Video & Sound


AppleWin can display Apple video in a variety of modes. The display can also be run in a standard window or full-screen.


This mode emulates a monochrome monitor. You can choose your monochrome color from AppleWin Configuration.

Color (standard):

This mode emulates a standard color monitor.

Color (text optimized):

This mode does a bit of image processing to make text more readable on the hires screen.

Color (TV emulation):

This mode emulates how colors bleed into one another on a TV.

On the hires screen, alternating horizontal lines of color are bled together to form new colors like grey, purple, pink, yellow and aquamarine. This effect was used in commercial games like Karateka and many hires adventures (eg. Mindshadow).



AppleWin emulates both the internal speaker (using the PC speaker or sound card) and also the Mockingboard sound card (using a PC sound card).

Use the AppleWin Configuration tab labelled Sound.

If you are using a sound card, then use at least DirectX-9.


You can select PC speaker or sound card:


When the Mockingboards are enabled, the cards are physically plugged into slots 4 and 5 of the Apple //e.

Each Mockingboard is a type 'C': 2x AY8910 (3-channel sound generator) & 1x SSI263 (speech chip)
Each AY8910 is fully emulated (tone, noise & envelope).
Each SY6522 (that controls an AY8910) can generate precise timer interrupts or phoneme-complete interrupts.
Emulation of the SSI263 is basic at the moment and only plays back phonemes at a fixed rate without any support for inflection or filters.

There are a number of games and demos that support Mockingboard, eg: