tomcw 717c5cba84 New save-state (.aws) v2:
. Format now extensible for supporting new hardware types in the future
. Include missing items like Apple2Type, CyclesThisVideoFrame (#255)
Continue to support loading of old v1 format.

Added card save/load for:
. Mouse (#260)
. HDD (#260)
. Printer

Extended card support for:

. Added save-state v1 struct size checks
. Create SaveState_Structs_v2.h and split out common into SaveState_Structs_common.h
. Refactor HardDisk.cpp to use imagehandle; and consolidate with Disk.cpp
. Fix Disk/HD_GetFullPathName() which wasn't always returning full pathname
. Consolidate common GetImageTitle() and move into DiskImage.cpp
2015-02-13 22:40:53 +00:00

106 lines
2.4 KiB

#include "6821.h"
#include "Common.h"
extern class CMouseInterface sg_Mouse;
class CMouseInterface
virtual ~CMouseInterface();
void Initialize(LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral, UINT uSlot);
void Uninitialize();
void Reset();
static BYTE __stdcall IORead(WORD PC, WORD uAddr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE uValue, ULONG nCyclesLeft);
static BYTE __stdcall IOWrite(WORD PC, WORD uAddr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE uValue, ULONG nCyclesLeft);
void SetPositionRel(long dx, long dy, int* pOutOfBoundsX, int* pOutOfBoundsY);
void SetButton(eBUTTON Button, eBUTTONSTATE State);
bool IsActive() { return m_bActive; }
bool IsEnabled() { return m_bEnabled; }
bool IsActiveAndEnabled() { return IsActive() && IsEnabled(); }
void SetEnabled(bool bEnabled) { m_bEnabled = bEnabled; }
void SetVBlank(bool bVBL);
void GetXY(int& iX, int& iMinX, int& iMaxX, int& iY, int& iMinY, int& iMaxY)
iX = m_iX;
iMinX = m_iMinX;
iMaxX = m_iMaxX;
iY = m_iY;
iMinY = m_iMinY;
iMaxY = m_iMaxY;
void SetCursorPos(int iX, int iY)
m_iX = iX;
m_iY = iY;
int GetSnapshot(const HANDLE hFile);
void SetSnapshot(const HANDLE hFile);
void SetSlotRom();
void On6821_A(BYTE byData);
void On6821_B(BYTE byData);
void OnCommand();
void OnWrite();
void OnMouseEvent(bool bEventVBL=false);
void Clear();
friend void M6821_Listener_A( void* objTo, BYTE byData );
friend void M6821_Listener_B( void* objTo, BYTE byData );
void SetPositionAbs(int x, int y);
int ClampX();
int ClampY();
void SetClampX(int iMinX, int iMaxX);
void SetClampY(int iMinY, int iMaxY);
C6821 m_6821;
int m_nDataLen;
BYTE m_byMode;
BYTE m_by6821B;
BYTE m_by6821A;
BYTE m_byBuff[8]; // m_byBuff[0] is mode byte
int m_nBuffPos;
BYTE m_byState;
int m_nX;
int m_nY;
BOOL m_bBtn0;
BOOL m_bBtn1;
bool m_bVBL;
int m_iX;
int m_iMinX;
int m_iMaxX;
int m_iY;
int m_iMinY;
int m_iMaxY;
BOOL m_bButtons[2];
bool m_bActive; // Mouse h/w is active within the Apple][ VM
bool m_bEnabled; // Windows' mouse events get passed to Apple]['s mouse h/w
LPBYTE m_pSlotRom;
UINT m_uSlot;
namespace DIMouse
HRESULT DirectInputInit( HWND hDlg );
void DirectInputUninit( HWND hDlg );
HRESULT ReadImmediateData( long* pX=NULL, long* pY=NULL );