Andrea 6051bc55d0 Changes to ease code compilation in gcc. (#541)
Changes to ease code compilation in GCC.

Disk_t and HDD contain a std::string and for this reason they need a proper constructor, ZeroMemory is not guaranteed to work.
2018-02-24 15:12:40 +00:00

49 lines
1.4 KiB

/* Emulador do computador TK3000 //e (Microdigital)
* por Fábio Belavenuto - Copyright (C) 2004
* Adaptado do emulador Applewin por Michael O'Brien
* Part of code is Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Tom Charlesworth
* Este arquivo é distribuido pela Licença Pública Geral GNU.
* Veja o arquivo Licenca.txt distribuido com este software.
// Emula a CPU Z80
#include "StdAfx.h"
#include "Applewin.h"
#include "CPU.h"
#include "Memory.h"
#include "z80emu.h"
// Variaveis
static int g_uCPMZ80Slot = 0;
BYTE __stdcall CPMZ80_IONull(WORD PC, WORD uAddr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE uValue, ULONG nCyclesLeft)
return IO_Null(PC, uAddr, bWrite, uValue, nCyclesLeft);
BYTE __stdcall CPMZ80_IOWrite(WORD PC, WORD uAddr, BYTE bWrite, BYTE uValue, ULONG nCyclesLeft)
if ((uAddr & 0xFF00) == (0xC000 + (g_uCPMZ80Slot << 8)))
SetActiveCpu( GetActiveCpu() == CPU_Z80 ? GetMainCpu() : CPU_Z80 );
return IO_Null(PC, uAddr, bWrite, uValue, nCyclesLeft);
void ConfigureSoftcard(LPBYTE pCxRomPeripheral, UINT uSlot)
memset(pCxRomPeripheral + (uSlot << 8), 0xFF, APPLE_SLOT_SIZE);
g_uCPMZ80Slot = uSlot;
RegisterIoHandler(uSlot, CPMZ80_IONull, CPMZ80_IONull, CPMZ80_IONull, CPMZ80_IOWrite, NULL, NULL);