const char * | yaml_get_version_string (void) |
| Get the library version as a string. More...
void | yaml_get_version (int *major, int *minor, int *patch) |
| Get the library version numbers. More...
void | yaml_token_delete (yaml_token_t *token) |
| Free any memory allocated for a token object. More...
int | yaml_stream_start_event_initialize (yaml_event_t *event, yaml_encoding_t encoding) |
| Create the STREAM-START event. More...
int | yaml_stream_end_event_initialize (yaml_event_t *event) |
| Create the STREAM-END event. More...
int | yaml_document_start_event_initialize (yaml_event_t *event, yaml_version_directive_t *version_directive, yaml_tag_directive_t *tag_directives_start, yaml_tag_directive_t *tag_directives_end, int implicit) |
| Create the DOCUMENT-START event. More...
int | yaml_document_end_event_initialize (yaml_event_t *event, int implicit) |
| Create the DOCUMENT-END event. More...
int | yaml_alias_event_initialize (yaml_event_t *event, const yaml_char_t *anchor) |
| Create an ALIAS event. More...
int | yaml_scalar_event_initialize (yaml_event_t *event, const yaml_char_t *anchor, const yaml_char_t *tag, const yaml_char_t *value, int length, int plain_implicit, int quoted_implicit, yaml_scalar_style_t style) |
| Create a SCALAR event. More...
int | yaml_sequence_start_event_initialize (yaml_event_t *event, const yaml_char_t *anchor, const yaml_char_t *tag, int implicit, yaml_sequence_style_t style) |
| Create a SEQUENCE-START event. More...
int | yaml_sequence_end_event_initialize (yaml_event_t *event) |
| Create a SEQUENCE-END event. More...
int | yaml_mapping_start_event_initialize (yaml_event_t *event, const yaml_char_t *anchor, const yaml_char_t *tag, int implicit, yaml_mapping_style_t style) |
| Create a MAPPING-START event. More...
int | yaml_mapping_end_event_initialize (yaml_event_t *event) |
| Create a MAPPING-END event. More...
void | yaml_event_delete (yaml_event_t *event) |
| Free any memory allocated for an event object. More...
int | yaml_document_initialize (yaml_document_t *document, yaml_version_directive_t *version_directive, yaml_tag_directive_t *tag_directives_start, yaml_tag_directive_t *tag_directives_end, int start_implicit, int end_implicit) |
| Create a YAML document. More...
void | yaml_document_delete (yaml_document_t *document) |
| Delete a YAML document and all its nodes. More...
yaml_node_t * | yaml_document_get_node (yaml_document_t *document, int index) |
| Get a node of a YAML document. More...
yaml_node_t * | yaml_document_get_root_node (yaml_document_t *document) |
| Get the root of a YAML document node. More...
int | yaml_document_add_scalar (yaml_document_t *document, const yaml_char_t *tag, const yaml_char_t *value, int length, yaml_scalar_style_t style) |
| Create a SCALAR node and attach it to the document. More...
int | yaml_document_add_sequence (yaml_document_t *document, const yaml_char_t *tag, yaml_sequence_style_t style) |
| Create a SEQUENCE node and attach it to the document. More...
int | yaml_document_add_mapping (yaml_document_t *document, const yaml_char_t *tag, yaml_mapping_style_t style) |
| Create a MAPPING node and attach it to the document. More...
int | yaml_document_append_sequence_item (yaml_document_t *document, int sequence, int item) |
| Add an item to a SEQUENCE node. More...
int | yaml_document_append_mapping_pair (yaml_document_t *document, int mapping, int key, int value) |
| Add a pair of a key and a value to a MAPPING node. More...
int | yaml_parser_initialize (yaml_parser_t *parser) |
| Initialize a parser. More...
void | yaml_parser_delete (yaml_parser_t *parser) |
| Destroy a parser. More...
void | yaml_parser_set_input_string (yaml_parser_t *parser, const unsigned char *input, size_t size) |
| Set a string input. More...
void | yaml_parser_set_input_file (yaml_parser_t *parser, FILE *file) |
| Set a file input. More...
void | yaml_parser_set_input (yaml_parser_t *parser, yaml_read_handler_t *handler, void *data) |
| Set a generic input handler. More...
void | yaml_parser_set_encoding (yaml_parser_t *parser, yaml_encoding_t encoding) |
| Set the source encoding. More...
int | yaml_parser_scan (yaml_parser_t *parser, yaml_token_t *token) |
| Scan the input stream and produce the next token. More...
int | yaml_parser_parse (yaml_parser_t *parser, yaml_event_t *event) |
| Parse the input stream and produce the next parsing event. More...
int | yaml_parser_load (yaml_parser_t *parser, yaml_document_t *document) |
| Parse the input stream and produce the next YAML document. More...
int | yaml_emitter_initialize (yaml_emitter_t *emitter) |
| Initialize an emitter. More...
void | yaml_emitter_delete (yaml_emitter_t *emitter) |
| Destroy an emitter. More...
void | yaml_emitter_set_output_string (yaml_emitter_t *emitter, unsigned char *output, size_t size, size_t *size_written) |
| Set a string output. More...
void | yaml_emitter_set_output_file (yaml_emitter_t *emitter, FILE *file) |
| Set a file output. More...
void | yaml_emitter_set_output (yaml_emitter_t *emitter, yaml_write_handler_t *handler, void *data) |
| Set a generic output handler. More...
void | yaml_emitter_set_encoding (yaml_emitter_t *emitter, yaml_encoding_t encoding) |
| Set the output encoding. More...
void | yaml_emitter_set_canonical (yaml_emitter_t *emitter, int canonical) |
| Set if the output should be in the "canonical" format as in the YAML specification. More...
void | yaml_emitter_set_indent (yaml_emitter_t *emitter, int indent) |
| Set the indentation increment. More...
void | yaml_emitter_set_width (yaml_emitter_t *emitter, int width) |
| Set the preferred line width. More...
void | yaml_emitter_set_unicode (yaml_emitter_t *emitter, int unicode) |
| Set if unescaped non-ASCII characters are allowed. More...
void | yaml_emitter_set_break (yaml_emitter_t *emitter, yaml_break_t line_break) |
| Set the preferred line break. More...
int | yaml_emitter_emit (yaml_emitter_t *emitter, yaml_event_t *event) |
| Emit an event. More...
int | yaml_emitter_open (yaml_emitter_t *emitter) |
| Start a YAML stream. More...
int | yaml_emitter_close (yaml_emitter_t *emitter) |
| Finish a YAML stream. More...
int | yaml_emitter_dump (yaml_emitter_t *emitter, yaml_document_t *document) |
| Emit a YAML document. More...
int | yaml_emitter_flush (yaml_emitter_t *emitter) |
| Flush the accumulated characters to the output. More...
Public interface for libyaml.
Include the header file with the code: