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synced 2025-03-05 21:31:34 +00:00
Currently only Apple Color Card and Video7 SL7 are supported. The RGB card can be defined through the command-line: -rgb-card-type: apple (default), sl7, eve, feline The default text color can be modified when SL7 is selected. On the actual card this was defined by dip switches. -rgb-card-foreground <color> can be 6 (blue), 9 (amber), 12 (green) and white (15) Details: . Added RGB FG/BG Text + mixed GR mode . Added Color Text80 . Added Duochrome HGR . RGB card defaults to Apple Color Card + B&W text
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// Handling of RGB videocards
enum RGB_Videocard_e
void UpdateHiResCell(int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t *pVideoAddress);
void UpdateDHiResCell (int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t *pVideoAddress, bool updateAux, bool updateMain);
int UpdateDHiRes160Cell (int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t *pVideoAddress);
void UpdateLoResCell(int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t *pVideoAddress);
void UpdateDLoResCell(int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t *pVideoAddress);
void UpdateText40ColorCell(int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t* pVideoAddress, uint8_t bits);
void UpdateText80ColorCell(int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t* pVideoAddress, uint8_t bits);
void UpdateHiResDuochromeCell(int x, int y, uint16_t addr, bgra_t* pVideoAddress);
void UpdateDuochromeCell(int h, int w, bgra_t* pVideoAddress, uint8_t bits, uint8_t foreground, uint8_t background);
const UINT kNumBaseColors = 16;
typedef bgra_t (*baseColors_t)[kNumBaseColors];
void VideoInitializeOriginal(baseColors_t pBaseNtscColors);
void RGB_SetVideoMode(WORD address);
bool RGB_Is140Mode(void);
bool RGB_Is160Mode(void);
bool RGB_IsMixMode(void);
bool RGB_Is560Mode(void);
bool RGB_IsMixModeInvertBit7(void);
void RGB_ResetState(void);
void RGB_SetInvertBit7(bool state);
void RGB_SaveSnapshot(class YamlSaveHelper& yamlSaveHelper);
void RGB_LoadSnapshot(class YamlLoadHelper& yamlLoadHelper, UINT cardVersion);
RGB_Videocard_e RGB_GetVideocard(void);
void RGB_SetVideocard(RGB_Videocard_e videocard, int text_foreground = -1, int text_background = -1);
void RGB_SetRegularTextFG(int color);
void RGB_SetRegularTextBG(int color);
void RGB_EnableTextFB();
void RGB_DisableTextFB();
int RGB_IsTextFB();