/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2021, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski, Nick Westgate AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Debug.h" #include "../Memory.h" inline static void _memsetz(void* dst, int val, size_t len) { memset(dst, val, len); static_cast(dst)[len] = 0; } //=========================================================================== std::string FormatAddress(WORD nAddress, int nBytes) { switch (nBytes) { case 2: return StrFormat("$%02X", (unsigned)nAddress); break; case 3: return StrFormat("$%04X", (unsigned)nAddress); break; // TODO: FIXME: Can we get called with nBytes == 16 ?? default: break; // clear since is static } // There is no symbol for this nAddress return std::string(); } //=========================================================================== char* FormatCharCopy(char* pDst, const char* pEnd, const char* pSrc, const int nLen) { for (int i = 0; i < nLen && pDst < pEnd; i++) *pDst++ = FormatCharTxtCtrl(*pSrc++); return pDst; } //=========================================================================== char FormatCharTxtAsci(const BYTE b, bool* pWasAsci_) { if (pWasAsci_) *pWasAsci_ = false; char c = (b & 0x7F); if (b <= 0x7F) { if (pWasAsci_) { *pWasAsci_ = true; } } return c; } // Note: FormatCharTxtCtrl() and RemapChar() //=========================================================================== char FormatCharTxtCtrl(const BYTE b, bool* pWasCtrl_) { if (pWasCtrl_) *pWasCtrl_ = false; char c = (b & 0x7F); // .32 Changed: Lo now maps High Ascii to printable chars. i.e. ML1 D0D0 if (b < 0x20) // SPACE { if (pWasCtrl_) { *pWasCtrl_ = true; } c = b + '@'; // map ctrl chars to visible } return c; } //=========================================================================== char FormatCharTxtHigh(const BYTE b, bool* pWasHi_) { if (pWasHi_) *pWasHi_ = false; char c = b; if (b > 0x7F) { if (pWasHi_) { *pWasHi_ = true; } c = (b & 0x7F); } return c; } //=========================================================================== char FormatChar4Font(const BYTE b, bool* pWasHi_, bool* pWasLo_) { // Most Windows Fonts don't have (printable) glyphs for control chars BYTE b1 = FormatCharTxtHigh(b, pWasHi_); BYTE b2 = FormatCharTxtCtrl(b1, pWasLo_); return b2; } // Disassembly /* // Thought about moving MouseText to another location, say high bit, 'A' + 0x80 // But would like to keep compatibility with existing CHARSET40 // Since we should be able to display all apple chars 0x00 .. 0xFF with minimal processing // Use CONSOLE_COLOR_ESCAPE_CHAR to shift to mouse text * Apple Font K Mouse Text Up Arror H Mouse Text Left Arrow J Mouse Text Down Arrow * Wingdings \xE1 Up Arrow \xE2 Down Arrow * Webdings // M$ Font \x35 Up Arrow \x33 Left Arrow (\x71 recycl is too small to make out details) \x36 Down Arrow * Symols \xAD Up Arrow \xAF Down Arrow * ??? \x18 Up \x19 Down */ #if USE_APPLE_FONT const char* g_sConfigBranchIndicatorUp[NUM_DISASM_BRANCH_TYPES + 1] = { " ", "^", "\x8B" }; // "`K" 0x4B const char* g_sConfigBranchIndicatorEqual[NUM_DISASM_BRANCH_TYPES + 1] = { " ", "=", "\x88" }; // "`H" 0x48 const char* g_sConfigBranchIndicatorDown[NUM_DISASM_BRANCH_TYPES + 1] = { " ", "v", "\x8A" }; // "`J" 0x4A #else const char* g_sConfigBranchIndicatorUp[NUM_DISASM_BRANCH_TYPES + 1] = { " ", "^", "\x35" }; const char* g_sConfigBranchIndicatorEqual[NUM_DISASM_BRANCH_TYPES + 1] = { " ", "=", "\x33" }; char* g_sConfigBranchIndicatorDown[NUM_DISASM_BRANCH_TYPES + 1] = { " ", "v", "\x36" }; #endif // Disassembly ____________________________________________________________________________________ void GetTargets_IgnoreDirectJSRJMP(const BYTE iOpcode, int& nTargetPointer) { if (iOpcode == OPCODE_JSR || iOpcode == OPCODE_JMP_A) nTargetPointer = NO_6502_TARGET; } // Get the data needed to disassemble one line of opcodes. Fills in the DisasmLine info. // Disassembly formatting flags returned // @parama sTargetValue_ indirect/indexed final value //=========================================================================== int GetDisassemblyLine(WORD nBaseAddress, DisasmLine_t& line_) // char *sAddress_, char *sOpCodes_, // char *sTarget_, char *sTargetOffset_, int & nTargetOffset_, // char *sTargetPointer_, char *sTargetValue_, // char *sImmediate_, char & nImmediate_, char *sBranch_ ) { line_.Clear(); int iOpcode; int iOpmode; int nOpbyte; iOpcode = _6502_GetOpmodeOpbyte(nBaseAddress, iOpmode, nOpbyte, &line_.pDisasmData); const DisasmData_t* pData = line_.pDisasmData; // Disassembly_IsDataAddress( nBaseAddress ); line_.iOpcode = iOpcode; line_.iOpmode = iOpmode; line_.nOpbyte = nOpbyte; #if _DEBUG // if (iLine != 41) // return nOpbytes; #endif if (iOpmode == AM_M) line_.bTargetImmediate = true; if ((iOpmode >= AM_IZX) && (iOpmode <= AM_NA)) line_.bTargetIndirect = true; // () if ((iOpmode >= AM_IZX) && (iOpmode <= AM_NZY)) line_.bTargetIndexed = true; // () if (((iOpmode >= AM_A) && (iOpmode <= AM_ZY)) || line_.bTargetIndirect) line_.bTargetValue = true; // #$ if ((iOpmode == AM_AX) || (iOpmode == AM_ZX) || (iOpmode == AM_IZX) || (iOpmode == AM_IAX)) line_.bTargetX = true; // ,X if ((iOpmode == AM_AY) || (iOpmode == AM_ZY) || (iOpmode == AM_NZY)) line_.bTargetY = true; // ,Y unsigned int nMinBytesLen = (DISASM_DISPLAY_MAX_OPCODES * (2 + g_bConfigDisasmOpcodeSpaces)); // 2 char for byte (or 3 with space) int bDisasmFormatFlags = 0; // Composite string that has the symbol or target nAddress WORD nTarget = 0; if ((iOpmode != AM_IMPLIED) && (iOpmode != AM_1) && (iOpmode != AM_2) && (iOpmode != AM_3)) { // Assume target address starts after the opcode ... // BUT in the Assembler Directive / Data Disassembler case for define addr/word // the opcode literally IS the target address! if (pData) { nTarget = pData->nTargetAddress; } else { nTarget = mem[(nBaseAddress + 1) & 0xFFFF] | (mem[(nBaseAddress + 2) & 0xFFFF] << 8); if (nOpbyte == 2) nTarget &= 0xFF; } if (iOpmode == AM_R) // Relative { line_.bTargetRelative = true; nTarget = nBaseAddress + 2 + (int)(signed char)nTarget; line_.nTarget = nTarget; strncpy_s(line_.sTargetValue, WordToHexStr(nTarget & 0xFFFF).c_str(), _TRUNCATE); // Always show branch indicators bDisasmFormatFlags |= DISASM_FORMAT_BRANCH; if (nTarget < nBaseAddress) strncpy_s(line_.sBranch, g_sConfigBranchIndicatorUp[g_iConfigDisasmBranchType], _TRUNCATE); else if (nTarget > nBaseAddress) strncpy_s(line_.sBranch, g_sConfigBranchIndicatorDown[g_iConfigDisasmBranchType], _TRUNCATE); else strncpy_s(line_.sBranch, g_sConfigBranchIndicatorEqual[g_iConfigDisasmBranchType], _TRUNCATE); bDisasmFormatFlags |= DISASM_FORMAT_TARGET_POINTER; if (g_iConfigDisasmTargets & DISASM_TARGET_ADDR) strncpy_s(line_.sTargetPointer, WordToHexStr(nTarget & 0xFFFF).c_str(), _TRUNCATE); } // intentional re-test AM_R ... // if ((iOpmode >= AM_A ) && (iOpmode <= AM_NA)) if ((iOpmode == AM_A ) || // Absolute (iOpmode == AM_Z ) || // Zeropage (iOpmode == AM_AX ) || // Absolute, X (iOpmode == AM_AY ) || // Absolute, Y (iOpmode == AM_ZX ) || // Zeropage, X (iOpmode == AM_ZY ) || // Zeropage, Y (iOpmode == AM_R ) || // Relative (iOpmode == AM_IZX) || // Indexed (Zeropage Indirect, X) (iOpmode == AM_IAX) || // Indexed (Absolute Indirect, X) (iOpmode == AM_NZY) || // Indirect (Zeropage) Index, Y (iOpmode == AM_NZ ) || // Indirect (Zeropage) (iOpmode == AM_NA )) //(Indirect Absolute) { line_.nTarget = nTarget; std::string const* pTarget = NULL; std::string const* pSymbol = FindSymbolFromAddress(nTarget, &line_.iTargetTable); std::string sAddressBuf; // Data Assembler if (pData && (!pData->bSymbolLookup)) pSymbol = NULL; // Try exact match first if (pSymbol) { bDisasmFormatFlags |= DISASM_FORMAT_SYMBOL; pTarget = pSymbol; } if (!(bDisasmFormatFlags & DISASM_FORMAT_SYMBOL)) { pSymbol = FindSymbolFromAddress(nTarget - 1, &line_.iTargetTable); if (pSymbol) { bDisasmFormatFlags |= DISASM_FORMAT_SYMBOL; bDisasmFormatFlags |= DISASM_FORMAT_OFFSET; pTarget = pSymbol; line_.nTargetOffset = +1; // U FA82 LDA $3F1 BREAK-1 } } // Old Offset search: (Search +1 First) nTarget-1, (Search -1 Second) nTarget+1 // Problem: U D038 shows as A.TRACE+1 // New Offset search: (Search -1 First) nTarget+1, (Search +1 Second) nTarget+1 // Problem: U D834, D87E shows as P.MUL-1, instead of P.ADD+1 // Fixed: address table was bailing on first possible match. U D000 -> da STOP+1, instead of END-1 // Try to match nTarget-1, nTarget+1, AND if we have both matches // Then we need to decide which one to show. If we have pData then pick this one. // TODO: Do we need to let the user decide which one they want searched first? // nFirstTarget = g_bDebugConfig_DisasmMatchSymbolOffsetMinus1First ? nTarget-1 : nTarget+1; // nSecondTarget = g_bDebugConfig_DisasmMatchSymbolOffsetMinus1First ? nTarget+1 : nTarget-1; if (!(bDisasmFormatFlags & DISASM_FORMAT_SYMBOL) || pData) { pSymbol = FindSymbolFromAddress(nTarget + 1,&line_.iTargetTable); if (pSymbol) { bDisasmFormatFlags |= DISASM_FORMAT_SYMBOL; bDisasmFormatFlags |= DISASM_FORMAT_OFFSET; pTarget = pSymbol; line_.nTargetOffset = -1; // U FA82 LDA $3F3 BREAK+1 } } if (!(bDisasmFormatFlags & DISASM_FORMAT_SYMBOL)) { sAddressBuf = FormatAddress(nTarget, (iOpmode != AM_R) ? nOpbyte : 3); // GH#587: For Bcc opcodes, pretend it's a 3-byte opcode to print a 16-bit target addr pTarget = &sAddressBuf; } //sTarget = StrFormat( g_aOpmodes[ iOpmode ].m_sFormat, pTarget->c_str() ); if (bDisasmFormatFlags & DISASM_FORMAT_OFFSET) { int nAbsTargetOffset = (line_.nTargetOffset > 0) ? line_.nTargetOffset : -line_.nTargetOffset; strncpy_s(line_.sTargetOffset, StrFormat("%d", nAbsTargetOffset).c_str(), _TRUNCATE); } strncpy_s(line_.sTarget, pTarget->c_str(), _TRUNCATE); // Indirect / Indexed int nTargetPartial; int nTargetPartial2; int nTargetPointer; WORD nTargetValue = 0; // de-ref _6502_GetTargets(nBaseAddress, &nTargetPartial, &nTargetPartial2, &nTargetPointer, NULL); GetTargets_IgnoreDirectJSRJMP(iOpcode, nTargetPointer); // For *direct* JSR/JMP, don't show 'addr16:byte char' if (nTargetPointer != NO_6502_TARGET) { bDisasmFormatFlags |= DISASM_FORMAT_TARGET_POINTER; nTargetValue = *(mem + nTargetPointer) | (*(mem + ((nTargetPointer + 1) & 0xffff)) << 8); //if (((iOpmode >= AM_A) && (iOpmode <= AM_NZ)) && (iOpmode != AM_R)) // sTargetValue_ = WordToHexStr( nTargetValue ); // & 0xFFFF if (g_iConfigDisasmTargets & DISASM_TARGET_ADDR) strncpy_s(line_.sTargetPointer, WordToHexStr(nTargetPointer & 0xFFFF).c_str(), _TRUNCATE); if (iOpcode != OPCODE_JMP_NA && iOpcode != OPCODE_JMP_IAX) { bDisasmFormatFlags |= DISASM_FORMAT_TARGET_VALUE; if (g_iConfigDisasmTargets & DISASM_TARGET_VAL) strncpy_s(line_.sTargetValue, ByteToHexStr(nTargetValue & 0xFF).c_str(), _TRUNCATE); bDisasmFormatFlags |= DISASM_FORMAT_CHAR; line_.nImmediate = (BYTE)nTargetValue; const char _char = FormatCharTxtCtrl(FormatCharTxtHigh(line_.nImmediate, NULL), NULL); _memsetz(line_.sImmediate, _char, 1); //if (ConsoleColorIsEscapeMeta( nImmediate_ )) #if OLD_CONSOLE_COLOR if (ConsoleColorIsEscapeMeta(_char)) _memsetz(line_.sImmediate, _char, 2); else _memsetz(line_.sImmediate, _char, 1); #endif } //if (iOpmode == AM_NA ) // Indirect Absolute // sTargetValue_ = WordToHexStr( nTargetPointer & 0xFFFF ); //else // //sTargetValue_ = ByteToHexStr( nTargetValue & 0xFF ); // sTargetValue_ = StrFormat( "%04X:%02X", nTargetPointer & 0xFFFF, nTargetValue & 0xFF ); } } else { if (iOpmode == AM_M) { strncpy_s(line_.sTarget, ByteToHexStr((BYTE)nTarget).c_str(), _TRUNCATE); if (nTarget == 0) line_.sImmediateSignedDec[0] = 0; // nothing else if (nTarget < 128) strncpy_s(line_.sImmediateSignedDec, StrFormat("+%d", nTarget).c_str(), _TRUNCATE); else if (nTarget >= 128) strncpy_s(line_.sImmediateSignedDec, StrFormat("-%d" , (~nTarget + 1) & 0xFF).c_str(), _TRUNCATE); bDisasmFormatFlags |= DISASM_FORMAT_CHAR; line_.nImmediate = (BYTE)nTarget; const char _char = FormatCharTxtCtrl(FormatCharTxtHigh(line_.nImmediate, NULL), NULL); _memsetz(line_.sImmediate, _char, 1); #if OLD_CONSOLE_COLOR if (ConsoleColorIsEscapeMeta(_char)) _memsetz(line_.sImmediate, _char, 2); else _memsetz(line_.sImmediate, _char, 1); #endif } } } strncpy_s(line_.sAddress, WordToHexStr(nBaseAddress).c_str(), _TRUNCATE); // Opcode Bytes FormatOpcodeBytes(nBaseAddress, line_); // Data Disassembler if (pData) { line_.iNoptype = pData->eElementType; line_.iNopcode = pData->iDirective; strcpy(line_.sMnemonic, g_aAssemblerDirectives[line_.iNopcode].m_pMnemonic); FormatNopcodeBytes(nBaseAddress, line_); } else { // Regular 6502/65C02 opcode -> mnemonic strcpy(line_.sMnemonic, g_aOpcodes[line_.iOpcode].sMnemonic); } const size_t nOpCodesLen = strlen(line_.sOpCodes); if (nOpCodesLen < nMinBytesLen) { memset(line_.sOpCodes + nOpCodesLen, ' ', nMinBytesLen - nOpCodesLen); line_.sOpCodes[nMinBytesLen] = '\0'; } return bDisasmFormatFlags; } //=========================================================================== void FormatOpcodeBytes(WORD nBaseAddress, DisasmLine_t& line_) { // fix // TODO: FIX: show max 8 bytes for HEX const int nMaxOpBytes = std::min(line_.nOpbyte, DISASM_DISPLAY_MAX_OPCODES); char* cp = line_.sOpCodes; const char* const ep = cp + sizeof(line_.sOpCodes); for (int iByte = 0; iByte < nMaxOpBytes; iByte++) { const BYTE nMem = mem[(nBaseAddress + iByte) & 0xFFFF]; if ((cp+2) < ep) cp = StrBufferAppendByteAsHex(cp, nMem); // TODO: If Disassembly_IsDataAddress() don't show spaces... if (g_bConfigDisasmOpcodeSpaces) { if ((cp+1) < ep) *cp++ = ' '; } } *cp = '\0'; } struct FAC_t { uint8_t negative; int8_t exponent; uint32_t mantissa; bool isZero; }; void FAC_Unpack(WORD nAddress, FAC_t& fac_) { BYTE e0 = *(LPBYTE)(mem + nAddress + 0); BYTE m1 = *(LPBYTE)(mem + nAddress + 1); BYTE m2 = *(LPBYTE)(mem + nAddress + 2); BYTE m3 = *(LPBYTE)(mem + nAddress + 3); BYTE m4 = *(LPBYTE)(mem + nAddress + 4); // sign // EB82:A5 9D SIGN LDA FAC // EB84:F0 09 BEQ SIGN3 ; zero // EB86:A5 A2 SIGN1 LDA FAC.SIGN // EB88:2A SIGN2 ROL // EB89:A9 FF LDA #$FF ; negative // EB8B:B0 02 BCS SIGN3 // EB8D:A9 01 LDA #$01 ; positive // EB8F:60 SIGN3 fac_.exponent = e0 - 0x80; fac_.negative =(m1 & 0x80) >> 7; // EBAF:46 A2 ABS LSR FAC.SIGN fac_.mantissa = 0 | ((m1 | 0x80) << 24) // implicit 1.0, EB12: ORA #$80, STA FAC+1 | ((m2 ) << 16) | ((m3 ) << 8) | ((m4 ) << 0); fac_.isZero = (e0 == 0); // TODO: need to check mantissa? } // Formats Target string with bytes,words, string, etc... //=========================================================================== void FormatNopcodeBytes(WORD nBaseAddress, DisasmLine_t& line_) { // TODO: One day, line_.sTarget should become a std::string and things would be much simpler. char* pDst = line_.sTarget; const char* const pEnd = pDst + sizeof(line_.sTarget); const DWORD nStartAddress = line_.pDisasmData->nStartAddress; const DWORD nEndAddress = line_.pDisasmData->nEndAddress; const int nDisplayLen = nEndAddress - nBaseAddress + 1; // *inclusive* KEEP IN SYNC: _CmdDefineByteRange() CmdDisasmDataList() _6502_GetOpmodeOpbyte() FormatNopcodeBytes() for (int iByte = 0; iByte < line_.nOpbyte; ) { BYTE nTarget8 = *(LPBYTE)(mem + nBaseAddress + iByte); WORD nTarget16 = *(LPWORD)(mem + nBaseAddress + iByte); switch (line_.iNoptype) { case NOP_BYTE_1: case NOP_BYTE_2: case NOP_BYTE_4: case NOP_BYTE_8: if ((pDst + 2) < pEnd) pDst = StrBufferAppendByteAsHex(pDst, nTarget8); iByte++; if (line_.iNoptype == NOP_BYTE_1) { if (iByte < line_.nOpbyte) { if ((pDst + 1) < pEnd) *pDst++ = ','; } } *pDst = '\0'; break; case NOP_FAC: { FAC_t fac; FAC_Unpack( nBaseAddress, fac ); const char aSign[2] = { '+', '-' }; if (fac.isZero) { if ((pDst + 1) < pEnd) *pDst++ = '0'; } else { const double f = fac.mantissa * pow( 2.0, fac.exponent - 32 ); //std::string sFac = StrFormat( "s%1X m%04X e%02X", fac.negative, fac.mantissa, fac.exponent ); std::string sFac = StrFormat( "%c%f", aSign[ fac.negative ], f ); if ((pDst + sFac.length()) < pEnd) { memcpy(pDst, sFac.c_str(), sFac.length()); pDst += sFac.length(); } } iByte += 5; *pDst = '\0'; break; } case NOP_WORD_1: case NOP_WORD_2: case NOP_WORD_4: if ((pDst + 4) < pEnd) pDst = StrBufferAppendWordAsHex(pDst, nTarget16); iByte += 2; if (iByte < line_.nOpbyte) { if ((pDst + 1) < pEnd) *pDst++ = ','; } *pDst = '\0'; break; case NOP_ADDRESS: // Nothing to do, already handled :-) iByte += 2; break; case NOP_STRING_APPLESOFT: iByte = line_.nOpbyte; if ((pDst + iByte) < pEnd) { memcpy(pDst, mem + nBaseAddress, iByte); pDst += iByte; } *pDst = 0; break; case NOP_STRING_APPLE: { iByte = line_.nOpbyte; // handle all bytes of text const char* pSrc = (const char*)mem + nStartAddress; if (nDisplayLen > (DISASM_DISPLAY_MAX_IMMEDIATE_LEN - 2)) // does "text" fit? { const bool ellipsis = (nDisplayLen > DISASM_DISPLAY_MAX_IMMEDIATE_LEN); const int len = (ellipsis) ? (DISASM_DISPLAY_MAX_IMMEDIATE_LEN - 3) : nDisplayLen // no need of extra characters for ellipsis ; // DISPLAY: text_longer_18... pDst = FormatCharCopy(pDst, pEnd, pSrc, len); // BUG: #251 v2.8.0.7: ASC #:# with null byte doesn't mark up properly if (ellipsis && (pDst + 3) < pEnd) { *pDst++ = '.'; *pDst++ = '.'; *pDst++ = '.'; } } else { // DISPLAY: "max_18_char" if ((pDst + 1) < pEnd) *pDst++ = '"'; pDst = FormatCharCopy(pDst, pEnd, pSrc, nDisplayLen); // BUG: #251 v2.8.0.7: ASC #:# with null byte doesn't mark up properly if ((pDst + 1) < pEnd) *pDst++ = '"'; } *pDst = 0; break; } default: #if _DEBUG // Unhandled data disassembly! assert(false); #endif iByte++; break; } // switch. } // for. } //=========================================================================== std::string FormatDisassemblyLine(const DisasmLine_t& line) { //> Address Separator Opcodes Label Mnemonic Target [Immediate] [Branch] // // Data Disassembler // Label Directive [Immediate] std::string sDisassembly = StrFormat( "%s:%s %s " , line.sAddress , line.sOpCodes , g_aOpcodes[line.iOpcode].sMnemonic ); /* if (line.bTargetIndexed || line.bTargetIndirect) sDisassembly += '('; if (line.bTargetImmediate) sDisassembly += "#$"; if (line.bTargetValue) sDisassembly += line.sTarget; if (line.bTargetIndirect) { if (line.bTargetX) sDisassembly += ", X"; if (line.bTargetY) sDisassembly += ", Y"; } if (line.bTargetIndexed || line.bTargetIndirect) sDisassembly += ')'; if (line.bTargetIndirect) { if (line.bTargetY) sDisassembly += ", Y"; } */ if (line.bTargetValue || line.bTargetRelative || line.bTargetImmediate) { if (line.bTargetRelative) { sDisassembly += '$'; sDisassembly += line.sTargetValue; } else { if (line.bTargetImmediate) { sDisassembly += "#$"; sDisassembly += line.sTarget; } else { sDisassembly += '$'; sDisassembly += StrFormat( g_aOpmodes[line.iOpmode].m_sFormat, line.nTarget ); } } } return sDisassembly; } // Given an Address, and Line to display it on // Calculate the address of the top and bottom lines // @param bUpdateCur // true = Update Cur based on Top // false = Update Top & Bot based on Cur //=========================================================================== void DisasmCalcTopFromCurAddress(bool bUpdateTop) { int nLen = g_nDisasmCurLine * 3; // max 3 opcodes/instruction, is our search window // Look for a start address that when disassembled, // will have the cursor on the specified line and address int iTop = g_nDisasmCurAddress - nLen; int iCur = g_nDisasmCurAddress; g_bDisasmCurBad = false; bool bFound = false; while (iTop <= iCur) { WORD iAddress = iTop; // int iOpcode; int iOpmode; int nOpbytes; for (int iLine = 0; iLine <= nLen; iLine++) // min 1 opcode/instruction { // a. _6502_GetOpmodeOpbyte(iAddress, iOpmode, nOpbytes); // b. // _6502_GetOpcodeOpmodeOpbyte( iOpcode, iOpmode, nOpbytes ); if (iLine == g_nDisasmCurLine) // && (iAddress == g_nDisasmCurAddress)) { if (iAddress == g_nDisasmCurAddress) // b. // && (iOpmode != AM_1) && // && (iOpmode != AM_2) && // && (iOpmode != AM_3) && // && _6502_IsOpcodeValid( iOpcode)) { g_nDisasmTopAddress = iTop; bFound = true; break; } } // .20 Fixed: DisasmCalcTopFromCurAddress() //if ((eMode >= AM_1) && (eMode <= AM_3)) #if 0 // _DEBUG LogOutput("%04X : %d bytes\n", iAddress, nOpbytes); #endif iAddress += nOpbytes; } if (bFound) { break; } iTop++; } if (!bFound) { // Well, we're up the creek. // There is no (valid) solution! // Basically, there is no address, that when disassembled, // will put our Address on the cursor Line! // So, like typical game programming, when we don't like the solution, change the problem! // if (bUpdateTop) g_nDisasmTopAddress = g_nDisasmCurAddress; g_bDisasmCurBad = true; // Bad Disassembler, no opcode for you! // We reall should move the cursor line to the top for one instruction. // Moving the cursor line around is not really a good idea, since we're breaking consistency paradigm for the user. // g_nDisasmCurLine = 0; #if 0 // _DEBUG std::string sText = StrFormat("DisasmCalcTopFromCurAddress()\n" "\tTop: %04X\n" "\tLen: %04X\n" "\tMissed: %04X", g_nDisasmCurAddress - nLen, nLen, g_nDisasmCurAddress); GetFrame().FrameMessageBox(sText.c_str(), "ERROR", MB_OK); #endif } } //=========================================================================== WORD DisasmCalcAddressFromLines(WORD iAddress, int nLines) { while (nLines-- > 0) { int iOpmode; int nOpbytes; _6502_GetOpmodeOpbyte(iAddress, iOpmode, nOpbytes); iAddress += nOpbytes; } return iAddress; } //=========================================================================== void DisasmCalcCurFromTopAddress() { g_nDisasmCurAddress = DisasmCalcAddressFromLines(g_nDisasmTopAddress, g_nDisasmCurLine); } //=========================================================================== void DisasmCalcBotFromTopAddress() { g_nDisasmBotAddress = DisasmCalcAddressFromLines(g_nDisasmTopAddress, g_nDisasmWinHeight); } //=========================================================================== void DisasmCalcTopBotAddress() { DisasmCalcTopFromCurAddress(); DisasmCalcBotFromTopAddress(); }