
191 lines
5.5 KiB
Raw Normal View History

Copyright (C) 2022 by Christopher A. Mosher <cmosher01@gmail.com>
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY, without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* File: KeyEventHandler.cpp
* Author: chris.mosher
* Created on December 19, 2022, 7:36 AM
#include "KeyEventHandler.h"
5 POKE 49168,0
10 K = PEEK (49152)
15 IF K < 128 GOTO 10
20 HI = INT (K / 16)
30 LO = K - (HI * 16)
40 IF LO > 9 THEN LO = LO + 7
50 LO = LO + 48
60 IF HI > 9 THEN HI = HI + 7
70 HI = HI + 48
80 PRINT "$"; CHR$ (HI); CHR$ (LO)
90 GOTO 5
static bool is_key_down(const wxKeyEvent& keyEvent) {
const int sym = keyEvent.GetKeyCode();
return (
(sym < 0x7F || sym == WXK_LEFT || sym == WXK_RIGHT) &&
!(sym == WXK_TAB || sym == '`' || sym == '[' || sym == '\\' || sym == WXK_DELETE) &&
!(sym == ']' && keyEvent.ShiftDown())
// Take real-world keystrokes from SDL and filter them to emulate the Apple ][ keyboard
static bool translate_key(const wxKeyEvent& keyEvent, unsigned char* key) {
const int keycode = keyEvent.GetKeyCode();
if (keycode == WXK_LEFT) {
*key = 8;
return true;
if (keycode == WXK_RIGHT) {
*key = 21;
return true;
if (keycode < 0 || 0x100 <= keycode) {
return false;
*key = (unsigned char)(keycode & 0x7F);
// The Apple ][ hardware keyboard only generates upper-case
if ('a' <= *key && *key <= 'z') {
*key -= 32;
// from SDL 1.2 to 2.0, we can't use UNICODE so we need to
// apply shift and control modifiers ourselves
if (keyEvent.ShiftDown()) {
if (keycode == '`') *key = '~';
else if (keycode == '1') *key = '!';
else if (keycode == '2') *key = '@';
else if (keycode == '3') *key = '#';
else if (keycode == '4') *key = '$';
else if (keycode == '5') *key = '%';
else if (keycode == '6') *key = '^';
else if (keycode == '7') *key = '&';
else if (keycode == '8') *key = '*';
else if (keycode == '9') *key = '(';
else if (keycode == '0') *key = ')';
else if (keycode == '-') *key = '_';
else if (keycode == '=') *key = '+';
else if (keycode == ';') *key = ':';
else if (keycode == '\'') *key = '\"';
else if (keycode == ',') *key = '<';
else if (keycode == '.') *key = '>';
else if (keycode == '/') *key = '?';
else if (keycode == 'M') *key = ']';
else if (keycode == 'N') *key = '^';
else if (keycode == 'P') *key = '@';
if (keyEvent.RawControlDown()) {
if (('A' <= *key && *key <= 'Z') || (*key == ']') || (*key == '^') || (*key == '@')) {
*key -= 64;
if (keyEvent.ShiftDown() && keyEvent.RawControlDown() && keycode == ' ') {
// Ctrl-Shift-Space is the same as Space
*key = ' ';
} else if (keyEvent.RawControlDown() && !keyEvent.ShiftDown() && (('0' <= keycode && keycode <= '9') || keycode == '/' || keycode == ' ')) {
// Control-only upon 0-9, / and space leaves them unchanged, the same as unmodified
*key = keycode;
} else if (keycode == ']') {
if (keyEvent.ShiftDown()) {
// ignore '}' (shift ']')
return false;
if (keyEvent.RawControlDown()) {
// Ctrl-] == ASCII: $1D
*key = 29;
} // else if this is one of the *keys that can't be typed on an Apple ][ keyboard
else if (*key == 0 || keycode == WXK_TAB || keycode == '`' || keycode == '[' || keycode == '\\' || keycode == WXK_DELETE) {
return false;
return true;
KeyEventHandler::KeyEventHandler(KeypressQueue &q, KeyRepeatHandler &r) : keysDown(0), keypresses(q), repeater(r) {
KeyEventHandler::~KeyEventHandler() {
void KeyEventHandler::dispatchKeyDown(const wxKeyEvent& keyEvent) {
if (keyEvent.IsAutoRepeat()) {
// To repeat on the real Apple ][, you need to use the REPT key (emulated by F10)
const int sym = keyEvent.GetKeyCode();
//printf("keydown: mod: %04X sym: %08X scan:%04X name:%s\n", mod, sym, scan, SDL_GetKeyName(sym));
if (is_key_down(keyEvent)) {
if (sym == WXK_F10) {
} else {
unsigned char key;
const bool sendKey = translate_key(keyEvent, &key);
if (sendKey) {
//printf(" sending to apple as ASCII ------------------------------> %02X (%02X) (%d)\n", key, key | 0x80, key | 0x80);
void KeyEventHandler::dispatchKeyUp(const wxKeyEvent& keyEvent) {
const int sym = keyEvent.GetKeyCode();
if (is_key_down(keyEvent)) {
if (this->keysDown <= 0) {
if (sym == WXK_F10) {