/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006-2008, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: main * * Author: Various */ #include "StdAfx.h" #pragma hdrstop #include #include "MouseInterface.h" #include "z80\z80cpu.h" char VERSIONSTRING[16] = "xx.yy.zz.ww"; TCHAR *g_pAppTitle = TITLE_APPLE_2E_ENHANCED; eApple2Type g_Apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2EEHANCED; BOOL behind = 0; // Redundant DWORD cumulativecycles = 0; // Wraps after ~1hr 9mins DWORD cyclenum = 0; // Used by SpkrToggle() for non-wave sound DWORD emulmsec = 0; static DWORD emulmsec_frac = 0; bool g_bFullSpeed = false; //Pravets 8A/C variables bool P8CAPS_ON = false; bool P8Shift = false; //================================================= // Win32 HINSTANCE g_hInstance = (HINSTANCE)0; AppMode_e g_nAppMode = MODE_LOGO; static int lastmode = MODE_LOGO; DWORD needsprecision = 0; // Redundant TCHAR g_sProgramDir[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); TCHAR g_sCurrentDir[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); // Also Starting Dir bool g_bResetTiming = false; // Redundant BOOL restart = 0; DWORD g_dwSpeed = SPEED_NORMAL; // Affected by Config dialog's speed slider bar double g_fCurrentCLK6502 = CLK_6502; // Affected by Config dialog's speed slider bar static double g_fMHz = 1.0; // Affected by Config dialog's speed slider bar int g_nCpuCyclesFeedback = 0; DWORD g_dwCyclesThisFrame = 0; FILE* g_fh = NULL; bool g_bDisableDirectSound = false; CSuperSerialCard sg_SSC; CMouseInterface sg_Mouse; #ifdef SUPPORT_CPM UINT g_Slot4 = CT_Empty; #else UINT g_Slot4 = CT_Mockingboard; // CT_Mockingboard or CT_MouseInterface #endif eCPU g_ActiveCPU = CPU_6502; HANDLE g_hCustomRomF8 = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Cmd-line specified custom ROM at $F800..$FFFF static bool g_bCustomRomF8Failed = false; // Set if custom ROM file failed //=========================================================================== #define DBG_CALC_FREQ 0 #if DBG_CALC_FREQ const UINT MAX_CNT = 256; double g_fDbg[MAX_CNT]; UINT g_nIdx = 0; double g_fMeanPeriod,g_fMeanFreq; ULONGLONG g_nPerfFreq = 0; #endif //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ContinueExecution() { static BOOL pageflipping = 0; //? const double fUsecPerSec = 1.e6; #if 1 const UINT nExecutionPeriodUsec = 1000; // 1.0ms // const UINT nExecutionPeriodUsec = 100; // 0.1ms const double fExecutionPeriodClks = g_fCurrentCLK6502 * ((double)nExecutionPeriodUsec / fUsecPerSec); #else const double fExecutionPeriodClks = 1800.0; const UINT nExecutionPeriodUsec = (UINT) (fUsecPerSec * (fExecutionPeriodClks / g_fCurrentCLK6502)); #endif // bool bScrollLock_FullSpeed = g_uScrollLockToggle ? g_bScrollLock_FullSpeed : (GetKeyState(VK_SCROLL) < 0); g_bFullSpeed = ( (g_dwSpeed == SPEED_MAX) || bScrollLock_FullSpeed || (DiskIsSpinning() && enhancedisk && !Spkr_IsActive() && !MB_IsActive()) ); if(g_bFullSpeed) { // Don't call Spkr_Mute() - will get speaker clicks MB_Mute(); SysClk_StopTimer(); g_nCpuCyclesFeedback = 0; // For the case when this is a big -ve number } else { // Don't call Spkr_Demute() MB_Demute(); SysClk_StartTimerUsec(nExecutionPeriodUsec); } // int nCyclesToExecute = (int) fExecutionPeriodClks + g_nCpuCyclesFeedback; if(nCyclesToExecute < 0) nCyclesToExecute = 0; DWORD dwExecutedCycles = CpuExecute(nCyclesToExecute); g_dwCyclesThisFrame += dwExecutedCycles; // cyclenum = dwExecutedCycles; DiskUpdatePosition(dwExecutedCycles); JoyUpdatePosition(); VideoUpdateVbl(g_dwCyclesThisFrame); SpkrUpdate(cyclenum); sg_SSC.CommUpdate(cyclenum); PrintUpdate(cyclenum); // const DWORD CLKS_PER_MS = (DWORD)g_fCurrentCLK6502 / 1000; emulmsec_frac += dwExecutedCycles; if(emulmsec_frac > CLKS_PER_MS) { emulmsec += emulmsec_frac / CLKS_PER_MS; emulmsec_frac %= CLKS_PER_MS; } // // DETERMINE WHETHER THE SCREEN WAS UPDATED, THE DISK WAS SPINNING, // OR THE KEYBOARD I/O PORTS WERE BEING EXCESSIVELY QUERIED THIS CLOCKTICK VideoCheckPage(0); BOOL screenupdated = VideoHasRefreshed(); BOOL systemidle = 0; //(KeybGetNumQueries() > (clockgran << 2)); // && (!ranfinegrain); // TO DO if(screenupdated) pageflipping = 3; // if(g_dwCyclesThisFrame >= dwClksPerFrame) { g_dwCyclesThisFrame -= dwClksPerFrame; if(g_nAppMode != MODE_LOGO) { VideoUpdateFlash(); static BOOL anyupdates = 0; static DWORD lastcycles = 0; static BOOL lastupdates[2] = {0,0}; anyupdates |= screenupdated; // lastcycles = cumulativecycles; if ((!anyupdates) && (!lastupdates[0]) && (!lastupdates[1]) && VideoApparentlyDirty()) { VideoCheckPage(1); static DWORD lasttime = 0; DWORD currtime = GetTickCount(); if ((!g_bFullSpeed) || (currtime-lasttime >= (DWORD)((graphicsmode || !systemidle) ? 100 : 25))) { VideoRefreshScreen(); lasttime = currtime; } screenupdated = 1; } lastupdates[1] = lastupdates[0]; lastupdates[0] = anyupdates; anyupdates = 0; if (pageflipping) pageflipping--; } MB_EndOfVideoFrame(); } // if(!g_bFullSpeed) { SysClk_WaitTimer(); #if DBG_CALC_FREQ if(g_nPerfFreq) { QueryPerformanceCounter((LARGE_INTEGER*)&nTime1); LONGLONG nTimeDiff = nTime1 - nTime0; double fTime = (double)nTimeDiff / (double)(LONGLONG)g_nPerfFreq; g_fDbg[g_nIdx] = fTime; g_nIdx = (g_nIdx+1) & (MAX_CNT-1); g_fMeanPeriod = 0.0; for(UINT n=0; n> 1; rect.top = (GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSCREEN)-size.cy) >> 1; rect.right = rect.left+size.cx; rect.bottom = rect.top +size.cy; MoveWindow(window, rect.left, rect.top, rect.right-rect.left, rect.bottom-rect.top, 0); ShowWindow(window,SW_SHOW); } return DefWindowProc(window,message,wparam,lparam); } //=========================================================================== void EnterMessageLoop () { MSG message; PeekMessage(&message, NULL, 0, 0, PM_NOREMOVE); while (message.message!=WM_QUIT) { if (PeekMessage(&message, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { TranslateMessage(&message); DispatchMessage(&message); while ((g_nAppMode == MODE_RUNNING) || (g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING)) { if (PeekMessage(&message,0,0,0,PM_REMOVE)) { if (message.message == WM_QUIT) return; TranslateMessage(&message); DispatchMessage(&message); } else if (g_nAppMode == MODE_STEPPING) { DebugContinueStepping(); } else { ContinueExecution(); if (g_nAppMode != MODE_DEBUG) { if (g_bFullSpeed) ContinueExecution(); } } } } else { if (g_nAppMode == MODE_DEBUG) DebuggerUpdate(); else if (g_nAppMode == MODE_LOGO) Sleep(100); // Stop process hogging CPU } } } //=========================================================================== void GetProgramDirectory () { GetModuleFileName((HINSTANCE)0,g_sProgramDir,MAX_PATH); g_sProgramDir[MAX_PATH-1] = 0; int loop = _tcslen(g_sProgramDir); while (loop--) if ((g_sProgramDir[loop] == TEXT('\\')) || (g_sProgramDir[loop] == TEXT(':'))) { g_sProgramDir[loop+1] = 0; break; } } //=========================================================================== //Reads configuration from the registry entries void LoadConfiguration () { DWORD dwComputerType; if (LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_APPLE2_TYPE),&dwComputerType)) { LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_CLONETYPE),&g_uCloneType); if ((dwComputerType >= A2TYPE_MAX) || (dwComputerType >= A2TYPE_UNDEFINED && dwComputerType < A2TYPE_CLONE)) dwComputerType = A2TYPE_APPLE2EEHANCED; if (dwComputerType == A2TYPE_CLONE) { switch (g_uCloneType) { case 0: g_Apple2Type = A2TYPE_PRAVETS82; break; case 1: g_Apple2Type = A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A; break; default: g_Apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2EEHANCED; break; } } else { g_Apple2Type = (eApple2Type) dwComputerType; } } else // Support older AppleWin registry entries { LOAD(TEXT("Computer Emulation"),&dwComputerType); switch (dwComputerType) { // NB. No A2TYPE_APPLE2E (this is correct) case 0: g_Apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2; case 1: g_Apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2PLUS; case 2: g_Apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2EEHANCED; default: g_Apple2Type = A2TYPE_APPLE2EEHANCED; } } switch (g_Apple2Type) //Sets the character set for the Apple model/clone { case A2TYPE_APPLE2: g_nCharsetType = 0; break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2PLUS: g_nCharsetType = 0; break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2E: g_nCharsetType = 0; break; case A2TYPE_APPLE2EEHANCED: g_nCharsetType = 0; break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS82: g_nCharsetType = 1; break; case A2TYPE_PRAVETS8A: g_nCharsetType = 2; break; } LOAD(TEXT("Joystick 0 Emulation"),&joytype[0]); LOAD(TEXT("Joystick 1 Emulation"),&joytype[1]); LOAD(TEXT("Sound Emulation") ,&soundtype); DWORD dwSerialPort; LOAD(TEXT("Serial Port") ,&dwSerialPort); sg_SSC.SetSerialPort(dwSerialPort); LOAD(TEXT("Emulation Speed") ,&g_dwSpeed); LOAD(TEXT("Enhance Disk Speed"),(DWORD *)&enhancedisk); LOAD(TEXT("Video Emulation") ,&videotype); LOAD(TEXT("Monochrome Color") ,&monochrome); LOAD(TEXT("Uthernet Active") ,(DWORD *)&tfe_enabled); SetCurrentCLK6502(); // DWORD dwTmp; if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_THE_FREEZES_F8_ROM), &dwTmp)) g_uTheFreezesF8Rom = dwTmp; if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_SPKR_VOLUME), &dwTmp)) SpkrSetVolume(dwTmp, PSP_GetVolumeMax()); if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_MB_VOLUME), &dwTmp)) MB_SetVolume(dwTmp, PSP_GetVolumeMax()); if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_SOUNDCARD_TYPE), &dwTmp)) MB_SetSoundcardType((eSOUNDCARDTYPE)dwTmp); if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_SAVE_STATE_ON_EXIT), &dwTmp)) g_bSaveStateOnExit = dwTmp ? true : false; if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_HDD_ENABLED), &dwTmp)) HD_SetEnabled(dwTmp ? true : false); char szHDFilename[MAX_PATH] = {0}; if(RegLoadString(TEXT("Configuration"), TEXT(REGVALUE_HDD_IMAGE1), 1, szHDFilename, sizeof(szHDFilename))) HD_InsertDisk2(0, szHDFilename); if(RegLoadString(TEXT("Configuration"), TEXT(REGVALUE_HDD_IMAGE2), 1, szHDFilename, sizeof(szHDFilename))) HD_InsertDisk2(1, szHDFilename); if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_PDL_XTRIM), &dwTmp)) JoySetTrim((short)dwTmp, true); if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_PDL_YTRIM), &dwTmp)) JoySetTrim((short)dwTmp, false); if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_SCROLLLOCK_TOGGLE), &dwTmp)) g_uScrollLockToggle = dwTmp; if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_MOUSE_IN_SLOT4), &dwTmp)) g_uMouseInSlot4 = dwTmp; if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_MOUSE_CROSSHAIR), &dwTmp)) g_uMouseShowCrosshair = dwTmp; if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_MOUSE_RESTRICT_TO_WINDOW), &dwTmp)) g_uMouseRestrictToWindow = dwTmp; #ifdef SUPPORT_CPM if(LOAD(TEXT(REGVALUE_Z80_IN_SLOT5), &dwTmp)) g_uZ80InSlot5 = dwTmp; if (g_uZ80InSlot5) MB_SetSoundcardType(SC_NONE); g_Slot4 = g_uMouseInSlot4 ? CT_MouseInterface : g_uZ80InSlot5 ? CT_Empty : CT_Mockingboard; #else g_Slot4 = g_uMouseInSlot4 ? CT_MouseInterface : CT_Mockingboard; #endif // char szFilename[MAX_PATH] = {0}; RegLoadString(TEXT("Configuration"),TEXT(REGVALUE_SAVESTATE_FILENAME),1,szFilename,sizeof(szFilename)); Snapshot_SetFilename(szFilename); // If not in Registry than default will be used // Current/Starting Dir is the "root" of where the user keeps his disk images RegLoadString(TEXT("Preferences"),REGVALUE_PREF_START_DIR,1,g_sCurrentDir,MAX_PATH); SetCurrentImageDir(); char szUthernetInt[MAX_PATH] = {0}; RegLoadString(TEXT("Configuration"),TEXT("Uthernet Interface"),1,szUthernetInt,MAX_PATH); update_tfe_interface(szUthernetInt,NULL); } //=========================================================================== void SetCurrentImageDir() { SetCurrentDirectory(g_sCurrentDir); } //=========================================================================== void RegisterExtensions () { TCHAR szCommandTmp[MAX_PATH]; GetModuleFileName((HMODULE)0,szCommandTmp,MAX_PATH); TCHAR command[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(command, "\"%s\"", szCommandTmp); // Wrap path & filename in quotes & null terminate TCHAR icon[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(icon,TEXT("%s,1"),(LPCTSTR)command); _tcscat(command,TEXT(" \"%1\"")); // Append "%1" RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".bin",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".do" ,REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".dsk",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".nib",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".po" ,REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); // RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".aws",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); // TO DO // RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT,".hdv",REG_SZ,"DiskImage",10); // TO DO RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage", REG_SZ,"Disk Image",21); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage\\DefaultIcon", REG_SZ,icon,_tcslen(icon)+1); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage\\shell\\open\\command", REG_SZ,command,_tcslen(command)+1); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage\\shell\\open\\ddeexec", REG_SZ,"%1",3); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\application", REG_SZ,"applewin",9); RegSetValue(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, "DiskImage\\shell\\open\\ddeexec\\topic", REG_SZ,"system",7); } //=========================================================================== void AppleWin_RegisterHotKeys() { BOOL bStatus = RegisterHotKey( g_hFrameWindow , // HWND hWnd VK_SNAPSHOT , // int id (user/custom id) 0 , // UINT fsModifiers VK_SNAPSHOT // UINT vk ); if (! bStatus) { MessageBox( g_hFrameWindow, "Unable to capture PrintScreen key", "Warning", MB_OK ); } } //=========================================================================== LPSTR GetCurrArg(LPSTR lpCmdLine) { if(*lpCmdLine == '\"') lpCmdLine++; return lpCmdLine; } LPSTR GetNextArg(LPSTR lpCmdLine) { int bInQuotes = 0; while(*lpCmdLine) { if(*lpCmdLine == '\"') { bInQuotes ^= 1; if(!bInQuotes) { *lpCmdLine++ = 0x00; // Assume end-quote is end of this arg continue; } } if((*lpCmdLine == ' ') && !bInQuotes) { *lpCmdLine++ = 0x00; break; } lpCmdLine++; } return lpCmdLine; } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int DoDiskInsert(int nDrive, LPSTR szFileName) { DWORD dwAttributes = GetFileAttributes(szFileName); if(dwAttributes == INVALID_FILE_ATTRIBUTES) { return -1; } BOOL bWriteProtected = (dwAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY) ? TRUE : FALSE; return DiskInsert(nDrive, szFileName, bWriteProtected, 0); } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- int APIENTRY WinMain (HINSTANCE passinstance, HINSTANCE, LPSTR lpCmdLine, int) { bool bSetFullScreen = false; bool bBoot = false; LPSTR szImageName_drive1 = NULL; LPSTR szImageName_drive2 = NULL; while(*lpCmdLine) { LPSTR lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpCmdLine); if(strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-d1") == 0) { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); szImageName_drive1 = lpCmdLine; } else if(strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-d2") == 0) { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); szImageName_drive2 = lpCmdLine; } else if(strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-f") == 0) { bSetFullScreen = true; } else if((strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-l") == 0) && (g_fh == NULL)) { g_fh = fopen("AppleWin.log", "a+t"); // Open log file (append & text g_nAppMode) CHAR aDateStr[80], aTimeStr[80]; GetDateFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, (LPTSTR)aDateStr, sizeof(aDateStr)); GetTimeFormat(LOCALE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT, 0, NULL, NULL, (LPTSTR)aTimeStr, sizeof(aTimeStr)); fprintf(g_fh,"*** Logging started: %s %s\n",aDateStr,aTimeStr); } else if(strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-m") == 0) { g_bDisableDirectSound = true; } #ifdef RAMWORKS else if(strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-r") == 0) // RamWorks size [1..127] { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); g_uMaxExPages = atoi(lpCmdLine); if (g_uMaxExPages > 127) g_uMaxExPages = 128; else if (g_uMaxExPages < 1) g_uMaxExPages = 1; } #endif else if(strcmp(lpCmdLine, "-f8rom") == 0) // Use custom 2K ROM at [$F800..$FFFF] { lpCmdLine = GetCurrArg(lpNextArg); lpNextArg = GetNextArg(lpNextArg); g_hCustomRomF8 = CreateFile(lpCmdLine, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY, NULL); if ((g_hCustomRomF8 == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) || (GetFileSize(g_hCustomRomF8, NULL) != 0x800)) g_bCustomRomF8Failed = true; } lpCmdLine = lpNextArg; } #if 0 #ifdef RIFF_SPKR RiffInitWriteFile("Spkr.wav", SPKR_SAMPLE_RATE, 1); #endif #ifdef RIFF_MB RiffInitWriteFile("Mockingboard.wav", 44100, 2); #endif #endif //----- char szPath[_MAX_PATH]; if(0 == GetModuleFileName(NULL, szPath, sizeof(szPath))) { strcpy(szPath, __argv[0]); } // Extract application version and store in a global variable DWORD dwHandle, dwVerInfoSize; dwVerInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(szPath, &dwHandle); if(dwVerInfoSize > 0) { char* pVerInfoBlock = new char[dwVerInfoSize]; if(GetFileVersionInfo(szPath, NULL, dwVerInfoSize, pVerInfoBlock)) { VS_FIXEDFILEINFO* pFixedFileInfo; UINT pFixedFileInfoLen; VerQueryValue(pVerInfoBlock, TEXT("\\"), (LPVOID*) &pFixedFileInfo, (PUINT) &pFixedFileInfoLen); // Construct version string from fixed file info block unsigned long major = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionMS >> 16; unsigned long minor = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionMS & 0xffff; unsigned long fix = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionLS >> 16; unsigned long fix_minor = pFixedFileInfo->dwFileVersionLS & 0xffff; sprintf(VERSIONSTRING, "%02d.%02d.%02d.%02d", major, minor, fix, fix_minor); // potential buffer overflow } } #if DBG_CALC_FREQ QueryPerformanceFrequency((LARGE_INTEGER*)&g_nPerfFreq); if(g_fh) fprintf(g_fh, "Performance frequency = %d\n",g_nPerfFreq); #endif //----- // Initialize COM - so we can use CoCreateInstance // . NB. DSInit() & DIMouse::DirectInputInit are done when g_hFrameWindow is created (WM_CREATE) CoInitializeEx(NULL, COINIT_APARTMENTTHREADED); bool bSysClkOK = SysClk_InitTimer(); // DO ONE-TIME INITIALIZATION g_hInstance = passinstance; MemPreInitialize(); // Call before any of the slot devices are initialized GdiSetBatchLimit(512); GetProgramDirectory(); RegisterExtensions(); FrameRegisterClass(); ImageInitialize(); DiskInitialize(); CreateColorMixMap(); // For tv emulation g_nAppMode // int nError = 0; if(szImageName_drive1) { nError = DoDiskInsert(0, szImageName_drive1); bBoot = true; } if(szImageName_drive2) { nError |= DoDiskInsert(1, szImageName_drive2); } // do { // DO INITIALIZATION THAT MUST BE REPEATED FOR A RESTART restart = 0; g_nAppMode = MODE_LOGO; LoadConfiguration(); DebugInitialize(); JoyInitialize(); MemInitialize(); VideoInitialize(); FrameCreateWindow(); // PrintScrn support AppleWin_RegisterHotKeys(); // needs valid g_hFrameWindow // Need to test if it's safe to call ResetMachineState(). In the meantime, just call DiskReset(): DiskReset(); // Switch from a booting A][+ to a non-autostart A][, so need to turn off floppy motor if (!bSysClkOK) { MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, "DirectX failed to create SystemClock instance", TEXT("AppleWin Error"), MB_OK); PostMessage(g_hFrameWindow, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0); // Close everything down } if (g_bCustomRomF8Failed) { MessageBox(g_hFrameWindow, "Failed to load custom F8 rom (not found or not exactly 2KB)", TEXT("AppleWin Error"), MB_OK); PostMessage(g_hFrameWindow, WM_DESTROY, 0, 0); // Close everything down } tfe_init(); Snapshot_Startup(); // Do this after everything has been init'ed if(bSetFullScreen) { PostMessage(g_hFrameWindow, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_F1+BTN_FULLSCR, 0); PostMessage(g_hFrameWindow, WM_KEYUP, VK_F1+BTN_FULLSCR, 0); bSetFullScreen = false; } if(bBoot) { PostMessage(g_hFrameWindow, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_F1+BTN_RUN, 0); PostMessage(g_hFrameWindow, WM_KEYUP, VK_F1+BTN_RUN, 0); bBoot = false; } // ENTER THE MAIN MESSAGE LOOP EnterMessageLoop(); MB_Reset(); sg_Mouse.Uninitialize(); // Maybe restarting due to switching slot-4 card from mouse to MB } while (restart); // Release COM DSUninit(); SysClk_UninitTimer(); CoUninitialize(); tfe_shutdown(); if (g_fh) { fprintf(g_fh,"*** Logging ended\n\n"); fclose(g_fh); } RiffFinishWriteFile(); if (g_hCustomRomF8 != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) CloseHandle(g_hCustomRomF8); return 0; }