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<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma"><u><font size="5">AppleWin 1.24.0</font></u></font></p>
<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma"><img src="applewin.gif" title="" alt="Apple //e Emulator Logo" height="384" width="560"></font></p>
<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma">Download <a href="http://download.berlios.de/applewin/AppleWin1.24.0.0.zip">Version 1.24.0</a><br>
<a href="#OldReleases">Download older releases</a><br>
<p align="center"><font face="Tahoma"><small><a href="mailto:tomch%20AT%20users.berlios.de">Tom Charlesworth</a></small></font></p>
<p><font face="Tahoma"></font><br></p>
<p><font face="Tahoma">
AppleWin is now hosted at <a href="http://developer.berlios.de/">BerliOS</a> and is distributed under the terms of the <a href="http://www.gnu.org/copyleft/gpl.html">GNU General Public License</a><br></font><font face="Tahoma">
The SVN repository is located here: <a href="https://developer.berlios.de/projects/applewin/">AppleWin SVN</a>
</p><p><font face="Tahoma">
Latest AppleWin compiled html help: <a href="AppleWin.chm">AppleWin.chm</a>
<font size="2">
<strong>NB. If you have trouble reading the CHM:</strong><br>
- On Windows XP, Windows 7, etc you can simply right-click on the CHM file, select "Properties", and click on the "Unblock" button.<br>
- Click "Apply" and the content should be visible.
<p><font face="Tahoma"><br></p><p><u>1.24.0 - 1 Jan 2014</u></p>
<li>Support cursor keys (in addition to numpad) when using keyboard for joystick emulation.</li>
<li>Support auto-fire for all 3 joystick buttons (via Config->Input).</li>
<li>[Feature #5668] Added confirmation message box for reboot (F2).</li>
<li>[Feature #5715] Added -no-printscreen-dlg to suppress the warning if AppleWin fails to capture the PrintScreen key.</li>
<li>Changed save-state file persisted to Registry from filename to pathame.</li>
<li>[Feature #5105] Added About dialog showing GPL (at startup, but only when AppleWin version changes).</li>
<li>[Bug #19154] ProDOS Order 2IMG crashing.</li>
<li>[Support #103098] Sometimes swapping disk could cause INIT to fail with ERROR #8.</li>
<li>Fixed save-state bug for when 4K BANK1 is dirty (previously it would save the stale data instead).</li>
<li>[Bug #18723,#19070] Mouse movement for CopyII+9.1 and ProTERM3.1.</li>
<li>Added "disk info" command.</li>
<li>[Bug #18940] Extend BSAVE and BLOAD Command To Memory Banks 0 and 1.</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><br></p><p><u>1.23.0 - 26 Apr 2013</u></p>
<li><strong>Significant changes since 1.20.0:</strong></li>
<li>[Feature #003272 and #005335] Support 2x windowed mode:</li>
<li>Toggle between 1x and 2x by using Resize button (or F6).</li>
<li>Full screen now enabled by CTRL+Resize button (or CTRL+F6).</li>
<li>[Feature #4399] Allow Z80 SoftCard to be inserted into slot 4 or 5. (Allows CP/M v3 to work)</li>
<li>Reworked Configuration (property sheets) to allow multiple hardware changes.</li>
<li>Added Troubleshooting section to help file.</li>
<li>HDD firmware: Added support for SmartPort entrypoint.</li>
<li>"Prince of Persia (Original 3.5 floppy for IIc+).2mg" now boots</li>
<li>Fixed HDD firmware to allow epyx_californiagames_iicplus.2mg to boot.</li>
<li>[Bug #018455] Improved rendering speed of debugger view.</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"></font><br></p><p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.20.0 - 23 Feb 2011</u></font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li>Standard, Text Optimized and Monochrome video modes now support half-pixel rendering accuracy!</li>
<li>Colors tweaked to better match the real hardware.</li>
<li>Fixed Mockingboard detection for Ultima III (ProDOS-8/harddisk version).</li>
<li>See the Debugger_Changelog.txt for the various fixes and changes.</li>
<li>Updated acknowledgements. Cheers to Mike Harvey! (Nibble Magazine)</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"></font><br></p><p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.19.3 - 20 Dec 2010</u></font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li><strong>Significant changes since 1.17.2:</strong></li>
<li>Added No-Slot-Clock (located in $C300 ROM space).</li>
<li>Added disk/harddisk image r/w support for .gz/.zip (and .2mg) files.</li>
<li>Multi-zip archives are read-only.</li>
<li>Other changes since 1.17.2:</li>
<li>Set 50% scan lines as the default.</li>
<li>Added HD activity LED.</li>
<li>Caps LED now takes up less space in full-screen mode.</li>
<li>Debugger (see Debugger_Changelog.txt)</li>
<li>Rebuilt for Win98 with: VS2005 Express, Windows SDK 6.0, SAPI 5.1</li>
<li>Added "-speech" cmd-line switch</li>
<li>Captures text from COUT and outputs to Speech API</li>
<li>Ctrl+RESET and FullSpeed mode (ie. disk access) will purge the speech buffers</li>
<li>Added disk/harddisk eject sub-menu to Disk Config tab.</li>
<li>Removed .bin registration.</li>
<li>Fixes since 1.17.2:</li>
<li>Fix for Win98 support (broken at</li>
<li>Fix OpenFileName dialogs for Win98 (use older WinVer4 struct).</li>
<li>Fix for "APPLEWIN executed an invalid instruction" on Pentium II/266 CPU.</li>
<li>Edits to the 'Printer dump filename' edit control are now recognised.</li>
<li>[Bug #017055] DDial timer running very fast.</li>
<li>TAPEIN.bit7 was being read from floating-bus. Now fixed high.</li>
<li>[Bug# 007237] VBl IO reg not updated in 'Stepping' mode</li>
<li>Loading save-state file (.aws) wasn't Win32-closing .dsk images in drives.</li>
<li>[Bug #16699] Debugger: G xxxx not clearing BP</li>
<li>[Bug #16688] Debugger RUN <script-file> still not 100%</li>
<li>Honour absolute path (ie. don't prefix with CWD)</li>
<li>[Bug #16632] Fix cmd-line -d1/d2 switches with relative path</li>
<li>Fix speaker volume when booting with -d1 switch</li>
<li>Fix debugger bugs:</li>
<li>Crash when doing: help *</li>
<li>[Bug #16651] Crash when doing: run <script-file></li>
<li>[Bug #16652] Fix "Harddisk images aren't persisted when in different folders"</li>
<li>[Bug #12724,14747] Fix "Registry persisted Window x,y position sometimes off screen"</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"></font><br></p><p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.17.2 - 13 Dec 2009</u></font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li>Enable XP visual themes & corrected tab order in the Configuration dialog - thanks to Joshua Bell</li>
<li>Updated Help chm's Debugger breakpoint commands (BC,BD,BE,BL now replaced by BPC,BPD,BPE.BPL)</li>
<li>Fix: Crash when COM or TCP port opened before Configuration dialog is opened for the first time</li>
<li>Fix: Reading SSC DIP SW1 for "external" CLK (115.2K mode)</li>
<li>Fix: Reinstated debugger's GO command:</li>
<li>G : Go (Stepping Mode)</li>
<li>G <addr> : Go (Stepping Mode) until PC=addr</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"></font><br></p><p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.17.1 - 27 Nov 2009</u></font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li>SSC: Support 112.5K Baud</li>
<li>Dynamically generated 'Serial Port' drop-down menu</li>
<li>Save "Serial Port Name" to Registry (instead of drop-down menu index as "Serial Port")</li>
<li>Updated Help chm's "Transferring Disk Images" - thanks to David Schmidt</li>
<li>New switches: -log, -no-mb, -spkr-max, -spkr-inc</li>
<li>Debugger (v2.6.2.0):</li>
<li>Added Applesoft BASIC symbols - thanks to Bob Sander-Cederlof</li>
<li>Return on blank line to toggle full screen console</li>
<li>Page Up/Down of console history while editing</li>
<li>Fix for Speaker underflow problem (-spkr-max=200, -spkr-inc=20)</li>
<li>Fix for SSC (big transfers): use queue instead of single byte buffer</li>
<li>Don't hog CPU in PAUSED mode</li>
<li>Implemented the shift key mod for II/II+. This fixes a problem with Homeword</li>
<li>[Bug #14879] Double-Lo-Res Graphics colors not correct</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"></font><br></p><p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.16.1 - 21 Jun 2009</u></font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li>Ctrl-F2 now functions as CONTROL-RESET (same as Ctrl-Break)</li>
<li>Video Mode now shown in Window Title</li>
<li>50% Scan Lines (can use Shift+Ctrl+F9 to toggle)</li>
<li>Added: Checkbox for "50% Scan lines" in the configuration tab, next to video mode</li>
<li>Supported by PrintScreen and Shift-PrintScreen</li>
<li>Added command line "-noreg" to not register file extensions</li>
<li>Added support for up to 40 track (160KB) disk images</li>
<li>Symbols Length raised from 13 to 31</li>
<li>Pressing the Reboot button (F2) with breakpoints active, keeps the debugger running</li>
<li>symsrc is now relocatable, i.e. symsrc load "filename" [,offset]
<li>Changes the address where debugger symbols are bound to by the offset (if specified)</li>
<li>Pressing Shift, Ctrl, or Alt, when viewing the current Apple output no longer kicks you back into the debugger.<br>
(Allows for Ctrl-Shift-F9, and Shift-F9 previewing.)</li>
<li>Fixed: Full screen drive LED status not showing up when floppy disks being accessed were set to read-only mode</li>
<li>Fixed FLASHing 'S' in AppleII+ mode!</li>
<li>Fixed flash rate for NTSC</li>
<li>Fixed maximum volume bug when doubling-clicking a .dsk image to execute with AppleWin</li>
<li>[Bug #14557] Loading serial port# from Registry (caused AppleWin to crash when booting Apple Pascal & other weird crashes)</li>
<li>[Bug #15394] Audio under-run (set process priority to Above Normal when in non-Full Speed mode)</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"></font><br></p><p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.16.0 (beta) - 1 Feb 2009</u></font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li>Support for Apple // Game Server via TCP (port 1977) : beta</li>
<li>For GPL reasons, switched the following modules:</li>
<li>AY8910 (from MAME to FUSE) : beta Mockingboard/Phasor</li>
<li>MC6821 (from MAME to VICE) : beta Mouse card</li>
<li>Z80 (from Z80Em to VICE) : beta CP/M Softcard</li>
<li>Printer support:</li>
<li>Printer dump filename</li>
<li>Filter unprintable characters</li>
<li>Append to print-file</li>
<li>Terminate printing after n seconds of idle</li>
<li>Encoding conversion for Pravets</li>
<li>Dump to printer (CAUTION! Enabled via command line switch: -use-real-printer)</li>
<li>Added Pravets 8M</li>
<li>BugID-014557: Fix for loading serial port from Registry (caused AppleWin to crash when booting Apple Pascal)</li>
<li>Some floating bus bugs (fixes the Bulgarian game: "Walking in the town" & Annunciator read)</li>
<li>FLASH rate (now 3Hz, was 6Hz)</li>
<li>Fix for Willy Byte & MB support (strange 6522 behaviour!)</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"></font><br></p><p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.15.0 (beta) - 24 Aug 2008</u></font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li>CP/M support (Microsoft CP/M SoftCard in slot-5)</li>
<li>No save-state support</li>
<li>No Z80 debugging support</li>
<li>PrintScrn key now saves screen shots</li>
<li>Added new video mode: "Monochrome - Authentic"</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"></font><br></p><p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.14.2 - 23 Jun 2008</u></font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li>Support for Bulgarian clones: Pravets 82 & 8A</li>
<li>Mouse can be configured to show/hide crosshairs; and can be restricted (or not) to AppleWin's window</li>
<li>Added 'Send to CiderPress' function via the context menu of the drive buttons</li>
<li>Added support for "The Freeze's" F8 ROM (Apple][ & Apple][+ only)</li>
<li>Added -f8rom <rom-file> cmd line switch to allow loading a custom 2K Rom at $F800</li>
<li>Support Shift-F9 to cycle backwards through video modes</li>
<li>Support Ctrl-F9 to cycle through the character sets</li>
<li>Mouse support for Contiki v1.3, Blazing Paddles & GEOS</li>
<li>Mouse support now integrates much better with Windows (when in unrestricted mode)</li>
<li>Extended HDD image file filter to include *.po</li>
<li>[Bug #13425] Full Screen mode: drawing/erasing of the buttons on the RHS of the screen</li>
<li>[Bug #12723] DOSMaster .hdv/.po images work</li>
<li>[Bug #11592] Infiltrator now boots</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"></font><br></p><p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.14.0 - 8 Aug 2007 (beta)</u></font></p>
<p><font face="Tahoma">Fixes:<u></u></font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li>Super Serial Card: PR#2 & IN#2 now working</li>
<li>Full support for Peripheral Expansion ROM (at $C800) & $CFFF access</li>
<li>F2 (Power-cycle) when ROM is switched *out* caused Apple to freeze</li>
</font><p><font face="Tahoma">Changes:</font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li>Attempt to use drive1's image name as the name for the .aws file</li>
<li>Added Apple//e (original 6502 version with "Venetian Blinds" self-test)</li>
<li>Turbo mode via Scroll Lock (temporary or toggle mode) - selectable via UI</li>
</ul></font><p><font face="Tahoma">Beta:</font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li>Mouse Interface card support in slot 4 (selectable via UI)</li>
<li>Full 6821 emulation & 2K ROM. Based on code by Kyle Kim (Apple in PC)</li>
<li>Tested with: Dazzle Draw, Blazing Paddles, Archon II: Adept, Orge[Fix], Dragon Wars</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><u></u></font></p><p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.13.2 - 7 April 2007</u></font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<li>Added: Apple ][ (non-autostart monitor)</li>
<li>Added: 6502 NMOS illegal opcode support (for ][ & ][+)</li>
<li>Added: 65C02 CMOS undefined opcode support (for //e)</li>
<li>Added: Simple parallel printer support in slot-1<br>
. Creates (or overwrites) a file called "Printer.txt" in AppleWin.exe's folder<br>
. Eg. PR#1, then LIST, then PR#0<br>
. The file will auto-close 10 seconds after the last printed output</li>
<li>Fix: [Bug #7238] FLASH support in 80-column mode</li>
<li>Fix: [Bug #8300] 80-col text in Silvern Castle got corrupted</li>
<li>Fix: Speech with MB/Phasor for short phonemes - bug in DirectSound in WinXP (see KB327698)</li>
<li>Fix: Disk ][ track stepping (Mabel's Mansion now works)</li>
<li>Docs updated (although debugger docs still partially out of date)</li>
<li>Debugger:<br> + Now uses Apple font<br>
+ Can configure entry to debugger via specific opcode or illegal(6502)/undefined(65C02) opcode - use BRKOP cmd<br>
- So you can run Apple at full-speed until it hits your breakpoint (eg. BRK)<br>
+ BRKOP, BRK # to enter debugger<br>
+ Mouse support: button & wheel<br>
+ Search command: S/SH<br>
+ New DISASM command<br>
+ bookmarks, via bm, bma, bmc, bml, ctrl-#, alt-#<br>
+ PRINT, PRINTF<br> + ctrl-v (paste) support<br>
... & lots more (doc's to be updated soon)</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.13.1 - 7 May 2006</u></font></p>
<font face="Tahoma">
<ul><li>Fix: [Bug #7375] Crashes on Win98/ME</li></ul></font>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><u>1.13.0 - 2 May 2006</u></font></p>
<p><font face="Tahoma">
<li>New: Uthernet card support</li>
<li>Allows internet access when used with the Contiki OS</li>
<li>See: <a href="Uthernet.txt">Uthernet.txt</a></li>
<li>New: Floating bus support</li>
<li>Fixes the hang at Drol's cut-scene</li>
<li>Bob Bishop's Money Munchers is a little bit closer to working</li>
<li>Change: Added support for SSC receive IRQ (eg. Z-Link)</li>
<li>Fix: Checkerboard cursor is back for //e mode</li>
<li>Fix: [Bug #6778] enable harddisk not working in</li>
<li>Fix: [Bug #6790] Right click menu stops working on drives</li>
<li>Fix: [Bug #7231] AppleWin installed in path with spaces</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><u> - 10 Mar 2006</u><br>
<li><font face="Tahoma">Right-Click on drive icon for disk popup menu. Options are: <br>
<font face="Tahoma"> <li>Eject disk<br></li>
<li>Read only (write protection on.)</li>
<li>Read / Write (write protection off.)<br>
<b>Note</b>: <i>If a file is read-only, the Read only option will be checked.</i></li>
</li><li><font face="Tahoma">Fixed invalid F7 opcode addressing mode, so Lock N' Chase is now playable.</font></li>
<li><font face="Tahoma">Video Blanking Timing now has preliminary support.<br>
i.e. Drol now longer stalls at the cutscene.<br>
<b>Note</b>: <i>The VBL is not exact timing (yet), so some games like Karateka might exhibit a little choppiness.</i></font></li>
<li><font face="Tahoma">Debugger<br>
<font face="Tahoma"> <li>New Command: #G, same as Apple "Monitor" go command, where # is an hex address.<br>
i.e. C600G</li>
<li>New Command: #L, same as Apple "Monitor" list command, where # is an hex address.<br>
i.e. 300L</li>
<li>New Command: //<br>
Starts a line comment anywhere in the line.</li>
<li>New Command: RUN "filename", to run a debugger script</li>
<li>New Command: ECHO ...<br>
Text may be quoted: ECHO "...text..."<br>
Echo the current line, since scripts don't echo their commands.</li>
<li>New Command: SH address ## [? ?? ##]<br>
You can now search memory!<br>
SH 800,8000 AD ? C0 // search for one byte gap, AD xx C0<br>
SH 800,8000 C030 // search for two bytes: 30 C0<br></li>
<li>Mini-Assembler preview:<br>
<b>Note</b>: <i>None of the indexed/indirect modes are working (yet), expressions are not evaluated.</i><br>
usage: A address<br>
usage: A<br>
The assembler prompt is the '!' -- for your mini-assembler fans ;-)<br>
The format is: label <whitespace> mnemonic [<target>]<br>
To exit the assembler, press Enter without any input.<br>
The spacebar to execute the next instruction is disabled while
in assembler mode. You must press space, if you don't wish to define a
<li>Fixed Console sometimes not drawing.</li>
<li>Fixed UI bug: Memory View text over-writing buttons.</li>
<li>Changed BPX to now defaults to setting breakpoint at cursor.</li>
<li>Changed BP to now default to setting breakpoint at Program Counter (PC)</li>
<li>Added new color scheme: BW. (This used to be an alias for MONO before.)</li>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><font face="Tahoma"><u> - 25 Feb 2006</u><br>
- Moved source to BerliOS & released under GPL<br>
- </font><font face="Tahoma">Debugger v2.4.2.16<br>
+ Breakpoint on memory address added: BPM address[,length]<br>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><font face="Tahoma"><u> - 22 Feb 2006<br>
- <span style="font-weight: bold;">*** Major re-write of debugger by Michael Pohoreski ***</span><br>
. Debugger v2.4.2.15: Improvements & new features abound!<br>
+ Syntax coloring, navigation, execution (eg. step-out), view memory as varying Ascii types<br>
+ Symbol maintenance (main, user, source), source-level debugging, mini-calculator<br>
+ Breakpoints: conditional on register, profiling + much more<br>
. See: <a href="Intro_To_New_Debugger.htm">Introduction to New Debugger</a><br>
- Fixed speaker volume not being set correctly at start-up<br>
- Fixed emulation speed control (was only running at 1MHz)<br>
- Fixed internal ADC: was flagged as write to memory<br>
- Fixed internal BRK: only pushed PC+1, not PC+2 to stack<br>
- Fixed CPU not getting properly reset (eg. SP) on Ctrl+Reset<br>
- Changed attenuation on AY8910 outputs before mixing: MB: none (was 2/3), Phasor: still 2/3<br>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><font face="Tahoma"><u> - 25 Jan 2006<br>
</u>- Fixed crash-bug in C++ 65C02 emu code for opcode $7C : JMP (ABS,X)<br>
- Updated help file (by Brian Broker)<br>
- Added ability to use Shift+Insert to paste from clipboard during emulation<br>
- Added buttons to Config->Sound tab to select Mockingboard (s4 & s5), Phasor (s4) or none<br>
- Removed keyboard buffer from Config->Input (this was redundant from<br>
- Fixed speaker click (eg. when selecting disk image)<br>
- Added check to prevent loading old & incompatible 6502 DLLs (caused random 6502 crashes to monitor)<br>
</font><font face="Tahoma">- Added support for AE's RAMWorks III, which adds up to 8MB (cmd-line switch only):<br>
. -r <#pages> : where #pages = [1..127], each page is 64KB.<br>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><b>Restrictions:</b><br></font>
<font face="Tahoma">- NB. The following aren't saved out to the save-state file yet:<br>
. Phasor card (only the Mockingboards are)<br>
. RAMWorks card
<p><font face="Tahoma"><u> - 8 Jan 2006</u><br>
- Fixed cmd-line switches -d1/-d2 to work with filenames with spaces<br>
- Reset: Init Phasor back to Mockingboard mode<br>
- Benchmark button acts immediately<br>
- Fixes to speaker emulation introduced in<br>
- Adjusted speaker freq to work better with MJ Mahon's RT.SYNTH.dsk<br>
- Fixed Bxx; ABS,X; ABS,Y; (IND),Y opcodes: take variable cycles depending on branch taken & page crossed<br>
<span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span></font></p>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><span style="text-decoration: underline;"></span><u> (30 Dec 2005)</u><br>
- Public release<br>
- Fixed Apple][+ ROM (IRQ vector was vectoring to $FF59/OLDRST)<br>
- Added cmd-line switches (-f, -d1, -d2)<br>
: full-screen<br>
. -dn <image> : Load a disk image into a drive. A disk in drive-1 will force a reboot.<br>
- Extended 6502 debugger (M1, M2, P0,...P4)<br>
. Mn <addr> : Memory window 1/2<br>
. Pn <zp-addr> : Display a zero-page pointer<br>
. Extended memory-dump to output SY6522/AY8910 regs with SYn/AYn, eg: M1 AY0<br>
. Added support for ACME symbol files<br>
- Phasor support (defaulting to Mockingboard mode, available in slots 4 & 5)<br>
- Display updated at ~60Hz (instead of 20Hz)<br>
- Emulation broken into 1ms units (instead of video-frame units)<br>
- Uses internal CPU emulator instead of DLLs (DLLs to be phased out)<br>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><u> (23 Apr 2005)</u><br>
- Added support for Votrax speech: emulated using SSI263 phonemes<br>
- Added joystick x/y trim control to Input property sheet<br>
- Added support for double-lores graphics<br>
- Updated Applewin.chm<br>
- Load state: F12 nows works like Ctrl-F12<br>
<p><font face="Tahoma">
<a href="History.txt">History</a>
<a href="Wishlist.txt">Wishlist</a>
<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma">
Tested with the following Mockingboard/Phasor titles:<br>
Adventure Construction Set<br>
Broadsides (SSI) - Card must be in slot-4. Appears to be noise-channel only<br>
Crimewave (Votrax speech only)<br>
Crypt of Medea (Votrax speech only)<br>
<a href="http://www.tomcharlesworth.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/Cybernoid.dsk">Cybernoid Music Disk</a><br>
Lady Tut (Mockingboard version)<br>
Mockingboard software (Sweet Micro Systems)<br>
Music Construction Set<br>
Night Flight<br>
Phasor software (Applied Engineering)<br>
Rescue Raiders v1.3 (SSI263 speech only)<br>
Silent Service (Microprose)<br>
Spy Strikes Back<br>
Ultima III (Mockingboard version)<br>
Ultima IV<br>
Ultima V<br>
Willy Byte<br>
Zaxxon (Mockingboard version)<br>
<p align="left"><font face="Tahoma">There are docs on the web that
claimed these titles support Mockingboard. The titles that I managed to
find didn't appear to support it:<br>
One on One<br>
Guitar Master (Can't find)<br>
Music Star (Can't find)<br>
Thunder Bombs<br>
<p><font face="Tahoma"><u><a name="OldReleases"></a>Old releases:</u></font></p>
<p><font face="Tahoma">
Download <a href="http://download.berlios.de/applewin/AppleWin1.23.0.0.zip">Version 1.23.0</a><br>
Download <a href="http://download.berlios.de/applewin/AppleWin1.20.0.0.zip">Version 1.20.0</a><br>
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