==== 2.00b3, 2006-10-20 ==== Fixed broken ROM scanning on many Mac models. [Now using 'crc32' instead of 'adler32', both from 'zlib'. Also reverted back to C FILE pointers after having tried NSInputStreams to no great advantage.] Added recognition of Revision-00 IIc ROM. Improved intelligence of the memory card firmware in slot 4. Added more error detection. Implemented more authentic behavior when the memory isn't there (when the user has selected "Extra RAM: None"). Fixed some bad code in the printer firmware that mangled CR behavior and other character output. This bug affected pre-IIc models only. In the "Save Printer Session" dialog, the "Add suffix" checkbox had no actual effect. Fixed. Fixed IIe memory mapping behavior in the $C100-C7FF area. Removed bogus menu commands related to document files. The saving and restoring of Apple II states isn't supported yet. Also removed the "Help" menu, as there is no in-line help yet. ==== 2.00b2, 2006-10-17 ==== The first (advertised) public release.