#pragma once // Addressing _____________________________________________________________________________________ enum { // MAX_ADDRESSING_MODE_LEN = 12 MAX_OPMODE_FORMAT = 12, MAX_OPMODE_NAME = 32 , NO_6502_TARGET = -1 , _6502_NUM_FLAGS = 8 }; struct AddressingMode_t { TCHAR m_sFormat[ MAX_OPMODE_FORMAT ]; int m_nBytes; char m_sName [ MAX_OPMODE_NAME ]; }; /* +---------------------+--------------------------+ | mode | assembler format | +=====================+==========================+ | Immediate | #aa | | Absolute | aaaa | | Zero Page | aa | Note: | Implied | | | Indirect Absolute | (aaaa) | aa = 2 hex digits | Absolute Indexed,X | aaaa,X | as $FF | Absolute Indexed,Y | aaaa,Y | | Zero Page Indexed,X | aa,X | aaaa = 4 hex | Zero Page Indexed,Y | aa,Y | digits as | Indexed Indirect | (aa,X) | $FFFF | Indirect Indexed | (aa),Y | | Relative | aaaa | Can also be | Accumulator | A | assembler labels +---------------------+--------------------------+ (Table 2-3. _6502 Software Design_, Scanlon, 1980) Opcode: opc aaa od opc...od = Mnemonic / Opcode ...aaa.. = Addressing mode od = 00 000 #Immediate 001 Zero page 011 Absolute 101 Zero page,X 111 Absolute,X od = 01 000 (Zero page,X) 001 Zero page 010 #Immediate 011 Absolute 100 (Zero page),Y 101 Zero page,X 110 Absolute,Y 111 Absolute,X od = 10 000 #Immediate 001 Zero page 010 Accumulator 011 Absolute 101 Zero page,X 111 Absolute,X */ /* Legend: A = Absolute (fortunately Accumulator is implicit, leaving us to use 'A') I = Indexed ( would of been X, but need reg X) M = iMmediate N = iNdirect R = Relative X = Offset X Register Y = Offset Y Register Z = Zeropage */ enum AddressingMode_e // ADDRESSING_MODES_e { AM_IMPLIED // Note: SetDebugBreakOnInvalid() assumes this order of first 4 entries , AM_1 // Invalid 1 Byte , AM_2 // Invalid 2 Bytes , AM_3 // Invalid 3 Bytes , AM_M // 4 #Immediate , AM_A // 5 $Absolute , AM_Z // 6 Zeropage , AM_AX // 7 Absolute, X , AM_AY // 8 Absolute, Y , AM_ZX // 9 Zeropage, X , AM_ZY // 10 Zeropage, Y , AM_R // 11 Relative , AM_IZX // 12 Indexed (Zeropage Indirect, X) , AM_IAX // 13 Indexed (Absolute Indirect, X) , AM_NZY // 14 Indirect (Zeropage) Indexed, Y , AM_NZ // 15 Indirect (Zeropage) , AM_NA // 16 Indirect (Absolute) i.e. JMP , NUM_ADDRESSING_MODES , NUM_OPMODES = NUM_ADDRESSING_MODES , AM_I = NUM_ADDRESSING_MODES, // for assemler // Deprecated /* ADDR_INVALID1 = 1, ADDR_INVALID2 = 2, ADDR_INVALID3 = 3, ADDR_IMM = 4, // Immediate ADDR_ABS = 5, // Absolute ADDR_ZP = 6, // Zeropage ADDR_ABSX = 7, // Absolute + X ADDR_ABSY = 8, // Absolute + Y ADDR_ZP_X = 9, // Zeropage + X ADDR_ZP_Y = 10, // Zeropage + Y ADDR_REL = 11, // Relative ADDR_INDX = 12, // Indexed (Zeropage) Indirect ADDR_ABSIINDX = 13, // Indexed (Absolute) Indirect ADDR_INDY = 14, // Indirect (Zeropage) Indexed ADDR_IZPG = 15, // Indirect (Zeropage) ADDR_IABS = 16, // Indirect Absolute (i.e. JMP) */ }; // Assembler ______________________________________________________________________________________ enum Prompt_e { PROMPT_COMMAND, PROMPT_ASSEMBLER, NUM_PROMPTS }; // Breakpoints ____________________________________________________________________________________ enum { NUM_BREAKPOINTS = 5 }; /* Breakpoints are now in a tri-state. This allows one to set a bunch of breakpoints, and re-enable the ones you want without having to remember which addresses you previously added. :-) The difference between Set and Enabled breakpoints: Set Enabled Break? x x yes, listed as full brightness x - no, listed as dimmed - ? no, not listed */ // NOTE: Order must match _PARAM_REGS_* // NOTE: Order must match Breakpoint_Source_t // NOTE: Order must match g_aBreakpointSource enum BreakpointSource_t { BP_SRC_REG_A , BP_SRC_REG_X , BP_SRC_REG_Y , BP_SRC_REG_PC, // Program Counter BP_SRC_REG_S , // Stack Counter BP_SRC_REG_P , // Processor Status BP_SRC_FLAG_C, // Carry BP_SRC_FLAG_Z, // Zero BP_SRC_FLAG_I, // Interrupt BP_SRC_FLAG_D, // Decimal BP_SRC_FLAG_B, // Break BP_SRC_FLAG_R, // Reserved BP_SRC_FLAG_V, // Overflow BP_SRC_FLAG_N, // Sign BP_SRC_OPCODE, BP_SRC_MEM_1 , NUM_BREAKPOINT_SOURCES }; // Note: Order must match Breakpoint_Operator_t // Note: Order must much _PARAM_BREAKPOINT_* // Note: Order must match g_aBreakpointSymbols enum BreakpointOperator_t { BP_OP_LESS_EQUAL , // <= REG BP_OP_LESS_THAN , // < REG BP_OP_EQUAL , // = REG BP_OP_NOT_EQUAL , // ! REG BP_OP_GREATER_THAN , // > REG BP_OP_GREATER_EQUAL, // >= REG BP_OP_READ , // ? MEM BP_OP_WRITE , // @ MEM BP_OP_READ_WRITE , // * MEM NUM_BREAKPOINT_OPERATORS }; struct Breakpoint_t { WORD nAddress; // for registers, functions as nValue WORD nLength ; BreakpointSource_t eSource; BreakpointOperator_t eOperator; bool bSet ; // used to be called enabled pre 2.0 bool bEnabled; }; typedef Breakpoint_t Watches_t; typedef Breakpoint_t ZeroPagePointers_t; // Colors ___________________________________________________________________ enum Color_Schemes_e { SCHEME_COLOR, // NOTE: MUST match order in CMD_WINDOW_COLOR SCHEME_MONO , // NOTE: MUST match order in CMD_WINDOW_MONOCHROME SCHEME_BW , // NOTE: MUST match order in CMD_WINDOW_BW // SCHEME_CUSTOM NUM_COLOR_SCHEMES }; // Named, since they are easier to remember. // Ok, maybe RGB + CYMK is a little "too" cute. But what the hell, it works out nicely. enum DebugPalette_e { // mipmap level: 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 // color depth: 256 224 192 160 128 96 64 32 0 // +32 +32 +32 +32 +32 +32 +32 +32 // NOTE: Levels of black are redundant. // // BGR K0, // --- K R8, R7, R6, R5, R4, R3, R2, R1, // --1 R Red G8, G7, G6, G5, G4, G3, G2, G1, // -1- G Green Y8, Y7, Y6, Y5, Y4, Y3, Y2, Y1, // -11 Y Yellow B8, B7, B6, B5, B4, B3, B2, B1, // 1-- B Blue M8, M7, M6, M5, M4, M3, M2, M1, // 1-1 M Magenta C8, C7, C6, C5, C4, C3, C2, C1, // 11- C Cyan W8, W7, W6, W5, W4, W3, W2, W1, // 111 W White / Gray / Black COLOR_CUSTOM_01, COLOR_CUSTOM_02, COLOR_CUSTOM_03, COLOR_CUSTOM_04, COLOR_CUSTOM_05, COLOR_CUSTOM_06, COLOR_CUSTOM_07, COLOR_CUSTOM_08, COLOR_CUSTOM_09, COLOR_CUSTOM_11, CUSTOM_COLOR_11, COLOR_CUSTOM_12, COLOR_CUSTOM_13, COLOR_CUSTOM_14, COLOR_CUSTOM_15, COLOR_CUSTOM_16, NUM_PALETTE, // Gray Aliases G000 = K0, G032 = W1, G064 = W2, G096 = W3, G128 = W4, G160 = W5, G192 = W6, G224 = W7, G256 = W8 }; // Yeah, this was a PITA to organize. enum DebugColors_e { BG_CONSOLE_OUTPUT // Black Window , FG_CONSOLE_OUTPUT // White , BG_CONSOLE_INPUT // Black Window , FG_CONSOLE_INPUT // Light Blue , BG_DISASM_1 // Blue* Odd address , BG_DISASM_2 // Blue* Even address , BG_DISASM_BP_S_C // Red Breakpoint Set (cursor) , FG_DISASM_BP_S_C // White Breakpoint Set&Ena (cursor) // Note: redundant BG_DISASM_BP_0_C = BG_DISASM_BP_S_C , BG_DISASM_BP_0_C // DimRed Breakpoint Disabled (cursor) , FG_DISASM_BP_0_C // Gray192 Breakpoint Disabled (cursor) , FG_DISASM_BP_S_X // Red Set (not cursor) , FG_DISASM_BP_0_X // White Disabled (not cursor) , BG_DISASM_C // White (Cursor) , FG_DISASM_C // Blue (Cursor) , BG_DISASM_PC_C // Yellow (not cursor) , FG_DISASM_PC_C // White (not cursor) , BG_DISASM_PC_X // Dim Yellow (not cursor) , FG_DISASM_PC_X // White (not cursor) , FG_DISASM_ADDRESS // White addr , FG_DISASM_OPERATOR // Gray192 : $ (also around instruction addressing mode) , FG_DISASM_OPCODE // Yellow xx xx xx , FG_DISASM_MNEMONIC // White LDA , FG_DISASM_TARGET // Orange FAC8 , FG_DISASM_SYMBOL // Purple HOME , FG_DISASM_CHAR // Cyan 'c' , FG_DISASM_BRANCH // Green ^ = v , BG_INFO // Cyan Regs/Stack/BP/Watch/ZP , FG_INFO_TITLE // White Regs/Stack/BP/Watch/ZP , FG_INFO_BULLET // 1 , FG_INFO_OPERATOR // Gray192 : - , FG_INFO_ADDRESS // Orange FA62 FA63 (Yellow -> Orange) , FG_INFO_OPCODE // Yellow xx , FG_INFO_REG // Orange (Breakpoints) , BG_INFO_INVERSE // White , FG_INFO_INVERSE // Cyan , BG_INFO_CHAR // mid Cyan , FG_INFO_CHAR_HI // White , FG_INFO_CHAR_LO // Yellow , BG_INFO_IO_BYTE // Orange (high bit) , FG_INFO_IO_BYTE // Orange (non-high bit) , BG_DATA_1 // Cyan* Window , BG_DATA_2 // Cyan* , FG_DATA_BYTE // default same as FG_DISASM_OPCODE , FG_DATA_TEXT // default same as FG_DISASM_NMEMONIC , BG_SYMBOLS_1 // window , BG_SYMBOLS_2 , FG_SYMBOLS_ADDRESS // default same as FG_DISASM_ADDRESS , FG_SYMBOLS_NAME // default same as FG_DISASM_SYMBOL , BG_SOURCE_TITLE , FG_SOURCE_TITLE , BG_SOURCE_1 // odd , BG_SOURCE_2 // even , FG_SOURCE , NUM_COLORS }; // Commands _______________________________________________________________________________________ enum Update_e { UPDATE_NOTHING, UPDATE_BACKGROUND = (1 << 0), UPDATE_BREAKPOINTS = (1 << 1), UPDATE_CONSOLE_DISPLAY = (1 << 2), UPDATE_CONSOLE_INPUT = (1 << 3), UPDATE_DISASM = (1 << 4), UPDATE_FLAGS = (1 << 5), UPDATE_MEM_DUMP = (1 << 6), UPDATE_REGS = (1 << 7), UPDATE_STACK = (1 << 8), UPDATE_SYMBOLS = (1 << 9), UPDATE_TARGETS = (1 << 10), UPDATE_WATCH = (1 << 11), UPDATE_ZERO_PAGE = (1 << 12), UPDATE_ALL = -1 }; typedef int Update_t; enum { MAX_COMMAND_LEN = 12, MAX_ARGS = 32, // was 40 ARG_SYNTAX_ERROR= -1, MAX_ARG_LEN = 56, // was 12, extended to allow font names }; // NOTE: All Commands return flags of what needs to be redrawn typedef Update_t (*CmdFuncPtr_t)(int); struct Command_t { TCHAR m_sName[ MAX_COMMAND_LEN ]; CmdFuncPtr_t pFunction; int iCommand; // offset (enum) for direct command name lookup char *pHelpSummary; // 1 line help summary // Hash_t m_nHash; // TODO }; // Commands sorted by Category // NOTE: Commands_e and g_aCommands[] order _MUST_ match !!! Aliases are listed at the end enum Commands_e { // Main / CPU CMD_ASSEMBLE , CMD_UNASSEMBLE , CMD_BREAK_INVALID , CMD_BREAK_OPCODE , CMD_CALC , CMD_GO , CMD_INPUT , CMD_INPUT_KEY , CMD_JSR , CMD_OUTPUT , CMD_NOP , CMD_STEP_OVER , CMD_STEP_OUT , CMD_TRACE , CMD_TRACE_FILE , CMD_TRACE_LINE // Breakpoints , CMD_BREAKPOINT , CMD_BREAKPOINT_ADD_SMART // smart breakpoint , CMD_BREAKPOINT_ADD_REG // break on: PC == Address (fetch/execute) , CMD_BREAKPOINT_ADD_PC // alias BPX = BA // , CMD_BREAKPOINT_SET = CMD_BREAKPOINT_ADD_ADDR // alias // , CMD_BREAKPOINT_EXEC = CMD_BREAKPOINT_ADD_ADDR // alias , CMD_BREAKPOINT_ADD_IO // break on: [$C000-$C7FF] Load/Store , CMD_BREAKPOINT_ADD_MEM // break on: [$0000-$FFFF], excluding IO , CMD_BREAKPOINT_CLEAR // , CMD_BREAKPOINT_REMOVE = CMD_BREAKPOINT_CLEAR // alias , CMD_BREAKPOINT_DISABLE , CMD_BREAKPOINT_EDIT , CMD_BREAKPOINT_ENABLE , CMD_BREAKPOINT_LIST , CMD_BREAKPOINT_LOAD , CMD_BREAKPOINT_SAVE // Benchmark / Timing , CMD_BENCHMARK // , CMD_BENCHMARK_START // , CMD_BENCHMARK_STOP , CMD_PROFILE // , CMD_PROFILE_START // , CMD_PROFILE_STOP // Config (debugger settings) , CMD_CONFIG_BW // BW # rr gg bb , CMD_CONFIG_COLOR // COLOR # rr gg bb , CMD_CONFIG_MENU , CMD_CONFIG_ECHO , CMD_CONFIG_FONT // , CMD_CONFIG_FONT2 // PARAM_FONT_DISASM PARAM_FONT_INFO PARAM_FONT_SOURCE , CMD_CONFIG_HCOLOR // TODO Video :: SETFRAMECOLOR(#,R,G,B) , CMD_CONFIG_LOAD , CMD_CONFIG_MONOCHROME // MONO # rr gg bb , CMD_CONFIG_RUN , CMD_CONFIG_SAVE // Cursor , CMD_CURSOR_JUMP_PC // Shift , CMD_CURSOR_SET_PC // Ctrl , CMD_CURSOR_JUMP_RET_ADDR , CMD_CURSOR_LINE_UP // Smart Line Up , CMD_CURSOR_LINE_UP_1 // Shift , CMD_CURSOR_LINE_DOWN // Smart Line Down , CMD_CURSOR_LINE_DOWN_1 // Shift // , CMD_CURSOR_PAGE_UP // , CMD_CURSOR_PAGE_DOWN , CMD_CURSOR_PAGE_UP , CMD_CURSOR_PAGE_UP_256 // up to nearest page boundary , CMD_CURSOR_PAGE_UP_4K // Up to nearest 4K boundary , CMD_CURSOR_PAGE_DOWN , CMD_CURSOR_PAGE_DOWN_256 // Down to nearest page boundary , CMD_CURSOR_PAGE_DOWN_4K // Down to nearest 4K boundary // Disk , CMD_DISK // Flags - CPU , CMD_FLAG_CLEAR // Flag order must match g_aFlagNames CZIDBRVN , CMD_FLAG_CLR_C // 8 , CMD_FLAG_CLR_Z // 7 , CMD_FLAG_CLR_I // 6 , CMD_FLAG_CLR_D // 5 , CMD_FLAG_CLR_B // 4 , CMD_FLAG_CLR_R // 3 , CMD_FLAG_CLR_V // 2 , CMD_FLAG_CLR_N // 1 , CMD_FLAG_SET // Flag order must match g_aFlagNames CZIDBRVN , CMD_FLAG_SET_C // 8 , CMD_FLAG_SET_Z // 7 , CMD_FLAG_SET_I // 6 , CMD_FLAG_SET_D // 5 , CMD_FLAG_SET_B // 4 , CMD_FLAG_SET_R // 3 , CMD_FLAG_SET_V // 2 , CMD_FLAG_SET_N // 1 // Help , CMD_HELP_LIST , CMD_HELP_SPECIFIC , CMD_VERSION , CMD_MOTD // Message of the Day // Memory , CMD_MEMORY_COMPARE , _CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_HEX_1_1 // alias MD , _CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_HEX_1_2 // alias MD = D , CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_HEX_1 , CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_HEX_2 , _CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_HEX_1_3 // alias M1 , _CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_HEX_2_1 // alias M2 , CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_ASCII_1 // ASCII , CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_ASCII_2 , CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_APPLE_1 // Low-Bit inverse, High-Bit normal , CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_APPLE_2 // , CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_TXT_LO_1 // ASCII (Controls Chars) // , CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_TXT_LO_2 // , CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_TXT_HI_1 // ASCII (High Bit) // , CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_TXT_HI_2 // , CMD_MEMORY_DUMP = CMD_MEM_MINI_DUMP_HEX_1 , CMD_MEMORY_EDIT , CMD_MEMORY_ENTER_BYTE , CMD_MEMORY_ENTER_WORD , CMD_MEMORY_MOVE , CMD_MEMORY_SEARCH , CMD_MEMORY_SEARCH_ASCII // Ascii Text , CMD_MEMORY_SEARCH_APPLE // Flashing Chars, Hi-Bit Set , CMD_MEMORY_SEARCH_HEX , CMD_MEMORY_FILL // Registers - CPU , CMD_REGISTER_SET // Source Level Debugging , CMD_SOURCE , CMD_SYNC // Stack - CPU // , CMD_STACK_LIST , CMD_STACK_POP , CMD_STACK_POP_PSEUDO , CMD_STACK_PUSH // , CMD_STACK_RETURN // Symbols , CMD_SYMBOLS_LOOKUP // , CMD_SYMBOLS , CMD_SYMBOLS_MAIN , CMD_SYMBOLS_USER , CMD_SYMBOLS_SRC // , CMD_SYMBOLS_FIND // , CMD_SYMBOLS_CLEAR , CMD_SYMBOLS_INFO , CMD_SYMBOLS_LIST // , CMD_SYMBOLS_LOAD_1 // , CMD_SYMBOLS_LOAD_2 // , CMD_SYMBOLS_SAVE // Watch , CMD_WATCH_ADD , CMD_WATCH_CLEAR , CMD_WATCH_DISABLE , CMD_WATCH_ENABLE , CMD_WATCH_LIST , CMD_WATCH_LOAD , CMD_WATCH_SAVE // Window // , CMD_WINDOW_COLOR_CUSTOM , CMD_WINDOW , CMD_WINDOW_CODE , CMD_WINDOW_CODE_1 , CMD_WINDOW_CODE_2 , CMD_WINDOW_CONSOLE , CMD_WINDOW_DATA , CMD_WINDOW_DATA_1 , CMD_WINDOW_DATA_2 // SOURCE is reserved for source level debugging , CMD_WINDOW_SOURCE_1 , CMD_WINDOW_SOURCE_2 // , CMD_WINDOW_STACK_1 // , CMD_WINDOW_STACK_2 // SYMBOLS is reserved for symbols lookup/commands // , CMD_WINDOW_SYMBOLS_1 // , CMD_WINDOW_SYMBOLS_2 // , CMD_WINDOW_ZEROPAGE_1 // , CMD_WINDOW_ZEROPAGE_2 , CMD_WINDOW_OUTPUT // , CMD_WINDOW_SOURCE // ZeroPage , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_0 , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_1 , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_2 , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_3 , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_4 , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_ADD , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_CLEAR , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_DISABLE , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_ENABLE , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_LIST , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_LOAD , CMD_ZEROPAGE_POINTER_SAVE , NUM_COMMANDS }; // CPU Update_t CmdAssemble (int nArgs); Update_t CmdUnassemble (int nArgs); // code dump, aka, Unassemble Update_t CmdBreakInvalid(int nArgs); // Breakpoint IFF Full-speed! Update_t CmdBreakOpcode (int nArgs); // Breakpoint IFF Full-speed! Update_t CmdCalculator (int nArgs); Update_t CmdGo (int nArgs); Update_t CmdInput (int nArgs); Update_t CmdJSR (int nArgs); Update_t CmdNOP (int nArgs); Update_t CmdOutput (int nArgs); Update_t CmdFeedKey (int nArgs); Update_t CmdStepOut (int nArgs); Update_t CmdStepOver (int nArgs); Update_t CmdTrace (int nArgs); // alias for CmdStepIn Update_t CmdTraceFile (int nArgs); Update_t CmdTraceLine (int nArgs); // Breakpoints Update_t CmdBreakpointMenu (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointAddSmart(int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointAddReg (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointAddPC (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointAddIO (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointAddMem (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointClear (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointDisable (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointEdit (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointEnable (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointList (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointLoad (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBreakpointSave (int nArgs); // Benchmark Update_t CmdBenchmark (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBenchmarkStart (int nArgs); //Update_t CmdSetupBenchmark (int nArgs); Update_t CmdBenchmarkStop (int nArgs); //Update_t CmdExtBenchmark (int nArgs); Update_t CmdProfile (int nArgs); Update_t CmdProfileStart (int nArgs); Update_t CmdProfileStop (int nArgs); // Config Update_t CmdConfigMenu (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigBase (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigBaseHex (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigBaseDec (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigColorMono (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigEcho (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigFont (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigHColor (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigLoad (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigRun (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigSave (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigSetFont (int nArgs); Update_t CmdConfigGetFont (int nArgs); // Cursor Update_t CmdCursorLineDown (int nArgs); Update_t CmdCursorLineUp (int nArgs); Update_t CmdCursorJumpPC (int nArgs); Update_t CmdCursorJumpRetAddr (int nArgs); Update_t CmdCursorRunUntil (int nArgs); Update_t CmdCursorSetPC (int nArgs); Update_t CmdCursorPageDown (int nArgs); Update_t CmdCursorPageDown256 (int nArgs); Update_t CmdCursorPageDown4K (int nArgs); Update_t CmdCursorPageUp (int nArgs); Update_t CmdCursorPageUp256 (int nArgs); Update_t CmdCursorPageUp4K (int nArgs); // Disk Update_t CmdDisk (int nArgs); // Help Update_t CmdHelpList (int nArgs); Update_t CmdHelpSpecific (int Argss); Update_t CmdVersion (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMOTD (int nArgs); // Flags Update_t CmdFlag (int nArgs); Update_t CmdFlagClear (int nArgs); Update_t CmdFlagSet (int nArgs); // Memory (Data) Update_t CmdMemoryCompare (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemoryMiniDumpHex (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemoryMiniDumpAscii(int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemoryMiniDumpApple(int nArgs); // Update_t CmdMemoryMiniDumpLow (int nArgs); // Update_t CmdMemoryMiniDumpHigh (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemoryEdit (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemoryEnterByte (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemoryEnterWord (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemoryFill (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemoryMove (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemorySearch (int nArgs); // Update_t CmdMemorySearchLowBit (int nArgs); // Update_t CmdMemorySearchHiBit (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemorySearchAscii (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemorySearchApple (int nArgs); Update_t CmdMemorySearchHex (int nArgs); // Registers Update_t CmdRegisterSet (int nArgs); // Source Level Debugging Update_t CmdSource (int nArgs); Update_t CmdSync (int nArgs); // Stack Update_t CmdStackPush (int nArgs); Update_t CmdStackPop (int nArgs); Update_t CmdStackPopPseudo (int nArgs); Update_t CmdStackReturn (int nArgs); // Symbols Update_t CmdSymbols (int nArgs); Update_t CmdSymbolsClear (int nArgs); Update_t CmdSymbolsList (int nArgs); Update_t CmdSymbolsLoad (int nArgs); Update_t CmdSymbolsInfo (int nArgs); Update_t CmdSymbolsMain (int nArgs); Update_t CmdSymbolsUser (int nArgs); Update_t CmdSymbolsSave (int nArgs); Update_t CmdSymbolsSource (int nArgs); // Watch Update_t CmdWatchAdd (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWatchClear (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWatchDisable (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWatchEnable (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWatchList (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWatchLoad (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWatchSave (int nArgs); // Window Update_t CmdWindow (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowCycleNext (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowCyclePrev (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowLast (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowShowCode (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowShowCode1 (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowShowCode2 (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowShowData (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowShowData1 (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowShowData2 (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowShowSymbols1(int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowShowSymbols2(int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowShowSource (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowShowSource1 (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowShowSource2 (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowViewCode (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowViewConsole (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowViewData (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowViewOutput (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowViewSource (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowViewSymbols (int nArgs); Update_t CmdWindowWidthToggle (int nArgs); // Update_t CmdZeroPageShow (int nArgs); // Update_t CmdZeroPageHide (int nArgs); // Update_t CmdZeroPageToggle (int nArgs); // ZeroPage Update_t CmdZeroPage (int nArgs); Update_t CmdZeroPageAdd (int nArgs); Update_t CmdZeroPageClear (int nArgs); Update_t CmdZeroPageDisable (int nArgs); Update_t CmdZeroPageEnable (int nArgs); Update_t CmdZeroPageList (int nArgs); Update_t CmdZeroPageLoad (int nArgs); Update_t CmdZeroPageSave (int nArgs); Update_t CmdZeroPagePointer (int nArgs); // Cursor _________________________________________________________________________________________ enum Cursor_Align_e { CURSOR_ALIGN_TOP, CURSOR_ALIGN_CENTER }; enum CursorHiLightState_e { CURSOR_NORMAL , // White CURSOR_CPU_PC , // Yellow CURSOR_BREAKPOINT, // Red }; // Disassembly ____________________________________________________________________________________ enum FormatDisasm_e { DISASM_IMMEDIATE_CHAR = (1 << 0), DISASM_TARGET_SYMBOL = (1 << 1), DISASM_TARGET_OFFSET = (1 << 2), DISASM_BRANCH_INDICATOR = (1 << 3), DISASM_TARGET_POINTER = (1 << 4), DISASM_TARGET_VALUE = (1 << 5), }; enum DisasmBranch_e { DISASM_BRANCH_OFF = 0, DISASM_BRANCH_PLAIN = 1, DISASM_BRANCH_FANCY = 2, NUM_DISASM_BRANCH_TYPES }; // Font ___________________________________________________________________________________________ enum FontType_e { // FONT_DEFAULT FONT_INFO , FONT_CONSOLE , FONT_DISASM_DEFAULT , FONT_DISASM_BRANCH // , FONT_SOURCE , NUM_FONTS }; enum { MAX_FONT_NAME = MAX_ARG_LEN // was 64 }; enum FontSpacing_e { FONT_SPACING_CLASSIC , // least lines (most spacing) FONT_SPACING_CLEAN , // more lines (minimal spacing) FONT_SPACING_COMPRESSED, // max lines (least spacing) NUM_FONT_SPACING }; struct FontConfig_t { TCHAR _sFontName[ MAX_FONT_NAME ]; HFONT _hFont; // int _iFontType; int _nFontWidthAvg; int _nFontWidthMax; int _nFontHeight; int _nLineHeight; // may or may not include spacer }; // Instructions / Opcodes _________________________________________________________________________ //#define SUPPORT_Z80_EMU #ifdef SUPPORT_Z80_EMU #define OUTPUT_Z80_REGS #define REG_AF 0xF0 #define REG_BC 0xF2 #define REG_DE 0xF4 #define REG_HL 0xF6 #define REG_IX 0xF8 #endif enum MemoryAccess_e { MEM_R = (1 << 0), // Read MEM_W = (1 << 1), // Write MEM_RI = (1 << 2), // Read Implicit (Implied) MEM_WI = (1 << 3), // Write Implicit (Implied) MEM_S = (1 << 4), // Stack (Read/Write) MEM_IM = (1 << 5), // Immediate - Technically reads target byte NUM_MEM_ACCESS, // Alias MEM_READ = (1 << 0), MEM_WRITE = (1 << 1), }; enum { NUM_OPCODES = 256, MAX_MNEMONIC_LEN = 3, }; struct Opcodes_t { char sMnemonic[ MAX_MNEMONIC_LEN+1 ]; // int16 for structure 8-byte alignment short nAddressMode; // TODO/FIX: nOpmode short nMemoryAccess; }; struct Instruction2_t { TCHAR sMnemonic[MAX_MNEMONIC_LEN+1]; int nAddressMode; int iMemoryAccess; }; enum Opcode_e { OPCODE_BRA = 0x80, OPCODE_JSR = 0x20, OPCODE_JMP_A = 0x4C, // Absolute OPCODE_JMP_NA = 0x6C, // Indirect Absolute OPCODE_JMP_IAX = 0x7C, // Indexed (Absolute Indirect, X) }; // Note: "int" causes overflow when profiling for any amount of time. // typedef unsigned int Profile_t; // i.e. // double nPercent = static_cast(100 * tProfileOpcode.uProfile) / nOpcodeTotal; // overflow typedef double Profile_t; struct ProfileOpcode_t { int m_iOpcode; Profile_t m_nCount; // Histogram // functor bool operator () (const ProfileOpcode_t & rLHS, const ProfileOpcode_t & rRHS) const { bool bGreater = (rLHS.m_nCount > rRHS.m_nCount); return bGreater; } }; struct ProfileOpmode_t { int m_iOpmode; Profile_t m_nCount; // Histogram // functor bool operator () (const ProfileOpmode_t & rLHS, const ProfileOpmode_t & rRHS) const { bool bGreater = (rLHS.m_nCount > rRHS.m_nCount); return bGreater; } }; enum ProfileFormat_e { PROFILE_FORMAT_SPACE, PROFILE_FORMAT_TAB, PROFILE_FORMAT_COMMA, }; // Memory _________________________________________________________________________________________ extern const unsigned int _6502_ZEROPAGE_END ;//= 0x00FF; extern const unsigned int _6502_STACK_END ;//= 0x01FF; extern const unsigned int _6502_IO_BEGIN ;//= 0xC000; extern const unsigned int _6502_IO_END ;//= 0xC0FF; extern const unsigned int _6502_BEG_MEM_ADDRESS ;//= 0x0000; extern const unsigned int _6502_END_MEM_ADDRESS ;//= 0xFFFF; enum DEVICE_e { DEV_MEMORY, DEV_DISK2 , DEV_SY6522, DEV_AY8910, NUM_DEVICES }; enum MemoryView_e { MEM_VIEW_HEX , // 0x00 .. 0x1F Ctrl (Inverse) // 0x20 .. 0x7F Flash / MouseText (Cyan) // 0x80 .. 0x9F Hi-Bit Ctrl (Yellow) // 0xA0 .. 0xFF Hi-Bit Normal (White) MEM_VIEW_ASCII , MEM_VIEW_APPLE , // Low-Bit ASCII (Colorized Background) // MEM_VIEW_TXT_LO, // Ctrl Chars mapped to visible range, and inverse // MEM_VIEW_TXT_HI, // High Bit Ascii NUM_MEM_VIEWS }; struct MemoryDump_t { bool bActive; WORD nAddress; // nAddressMemDump; // was USHORT DEVICE_e eDevice; MemoryView_e eView; }; enum MemoryDump_e { MEM_DUMP_1, MEM_DUMP_2, NUM_MEM_DUMPS }; enum MemoryMiniDump_e { NUM_MEM_MINI_DUMPS = 2 }; enum MemorySearch_e { MEM_SEARCH_BYTE_EXACT , // xx MEM_SEARCH_NIB_LOW_EXACT , // ?x MEM_SEARCH_NIB_HIGH_EXACT, // x? MEM_SEARCH_BYTE_1_WILD , // ? MEM_SEARCH_BYTE_N_WILD , // ?? MEM_SEARCH_TYPE_MASK = (1 << 16) - 1, MEM_SEARCH_FOUND = (1 << 16) }; struct MemorySearch_t { BYTE m_nValue ; // search value MemorySearch_e m_iType ; // bool m_bFound ; // }; typedef vector MemorySearchValues_t; typedef vector MemorySearchResults_t; // Parameters _____________________________________________________________________________________ /* i.e. SYM LOAD = $C600 (1) type: string, nVal1 = symlookup; (2) type: operator, token: EQUAL; (3) type: address, token:DOLLAR BP LOAD type: BP $LOAD type: (1) = symbol, val=1adress */ enum ArgToken_e // Arg Token Type { TOKEN_ALPHANUMERIC // , TOKEN_AMPERSAND // & , TOKEN_AT // @ results dereference. i.e. S 0,FFFF C030; L @1 , TOKEN_BSLASH // \xx Hex Literal , TOKEN_CARET // ^ // , TOKEN_CHAR , TOKEN_COLON // : Range Argument1.n2 = Argument2 , TOKEN_COMMA // , Length Argument1.n2 = Argument2 // , TOKEN_DIGIT , TOKEN_DOLLAR // $ Address (symbol lookup forced) , TOKEN_EQUAL // = Assign Argment.n2 = Argument2 , TOKEN_EXCLAMATION // ! , TOKEN_FSLASH // / , TOKEN_GREATER_THAN // > , TOKEN_HASH // # Value no symbol lookup , TOKEN_LEFT_PAREN // ( , TOKEN_LESS_THAN // < , TOKEN_MINUS // - Delta Argument1 -= Argument2 , TOKEN_PERCENT // % , TOKEN_PIPE // | , TOKEN_PLUS // + Delta Argument1 += Argument2 , TOKEN_QUOTE_SINGLE // ' , TOKEN_QUOTE_DOUBLE // " , TOKEN_RIGHT_PAREN // ) , TOKEN_SEMI // ; Command Seperator , TOKEN_SPACE // Token Delimiter // , TOKEN_TAB // '\t' , NUM_TOKENS // signal none, or bad , NO_TOKEN = NUM_TOKENS // Merged tokens , TOKEN_LESS_EQUAL // , TOKEN_GREATER_EQUAL // }; enum ArgType_e { TYPE_ADDRESS = (1 << 0) // $#### or $symbolname , TYPE_OPERATOR = (1 << 1) , TYPE_QUOTED_1 = (1 << 2) , TYPE_QUOTED_2 = (1 << 3) // "..." , TYPE_STRING = (1 << 4) // LOAD , TYPE_RANGE = (1 << 5) , TYPE_LENGTH = (1 << 6) , TYPE_VALUE = (1 << 7) , TYPE_NO_REG = (1 << 8) // Don't do register value -> Argument.nValue , TYPE_NO_SYM = (1 << 9) // Don't do symbol lookup -> Argument.nValue }; struct TokenTable_t { ArgToken_e eToken; ArgType_e eType ; TCHAR sToken; // char intentional }; struct Arg_t { TCHAR sArg[ MAX_ARG_LEN ]; // Array chars comes first, for alignment int nArgLen; // Needed for TextSearch "ABC\x00" WORD nVal1 ; // 2 WORD nVal2 ; // 2 If we have a Len (,) // Enums and Bools should come last for alignment ArgToken_e eToken ; // 1/2/4 int bType ; // 1/2/4 // Flags of ArgType_e DEVICE_e eDevice; // 1/2/4 bool bSymbol; // 1 }; // NOTE: Order MUST match g_aParameters[] !!! enum Parameters_e { // Note: Order must match Breakpoint_Operator_t // Note: Order must much _PARAM_BREAKPOINT_* // Note: Order must match g_aBreakpointSymbols _PARAM_BREAKPOINT_BEGIN , PARAM_BP_LESS_EQUAL = _PARAM_BREAKPOINT_BEGIN // <= , PARAM_BP_LESS_THAN // < , PARAM_BP_EQUAL // = , PARAM_BP_NOT_EQUAL // ! , PARAM_BP_GREATER_THAN // > , PARAM_BP_GREATER_EQUAL // >= , PARAM_BP_READ // R ,_PARAM_BP_READ // ? alias READ , PARAM_BP_WRITE // W ,_PARAM_BP_WRITE // @ alias write , PARAM_BP_READ_WRITE // * alias READ WRITE , _PARAM_BREAKPOINT_END , PARAM_BREAKPOINT_NUM = _PARAM_BREAKPOINT_END - _PARAM_BREAKPOINT_BEGIN // , PARAM_SIZE // TODO: used by FONT SIZE // Note: Order must match Breakpoint_Source_t , _PARAM_REGS_BEGIN = _PARAM_BREAKPOINT_END // Daisy Chain , PARAM_REG_A = _PARAM_REGS_BEGIN , PARAM_REG_X , PARAM_REG_Y , PARAM_REG_PC // Program Counter , PARAM_REG_SP // Stack Pointer , PARAM_FLAGS // Processor Status , PARAM_FLAG_C // Carry , PARAM_FLAG_Z // Zero , PARAM_FLAG_I // Interrupt , PARAM_FLAG_D // Decimal , PARAM_FLAG_B // Break , PARAM_FLAG_R // Reserved , PARAM_FLAG_V // Overflow , PARAM_FLAG_N // Sign , _PARAM_REGS_END , PARAM_REGS_NUM = _PARAM_REGS_END - _PARAM_REGS_BEGIN , _PARAM_DISK_BEGIN = _PARAM_REGS_END // Daisy Chain , PARAM_DISK_EJECT = _PARAM_DISK_BEGIN // DISK 1 EJECT , PARAM_DISK_PROTECT // DISK 1 PROTECT , PARAM_DISK_READ // DISK 1 READ Track Sector NumSectors MemAddress , _PARAM_DISK_END , PARAM_DISK_NUM = _PARAM_DISK_END - _PARAM_DISK_BEGIN , _PARAM_FONT_BEGIN = _PARAM_DISK_END // Daisy Chain , PARAM_FONT_MODE = _PARAM_FONT_BEGIN , _PARAM_FONT_END , PARAM_FONT_NUM = _PARAM_FONT_END - _PARAM_FONT_BEGIN , _PARAM_GENERAL_BEGIN = _PARAM_FONT_END // Daisy Chain , PARAM_FIND = _PARAM_GENERAL_BEGIN , PARAM_BRANCH , PARAM_CLEAR , PARAM_LOAD , PARAM_LIST , PARAM_OFF , PARAM_ON , PARAM_RESET , PARAM_SAVE , PARAM_START , PARAM_STOP , _PARAM_GENERAL_END , PARAM_GENERAL_NUM = _PARAM_GENERAL_END - _PARAM_GENERAL_BEGIN , _PARAM_HELPCATEGORIES_BEGIN = _PARAM_GENERAL_END // Daisy Chain , PARAM_WILDSTAR = _PARAM_HELPCATEGORIES_BEGIN , PARAM_CAT_BREAKPOINTS , PARAM_CAT_CONFIG , PARAM_CAT_CPU , PARAM_CAT_FLAGS , PARAM_CAT_MEMORY ,_PARAM_CAT_MEM // alias MEM = MEMORY , PARAM_CAT_SYMBOLS , PARAM_CAT_WATCHES , PARAM_CAT_WINDOW , PARAM_CAT_ZEROPAGE , _PARAM_HELPCATEGORIES_END , PARAM_HELPCATEGORIES_NUM = _PARAM_HELPCATEGORIES_END - _PARAM_HELPCATEGORIES_BEGIN , _PARAM_MEM_SEARCH_BEGIN = _PARAM_HELPCATEGORIES_END // Daisy Chain , PARAM_MEM_SEARCH_WILD = _PARAM_MEM_SEARCH_BEGIN // , PARAM_MEM_SEARCH_BYTE , _PARAM_MEM_SEARCH_END , PARAM_MEM_SEARCH_NUM = _PARAM_MEM_SEARCH_END - _PARAM_MEM_SEARCH_BEGIN , _PARAM_SOURCE_BEGIN = _PARAM_MEM_SEARCH_END // Daisy Chain , PARAM_SRC_MEMORY = _PARAM_SOURCE_BEGIN ,_PARAM_SRC_MEMORY // alias MEM = MEMORY , PARAM_SRC_SYMBOLS ,_PARAM_SRC_SYMBOLS // alias SYM = SYMBOLS , PARAM_SRC_MERLIN , PARAM_SRC_ORCA , _PARAM_SOURCE_END , PARAM_SOURCE_NUM = _PARAM_SOURCE_END - _PARAM_SOURCE_BEGIN , _PARAM_WINDOW_BEGIN = _PARAM_SOURCE_END // Daisy Chain // These are the "full screen" "windows" / Panels / Tab sheets , PARAM_CODE = _PARAM_WINDOW_BEGIN // disasm // , PARAM_CODE_1 // disasm top // removed, since can't set top window for code/data , PARAM_CODE_2 // disasm bot , PARAM_CONSOLE , PARAM_DATA // data all // , PARAM_DATA_1 // data top // removed, since can't set top window for code/data , PARAM_DATA_2 // data bot , PARAM_DISASM , PARAM_INFO // Togle INFO on/off , PARAM_SOURCE , _PARAM_SRC // alias SRC = SOURCE // , PARAM_SOURCE_1 // source top // removed, since can't set top window for code/data , PARAM_SOURCE_2 // source bot , PARAM_SYMBOLS , _PARAM_SYM // alias SYM = SYMBOLS // , PARAM_SYMBOL_1 // symbols top // removed, since can't set top window for code/data , PARAM_SYMBOL_2 // symbols bot , _PARAM_WINDOW_END , PARAM_WINDOW_NUM = _PARAM_WINDOW_END - _PARAM_WINDOW_BEGIN , NUM_PARAMS = _PARAM_WINDOW_END // Daisy Chain // Aliases (actuall names) // ,PARAM_DISASM = PARAM_CODE_1 // , PARAM_BREAKPOINT_READ = PARAM_READ // , PARAM_BREAKPOINT_WRITE = PARAM_WRITE }; // Source Level Debugging _________________________________________________________________________ enum { NO_SOURCE_LINE = -1 }; typedef map SourceAssembly_t; // Address -> Line # & FileName // Symbols ________________________________________________________________________________________ enum { MAX_SYMBOLS_LEN = 13 }; // **************************************** // WARNING: This is the simple enumeration. // See: g_aSymbols[] // **************************************** enum Symbols_e { SYMBOLS_MAIN, SYMBOLS_USER, SYMBOLS_SRC , NUM_SYMBOL_TABLES = 3 }; // **************************************** // WARNING: This is the bit-flags to select which table. // See: CmdSymbolsListTable() // **************************************** enum SymbolTable_e { SYMBOL_TABLE_MAIN = (1 << 0), SYMBOL_TABLE_USER = (1 << 1), SYMBOL_TABLE_SRC = (1 << 2), }; typedef map SymbolTable_t; // Watches ________________________________________________________________________________________ enum { MAX_WATCHES = 5 }; // Window _________________________________________________________________________________________ enum Window_e { WINDOW_CODE , WINDOW_DATA , WINDOW_CONSOLE , NUM_WINDOWS , // Not implemented yet WINDOW_IO , // soft switches $addr name state WINDOW_SYMBOLS , WINDOW_ZEROPAGE, WINDOW_SOURCE , }; struct WindowSplit_t { bool bSplit; Window_e eTop; Window_e eBot; // TODO: nTopHeight // TODO: nBotHeight }; // Zero Page ______________________________________________________________________________________ enum { MAX_ZEROPAGE_POINTERS = 5 };