/********************************************************************* * Searching for disks *********************************************************************/ #ifdef __ORCAC__ #pragma noroot #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "netdiskerror.h" #include "asprintf.h" #include "json.h" #include "jsonutil.h" #include "diskbrowser.h" #include "disksearch.h" #include "browserutil.h" /* Rectangle of the disk list control */ static Rect diskListRect = {45, 10, 147, 386}; /* Current length in disk list */ static int diskListLength = 0; /* Number of current page of results from server */ int pageNum; static boolean processDoc(json_value *docObj); static char *EncodeQueryString(char *queryString); struct diskListEntry moreResultsEntry = {moreResultsString , 0, "", ""}; static void InsertDiskListEntry(struct diskListEntry *entry); /* Do a search */ void DoSearch(boolean getMore) { static char queryBuf[257]; static boolean gsDisksOnly = true; /* User preference: IIGS disks only? */ char *searchURL = NULL; enum NetDiskError result = 0; int initialDiskListLength = diskListLength; WaitCursor(); if (!getMore) { FreeJSON(); GetLETextByID(window, searchLine, (StringPtr)&queryBuf); gsDisksOnly = (FindRadioButton(window, 2) == 0); pageNum = 0; } else { if (pageNum >= MAX_PAGES - 1) { InitCursor(); SysBeep(); return; } pageNum++; } char *queryString = EncodeQueryString(queryBuf+1); if (queryString == NULL) { result = OUT_OF_MEMORY; goto errorReturn; } asprintf(&searchURL, "http://archive.org/advancedsearch.php?" "q=emulator%%3A%s%%20%s" "&fl%%5B%%5D=identifier&fl%%5B%%5D=title" "&fl%%5B%%5D=emulator_ext" "&sort%%5B%%5D=titleSorterRaw+asc" "&rows=%i&page=%i&output=json", gsDisksOnly ? "apple2gs" : "apple2%2A", queryString, PAGE_SIZE, pageNum + 1); if (searchURL == NULL) { result = URL_TOO_LONG; goto errorReturn; } free(queryString); queryString = NULL; if (!getMore) { FreeJSON(); } result = ReadJSONFromURL(searchURL, &json[pageNum]); if (result != OPERATION_SUCCESSFUL) goto errorReturn; json_value *response = findEntryInObject(json[pageNum], "response", json_object); if (response == NULL) { result = NOT_EXPECTED_CONTENTS; goto errorReturn; } if (!getMore) { diskListLength = 0; } else { diskListLength--; } json_value *docs = findEntryInObject(response, "docs", json_array); if (docs == NULL) { result = NOT_EXPECTED_CONTENTS; goto errorReturn; } processArray(docs, json_object, processDoc); if (!getMore) { diskList[0].memFlag = 0x80; } json_value *numFoundValue = findEntryInObject(response, "numFound", json_integer); if (numFoundValue != NULL && numFoundValue->u.integer > diskListLength) { InsertDiskListEntry(&moreResultsEntry); } /* Update state of controls once disk list is available */ HiliteControl(noHilite, disksListHandle); SetCtlMoreFlags( GetCtlMoreFlags(disksListHandle) | fCtlCanBeTarget | fCtlWantEvents, disksListHandle); NewList2(NULL, 1, (Ref) diskList, refIsPointer, diskListLength, (Handle)disksListHandle); if (getMore) { if (diskListLength >= initialDiskListLength) { SelectMember2(initialDiskListLength, (Handle)disksListHandle); ValidRect(&diskListRect); } } if (diskListLength > 0) { if (FindTargetCtl() != disksListHandle) { MakeThisCtlTarget(disksListHandle); CallCtlDefProc(disksListHandle, ctlChangeTarget, 0); } } free(searchURL); InitCursor(); return; errorReturn: NewList2(NULL, 1, (Ref) diskList, refIsPointer, 0, (Handle)disksListHandle); free(queryString); free(searchURL); InitCursor(); ShowErrorAlert(result, searchErrorAlert); } static boolean processDoc(json_value *docObj) { if (diskListLength >= DISK_LIST_MAX_LENGTH) return false; if (docObj == NULL || docObj->type != json_object) return false; json_value *id = findEntryInObject(docObj, "identifier", json_string); json_value *title = findEntryInObject(docObj, "title", json_string); json_value *ext = findEntryInObject(docObj, "emulator_ext", json_string); if (id == NULL || title == NULL || ext == NULL) return true; diskList[diskListLength].idPtr = id->u.string.ptr; // TODO character set translation diskList[diskListLength].memPtr = title->u.string.ptr; diskList[diskListLength].extPtr = ext->u.string.ptr; diskList[diskListLength++].memFlag = 0; return true; } static char *EncodeQueryString(char *queryString) { long sizeNeeded; char *encodedStr = NULL; sizeNeeded = strlen(queryString); if (sizeNeeded > 10000) return NULL; encodedStr = malloc(sizeNeeded*3 + 1); if (encodedStr == NULL) return NULL; char *s = encodedStr; char c; while ((c = *queryString++) != '\0') { if (c > 0x7F) { //TODO character set translation c = '*'; } if ((c>='a' && c<='z') || (c>='A' && c<='Z') || (c>='0' && c<='9')) { *s++ = c; } else { snprintf(s, 4, "%%%02X", (unsigned char)c); s+= 3; } } *s = '\0'; return encodedStr; } static void InsertDiskListEntry(struct diskListEntry *entry) { if (diskListLength >= DISK_LIST_MAX_LENGTH) return; diskList[diskListLength++] = *entry; } void FreeJSON(void) { for (int i = 0; i < MAX_PAGES; i++) { if (json[i] != NULL) { json_value_free(json[i]); json[i] = NULL; } } }