TomCh f7c6ef397c
Split 6522 out of MB code and into own class (PR #1028)
NB. Update CpuInitialize() & CriticalSection creation:
. call CpuInitialize() on WM_CREATE to create CriticalSection
. needed as MB_Initialize() needs CriticalSection
2022-02-05 18:48:36 +00:00

41 lines
1.5 KiB

#pragma once
#include "Card.h"
enum PHASOR_MODE {PH_Mockingboard=0, PH_UNDEF1, PH_UNDEF2, PH_UNDEF3, PH_UNDEF4, PH_Phasor/*=5*/, PH_UNDEF6, PH_EchoPlus/*=7*/};
void MB_Initialize();
void MB_Reinitialize();
void MB_Destroy();
void MB_Reset(const bool powerCycle);
void MB_InitializeForLoadingSnapshot(void);
void MB_InitializeIO(LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral, UINT uSlot4, UINT uSlot5);
void MB_Mute();
void MB_Unmute();
#ifdef _DEBUG
void MB_CheckCumulativeCycles(); // DEBUG
void MB_SetCumulativeCycles();
void MB_PeriodicUpdate(UINT executedCycles);
void MB_CheckIRQ();
void MB_UpdateCycles(ULONG uExecutedCycles);
SS_CARDTYPE MB_GetSoundcardType();
bool MB_IsActive();
DWORD MB_GetVolume();
void MB_SetVolume(DWORD dwVolume, DWORD dwVolumeMax);
void MB_Get6522IrqDescription(std::string& desc);
void MB_UpdateIRQ(void);
UINT64 MB_GetLastCumulativeCycles(void);
void MB_UpdateIFR(BYTE nDevice, BYTE clr_mask, BYTE set_mask);
void MB_GetSnapshot_v1(struct SS_CARD_MOCKINGBOARD_v1* const pSS, const DWORD dwSlot); // For debugger
std::string MB_GetSnapshotCardName(void);
void MB_SaveSnapshot(class YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper, const UINT uSlot);
bool MB_LoadSnapshot(class YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT slot, UINT version);
std::string Phasor_GetSnapshotCardName(void);
void Phasor_SaveSnapshot(class YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper, const UINT uSlot);
bool Phasor_LoadSnapshot(class YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT slot, UINT version);