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<h2 style="COLOR: rgb(0,128,0)">Command line</h2>
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<p style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">AppleWin can be driven from the command line as
-d1 &lt;pathname&gt;<br>
Start with a floppy disk in drive-1 (and auto power-on the Apple II)<br><br>
-d2 &lt;pathname&gt;<br>
Start with a floppy disk in drive-2<br><br>
-h1 &lt;pathname&gt;<br>
Start with hard disk 1 plugged-in (and auto power-on the Apple II). NB. Hard disk controller card gets enabled.<br><br>
-h2 &lt;pathname&gt;<br>
Start with hard disk 2 plugged-in. NB. Hard disk controller card gets enabled.<br><br>
-s0 &lt;saturn|saturn64|saturn128&gt;<br>
Insert a Saturn 64K or Saturn 128K card into slot 0 in the Apple II or II+ machines (or similar clone).<br>
Where -s0 saturn is an alias for -s0 saturn128.<br><br>
-s0 &lt;languagecard|lc&gt;<br>
Insert an Apple 16K Language Card into slot 0 in the original Apple II and use the F8 auto-start ROM.<br>
NB. The Apple II+ already defaults to having a Language Card, so this switch is not required.<br><br>
-s7 empty<br>
Remove the hard disk controller card from slot 7.<br>
Useful to allow a floppy disk to boot from slot 6, drive 1. Use in combination with -d1.<br><br>
-r &lt;number of pages&gt;<br>
Emulate a RamWorks III card with 1 to 127 pages (each page is 64K, giving a max of 8MB) in the auxiliary slot in an Apple //e machine.<br><br>
-load-state &lt;savestate&gt;<br>
Load a save-state file<br>
NB. This takes precedent over the -d1,d2,h1,h2,s0,s7 and -r switches.<br><br>
Start in full-screen mode<br><br>
Use to select a better resolution for full-screen mode.<br>
<li>best: picks the highest resolution where the height is an integer multiple of (192*2)</li>
<li>nnnn: select a specific resolution with height=nnnn pixels</li>
NB. This changes the display resolution (and restores on exit).<br><br>
-f8rom &lt;file&gt;<br>
Use custom 2K ROM for any Apple II machine at [$F800..$FFFF]. &lt;file&gt; must be 2048 bytes long<br><br>
-videorom &lt;file&gt;<br>
Use an alternate custom 2K video ROM for Apple II or II+ machines (but not clones).<br>
Use an alternate European or custom 4K, 8K or 16K (top 8K only) video ROM for the Enhanced //e.<br>
NB. There's currently no support for using an alternate video ROM for the original Apple //e or clones.<br><br>
Enable the dialog box to display the last file saved to<br><br>
Prevent the PrintScreen key from being registered<br><br>
Prevent certain system key combinations from being hooked (to prevent the emulator from trapping ALT+ESC, ALT+SPACE, ALT+TAB and CTRL+ESC). This means that the equivalent Open Apple+&lt;key&gt; combinations won't work within the emulator.<br>
NB. This switch takes precedence over -hook-alt-tab and -hook-altgr-control.<br><br>
Prevent the left and right ALT keys from being hooked (eg. to prevent emulation of Open/Solid Apple keys via the ALT keys).<br><br>
By default the emulator doesn't hook ALT+TAB. Use this to allow Open Apple+TAB to be readable by the emulated machine.<br><br>
By default the emulator doesn't suppress ALT GR's (Right Alt's) fake LEFT CONTROL. Use this to suppress this fake LEFT CONTROL to allow Closed Apple+CTRL+&lt;key&gt; to be readable by the emulated machine.<br>
NB. Suppressing this fake LEFT CONTROL seems to prevent international keyboards from being able to type certain keys.
Enables Advanced configuration control to allow dumping to a real printer<br><br>
Disable registration of file extensions (.do/.dsk/.nib/.po)<br><br>
-memclear &lt;n&gt;<br>
Where n is [0..7]:
<li>0 Initialize memory to zero</li>
<li>1 Initialize memory to random values</li>
<li>2 Initialize memory to 4 byte pattern: FF FF 00 00</li>
<li>3 Initialize memory to even pages FF, odd pages 00</li>
<li>4 Initialize memory to first half page 00, last half page FF</li>
<li>5 Initialize memory to first half page FF, last half page 00</li>
<li>6 Initialize memory to byte offset of that page
(current memory address low byte)
i.e. 00:00 01 02 03 ... for page $20</li>
<li>7 Initialize memory to page address
(current memory address high byte)
i.e. 00:20 20 20 20 ... for page $20</li>
Shorthand for passing -dcd<br>
Use with GBBS Pro (or any other BBS package). See the <a href="http://www.callapple.org/documentation/books/gbbs-pro-2-2/">GBBS Pro 2.2</a> book from Call-A.P.P.L.E.
For the SSC's 6551's Status register's DCD bit, use this switch to force AppleWin to use the state of the MS_RLSD_ON bit from GetCommModemStatus().<br><br>
Define the behavior of Alt+Enter:
<li>Either: Toggle between windowed and full screen video modes (default).
<li>Or: Allow the emulated Apple II to read the Enter key state when Alt (Open Apple key) is pressed.
<P style="FONT-WEIGHT: bold">Debug arguments:
-l or -log<br>
Enable logging. Creates an AppleWin.log file<br><br>
Disable DirectSound support<br><br>
Suppress the warning message-box if AppleWin fails to capture the PrintScreen key<br><br>