2021-09-15 22:42:53 -04:00

451 lines
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// BinUtils.swift
// BinUtils
// Created by Nicolas Seriot on 12/03/16.
// Copyright © 2016 Nicolas Seriot. All rights reserved.
import Foundation
import CoreFoundation
// MARK: protocol UnpackedType
public protocol Unpackable {}
extension NSString: Unpackable {}
extension Bool: Unpackable {}
extension Int: Unpackable {}
extension Double: Unpackable {}
// MARK: protocol DataConvertible
protocol DataConvertible {}
extension DataConvertible {
init?(data: Data) {
guard data.count == MemoryLayout<Self>.size else { return nil }
self = data.withUnsafeBytes { $0.load(as: Self.self) }
init?(bytes: [UInt8]) {
let data = Data(bytes)
var data: Data {
var value = self
return Data(buffer: UnsafeBufferPointer(start: &value, count: 1))
extension Bool : DataConvertible { }
extension Int8 : DataConvertible { }
extension Int16 : DataConvertible { }
extension Int32 : DataConvertible { }
extension Int64 : DataConvertible { }
extension UInt8 : DataConvertible { }
extension UInt16 : DataConvertible { }
extension UInt32 : DataConvertible { }
extension UInt64 : DataConvertible { }
extension Float32 : DataConvertible { }
extension Float64 : DataConvertible { }
// MARK: String extension
extension String {
subscript (from:Int, to:Int) -> String {
return NSString(string: self).substring(with: NSMakeRange(from, to-from))
// MARK: Data extension
extension Data {
var bytes : [UInt8] {
return [UInt8](self)
// MARK: functions
public func hexlify(_ data:Data) -> String {
// similar to hexlify() in Python's binascii module
// https://docs.python.org/2/library/binascii.html
var s = String()
var byte: UInt8 = 0
for i in 0 ..< data.count {
NSData(data: data).getBytes(&byte, range: NSMakeRange(i, 1))
s = s.appendingFormat("%02x", byte)
return s as String
public func unhexlify(_ string:String) -> Data? {
// similar to unhexlify() in Python's binascii module
// https://docs.python.org/2/library/binascii.html
let s = string.uppercased().replacingOccurrences(of: " ", with: "")
let nonHexCharacterSet = CharacterSet(charactersIn: "0123456789ABCDEF").inverted
if let range = s.rangeOfCharacter(from: nonHexCharacterSet) {
print("-- found non hex character at range \(range)")
return nil
var data = Data(capacity: s.count / 2)
for i in stride(from: 0, to:s.count, by:2) {
let byteString = s[i, i+2]
let byte = UInt8(byteString.withCString { strtoul($0, nil, 16) })
data.append([byte] as [UInt8], count: 1)
return data
func readIntegerType<T:DataConvertible>(_ type:T.Type, bytes:[UInt8], loc:inout Int) -> T {
let size = MemoryLayout<T>.size
let sub = Array(bytes[loc..<(loc+size)])
loc += size
return T(bytes: sub)!
func readFloatingPointType<T:DataConvertible>(_ type:T.Type, bytes:[UInt8], loc:inout Int, isBigEndian:Bool) -> T {
let size = MemoryLayout<T>.size
let sub = Array(bytes[loc..<(loc+size)])
loc += size
let sub_ = isBigEndian ? sub.reversed() : sub
return T(bytes: sub_)!
func isBigEndianFromMandatoryByteOrderFirstCharacter(_ format:String) -> Bool {
guard let firstChar = format.first else { assertionFailure("empty format"); return false }
let s = NSString(string: String(firstChar))
let c = s.substring(to: 1)
if c == "@" { assertionFailure("native size and alignment is unsupported") }
if c == "=" || c == "<" { return false }
if c == ">" || c == "!" { return true }
assertionFailure("format '\(format)' first character must be among '=<>!'")
return false
// akin to struct.calcsize(fmt)
func numberOfBytesInFormat(_ format:String) -> Int {
var numberOfBytes = 0
var n = 0 // repeat counter
var mutableFormat = format
while !mutableFormat.isEmpty {
let c = mutableFormat.remove(at: mutableFormat.startIndex)
if let i = Int(String(c)) , 0...9 ~= i {
if n > 0 { n *= 10 }
n += i
if c == "s" {
numberOfBytes += max(n,1)
n = 0
let repeatCount = max(n,1)
switch(c) {
case "@", "<", "=", ">", "!", " ":
case "c", "b", "B", "x", "?":
numberOfBytes += 1 * repeatCount
case "h", "H":
numberOfBytes += 2 * repeatCount
case "i", "l", "I", "L", "f":
numberOfBytes += 4 * repeatCount
case "q", "Q", "d":
numberOfBytes += 8 * repeatCount
case "P":
numberOfBytes += MemoryLayout<Int>.size * repeatCount
assertionFailure("-- unsupported format \(c)")
n = 0
return numberOfBytes
func formatDoesMatchDataLength(_ format:String, data:Data) -> Bool {
let sizeAccordingToFormat = numberOfBytesInFormat(format)
let dataLength = data.count
if sizeAccordingToFormat != dataLength {
print("format \"\(format)\" expects \(sizeAccordingToFormat) bytes but data is \(dataLength) bytes")
return false
return true
pack() and unpack() should behave as Python's struct module https://docs.python.org/2/library/struct.html BUT:
- native size and alignment '@' is not supported
- as a consequence, the byte order specifier character is mandatory and must be among "=<>!"
- native byte order '=' assumes a little-endian system (eg. Intel x86)
- Pascal strings 'p' and native pointers 'P' are not supported
public enum BinUtilsError: Error {
case formatDoesMatchDataLength(format:String, dataSize:Int)
case unsupportedFormat(character:Character)
public func pack(_ format:String, _ objects:[Any], _ stringEncoding:String.Encoding=String.Encoding.windowsCP1252) -> Data {
var objectsQueue = objects
var mutableFormat = format
var mutableData = Data()
var isBigEndian = false
let firstCharacter = mutableFormat.remove(at: mutableFormat.startIndex)
switch(firstCharacter) {
case "<", "=":
isBigEndian = false
case ">", "!":
isBigEndian = true
case "@":
assertionFailure("native size and alignment '@' is unsupported'")
assertionFailure("unsupported format chacracter'")
var n = 0 // repeat counter
while !mutableFormat.isEmpty {
let c = mutableFormat.remove(at: mutableFormat.startIndex)
if let i = Int(String(c)) , 0...9 ~= i {
if n > 0 { n *= 10 }
n += i
var o : Any = 0
if c == "s" {
o = objectsQueue.remove(at: 0)
guard let stringData = (o as! String).data(using: .utf8) else { assertionFailure(); return Data() }
var bytes = stringData.bytes
let expectedSize = max(1, n)
// pad ...
while bytes.count < expectedSize { bytes.append(0x00) }
// ... or trunk
if bytes.count > expectedSize { bytes = Array(bytes[0..<expectedSize]) }
assert(bytes.count == expectedSize)
if isBigEndian { bytes = bytes.reversed() }
mutableData.append(bytes, count: bytes.count)
n = 0
for _ in 0..<max(n,1) {
var bytes : [UInt8] = []
if c != "x" {
o = objectsQueue.removeFirst()
switch(c) {
case "?":
bytes = (o as! Bool) ? [0x01] : [0x00]
case "c":
let charAsString = (o as! NSString).substring(to: 1)
guard let data = charAsString.data(using: stringEncoding) else {
assertionFailure("cannot decode character \(charAsString) using encoding \(stringEncoding)")
return Data()
bytes = data.bytes
case "b":
bytes = Int8(truncatingIfNeeded:o as! Int).data.bytes
case "h":
bytes = Int16(truncatingIfNeeded:o as! Int).data.bytes
case "i", "l":
bytes = Int32(truncatingIfNeeded:o as! Int).data.bytes
case "q", "Q":
bytes = Int64(o as! Int).data.bytes
case "B":
bytes = UInt8(truncatingIfNeeded:o as! Int).data.bytes
case "H":
bytes = UInt16(truncatingIfNeeded:o as! Int).data.bytes
case "I", "L":
bytes = UInt32(truncatingIfNeeded:o as! Int).data.bytes
case "f":
bytes = Float32(o as! Double).data.bytes
case "d":
bytes = Float64(o as! Double).data.bytes
case "x":
bytes = [0x00]
assertionFailure("Unsupported packing format: \(c)")
if isBigEndian { bytes = bytes.reversed() }
let data = Data(bytes)
n = 0
return mutableData
public func unpack(_ format:String, _ data:Data, _ stringEncoding:String.Encoding=String.Encoding.windowsCP1252) throws -> [Unpackable] {
assert(CFByteOrderGetCurrent() == 1 /* CFByteOrderLittleEndian */, "\(#file) assumes little endian, but host is big endian")
let isBigEndian = isBigEndianFromMandatoryByteOrderFirstCharacter(format)
if formatDoesMatchDataLength(format, data: data) == false {
throw BinUtilsError.formatDoesMatchDataLength(format:format, dataSize:data.count)
var a : [Unpackable] = []
var loc = 0
let bytes = data.bytes
var n = 0 // repeat counter
var mutableFormat = format
mutableFormat.remove(at: mutableFormat.startIndex) // consume byte-order specifier
while !mutableFormat.isEmpty {
let c = mutableFormat.remove(at: mutableFormat.startIndex)
if let i = Int(String(c)) , 0...9 ~= i {
if n > 0 { n *= 10 }
n += i
if c == "s" {
let length = max(n,1)
let sub = Array(bytes[loc..<loc+length])
guard let s = NSString(bytes: sub, length: length, encoding: stringEncoding.rawValue) else {
assertionFailure("-- not a string: \(sub)")
return []
loc += length
n = 0
for _ in 0..<max(n,1) {
var o : Unpackable?
switch(c) {
case "c":
let optionalString = NSString(bytes: [bytes[loc]], length: 1, encoding: String.Encoding.utf8.rawValue)
loc += 1
guard let s = optionalString else { assertionFailure(); return [] }
o = s
case "b":
let r = readIntegerType(Int8.self, bytes:bytes, loc:&loc)
o = Int(r)
case "B":
let r = readIntegerType(UInt8.self, bytes:bytes, loc:&loc)
o = Int(r)
case "?":
let r = readIntegerType(Bool.self, bytes:bytes, loc:&loc)
o = r ? true : false
case "h":
let r = readIntegerType(Int16.self, bytes:bytes, loc:&loc)
o = Int(isBigEndian ? Int16(bigEndian: r) : r)
case "H":
let r = readIntegerType(UInt16.self, bytes:bytes, loc:&loc)
o = Int(isBigEndian ? UInt16(bigEndian: r) : r)
case "i":
case "l":
let r = readIntegerType(Int32.self, bytes:bytes, loc:&loc)
o = Int(isBigEndian ? Int32(bigEndian: r) : r)
case "I":
case "L":
let r = readIntegerType(UInt32.self, bytes:bytes, loc:&loc)
o = Int(isBigEndian ? UInt32(bigEndian: r) : r)
case "q":
let r = readIntegerType(Int64.self, bytes:bytes, loc:&loc)
o = Int(isBigEndian ? Int64(bigEndian: r) : r)
case "Q":
let r = readIntegerType(UInt64.self, bytes:bytes, loc:&loc)
o = Int(isBigEndian ? UInt64(bigEndian: r) : r)
case "f":
let r = readFloatingPointType(Float32.self, bytes:bytes, loc:&loc, isBigEndian:isBigEndian)
o = Double(r)
case "d":
let r = readFloatingPointType(Float64.self, bytes:bytes, loc:&loc, isBigEndian:isBigEndian)
o = Double(r)
case "x":
loc += 1
case " ":
throw BinUtilsError.unsupportedFormat(character:c)
if let o = o { a.append(o) }
n = 0
return a