/* AppleWin : An Apple //e emulator for Windows Copyright (C) 1994-1996, Michael O'Brien Copyright (C) 1999-2001, Oliver Schmidt Copyright (C) 2002-2005, Tom Charlesworth Copyright (C) 2006, Tom Charlesworth, Michael Pohoreski AppleWin is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. AppleWin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with AppleWin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ /* Description: Hard drive emulation * * Author: Copyright (c) 2005, Robert Hoem */ #include "StdAfx.h" #pragma hdrstop #include "..\resource\resource.h" /* Memory map: C0F0 (r) EXECUTE AND RETURN STATUS C0F1 (r) STATUS (or ERROR) C0F2 (r/w) COMMAND C0F3 (r/w) UNIT NUMBER C0F4 (r/w) LOW BYTE OF MEMORY BUFFER C0F5 (r/w) HIGH BYTE OF MEMORY BUFFER C0F6 (r/w) LOW BYTE OF BLOCK NUMBER C0F7 (r/w) HIGH BYTE OF BLOCK NUMBER C0F8 (r) NEXT BYTE */ /* Hard drive emulation in Applewin. Concept To emulate a 32mb hard drive connected to an Apple IIe via Applewin. Designed to work with Autoboot Rom and Prodos. Overview 1. Hard drive image file The hard drive image file (.HDV) will be formatted into blocks of 512 bytes, in a linear fashion. The internal formatting and meaning of each block to be decided by the Apple's operating system (ProDos). To create an empty .HDV file, just create a 0 byte file (I prefer the debug method). 2. Emulation code There are 4 commands Prodos will send to a block device. Listed below are each command and how it's handled: 1. STATUS In the emulation's case, returns only a DEVICE OK (0) or DEVICE I/O ERROR (8). DEVICE I/O ERROR only returned if no HDV file is selected. 2. READ Loads requested block into a 512 byte buffer by attempting to seek to location in HDV file. If seek fails, returns a DEVICE I/O ERROR. Resets hd_buf_ptr used by HD_NEXTBYTE Returns a DEVICE OK if read was successful, or a DEVICE I/O ERROR otherwise. 3. WRITE Copies requested block from the Apple's memory to a 512 byte buffer then attempts to seek to requested block. If the seek fails (usually because the seek is beyond the EOF for the HDV file), the Emulation will attempt to "grow" the HDV file to accomodate. Once the file can accomodate, or if the seek did not fail, the buffer is written to the HDV file. NOTE: A2PC will grow *AND* shrink the HDV file. I didn't see the point in shrinking the file as this behaviour would require patching prodos (to detect DELETE FILE calls). 4. FORMAT Ignored. This would be used for low level formatting of the device (as in the case of a tape or SCSI drive, perhaps). 3. Bugs The only thing I've noticed is that Copy II+ 7.1 seems to crash or stall occasionally when trying to calculate how many free block are available when running a catalog. This might be due to the great number of blocks available. Also, DDD pro will not optimise the disk correctally (it's doing a disk defragment of some sort, and when it requests a block outside the range of the image file, it starts getting I/O errors), so don't bother. Any program that preforms a read before write to an "unwritten" block (a block that should be located beyond the EOF of the .HDV, which is valid for writing but not for reading until written to) will fail with I/O errors (although these are few and far between). I'm sure there are programs out there that may try to use the I/O ports in ways they weren't designed (like telling Ultima 5 that you have a Phazor sound card in slot 7 is a generally bad idea) will cause problems. */ typedef struct { TCHAR hd_imagename[16]; TCHAR hd_fullname[128]; BYTE hd_error; WORD hd_memblock; WORD hd_diskblock; WORD hd_buf_ptr; BOOL hd_imageloaded; HANDLE hd_file; BYTE hd_buf[513]; } HDD, *PHDD; static bool g_bHD_RomLoaded = false; static bool g_bHD_Enabled = false; static BYTE g_nHD_UnitNum = DRIVE_1; // The HDD interface has a single Command register for both drives: // . ProDOS will write to Command before switching drives static BYTE g_nHD_Command; static HDD g_HardDrive[2] = {0}; //=========================================================================== static void GetImageTitle (LPCTSTR imagefilename, PHDD pHardDrive) { TCHAR imagetitle[128]; LPCTSTR startpos = imagefilename; // imagetitle = if (_tcsrchr(startpos,TEXT('\\'))) startpos = _tcsrchr(startpos,TEXT('\\'))+1; _tcsncpy(imagetitle,startpos,127); imagetitle[127] = 0; // if imagetitle contains a lowercase char, then found=1 (why?) BOOL found = 0; int loop = 0; while (imagetitle[loop] && !found) { if (IsCharLower(imagetitle[loop])) found = 1; else loop++; } if ((!found) && (loop > 2)) CharLowerBuff(imagetitle+1,_tcslen(imagetitle+1)); // fptr->fullname = _tcsncpy(pHardDrive->hd_fullname,imagetitle,127); pHardDrive->hd_fullname[127] = 0; if (imagetitle[0]) { LPTSTR dot = imagetitle; if (_tcsrchr(dot,TEXT('.'))) dot = _tcsrchr(dot,TEXT('.')); if (dot > imagetitle) *dot = 0; } // fptr->imagename = (ie. no extension) _tcsncpy(pHardDrive->hd_imagename,imagetitle,15); pHardDrive->hd_imagename[15] = 0; } static void NotifyInvalidImage (TCHAR* filename) { // TC: TO DO } static void HD_CleanupDrive(int nDrive) { CloseHandle(g_HardDrive[nDrive].hd_file); g_HardDrive[nDrive].hd_imageloaded = false; g_HardDrive[nDrive].hd_imagename[0] = 0; g_HardDrive[nDrive].hd_fullname[0] = 0; } static BOOL HD_Load_Image(int nDrive, LPCSTR filename) { g_HardDrive[nDrive].hd_file = CreateFile(filename, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, (LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES)NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL | FILE_FLAG_RANDOM_ACCESS, NULL); if (g_HardDrive[nDrive].hd_file == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) g_HardDrive[nDrive].hd_imageloaded = false; else g_HardDrive[nDrive].hd_imageloaded = true; return g_HardDrive[nDrive].hd_imageloaded; } static LPCTSTR HD_DiskGetName (int nDrive) { return g_HardDrive[nDrive].hd_imagename; } //=========================================================================== // everything below is global static const DWORD HDDRVR_SIZE = 0x100; static LPBYTE lpMemC000 = NULL; bool HD_CardIsEnabled() { return g_bHD_RomLoaded && g_bHD_Enabled; } void HD_SetEnabled(bool bEnabled) { if(g_bHD_Enabled == bEnabled) return; g_bHD_Enabled = bEnabled; if(lpMemC000 == NULL) // This will be NULL when called after loading value from Registry return; if(g_bHD_Enabled) HD_Load_Rom(lpMemC000); else memset(lpMemC000+0x700, 0, HDDRVR_SIZE); } LPCTSTR HD_GetFullName (int nDrive) { return g_HardDrive[nDrive].hd_fullname; } VOID HD_Load_Rom(LPBYTE lpMemRom) { lpMemC000 = lpMemRom; // Keep a copy for HD_SetEnabled() if(!g_bHD_Enabled) return; HRSRC hResInfo = FindResource(NULL, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDR_HDDRVR), "FIRMWARE"); if(hResInfo == NULL) return; DWORD dwResSize = SizeofResource(NULL, hResInfo); if(dwResSize != HDDRVR_SIZE) return; HGLOBAL hResData = LoadResource(NULL, hResInfo); if(hResData == NULL) return; BYTE* pData = (BYTE*) LockResource(hResData); // NB. Don't need to unlock resource if(pData == NULL) return; memcpy(lpMemRom+0x700, pData, HDDRVR_SIZE); g_bHD_RomLoaded = true; } VOID HD_Cleanup() { for(int i=DRIVE_1; i> 7]; // bit7 = drive select if (bWrite == 0) // read { switch (addr) { case 0xF0: { if (pHDD->hd_imageloaded) { // based on loaded data block request, load block into memory // returns status switch (g_nHD_Command) { default: case 0x00: //status if (GetFileSize(pHDD->hd_file,NULL) == 0) { pHDD->hd_error = 1; r = DEVICE_IO_ERROR; } break; case 0x01: //read { DWORD br = GetFileSize(pHDD->hd_file,NULL); if ((DWORD)(pHDD->hd_diskblock * 512) <= br) // seek to block { SetFilePointer(pHDD->hd_file,pHDD->hd_diskblock * 512,NULL,FILE_BEGIN); // seek to block if (ReadFile(pHDD->hd_file,pHDD->hd_buf,512,&br,NULL)) // read block into buffer { pHDD->hd_error = 0; r = 0; pHDD->hd_buf_ptr = 0; } else { pHDD->hd_error = 1; r = DEVICE_IO_ERROR; } } else { pHDD->hd_error = 1; r = DEVICE_IO_ERROR; } } break; case 0x02: //write { DWORD bw = GetFileSize(pHDD->hd_file,NULL); if ((DWORD)(pHDD->hd_diskblock * 512) <= bw) { MoveMemory(pHDD->hd_buf,mem+pHDD->hd_memblock,512); SetFilePointer(pHDD->hd_file,pHDD->hd_diskblock * 512,NULL,FILE_BEGIN); // seek to block if (WriteFile(pHDD->hd_file,pHDD->hd_buf,512,&bw,NULL)) // write buffer to file { pHDD->hd_error = 0; r = 0; } else { pHDD->hd_error = 1; r = DEVICE_IO_ERROR; } } else { DWORD fsize = SetFilePointer(pHDD->hd_file,0,NULL,FILE_END); DWORD addblocks = pHDD->hd_diskblock - (fsize / 512); FillMemory(pHDD->hd_buf,512,0); while (addblocks--) { DWORD bw; WriteFile(pHDD->hd_file,pHDD->hd_buf,512,&bw,NULL); } if (SetFilePointer(pHDD->hd_file,pHDD->hd_diskblock * 512,NULL,FILE_BEGIN) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { // seek to block MoveMemory(pHDD->hd_buf,mem+pHDD->hd_memblock,512); if (WriteFile(pHDD->hd_file,pHDD->hd_buf,512,&bw,NULL)) // write buffer to file { pHDD->hd_error = 0; r = 0; } else { pHDD->hd_error = 1; r = DEVICE_IO_ERROR; } } } } break; case 0x03: //format break; } } else { pHDD->hd_error = 1; r = DEVICE_UNKNOWN_ERROR; } } break; case 0xF1: // hd_error { r = pHDD->hd_error; } break; case 0xF2: { r = g_nHD_Command; } break; case 0xF3: { r = g_nHD_UnitNum; } break; case 0xF4: { r = (BYTE)(pHDD->hd_memblock & 0x00FF); } break; case 0xF5: { r = (BYTE)(pHDD->hd_memblock & 0xFF00 >> 8); } break; case 0xF6: { r = (BYTE)(pHDD->hd_diskblock & 0x00FF); } break; case 0xF7: { r = (BYTE)(pHDD->hd_diskblock & 0xFF00 >> 8); } break; case 0xF8: { r = pHDD->hd_buf[pHDD->hd_buf_ptr]; pHDD->hd_buf_ptr++; } break; default: { } } } else // write { switch (addr) { case 0xF2: { g_nHD_Command = d; } break; case 0xF3: { // b7 = drive# // b6..4 = slot# // b3..0 = ? g_nHD_UnitNum = d; } break; case 0xF4: { pHDD->hd_memblock = pHDD->hd_memblock & 0xFF00 | d; } break; case 0xF5: { pHDD->hd_memblock = pHDD->hd_memblock & 0x00FF | (d << 8); } break; case 0xF6: { pHDD->hd_diskblock = pHDD->hd_diskblock & 0xFF00 | d; } break; case 0xF7: { pHDD->hd_diskblock = pHDD->hd_diskblock & 0x00FF | (d << 8); } break; default: break; } } return r; }