tomch 8cd290483f Updated help:
. Bumped copyright year to 2007 & added Nick & Linards to (C) list (so same as .exe's version)
. Added page listing the AppleWin team
. Pruned acknowledgements list to contain non-team members that have contributed
2007-03-26 21:08:22 +00:00

19 lines
862 B

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<body style="FONT-FAMILY: verdana; BACKGROUND-COLOR: rgb(255,255,255)" alink="#008000"
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<h2 style="COLOR: rgb(0,128,0)">Acknowledgements</h2>
<hr size="4">
<p>The team&nbsp;would like to thank the following people for their contributions:</p>
<p style="MARGIN-LEFT: 40px">Thomas Stahl: TV emulation mode</p>
<p style="MARGIN-LEFT: 40px">Chris Foxwell: SSI263 phoneme samples</p>
<p style="MARGIN-LEFT: 40px">Robert Hoem: Harddisk card (source module &amp; f/w)</p>
<P style="MARGIN-LEFT: 40px">
Spiro Trikaliotis: (VICE) whose code Glenn Jones adapted for Uthernet support</P>