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		<title>AppleWin Debugger Tutorial</title>
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		<p>As you scroll around, you will notice the cursor and other lines change 
			colors.&nbsp; Normally the cursor line is shown with an inverse bar, that is 
			with a white background. Other colors have these meanings:
		<table border="1" bordercolor="#000000" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="666">
				<col width="161">
					<col width="494">
							<tr bgcolor="#000000">
								<td width="161">
									<p><font color="#ffffff"><b>Cursor Background</b></font></p>
								<td width="494">
									<p><font color="#ffffff"><b>Effect</b></font></p>
								<td width="161">
								<td width="494">
									<p><i>Address of cursor.</i></p>
								<td bgcolor="#ffff00" width="161">
									<p>Yellow (Bright)</p>
								<td width="494">
									<p><i>Cursor is on next 6502 instruction (At 6502 PC).</i></p>
								<td bgcolor="#cccc00" width="161">
									<p>Yellow (Dim)</p>
								<td width="494">
									<p><i>Line is next 6502 instruction (At 6502 PC).</i></p>
								<td bgcolor="#ff0000" width="161">
									<p>Red (Bright)</p>
								<td width="494">
									<p><i>Cursor is on active Breakpoint.</i></p>
		<p>Press Right Arrow to locate the current 6502 instruction.&nbsp; If you Page 
			Down, you can see that Branch Indicators are displayed on the right side of the 
			disassembly window, designated by �<font face="Webdings, serif">5</font>� or �<font face="Webdings, serif">6</font>�.&nbsp;</p>
		<p>Press Right Arrow to again locate the current instruction.&nbsp; You will also 
			notice immediate instructions have a character single quoted, after them, such 
			as �<font face="Courier, monospace">I�</font> at $<b>FA75</b>.</p>
		<p>Pressing Space, will Trace (into) an instruction. &nbsp; Sometimes you trace 
			into a JSR (subroutine), and wish you hadn't.&nbsp; Pressing Shift-Space will "<i>Step 
				Out</i>" - that is, run until the Program Counter (PC) is equal to the 
			return address on the stack.&nbsp; Pressing Left Arrow will jump the cursor to 
			the next instruction after the original call.&nbsp;
		<p><font size="4"><b>Notes</b>:</font></p>
				<p><i>Some code will place the arguments to the subroutine after the JSR 
						instruction.&nbsp; The debugger is not able to detect this and "<b>Step Out</b>" 
						correctly, so use caution, if the sub-routine plays with the stack.</i></p>
					<i>The debugger is not able to detect if the top 2 bytes on the stack is a valid 
						return address, so pay careful attention if the stack is modified!</i></p>
		<table border="1" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="75%">
				<col width="26">
					<col width="64">
						<col width="166">
								<tr bgcolor="#000000">
									<td width="10%">
										<p><font color="#ffffff"><b>Key</b></font></p>
									<td width="25%">
										<p><font color="#ffffff"><b>Name</b></font></p>
									<td width="65%">
										<p><font color="#ffffff"><b>Effect</b></font></p>
									<td width="10%">
										<p><font face="Wingdings">�</font>
									<td width="25%">
									<td width="65%">
										<p><i>Trace into instruction.</i></p>
									<td width="10%">
										<p><font face="Wingdings">�</font>
									<td width="25%">
									<td width="65%">
										<p><i>Step out of subroutine.</i></p>
									<td width="10%">
										<p>^<font face="Wingdings">�</font>
									<td width="25%">
									<td width="65%">
										<p><i>Trace over instruction.</i></p>
									<td width="10%">
										<p>^<font face="Wingdings">�</font>
									<td width="25%">
										<p>Ctrl-Down Arrow
									<td width="65%">
										<p><i>Run until cursor.</i></p>
									<td width="10%">
										<p>^<font face="Wingdings">�</font>
									<td width="25%">
										<p>Ctrl-Right Arrow</p>
									<td width="65%">
										<p><i>Set PC to cursor.</i></p>
									<td width="10%">
										<p><font face="Wingdings">�</font>
									<td width="25%">
										<p>Left Arrow
									<td width="65%">
										<p><i>Jump cursor to return address on stack.</i></p>
		<table bgcolor="#000000" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="90%">
				<col width="90">
					<col width="166">
							<tr bgcolor="#000000">
								<td width="35%">
									<p><font color="#ffffff"><b>Command</b></font></p>
								<td width="65%">
									<p style="FONT-STYLE: normal"><font color="#ffffff"><b>Description</b></font></p>
							<tr bgcolor="#cccccc">
								<td width="35%">
								<td width="65%">
									<p><i>Resume execution until PC = StopAddress.</i></p>
							<tr bgcolor="#999999">
								<td width="35%">
								<td width="65%">
									<p><i>Resume execution until PC = StopAddress.<br>
											Additionally, if the PC exits the range [SkipAddress,Length],<br>
											execution will be halted.</i></p>
							<tr bgcolor="#cccccc">
								<td width="35%">
								<td width="65%">
									<p><i>Alias for: R PC [=] address and then G.</i></p>
		<p><br>NB. The GG command resumes execution in full-speed. See <a href="dbg-entering-debugger.html#Exiting-Debugger">Exiting the Debugger</a>.
		<table bgcolor="#000000" border="0" cellpadding="2" cellspacing="0" width="90%">
				<col width="90">
					<col width="166">
							<tr bgcolor="#00b8ff">
								<td bgcolor="#30c0ff" width="35%">
									<p><font color="#000000"><b>Input</b></font></p>
								<td bgcolor="#30c0ff" width="65%">
									<p><font color="#000000"><b>Effect</b></font></p>
							<tr bgcolor="#000000">
								<td width="35%">
									<p><font color="#00b8ff"><font face="Courier"><b>R PC FA62 </b></font></font>
								<td width="65%">
									<p><font color="#ffffff"><i>Set Program Counter to Value $<b><font color="#ffff00">FA62</font></b>
												(RESET) </i></font>
							<tr bgcolor="#000000">
								<td bgcolor="#000000" width="35%">
									<p><font color="#00b8ff"><font face="Courier"><b><span style="BACKGROUND: rgb(0,0,0) 0% 50%; moz-background-clip: initial; moz-background-origin: initial; moz-background-inline-policy: initial">G&nbsp;C600&nbsp;D000,3000</span></b></font></font></p>
								<td bgcolor="#000000" width="65%">
									<p><font color="#ffffff"><i>Single-step until either PC = $C600, or PC &lt;= $D000</i></font></p>