#pragma once const double _M14 = (157500000.0 / 11.0); // 14.3181818... * 10^6 const double CLK_6502 = ((_M14 * 65.0) / 912.0); // 65 cycles per 912 14M clocks //const double CLK_6502 = 23 * 44100; // 1014300 const UINT uCyclesPerLine = 65; // 25 cycles of HBL & 40 cycles of HBL' const UINT uVisibleLinesPerFrame = 64*3; // 192 const UINT uLinesPerFrame = 262; // 64 in each third of the screen & 70 in VBL const DWORD dwClksPerFrame = uCyclesPerLine * uLinesPerFrame; // 17030 #define MAX(a,b) (((a) > (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define MIN(a,b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #define RAMWORKS // 8MB RamWorks III support // Use a base freq so that DirectX (or sound h/w) doesn't have to up/down-sample // Assume base freqs are 44.1KHz & 48KHz const DWORD SPKR_SAMPLE_RATE = 44100; enum AppMode_e { MODE_LOGO = 0 , MODE_PAUSED , MODE_RUNNING , MODE_DEBUG , MODE_STEPPING }; //#define MODE_LOGO 0 //#define MODE_PAUSED 1 //#define MODE_RUNNING 2 //#define MODE_DEBUG 3 //#define MODE_STEPPING 4 #define SPEED_MIN 0 #define SPEED_NORMAL 10 #define SPEED_MAX 40 #define DRAW_BACKGROUND 1 #define DRAW_LEDS 2 #define DRAW_TITLE 4 #define DRAW_BUTTON_DRIVES 8 #define BTN_HELP 0 #define BTN_RUN 1 #define BTN_DRIVE1 2 #define BTN_DRIVE2 3 #define BTN_DRIVESWAP 4 #define BTN_FULLSCR 5 #define BTN_DEBUG 6 #define BTN_SETUP 7 #define MAXIMAGES 16 // TODO: Move to StringTable.h #define TITLE_APPLE_2 TEXT("Apple ][ Emulator") #define TITLE_APPLE_2_PLUS TEXT("Apple ][+ Emulator") #define TITLE_APPLE_2_E TEXT("Apple //e Emulator") // #define TITLE TITLE_APPLE_2_E #define TITLE_PAUSED TEXT(" Paused ") #define TITLE_STEPPING TEXT("Stepping") #define LOAD(a,b) RegLoadValue(TEXT("Configuration"),a,1,b) #define SAVE(a,b) RegSaveValue(TEXT("Configuration"),a,1,b) // Configuration #define REGVALUE_SPKR_VOLUME "Speaker Volume" #define REGVALUE_MB_VOLUME "Mockingboard Volume" #define REGVALUE_SOUNDCARD_TYPE "Soundcard Type" #define REGVALUE_KEYB_BUFFER_ENABLE "Keyboard Buffer Enable" #define REGVALUE_SAVESTATE_FILENAME "Save State Filename" #define REGVALUE_SAVE_STATE_ON_EXIT "Save State On Exit" #define REGVALUE_HDD_ENABLED "Harddisk Enable" #define REGVALUE_HDD_IMAGE1 "Harddisk Image 1" #define REGVALUE_HDD_IMAGE2 "Harddisk Image 2" #define REGVALUE_PDL_XTRIM "PDL X-Trim" #define REGVALUE_PDL_YTRIM "PDL Y-Trim" // Preferences #define REGVALUE_PREF_START_DIR TEXT("Starting Directory") #define WM_USER_BENCHMARK WM_USER+1 #define WM_USER_RESTART WM_USER+2 #define WM_USER_SAVESTATE WM_USER+3 #define WM_USER_LOADSTATE WM_USER+4 enum eSOUNDCARDTYPE {SC_UNINIT=0, SC_NONE, SC_MOCKINGBOARD, SC_PHASOR}; // Apple soundcard type typedef BYTE (__stdcall *iofunction)(WORD nPC, BYTE nAddr, BYTE nWriteFlag, BYTE nWriteValue, ULONG nCyclesLeft); typedef BYTE (__stdcall *cxfunction)(WORD nPC, WORD nAddr, BYTE nWriteFlag, BYTE nWriteValue, ULONG nCyclesLeft); typedef struct _IMAGE__ { int unused; } *HIMAGE; enum eIRQSRC {IS_6522=0, IS_SPEECH, IS_SSC};