybQueueKeypress((int)wparam,NOT_ASCII); } else if (g_nAppMode == MODE_DEBUG) { DebuggerProcessKey(wparam); // Debugger already active, re-direct key to debugger } if (wparam == VK_F10) { if ((g_Apple2Type == A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A) && (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) >= 0)) { KeybToggleP8ACapsLock ();//Toggles P8 Capslock } else { SetUsingCursor(0); return 0; // TC: Why return early? } } break; case WM_KEYUP: // Process is done in WM_KEYUP: VK_F1 VK_F2 VK_F3 VK_F4 VK_F5 VK_F6 VK_F7 VK_F8 if ((wparam >= VK_F1) && (wparam <= VK_F8) && (buttondown == (int)wparam-VK_F1)) { buttondown = -1; if (g_bIsFullScreen) EraseButton(wparam-VK_F1); else DrawButton((HDC)0,wparam-VK_F1); ProcessButtonClick(wparam-VK_F1, true); } else { BOOL extended = ((lparam & 0x01000000) != 0); BOOL down = 0; BOOL autorep = 0; JoyProcessKey((int)wparam,extended,down,autorep); } break; case WM_LBUTTONDOWN: if (buttondown == -1) { int x = LOWORD(lparam); int y = HIWORD(lparam); if ((x >= buttonx) && (y >= buttony) && (y <= buttony+BUTTONS*BUTTONCY)) { buttonactive = buttondown = (y-buttony-1)/BUTTONCY; DrawButton((HDC)0,buttonactive); SetCapture(window); } else if (g_bUsingCursor && !sg_Mouse.IsActive()) { if (wparam & (MK_CONTROL | MK_SHIFT)) { SetUsingCursor(0); } else { JoySetButton(BUTTON0, BUTTON_DOWN); } } else if ( ((x < buttonx) && JoyUsingMouse() && ((g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING) || (g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING))) ) { SetUsingCursor(1); } else if (sg_Mouse.IsActive()) { if (wparam & (MK_CONTROL | MK_SHIFT)) { RevealCursor(); } else if (g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING) { if (!sg_Mouse.IsEnabled()) { sg_Mouse.SetEnabled(true); POINT Point; GetCursorPos(&Point); ScreenToClient(g_hFrameWindow, &Point); const int iOutOfBoundsX=0, iOutOfBoundsY=0; UpdateMouseInAppleViewport(iOutOfBoundsX, iOutOfBoundsY, Point.x, Point.y); // Don't call SetButton() when 1st enabled (else get the confusing action of both enabling & an Apple mouse click) } else { sg_Mouse.SetButton(BUTTON0, BUTTON_DOWN); } } } DebuggerMouseClick( x, y ); } RelayEvent(WM_LBUTTONDOWN,wparam,lparam); break; case WM_LBUTTONUP: if (buttonactive != -1) { ReleaseCapture(); if (buttondown == buttonactive) { buttondown = -1; if (g_bIsFullScreen) EraseButton(buttonactive); else DrawButton((HDC)0,buttonactive); ProcessButtonClick(buttonactive, true); } buttonactive = -1; } else if (g_bUsingCursor && !sg_Mouse.IsActive()) { JoySetButton(BUTTON0, BUTTON_UP); } else if (sg_Mouse.IsActive()) { sg_Mouse.SetButton(BUTTON0, BUTTON_UP); } RelayEvent(WM_LBUTTONUP,wparam,lparam); break; case WM_MOUSEMOVE: { // MSDN: "WM_MOUSEMOVE message" : Do not use the LOWORD or HIWORD macros to extract the x- and y- coordinates... int x = GET_X_LPARAM(lparam); int y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lparam); int newover = (((x >= buttonx) && (x <= buttonx+BUTTONCX) && (y >= buttony) && (y <= buttony+BUTTONS*BUTTONCY)) ? (y-buttony-1)/BUTTONCY : -1); if (buttonactive != -1) { int newdown = (newover == buttonactive) ? buttonactive : -1; if (newdown != buttondown) { buttondown = newdown; DrawButton((HDC)0,buttonactive); } } else if (g_bIsFullScreen && (newover != buttonover) && (buttondown == -1)) { if (buttonover != -1) EraseButton(buttonover); buttonover = newover; if (buttonover != -1) DrawButton((HDC)0,buttonover); } else if (g_bUsingCursor && !sg_Mouse.IsActive()) { DrawCrosshairs(x,y); JoySetPosition(x-viewportx-2, g_nViewportCX-4, y-viewporty-2, g_nViewportCY-4); } else if (sg_Mouse.IsActiveAndEnabled() && (g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING)) { if (g_bLastCursorInAppleViewport) break; // Outside Apple viewport const int iAppleScreenMaxX = g_nViewportCX-1; const int iAppleScreenMaxY = g_nViewportCY-1; const int iBoundMinX = viewportx; const int iBoundMaxX = iAppleScreenMaxX; const int iBoundMinY = viewporty; const int iBoundMaxY = iAppleScreenMaxY; int iOutOfBoundsX=0, iOutOfBoundsY=0; if (x < iBoundMinX) iOutOfBoundsX=-1; if (x > iBoundMaxX) iOutOfBoundsX=1; if (y < iBoundMinY) iOutOfBoundsY=-1; if (y > iBoundMaxY) iOutOfBoundsY=1; UpdateMouseInAppleViewport(iOutOfBoundsX, iOutOfBoundsY, x, y); } RelayEvent(WM_MOUSEMOVE,wparam,lparam); break; } case WM_TIMER: if (wparam == IDEVENT_TIMER_MOUSE) { // NB. Need to check /g_bAppActive/ since WM_TIMER events still occur after AppleWin app has lost focus if (g_bAppActive && sg_Mouse.IsActiveAndEnabled() && (g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING)) { if (!g_bLastCursorInAppleViewport) break; // Inside Apple viewport int iOutOfBoundsX=0, iOutOfBoundsY=0; long dX,dY; if (DIMouse::ReadImmediateData(&dX, &dY) == S_OK) sg_Mouse.SetPositionRel(dX, dY, &iOutOfBoundsX, &iOutOfBoundsY); UpdateMouseInAppleViewport(iOutOfBoundsX, iOutOfBoundsY); } } break; // VSCROLL // SB_LINEUP // Line Scrolling // SB_PAGEUP // Page Scrolling case WM_MOUSEWHEEL: if (g_nAppMode == MODE_DEBUG) { KeybUpdateCtrlShiftStatus(); int zDelta = (short) HIWORD( wparam ); if (zDelta > 0) { DebuggerProcessKey( VK_UP ); } else { DebuggerProcessKey( VK_DOWN ); } } break; case WM_NOTIFY: // Tooltips for Drive buttons if(((LPNMTTDISPINFO)lparam)->hdr.hwndFrom == tooltipwindow && ((LPNMTTDISPINFO)lparam)->hdr.code == TTN_GETDISPINFO) ((LPNMTTDISPINFO)lparam)->lpszText = (LPTSTR)DiskGetFullDiskFilename(((LPNMTTDISPINFO)lparam)->hdr.idFrom); break; case WM_PAINT: if (GetUpdateRect(window,NULL,0)) { g_bPaintingWindow = 1; DrawFrameWindow(); g_bPaintingWindow = 0; } break; case WM_PALETTECHANGED: // To avoid creating an infinite loop, a window that receives this // message must not realize its palette, unless it determines that // wParam does not contain its own window handle. if ((HWND)wparam == window) { #if DEBUG_DD_PALETTE if( g_bIsFullScreen ) OutputDebugString( "WM_PALETTECHANGED: Full Screen\n" ); else OutputDebugString( "WM_PALETTECHANGED: Windowed\n" ); #endif break; } // else fall through case WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE: #if DEBUG_DD_PALETTE if( g_bIsFullScreen ) OutputDebugString( "WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE: Full Screen\n" ); else OutputDebugString( "WM_QUERYNEWPALETTE: Windowed\n" ); #endif // TODO: DD Full-Screen Palette DrawFrameWindow(); break; case WM_RBUTTONDOWN: case WM_RBUTTONUP: // Right Click on Drive Icon -- eject Disk if ((buttonover == -1) && (message == WM_RBUTTONUP)) // HACK: BUTTON_NONE { int x = LOWORD(lparam); int y = HIWORD(lparam); if ((x >= buttonx) && (y >= buttony) && (y <= buttony+BUTTONS*BUTTONCY)) { int iButton = (y-buttony-1)/BUTTONCY; int iDrive = iButton - BTN_DRIVE1; if ((iButton == BTN_DRIVE1) || (iButton == BTN_DRIVE2)) { /* if (KeybGetShiftStatus()) DiskProtect( iDrive, true ); else if (KeybGetCtrlStatus()) DiskProtect( iDrive, false ); else */ { RECT rect; // client area POINT pt; // location of mouse click // Get the bounding rectangle of the client area. GetClientRect(window, (LPRECT) &rect); // Get the client coordinates for the mouse click. pt.x = GET_X_LPARAM(lparam); pt.y = GET_Y_LPARAM(lparam); // If the mouse click took place inside the client // area, execute the application-defined function // that displays the shortcut menu. if (PtInRect((LPRECT) &rect, pt)) ProcessDiskPopupMenu( window, pt, iDrive ); } FrameRefreshStatus(DRAW_LEDS | DRAW_BUTTON_DRIVES); DrawButton((HDC)0,iButton); } } } if (g_bUsingCursor) { if (sg_Mouse.IsActive()) sg_Mouse.SetButton(BUTTON1, (message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) ? BUTTON_DOWN : BUTTON_UP); else JoySetButton(BUTTON1, (message == WM_RBUTTONDOWN) ? BUTTON_DOWN : BUTTON_UP); } RelayEvent(message,wparam,lparam); break; case WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: #if DEBUG_DD_PALETTE if( g_bIsFullScreen ) OutputDebugString( "WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: Full Screen\n" ); else OutputDebugString( "WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE: Windowed\n" ); #endif // TODO: DD Full-Screen Palette DeleteGdiObjects(); CreateGdiObjects(); break; case WM_SYSCOMMAND: switch (wparam & 0xFFF0) { case SC_KEYMENU: if (g_bIsFullScreen && g_bAppActive) return 0; break; case SC_MINIMIZE: GetWindowRect(window,&framerect); break; } break; case WM_SYSKEYDOWN: KeybUpdateCtrlShiftStatus(); // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/gg153546(v=vs.85).aspx // v1.25.0: Alt-Return Alt-Enter toggle fullscreen if (g_bAltKey && (wparam == VK_RETURN)) // NB. VK_RETURN = 0x0D; Normally WM_CHAR will be 0x0A but ALT key triggers as WM_SYSKEYDOWN and VK_MENU return 0; // NOP -- eat key else PostMessage(window,WM_KEYDOWN,wparam,lparam); if ((wparam == VK_F10) || (wparam == VK_MENU)) // VK_MENU == ALT Key return 0; break; case WM_SYSKEYUP: KeybUpdateCtrlShiftStatus(); // v1.25.0: Alt-Return Alt-Enter toggle fullscreen if (g_bAltKey && (wparam == VK_RETURN)) // NB. VK_RETURN = 0x0D; Normally WM_CHAR will be 0x0A but ALT key triggers as WM_SYSKEYDOWN and VK_MENU ScreenWindowResize(false); else PostMessage(window,WM_KEYUP,wparam,lparam); break; case WM_USER_BENCHMARK: { UpdateWindow(window); ResetMachineState(); g_nAppMode = MODE_LOGO; DrawStatusArea((HDC)0,DRAW_TITLE); HCURSOR oldcursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(0,IDC_WAIT)); VideoBenchmark(); ResetMachineState(); SetCursor(oldcursor); break; } case WM_USER_RESTART: // . Changed Apple computer type (][+ or //e) // . Changed slot configuration // . Changed disk speed (normal or enhanced) // . Changed Freeze F8 rom setting restart = 1; PostMessage(window,WM_CLOSE,0,0); break; case WM_USER_SAVESTATE: // Save state Snapshot_SaveState(); break; case WM_USER_LOADSTATE: // Load state Snapshot_LoadState(); break; case WM_USER_TCP_SERIAL: // TCP serial events { WORD error = WSAGETSELECTERROR(lparam); if (error != 0) { LogOutput("TCP Serial Winsock error 0x%X (%d)\r", error, error); switch (error) { case WSAENETRESET: case WSAECONNABORTED: case WSAECONNRESET: case WSAENOTCONN: case WSAETIMEDOUT: sg_SSC.CommTcpSerialClose(); break; default: sg_SSC.CommTcpSerialCleanup(); break; } } else { WORD wSelectEvent = WSAGETSELECTEVENT(lparam); switch(wSelectEvent) { case FD_ACCEPT: sg_SSC.CommTcpSerialAccept(); break; case FD_CLOSE: sg_SSC.CommTcpSerialClose(); break; case FD_READ: sg_SSC.CommTcpSerialReceive(); break; case FD_WRITE: break; } } break; } // Message posted by: WM_DDE_EXECUTE & Cmd-line boot case WM_USER_BOOT: { SetForegroundWindow(window); Sleep(500); // Wait for SetForegroundWindow() to take affect (400ms seems OK, so use 500ms to be sure) SoundCore_TweakVolumes(); ProcessButtonClick(BTN_RUN); break; } // Message posted by: Cmd-line boot case WM_USER_FULLSCREEN: { ScreenWindowResize(false); break; } } // switch(message) return DefWindowProc(window,message,wparam,lparam); } //=========================================================================== // Process: VK_F6 static void ScreenWindowResize(const bool bCtrlKey) { static int nOldViewportScale = kDEFAULT_VIEWPORT_SCALE; if (g_bIsFullScreen) // if full screen: then switch back to normal { SetNormalMode(); FrameResizeWindow(nOldViewportScale); } else if (bCtrlKey) // if normal screen && CTRL: then toggle scaling { FrameResizeWindow( (g_nViewportScale == 1) ? 2 : 1 ); // Toggle between 1x and 2x REGSAVE(TEXT(REGVALUE_WINDOW_SCALE), g_nViewportScale); } else { nOldViewportScale = g_nViewportScale; FrameResizeWindow(1); // reset to 1x SetFullScreenMode(); //VideoRedrawScreen(1); // [TC-10/06/2014] Remove this once checked it's not needed by Win8 } } static bool ConfirmReboot(bool bFromButtonUI) { if (!bFromButtonUI || !g_bConfirmReboot) return true; int res = MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, "Are you sure you want to reboot?\n" "(All data will be lost!)\n" "\n" "You can skip this dialog from displaying\n" "in the future by unchecking:\n" "\n" " [ ] Confirm reboot\n" "\n" "in the Configuration dialog.\n" , "Reboot", MB_ICONWARNING|MB_YESNO); return res == IDYES; } static void ProcessButtonClick(int button, bool bFromButtonUI /*=false*/) { SoundCore_SetFade(FADE_OUT); #if DEBUG_DD_PALETTE char _text[ 80 ]; sprintf( _text, "Button: F%d Full Screen: %d\n", button+1, g_bIsFullScreen ); OutputDebugString( _text ); #endif switch (button) { case BTN_HELP: { TCHAR filename[MAX_PATH]; _tcscpy(filename,g_sProgramDir); _tcscat(filename,TEXT("APPLEWIN.CHM")); HtmlHelp(g_hFrameWindow,filename,HH_DISPLAY_TOC,0); helpquit = 1; } break; case BTN_RUN: KeybUpdateCtrlShiftStatus(); if( g_bCtrlKey ) { CtrlReset(); return; } if (g_nAppMode == MODE_LOGO) { DiskBoot(); g_nAppMode = MODE_RUNNING; } else if (g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING) { if (ConfirmReboot(bFromButtonUI)) { ResetMachineState(); g_nAppMode = MODE_RUNNING; } } else if ((g_nAppMode == MODE_DEBUG) || (g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING)) // exit debugger { if (ConfirmReboot(bFromButtonUI)) { // If any breakpoints active and we are not running at normal speed if (g_nBreakpoints && !g_bDebugNormalSpeedBreakpoints) CmdGo(0); // 6502 runs at full speed, switch to MODE_STEPPING else DebugEnd(); // 6502 runs at normal speed, switch to MODE_RUNNING } } DrawStatusArea((HDC)0,DRAW_TITLE); VideoRedrawScreen(); break; case BTN_DRIVE1: case BTN_DRIVE2: DiskSelect(button-BTN_DRIVE1); if (!g_bIsFullScreen) DrawButton((HDC)0,button); break; case BTN_DRIVESWAP: DiskDriveSwap(); break; case BTN_FULLSCR: KeybUpdateCtrlShiftStatus(); ScreenWindowResize(g_bCtrlKey); break; case BTN_DEBUG: if (g_nAppMode == MODE_LOGO && !GetLoadedSaveStateFlag()) { ResetMachineState(); } // Allow F7 to enter debugger even though emulator isn't "running" if (g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING) { DebuggerInputConsoleChar( DEBUG_EXIT_KEY ); } else if (g_nAppMode == MODE_DEBUG) { if (KeybGetShiftStatus()) g_bDebugNormalSpeedBreakpoints = true; // MODE_RUNNING // Normal Speed Breakpoints: Shift-F7 exit debugger, keep breakpoints active, enter run state at NORMAL speed else g_bDebugNormalSpeedBreakpoints = false; // MODE_STEPPING // Full Speed Breakpoints g_bDebugBreakDelayCheck = true; ProcessButtonClick(BTN_RUN); // Exit debugger, switch to MODE_RUNNING or MODE_STEPPING } else { DebugBegin(); } break; case BTN_SETUP: { sg_PropertySheet.Init(); } break; } if((g_nAppMode != MODE_DEBUG) && (g_nAppMode != MODE_PAUSED)) { SoundCore_SetFade(FADE_IN); } } //=========================================================================== // http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/resources/menus/usingmenus.asp // http://www.codeproject.com/menu/MenusForBeginners.asp?df=100&forumid=67645&exp=0&select=903061 void ProcessDiskPopupMenu(HWND hwnd, POINT pt, const int iDrive) { //This is the default installation path of CiderPress. It shall not be left blank, otherwise an explorer window will be open. TCHAR PathToCiderPress[MAX_PATH] = "C:\\Program Files\\faddenSoft\\CiderPress\\CiderPress.exe"; RegLoadString(TEXT("Configuration"), REGVALUE_CIDERPRESSLOC, 1, PathToCiderPress,MAX_PATH); //TODO: A directory is open if an empty path to CiderPress is set. This has to be fixed. std::string filename1= "\""; filename1.append( DiskGetDiskPathFilename(iDrive) ); filename1.append("\""); std::string sFileNameEmpty = "\""; sFileNameEmpty.append("\""); // Load the menu template containing the shortcut menu from the // application's resources. HMENU hmenu = LoadMenu(g_hInstance, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_MENU_DISK_POPUP)); // menu template if (hmenu == NULL) return; // Get the first shortcut menu in the menu template. // This is the menu that TrackPopupMenu displays. HMENU hmenuTrackPopup = GetSubMenu(hmenu, 0); // shortcut menu // TrackPopup uses screen coordinates, so convert the // coordinates of the mouse click to screen coordinates. ClientToScreen(hwnd, (LPPOINT) &pt); // Check menu depending on current floppy protection { int iMenuItem = ID_DISKMENU_WRITEPROTECTION_OFF; if (DiskGetProtect( iDrive )) iMenuItem = ID_DISKMENU_WRITEPROTECTION_ON; CheckMenuItem(hmenu, iMenuItem, MF_CHECKED); } if (Disk_IsDriveEmpty(iDrive)) EnableMenuItem(hmenu, ID_DISKMENU_EJECT, MF_GRAYED); if (Disk_ImageIsWriteProtected(iDrive)) { // If image-file is read-only (or a gzip) then disable these menu items EnableMenuItem(hmenu, ID_DISKMENU_WRITEPROTECTION_ON, MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(hmenu, ID_DISKMENU_WRITEPROTECTION_OFF, MF_GRAYED); } // Draw and track the shortcut menu. int iCommand = TrackPopupMenu( hmenuTrackPopup , TPM_LEFTALIGN | TPM_LEFTBUTTON | TPM_RETURNCMD , pt.x, pt.y , 0 , hwnd, NULL ); if (iCommand == ID_DISKMENU_EJECT) DiskEject( iDrive ); else if (iCommand == ID_DISKMENU_WRITEPROTECTION_ON) DiskSetProtect( iDrive, true ); else if (iCommand == ID_DISKMENU_WRITEPROTECTION_OFF) DiskSetProtect( iDrive, false ); else if (iCommand == ID_DISKMENU_SENDTO_CIDERPRESS) { static char szCiderpressNotFoundCaption[] = "CiderPress not found"; static char szCiderpressNotFoundText[] = "CiderPress not found!\n" "Please install CiderPress.\n" "Otherwise set the path to CiderPress from Configuration->Disk."; //if(!filename1.compare("\"\"") == false) //Do not use this, for some reason it does not work!!! if(!filename1.compare(sFileNameEmpty) ) { int MB_Result = MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, "No disk image loaded. Do you want to run CiderPress anyway?" ,"No disk image.", MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_YESNO); if (MB_Result == IDYES) { if (FileExists (PathToCiderPress )) { HINSTANCE nResult = ShellExecute(NULL, "open", PathToCiderPress, "" , NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } else { MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, szCiderpressNotFoundText, szCiderpressNotFoundCaption, MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK); } } } else { if (FileExists (PathToCiderPress )) { HINSTANCE nResult = ShellExecute(NULL, "open", PathToCiderPress, filename1.c_str() , NULL, SW_SHOWNORMAL); } else { MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, szCiderpressNotFoundText, szCiderpressNotFoundCaption, MB_ICONINFORMATION|MB_OK); } } } // Destroy the menu. BOOL bRes = DestroyMenu(hmenu); _ASSERT(bRes); } //=========================================================================== void RelayEvent (UINT message, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam) { if (g_bIsFullScreen) return; MSG msg; msg.hwnd = g_hFrameWindow; msg.message = message; msg.wParam = wparam; msg.lParam = lparam; SendMessage(tooltipwindow,TTM_RELAYEVENT,0,(LPARAM)&msg); } //=========================================================================== void ResetMachineState () { DiskReset(); // Set floppymotoron=0 g_bFullSpeed = 0; // Might've hit reset in middle of InternalCpuExecute() - so beep may get (partially) muted MemReset(); DiskBoot(); VideoResetState(); sg_SSC.CommReset(); PrintReset(); JoyReset(); MB_Reset(); SpkrReset(); sg_Mouse.Reset(); g_ActiveCPU = CPU_6502; #ifdef USE_SPEECH_API g_Speech.Reset(); #endif SoundCore_SetFade(FADE_NONE); } //=========================================================================== void CtrlReset() { // Ctrl+Reset - TODO: This is a terrible place for this code! if (!IS_APPLE2) MemResetPaging(); DiskReset(); KeybReset(); if (!IS_APPLE2) VideoResetState(); // Switch Alternate char set off sg_SSC.CommReset(); MB_Reset(); #ifdef USE_SPEECH_API g_Speech.Reset(); #endif CpuReset(); g_bFreshReset = true; } //=========================================================================== bool GetFullScreen32Bit(void) { return g_bFullScreen32Bit; } void SetFullScreen32Bit(bool b32Bit) { g_bFullScreen32Bit = b32Bit; } void SetFullScreenMode () { #ifdef NO_DIRECT_X return; #else // NO_DIRECT_X g_bIsFullScreen = true; buttonover = -1; buttonx = FSBUTTONX; buttony = FSBUTTONY; viewportx = FSVIEWPORTX; viewporty = FSVIEWPORTY; GetWindowRect(g_hFrameWindow,&framerect); SetWindowLong(g_hFrameWindow,GWL_STYLE,WS_POPUP | WS_SYSMENU | WS_VISIBLE); DDSURFACEDESC ddsd; ddsd.dwSize = sizeof(ddsd); ddsd.dwFlags = DDSD_CAPS; ddsd.ddsCaps.dwCaps = DDSCAPS_PRIMARYSURFACE; if (DirectDrawCreate(NULL,&g_pDD,NULL) != DD_OK || g_pDD->SetCooperativeLevel(g_hFrameWindow,DDSCL_EXCLUSIVE | DDSCL_FULLSCREEN) != DD_OK || g_pDD->SetDisplayMode(640,480,g_bFullScreen32Bit ? 32 : 8) != DD_OK || g_pDD->CreateSurface(&ddsd,&g_pDDPrimarySurface,NULL) != DD_OK) { g_pDDPrimarySurface = NULL; SetNormalMode(); return; } // TODO: DD Full-Screen Palette // if( !g_bIsFullScreen ) InvalidateRect(g_hFrameWindow,NULL,1); #endif // NO_DIRECT_X } //=========================================================================== void SetNormalMode () { g_bIsFullScreen = false; buttonover = -1; buttonx = BUTTONX; buttony = BUTTONY; viewportx = VIEWPORTX; viewporty = VIEWPORTY; g_pDD->RestoreDisplayMode(); g_pDD->SetCooperativeLevel(NULL,DDSCL_NORMAL); SetWindowLong(g_hFrameWindow,GWL_STYLE, WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_VISIBLE); SetWindowPos(g_hFrameWindow,0,framerect.left, framerect.top, framerect.right - framerect.left, framerect.bottom - framerect.top, SWP_NOZORDER | SWP_FRAMECHANGED); // DD Full-Screen Palette: BUGFIX: Re-attach new palette on next new surface // Delete Palette if (g_pDDPal) { g_pDDPal->Release(); g_pDDPal = (LPDIRECTDRAWPALETTE)0; } if (g_pDDPrimarySurface) { g_pDDPrimarySurface->Release(); g_pDDPrimarySurface = (LPDIRECTDRAWSURFACE)0; } g_pDD->Release(); g_pDD = (LPDIRECTDRAW)0; } //=========================================================================== void SetUsingCursor (BOOL bNewValue) { if (bNewValue == g_bUsingCursor) return; g_bUsingCursor = bNewValue; if (g_bUsingCursor) { SetCapture(g_hFrameWindow); RECT rect = { viewportx+2, // left viewporty+2, // top viewportx+g_nViewportCX-1, // right viewporty+g_nViewportCY-1}; // bottom ClientToScreen(g_hFrameWindow,(LPPOINT)&rect.left); ClientToScreen(g_hFrameWindow,(LPPOINT)&rect.right); ClipCursor(&rect); FrameShowCursor(FALSE); POINT pt; GetCursorPos(&pt); ScreenToClient(g_hFrameWindow,&pt); DrawCrosshairs(pt.x,pt.y); } else { DrawCrosshairs(0,0); FrameShowCursor(TRUE); ClipCursor(NULL); ReleaseCapture(); } } int GetViewportScale(void) { return g_nViewportScale; } int SetViewportScale(int nNewScale) { if (nNewScale > g_nMaxViewportScale) nNewScale = g_nMaxViewportScale; g_nViewportScale = nNewScale; g_nViewportCX = g_nViewportScale * FRAMEBUFFER_W; g_nViewportCY = g_nViewportScale * FRAMEBUFFER_H; return nNewScale; } static void SetupTooltipControls(void) { TOOLINFO toolinfo; toolinfo.cbSize = sizeof(toolinfo); toolinfo.uFlags = TTF_CENTERTIP; toolinfo.hwnd = g_hFrameWindow; toolinfo.hinst = g_hInstance; toolinfo.lpszText = LPSTR_TEXTCALLBACK; toolinfo.rect.left = BUTTONX; toolinfo.rect.right = toolinfo.rect.left+BUTTONCX+1; toolinfo.uId = 0; toolinfo.rect.top = BUTTONY+BTN_DRIVE1*BUTTONCY+1; toolinfo.rect.bottom = toolinfo.rect.top+BUTTONCY; SendMessage(tooltipwindow, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&toolinfo); toolinfo.uId = 1; toolinfo.rect.top = BUTTONY+BTN_DRIVE2*BUTTONCY+1; toolinfo.rect.bottom = toolinfo.rect.top+BUTTONCY; SendMessage(tooltipwindow, TTM_ADDTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&toolinfo); } // SM_CXPADDEDBORDER is not supported on 2000 & XP, but GetSystemMetrics() returns 0 for unknown values, so this use of SM_CXPADDEDBORDER works on 2000 & XP too: // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-nz/library/windows/desktop/ms724385(v=vs.85).aspx static void GetWidthHeight(int& nWidth, int& nHeight) { nWidth = g_nViewportCX + VIEWPORTX*2 + BUTTONCX + (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXBORDER) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXPADDEDBORDER)) * 2 + MAGICX; nHeight = g_nViewportCY + VIEWPORTY*2 + (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYBORDER) + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXPADDEDBORDER)) * 2 + GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYCAPTION) + MAGICY; } static void FrameResizeWindow(int nNewScale) { int nOldWidth, nOldHeight; GetWidthHeight(nOldWidth, nOldHeight); nNewScale = SetViewportScale(nNewScale); GetWindowRect(g_hFrameWindow, &framerect); int nXPos = framerect.left; int nYPos = framerect.top; // buttonx = g_nViewportCX + VIEWPORTX*2; buttony = 0; // Invalidate old rect region { RECT irect; irect.left = irect.top = 0; irect.right = nOldWidth; irect.bottom = nOldHeight; InvalidateRect(g_hFrameWindow, &irect, TRUE); } // Resize the window int nNewWidth, nNewHeight; GetWidthHeight(nNewWidth, nNewHeight); MoveWindow(g_hFrameWindow, nXPos, nYPos, nNewWidth, nNewHeight, TRUE); UpdateWindow(g_hFrameWindow); // Remove the tooltips for the old window size TOOLINFO toolinfo = {0}; toolinfo.cbSize = sizeof(toolinfo); toolinfo.hwnd = g_hFrameWindow; toolinfo.uId = 0; SendMessage(tooltipwindow, TTM_DELTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&toolinfo); toolinfo.uId = 1; SendMessage(tooltipwindow, TTM_DELTOOL, 0, (LPARAM)&toolinfo); // Setup the tooltips for the new window size SetupTooltipControls(); } // // ----- ALL GLOBALLY ACCESSIBLE FUNCTIONS ARE BELOW THIS LINE ----- // //=========================================================================== void FrameCreateWindow(void) { int nWidth, nHeight; // Set g_nMaxViewportScale { int nOldViewportCX = g_nViewportCX; int nOldViewportCY = g_nViewportCY; g_nViewportCX = FRAMEBUFFER_W * 2; g_nViewportCY = FRAMEBUFFER_H * 2; GetWidthHeight(nWidth, nHeight); // Probe with 2x dimensions g_nViewportCX = nOldViewportCX; g_nViewportCY = nOldViewportCY; if (nWidth > GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) || nHeight > GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)) g_nMaxViewportScale = 1; } GetWidthHeight(nWidth, nHeight); // If screen is too small for 2x, then revert to 1x if (g_nViewportScale == 2 && (nWidth > GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) || nHeight > GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN))) { g_nMaxViewportScale = 1; SetViewportScale(1); GetWidthHeight(nWidth, nHeight); } // Restore Window X Position int nXPos = -1; { const int nXScreen = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSCREEN) - nWidth; if (RegLoadValue(TEXT(REG_PREFS), TEXT(REGVALUE_PREF_WINDOW_X_POS), 1, (DWORD*)&nXPos)) { if ((nXPos > nXScreen) && !g_bMultiMon) nXPos = -1; // Not fully visible, so default to centre position } if ((nXPos == -1) && !g_bMultiMon) nXPos = nXScreen / 2; } // Restore Window Y Position int nYPos = -1; { const int nYScreen = GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN) - nHeight; if (RegLoadValue(TEXT(REG_PREFS), TEXT(REGVALUE_PREF_WINDOW_Y_POS), 1, (DWORD*)&nYPos)) { if ((nYPos > nYScreen) && !g_bMultiMon) nYPos = -1; // Not fully visible, so default to centre position } if ((nYPos == -1) && !g_bMultiMon) nYPos = nYScreen / 2; } // buttonx = (g_nViewportCX + VIEWPORTX*2); buttony = 0; GetAppleWindowTitle(); // NB. g_hFrameWindow also set by WM_CREATE - NB. CreateWindow() must synchronously send WM_CREATE g_hFrameWindow = CreateWindow( TEXT("APPLE2FRAME"), g_pAppTitle, // SetWindowText() // WindowTitle WS_OVERLAPPED | WS_CAPTION | WS_SYSMENU | WS_MINIMIZEBOX | WS_VISIBLE, nXPos, nYPos, nWidth, nHeight, HWND_DESKTOP, (HMENU)0, g_hInstance, NULL ); InitCommonControls(); tooltipwindow = CreateWindow( TOOLTIPS_CLASS,NULL,TTS_ALWAYSTIP, CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT,CW_USEDEFAULT, g_hFrameWindow, (HMENU)0, g_hInstance,NULL ); SetupTooltipControls(); } //=========================================================================== HDC FrameGetDC () { if (!g_hFrameDC) { g_hFrameDC = GetDC(g_hFrameWindow); SetViewportOrgEx(g_hFrameDC,viewportx,viewporty,NULL); } return g_hFrameDC; } //=========================================================================== HDC FrameGetVideoDC (LPBYTE *pAddr_, LONG *pPitch_) { // ASSERT( pAddr_ ); // ASSERT( pPitch_ ); if (g_bIsFullScreen && g_bAppActive && !g_bPaintingWindow) { RECT rect = { FSVIEWPORTX, FSVIEWPORTY, FSVIEWPORTX+g_nViewportCX, FSVIEWPORTY+g_nViewportCY}; DDSURFACEDESC surfacedesc; surfacedesc.dwSize = sizeof(surfacedesc); // TC: Use DDLOCK_WAIT - see Bug #13425 if (g_pDDPrimarySurface->Lock(&rect,&surfacedesc,DDLOCK_WAIT,NULL) == DDERR_SURFACELOST) { g_pDDPrimarySurface->Restore(); g_pDDPrimarySurface->Lock(&rect,&surfacedesc,DDLOCK_WAIT,NULL); // DD Full Screen Palette // if (g_pDDPal) // { // g_pDDPrimarySurface->SetPalette(g_pDDPal); // this sets the palette for the primary surface // } } *pAddr_ = (LPBYTE)surfacedesc.lpSurface + (g_nViewportCY-1) * surfacedesc.lPitch; *pPitch_ = -surfacedesc.lPitch; return (HDC)0; } else { *pAddr_ = g_pFramebufferbits; *pPitch_ = FRAMEBUFFER_W; return FrameGetDC(); } } //=========================================================================== void FrameRefreshStatus (int drawflags, bool bUpdateDiskStatus) { // NB. 99% of the time we draw the disk status. On DiskDriveSwap() we don't. drawflags |= bUpdateDiskStatus ? DRAW_DISK_STATUS : 0; DrawStatusArea((HDC)0,drawflags); } //=========================================================================== void FrameRegisterClass () { WNDCLASSEX wndclass; ZeroMemory(&wndclass,sizeof(WNDCLASSEX)); wndclass.cbSize = sizeof(WNDCLASSEX); wndclass.style = CS_OWNDC | CS_BYTEALIGNCLIENT; wndclass.lpfnWndProc = FrameWndProc; wndclass.hInstance = g_hInstance; wndclass.hIcon = LoadIcon(g_hInstance,TEXT("APPLEWIN_ICON")); wndclass.hCursor = LoadCursor(0,IDC_ARROW); wndclass.hbrBackground = (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH); #if ENABLE_MENU wndclass.lpszMenuName = (LPCSTR)IDR_MENU1; #endif wndclass.lpszClassName = TEXT("APPLE2FRAME"); wndclass.hIconSm = (HICON)LoadImage(g_hInstance,TEXT("APPLEWIN_ICON"), IMAGE_ICON,16,16,LR_DEFAULTCOLOR); RegisterClassEx(&wndclass); } //=========================================================================== void FrameReleaseDC () { if (g_hFrameDC) { SetViewportOrgEx(g_hFrameDC,0,0,NULL); ReleaseDC(g_hFrameWindow,g_hFrameDC); g_hFrameDC = (HDC)0; } } //=========================================================================== void FrameReleaseVideoDC () { if (g_bIsFullScreen && g_bAppActive && !g_bPaintingWindow) { // THIS IS CORRECT ACCORDING TO THE DIRECTDRAW DOCS RECT rect = { FSVIEWPORTX, FSVIEWPORTY, FSVIEWPORTX+g_nViewportCX, FSVIEWPORTY+g_nViewportCY }; g_pDDPrimarySurface->Unlock(&rect); // BUT THIS SEEMS TO BE WORKING g_pDDPrimarySurface->Unlock(NULL); } } //=========================================================================== // TODO: FIXME: Util_TestFileExists() static bool FileExists(std::string strFilename) { struct stat stFileInfo; int intStat = stat(strFilename.c_str(),&stFileInfo); return (intStat == 0) ? true : false; } //=========================================================================== // Called when: // . Mouse f/w sets abs position // . UpdateMouseInAppleViewport() is called and inside Apple screen void FrameSetCursorPosByMousePos() { if (!g_hFrameWindow || g_bShowingCursor) return; int iX, iMinX, iMaxX; int iY, iMinY, iMaxY; sg_Mouse.GetXY(iX, iMinX, iMaxX, iY, iMinY, iMaxY); _ASSERT(iMinX == 0 && iMinY == 0); float fScaleX = (float)(iX-iMinX) / ((float)(iMaxX-iMinX)); float fScaleY = (float)(iY-iMinY) / ((float)(iMaxY-iMinY)); int iWindowX = (int)(fScaleX * (float)g_nViewportCX); int iWindowY = (int)(fScaleY * (float)g_nViewportCY); POINT Point = {viewportx+2, viewporty+2}; // top-left ClientToScreen(g_hFrameWindow, &Point); SetCursorPos(Point.x+iWindowX-MAGICX, Point.y+iWindowY-MAGICY); #if defined(_DEBUG) && 0 static int OldX=0, OldY=0; char szDbg[200]; int X=Point.x+iWindowX-MAGICX; int Y=Point.y+iWindowY-MAGICY; if (X != OldX || Y != OldY) { sprintf(szDbg, "[FrameSetCursorPosByMousePos] x,y=%d,%d (MaxX,Y=%d,%d)\n", X,Y, iMaxX,iMaxY); OutputDebugString(szDbg); OldX=X; OldY=Y; } #endif } // Called when: // . UpdateMouseInAppleViewport() is called and mouse leaving/entering Apple screen area // . NB. Not called when leaving & mouse clipped to Apple screen area static void FrameSetCursorPosByMousePos(int x, int y, int dx, int dy, bool bLeavingAppleScreen) { // char szDbg[200]; if (!g_hFrameWindow || (g_bShowingCursor && bLeavingAppleScreen) || (!g_bShowingCursor && !bLeavingAppleScreen)) return; int iX, iMinX, iMaxX; int iY, iMinY, iMaxY; sg_Mouse.GetXY(iX, iMinX, iMaxX, iY, iMinY, iMaxY); _ASSERT(iMinX == 0 && iMinY == 0); if (bLeavingAppleScreen) { // Set mouse x/y pos to edge of mouse's window if (dx < 0) iX = iMinX; if (dx > 0) iX = iMaxX; if (dy < 0) iY = iMinY; if (dy > 0) iY = iMaxY; float fScaleX = (float)(iX-iMinX) / ((float)(iMaxX-iMinX)); float fScaleY = (float)(iY-iMinY) / ((float)(iMaxY-iMinY)); int iWindowX = (int)(fScaleX * (float)g_nViewportCX) + dx; int iWindowY = (int)(fScaleY * (float)g_nViewportCY) + dy; POINT Point = {viewportx+2, viewporty+2}; // top-left ClientToScreen(g_hFrameWindow, &Point); SetCursorPos(Point.x+iWindowX-MAGICX, Point.y+iWindowY-MAGICY); // sprintf(szDbg, "[MOUSE_LEAVING ] x=%d, y=%d (Scale: x,y=%f,%f; iX,iY=%d,%d)\n", iWindowX, iWindowY, fScaleX, fScaleY, iX, iY); OutputDebugString(szDbg); } else // Mouse entering Apple screen area { // sprintf(szDbg, "[MOUSE_ENTERING] x=%d, y=%d\n", x, y); OutputDebugString(szDbg); x -= (viewportx+2-MAGICX); if (x < 0) x = 0; y -= (viewporty+2-MAGICY); if (y < 0) y = 0; _ASSERT(x <= g_nViewportCX); _ASSERT(y <= g_nViewportCY); float fScaleX = (float)x / (float)g_nViewportCX; float fScaleY = (float)y / (float)g_nViewportCY; int iAppleX = iMinX + (int)(fScaleX * (float)(iMaxX-iMinX)); int iAppleY = iMinY + (int)(fScaleY * (float)(iMaxY-iMinY)); sg_Mouse.SetCursorPos(iAppleX, iAppleY); // Set new entry position // Dump initial deltas (otherwise can get big deltas since last read when entering Apple screen area) DIMouse::ReadImmediateData(); } } static void DrawCrosshairsMouse() { if (!sg_PropertySheet.GetMouseShowCrosshair()) return; int iX, iMinX, iMaxX; int iY, iMinY, iMaxY; sg_Mouse.GetXY(iX, iMinX, iMaxX, iY, iMinY, iMaxY); _ASSERT(iMinX == 0 && iMinY == 0); float fScaleX = (float)(iX-iMinX) / ((float)(iMaxX-iMinX)); float fScaleY = (float)(iY-iMinY) / ((float)(iMaxY-iMinY)); int iWindowX = (int)(fScaleX * (float)g_nViewportCX); int iWindowY = (int)(fScaleY * (float)g_nViewportCY); DrawCrosshairs(iWindowX,iWindowY); } #ifdef _DEBUG //#define _DEBUG_SHOW_CURSOR // NB. Get an ASSERT on LMB (after Ctrl+LMB) #endif static void UpdateMouseInAppleViewport(int iOutOfBoundsX, int iOutOfBoundsY, int x, int y) { const bool bOutsideAppleViewport = iOutOfBoundsX || iOutOfBoundsY; if (bOutsideAppleViewport) { if (sg_PropertySheet.GetMouseRestrictToWindow()) return; g_bLastCursorInAppleViewport = false; if (!g_bShowingCursor) { // Mouse leaving Apple screen area FrameSetCursorPosByMousePos(0, 0, iOutOfBoundsX, iOutOfBoundsY, true); #ifdef _DEBUG_SHOW_CURSOR g_bShowingCursor = true; #else FrameShowCursor(TRUE); #endif } } else { g_bLastCursorInAppleViewport = true; if (g_bShowingCursor) { // Mouse entering Apple screen area FrameSetCursorPosByMousePos(x, y, 0, 0, false); #ifdef _DEBUG_SHOW_CURSOR g_bShowingCursor = false; #else FrameShowCursor(FALSE); #endif // if (sg_PropertySheet.GetMouseRestrictToWindow()) SetUsingCursor(TRUE); } else { FrameSetCursorPosByMousePos(); // Set cursor to Apple position each time } DrawCrosshairsMouse(); } } void GetViewportCXCY(int& nViewportCX, int& nViewportCY) { nViewportCX = g_nViewportCX; nViewportCY = g_nViewportCY; }