
303 lines
12 KiB

# use unpack from struct and argv from sys
from struct import unpack; from sys import argv
import os.path
# setup args as a variable to hold argv -- there will be three
# in total script, input file, output file.
args = argv
usage = "\nUsage: python Driv3rs.py [SOS_DRIVER_FILE] [output_file.csv]\n"
# check that user passed required number of arguments
if len(args) < 3:
print usage
# stick passed arugments into variables for later
disk_img = args[1]
output_csv = args[2]
# this function unpacks several read operations --
# text, binary, and single-byte. Each uses unpack from
# struct and attempts converts the resulting tuple into
# into either a string or integer, depending upon need.
def readUnpack(bytes, **options):
if options.get("type") == 't':
SOS = SOSfile.read(bytes)
text_unpacked = unpack('%ss' % bytes, SOS)
return ''.join(text_unpacked)
if options.get("type") == 'b':
SOS = SOSfile.read(bytes)
offset_unpacked = unpack ('< H', SOS)
return int('.'.join(str(x) for x in offset_unpacked))
if options.get("type") == '1':
SOS = SOSfile.read(bytes)
offset_unpacked = unpack ('< B', SOS)
return int(ord(SOS))
# this function takes a byte and performs bit operations
# to determine integer value. Outputs as a string. Used in
# the versioning DIB pullout. Values are stored in HEX.
def nibblize(byte, **options):
if options.get("direction") == 'high':
return str(int(hex(byte >> 4), 0))
if options.get("direction") == 'low':
return str(int(hex(byte & 0x0F), 0))
# dictionary for device types and sub types.
dev_types ={273: 'Character Device, Write-Only, Formatter',
321: 'Character Device, Write-Only, RS232 Printer',
577: 'Character Device, Write-Only, Silentype',
833: 'Character Device, Write-Only, Parallel Printer',
323: 'Character Device, Write-Only, Sound Port',
353: 'Character Device, Read-Write, System Console',
354: 'Character Device, Read-Write, Graphics Screen',
355: 'Character Device, Read-Write, Onboard RS232',
356: 'Character Device, Read-Write, Parallel Card',
481: 'Block Device, Disk ///',
721: 'Block Device, PROFile',
4337: 'Block Device, CFFA3000'}
# dictionary for known manufacturers. currently only David Schmidt
# and Apple Computer are known. Apple Computer is a defined as a range
# from 1-31.
mfgs = {17491: 'David Schmidt'}
# open SOS.DRIVER file to interrogate, then read first
# eight bytes and determine if file is actual SOS.DRIVER file.
# will be replaced with logic to read full disk images (PRODOS)
SOSfile = open(disk_img, 'rb')
filetype = readUnpack(8, type = 't')
if filetype == 'SOS DRVR':
print "This is a proper SOS.DRIVER file."
print "This is not a proper SOS.DRIVER file"
# read two bytes immediately after "SOS DRVR" to determine jump
# to first major driver. Print out what's found. Start a count of
# found major drivers for upcoming loop and initalize a list to
# hold driver dictionaries.
rel_offset = readUnpack(2, type = 'b')
#print "The first relative offset value is", rel_offset, hex(rel_offset)
drivers = 0
# loop that determines beginning of all major drivers in this particular
# SOS.DRIVER file, logs the offsets into a dictionary for later use.
# for each driver found, we:
# 1. Jump past the bytes indicating the comment length.
# 2. Look at the next two bytes and determine if they are xFFFF.
# 3. If not, place offset in dictionary.
# 4. When FFFF is encountered, we've reached the end of all drivers.
loop = True
while loop :
driver = {}
driver['comment_start'] = SOSfile.tell()
rel_offset = readUnpack(2, type = 'b')
if rel_offset == 0xFFFF:
loop = False
else :
rel_offset = readUnpack(2, type = 'b')
rel_offset = readUnpack(2, type = 'b')
# utilizing the offsets found, we now push through each Device information
# Block to log information about a driver. Comments therein.
# first deal with comment length and comment text.
# comment length is two bytes (either the length in hex or 0x0000)
# log both to list/dictionary
for i in range(0,len(drivers_list)):
comment_len = readUnpack(2, type = 'b')
drivers_list[i]['comment_len'] = comment_len
if comment_len != 0x0000:
comment_txt = readUnpack(comment_len, type = 't')
drivers_list[i]['comment_txt'] = comment_txt.replace('"', "''") # quotation marks will mess up csv
drivers_list[i]['comment_txt'] = 'None'
# these two bytes are the intermediate offset value used to jump
# to the next major driver. We skip here while going through the DIB.
# Officially, the link pointer is the beginning of the DIB.
# comments are optional. We log dib_start to indicate where the
# actual DIB for a driver begins.
drivers_list[i]['dib_start'] = SOSfile.tell()
# the link pointer is two bytes and points to the next DIB
# when there are multiples -- .D1, .D2, etc.
link_ptr = readUnpack(2, type = 'b')
drivers_list[i]['link_ptr'] = link_ptr
# entry field is two bytes pointing to the area in memory
# where the driver is placed during SOS bootup.
entry = readUnpack(2, type = 'b')
drivers_list[i]['entry'] = entry
# the name length and name are next. Name length is one byte.
# name field is _always_ 15 bytes long but name can be anything
# up to 15 bytes
name_len = readUnpack(1, type = '1')
drivers_list[i]['name_len'] = name_len
name = readUnpack(name_len, type = 't')
drivers_list[i]['name'] = name
SOSfile.seek(15 - name_len,1)
# flag byte determine whether a driver is active, inactive
# or shall be loaded on a page boundary. This is set up in
# the System Configuration Program
flag = readUnpack(1, type = '1')
if flag == 192:
drivers_list[i]['flag'] = 'ACTIVE, Load on Boundary'
elif flag == 128:
drivers_list[i]['flag'] = 'ACTIVE'
drivers_list[i]['flag'] = 'INACTIVE'
# if the driver is for a card that is loaded into a slot
# and that slot has been defined in the SCP and placed into
# the current SOS.DRIVER file, we log it here.
slot_num = readUnpack(1, type = '1')
if slot_num == 0:
drivers_list[i]['slot_num'] = 'None'
drivers_list[i]['slot_num'] = slot_num
# the unit byte is concerned with the device number encountered.
# for the major drivers, it's always 0 and if there are other
# DIBs, such as for a driver that supports multiple disk drives,
# the unit byte is incremented each time by 1.
unit = readUnpack(1, type = '1')
drivers_list[i]['unit'] = unit
# dev_type is the type of device. We currently use a dict
# and populate the field accordingly. This dictionary was
# built from Apple's published Driver Writer's Manual.
# The type is determined via two bytes. The LSB is the sub-type
# and the MSB is the type.
dev_type = readUnpack(2, type ='b')
drivers_list[i]['dev_type'] = dev_types[dev_type]
drivers_list[i]['dev_type'] = 'Unknown'
# we skip the Filler byte ($19) as Apple reserved it.
# block_num refers to the number of logical blocks in a device
# it is not guaranteed to be populated with anything
# we log the block number defined or that the the device is
# a character device. otherwise Undefined
block_num = readUnpack(2, type = 'b')
if block_num != 0:
drivers_list[i]['block_num'] = block_num
drivers_list[i]['block_num'] = 'Character Device or Undefined'
# the manufacturer byte was ill-defined at the time the driver
# writer's manual was published. 1 through 31 were reserved for
# Apple Computer. Others were supposed to get their codes from
# Apple. At the time we wrote this script, we used Apple devices
# and the CFFA3000 and populated a dictionary. This dictionary
# will get more k/v pairs as time goes on.
mfg = readUnpack(2, type = 'b')
drivers_list[i]['mfg'] = mfgs[mfg]
if 1 <= mfg <= 31:
drivers_list[i]['mfg'] = 'Apple Computer'
drivers_list[i]['mfg'] = hex(mfg)
# version bytes are integer values stored across two bytes.
# a nibble corresponds to a major version number, one of two minor
# version numbers, or a "further qualification" as Apple
# called it. The format is V-v0-v1-Q. Q was not well-defined.
# Basically if the value is 0xA, 0xB, or 0xE, then the Q
# corresponds to: Alpha, Beta, and Experimental. Otherwise,
# Q is merely a number. Q was worked out via the SCP.
ver_byte0 = readUnpack(1, type = '1')
ver_byte1 = readUnpack(1, type = '1')
V = nibblize(ver_byte1, direction = 'high')
v0 = nibblize(ver_byte1, direction = 'low')
v1 = nibblize(ver_byte0, direction = 'high')
Q = nibblize(ver_byte0, direction = 'low')
if Q == '10':
drivers_list[i]['version'] = V + '.' + v0 + v1 + ' Alpha'
elif Q == '11':
drivers_list[i]['version'] = V + '.' + v0 + v1 + ' Beta'
elif Q == '14':
drivers_list[i]['version'] = V + '.' + v0 + v1 + ' Experimental'
drivers_list[i]['version'] = V + '.' + v0 + v1
# here we run a new loop to determine how many other DIBs exist
# under a major driver. This is primarily for drivers that are designed
# to support more than one device. for instance, the CFFA3000 is
# written to support seven drives (.D1 - .D7). otherwise, nothing
# else changes save the unit number, which is incremented by 1 for
# each device supported.
# generally we enter each major drive DIB and look at the link field.
# if the link field is not 0000, we know there are other DIBs.
# we can open up a new loop to run through the interior DIBs until
# we encount a 0000 in a link field, then we stop.
for i in range(0,len(drivers_list)):
link_ptr = drivers_list[i]['link_ptr']
total_devs = 1
if link_ptr != 0x0000:
sub_loop = True
while sub_loop:
sub_link = readUnpack(2, type = 'b')
if sub_link != 0x0000:
total_devs = total_devs + 1
sub_loop = False
drivers_list[i]['num_devices'] = total_devs
# closing the SOS.DRIVER file
# here begins writing out the CSV file. the order is mainly
# structured like the structure in the Driver Writer's Manual.
# first, check if file exists and, if so, omit header
exists = os.path.exists(output_csv)
if exists == False:
csvout = open(output_csv, 'w')
csvout = open(output_csv, 'a')
for i in range(0,len(drivers_list)):
csvout.write(disk_img + ',' + \
hex(drivers_list[i]['comment_start']) + ',' + \
hex(drivers_list[i]['comment_len']) + ',' + \
'"' + drivers_list[i]['comment_txt'] + '"' + ',' + \
hex(drivers_list[i]['dib_start']) + ',' + \
hex(drivers_list[i]['link_ptr']) + ',' + \
hex(drivers_list[i]['entry']) + ',' + \
hex(drivers_list[i]['name_len']) + ',' + \
drivers_list[i]['name'] + ',' + \
'"' + drivers_list[i]['flag'] + '"' + ',' + \
str(drivers_list[i]['slot_num']) + ',' + \
str(drivers_list[i]['num_devices']) + ',' + \
str(drivers_list[i]['unit']) + ',' + \
'"' + drivers_list[i]['dev_type'] + '"' + ',' + \
str(drivers_list[i]['block_num']) + ',' + \
drivers_list[i]['mfg'] + ',' + \