#include "StdAfx.h" #pragma hdrstop // MemoryTextFile _________________________________________________________________________________ const int EOL_TERM = 0; //=========================================================================== bool MemoryTextFile_t::Read( char *pFileName ) { bool bStatus = false; FILE *hFile = fopen( pFileName, "rt" ); if (hFile) { fseek( hFile, 0, SEEK_END ); long nSize = ftell( hFile ); fseek( hFile, 0, SEEK_SET ); m_vBuffer.reserve( nSize + 1 ); m_vBuffer.insert( m_vBuffer.begin(), nSize+1, 0 ); char *pBuffer = & m_vBuffer.at(0); fread( (void*)pBuffer, nSize, 1, hFile ); m_vBuffer.push_back( EOL_TERM ); fclose(hFile); m_bDirty = true; GetLinePointers(); bStatus = true; } return bStatus; } //=========================================================================== void MemoryTextFile_t::GetLine( const int iLine, char *pLine, const int nMaxLineChars ) { if (m_bDirty) { GetLinePointers(); } ZeroMemory( pLine, nMaxLineChars ); strncpy( pLine, m_vLines[ iLine ], nMaxLineChars-1 ); } // cr/new lines are converted into null, string terminators //=========================================================================== void MemoryTextFile_t::GetLinePointers() { if (! m_bDirty) return; m_vLines.erase( m_vLines.begin(), m_vLines.end() ); char *pBegin = & m_vBuffer.at( 0 ); char *pLast = & m_vBuffer[ m_vBuffer.size() ]; char *pEnd = NULL; char *pStartNextLine; while (pBegin < pLast) { m_vLines.push_back( pBegin ); pEnd = const_cast( SkipUntilEOL( pBegin )); if (*pEnd != EOL_TERM) { // Found EOL via null pStartNextLine = pEnd + 1; } else { pStartNextLine = const_cast( EatEOL( pEnd )); // DOS/Win "Text" mode converts LF CR (0D 0A) to CR (0D) // but just in case, the file is read in binary. int nEOL = pStartNextLine - pEnd; while (nEOL-- > 1) { *pEnd++ = ' '; } // assert( pEnd != NULL ); *pEnd = EOL_TERM; } pBegin = pStartNextLine; } m_bDirty = false; } //=========================================================================== void MemoryTextFile_t::PushLine( char *pLine ) { char *pSrc = pLine; while (pSrc && *pSrc) { if (*pSrc == CHAR_CR) m_vBuffer.push_back( EOL_TERM ); else if (*pSrc == CHAR_LF) m_vBuffer.push_back( EOL_TERM ); else m_vBuffer.push_back( *pSrc ); pSrc++; } m_vBuffer.push_back( EOL_TERM ); m_bDirty = true; }