/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 2010-2011, William S Simms Copyright (C) 2016, Tom Charlesworth AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ #include "StdAfx.h" #include "Applewin.h" #include "Video.h" #include "NTSC_CharSet.h" unsigned char csbits_enhanced2e[2][256][8]; // Enhanced //e (2732 4K video ROM) static unsigned char csbits_2e_pal[2][256][8]; // PAL Original or Enhanced //e (2764 8K video ROM - low 4K) via rocker switch under keyboard unsigned char csbits_2e[2][256][8]; // Original //e (no mousetext) unsigned char csbits_a2[1][256][8]; // ][ and ][+ unsigned char csbits_pravets82[1][256][8]; // Pravets 82 unsigned char csbits_pravets8M[1][256][8]; // Pravets 8M unsigned char csbits_pravets8C[2][256][8]; // Pravets 8A & 8C // static const UINT bitmapWidth = 256; static const UINT bitmapWidthBytes = bitmapWidth/8; static const UINT bitmapHeight = 768; static const UINT charWidth = 16; static const UINT charWidthBytes = 16/8; static const UINT charHeight = 16; static void get_csbits_xy(csbits_t csbits, UINT ch, UINT cx, UINT cy, const BYTE* pBitmap) { _ASSERT(ch < 256); _ASSERT((cx < bitmapWidth/charWidth) && (cy < bitmapHeight/charHeight)); pBitmap += cy*charHeight*bitmapWidthBytes + cx*charWidthBytes; for (UINT y=0; y<8; y++) { BYTE n = 0; for (int x=0; x<14; x+=2) { UINT xp = x/8; BYTE d = pBitmap[xp]; UINT b = 7 - x%8; if (d & (1<<b)) n |= 0x80; n >>= 1; } csbits[0][ch][y] = n; pBitmap += bitmapWidthBytes*2; } } static void get_csbits(csbits_t csbits, const char* resourceName, const UINT cy0) { const UINT bufferSize = bitmapWidthBytes*bitmapHeight; BYTE* pBuffer = new BYTE [bufferSize]; HBITMAP hCharBitmap = LoadBitmap(g_hInstance, resourceName); GetBitmapBits(hCharBitmap, bufferSize, pBuffer); for (UINT cy=cy0, ch=0; cy<cy0+16; cy++) { for (UINT cx=0; cx<16; cx++) { get_csbits_xy(csbits, ch++, cx, cy, pBuffer); } } DeleteObject(hCharBitmap); delete [] pBuffer; } //------------------------------------- // ROM address (RA): // ----------------- // . RA10,..,RA3;SEGC,SEGB,SEGA => [2^8][2^3] => 256 chars of 8 lines (total = 2KiB) // . VID7,..,VID0 is the 8-bit video character (eg. from TEXT/$400 memory) // // UTAIIe:8-13, Table 8.2: // // ALTCHRSET | RA10 | RA9 //------------------------------------------ // 0 | VID7 + VID6.FLASH | VID6.VID7 // 1 | VID7 | VID6 // // FLASH toggles every 16 VBLs, so alternates between selecting NORMAL control/special and INVERSE control/special // void userVideoRom4K(csbits_t csbits, const BYTE* pVideoRom) { int RA = 0; // rom address int i = 0; // regular char set for (; i<64; i++, RA+=8) // [00..3F] INVERSE / [40..7F] FLASH { for (int y=0; y<8; y++) { csbits[0][i][y] = pVideoRom[RA+y] ^ 0xff; // UTAIIe:8-11 "dot patterns in the video ROM are inverted..." csbits[0][i+64][y] = pVideoRom[RA+y] ^ 0xff; // UTAIIe:8-14 (Table 8.3) we use FLASH=0, so RA=00ccccccsss } } RA = (1<<10 | 0<<9); // UTAIIe:8-14 (Table 8.3) for (i=128; i<256; i++, RA+=8) // [80..BF] NORMAL { for (int y=0; y<8; y++) { csbits[0][i][y] = pVideoRom[RA+y] ^ 0xff; // UTAIIe:8-11 "dot patterns in the video ROM are inverted..." } } RA = (1<<10 | 1<<9); // UTAIIe:8-14 (Table 8.3) for (i=192; i<256; i++, RA+=8) // [C0..FF] NORMAL { for (int y=0; y<8; y++) { csbits[0][i][y] = pVideoRom[RA+y] ^ 0xff; // UTAIIe:8-11 "dot patterns in the video ROM are inverted..." } } // alt char set RA = 0; for (i=0; i<256; i++, RA+=8) // [00..7F] INVERSE / [80..FF] NORMAL { for (int y=0; y<8; y++) { csbits[1][i][y] = pVideoRom[RA+y] ^ 0xff; // UTAIIe:8-11 "dot patterns in the video ROM are inverted..." } } } void userVideoRomForIIe(void) { const BYTE* pVideoRom; UINT size = GetVideoRom(pVideoRom); // 2K or 4K or 8K if (size < kVideoRomSize4K) return; if (size == kVideoRomSize4K) { userVideoRom4K(&csbits_enhanced2e[0], pVideoRom); } else { userVideoRom4K(&csbits_2e_pal[0], pVideoRom); userVideoRom4K(&csbits_enhanced2e[0], &pVideoRom[4*1024]); } // NB. Same *custom* US video ROM for Original & Enhanced //e memcpy(csbits_2e, csbits_enhanced2e, sizeof(csbits_enhanced2e)); } //------------------------------------- void userVideoRom2K(csbits_t csbits, const BYTE* pVideoRom) { int RA = 0; // rom address for (int i=0; i<256; i++, RA+=8) { for (int y=0; y<8; y++) { BYTE n = pVideoRom[RA+y]; // UTAII:8-30 "Bit 7 of your EPROM fonts will control flashing in the lower 1024 bytes of the EPROM" // UTAII:8-31 "If you leave O7 (EPROM Output7) reset in these patterns, the resulting characters will be inversions..." if (!(n & 0x80) && RA < 1024) n = n ^ 0x7f; // UTAII:8-30 "TEXT ROM pattern is ... reversed" BYTE d = 0; for (BYTE j=0; j<7; j++, n >>= 1) // Just bits [0..6] d = (d << 1) | (n & 1); csbits[0][i][y] = d; } } } void userVideoRomForIIPlus(void) { const BYTE* pVideoRom; UINT size = GetVideoRom(pVideoRom); // 2K or 4K or 8K if (size != kVideoRomSize2K) return; userVideoRom2K(&csbits_a2[0], pVideoRom); } //------------------------------------- void make_csbits(void) { get_csbits(&csbits_enhanced2e[0], TEXT("CHARSET40"), 0); // Enhanced //e: Alt char set off get_csbits(&csbits_enhanced2e[1], TEXT("CHARSET40"), 16); // Enhanced //e: Alt char set on (mousetext) get_csbits(&csbits_a2[0], TEXT("CHARSET40"), 32); // Apple ][, ][+ get_csbits(&csbits_pravets82[0], TEXT("CHARSET82"), 0); // Pravets 82 get_csbits(&csbits_pravets8M[0], TEXT("CHARSET8M"), 0); // Pravets 8M get_csbits(&csbits_pravets8C[0], TEXT("CHARSET8C"), 0); // Pravets 8A / 8C: Alt char set off get_csbits(&csbits_pravets8C[1], TEXT("CHARSET8C"), 16); // Pravets 8A / 8C: Alt char set on // Original //e is just Enhanced //e with the 32 mousetext chars [0x40..0x5F] replaced by the non-alt charset chars [0x40..0x5F] memcpy(csbits_2e, csbits_enhanced2e, sizeof(csbits_enhanced2e)); memcpy(&csbits_2e[1][64], &csbits_2e[0][64], 32*8); // Try to use any user-provided video ROM for Original/Enhanced //e userVideoRomForIIe(); // Try to use any user-provided video ROM for II/II+ userVideoRomForIIPlus(); } csbits_t Get2e_csbits(void) { const csbits_t videoRom4K = (GetApple2Type() == A2TYPE_APPLE2E) ? csbits_2e : csbits_enhanced2e; if (IsVideoRom4K()) // 4K means US-only, so no secondary PAL video ROM return videoRom4K; return GetVideoRomRockerSwitch() == false ? videoRom4K : csbits_2e_pal; // NB. Same PAL video ROM for Original & Enhanced //e }