package prodos import ( "os" ) func ReadVolumeBitmap(file *os.File) []byte { headerBlock := ReadBlock(file, 2) volumeHeader := parseVolumeHeader(headerBlock) totalBitmapBytes := volumeHeader.TotalBlocks / 8 if volumeHeader.TotalBlocks%8 > 0 { totalBitmapBytes++ } bitmap := make([]byte, totalBitmapBytes) totalBitmapBlocks := totalBitmapBytes / 512 if totalBitmapBytes%512 > 0 { totalBitmapBlocks++ } for i := 0; i < totalBitmapBlocks; i++ { bitmapBlock := ReadBlock(file, i+volumeHeader.BitmapStartBlock) for j := 0; j < 512 && i*512+j < totalBitmapBytes; j++ { bitmap[i*512+j] = bitmapBlock[j] } } return bitmap } func writeVolumeBitmap(file *os.File, bitmap []byte) { headerBlock := ReadBlock(file, 2) volumeHeader := parseVolumeHeader(headerBlock) for i := 0; i < len(bitmap)/512; i++ { WriteBlock(file, volumeHeader.BitmapStartBlock+i, bitmap[i*512:i*512+512]) } } func createVolumeBitmap(numberOfBlocks int) []byte { volumeBitmapBlocks := numberOfBlocks / 512 / 8 if volumeBitmapBlocks*8*512 < numberOfBlocks { volumeBitmapBlocks++ } // set all 1's to show blocks available... volumeBitmap := make([]byte, volumeBitmapBlocks*512) for i := 0; i < len(volumeBitmap); i++ { volumeBitmap[i] = 0xFF } // boot blocks markBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap, 0) markBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap, 1) // root directory markBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap, 2) markBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap, 3) markBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap, 4) markBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap, 5) // volume bitmap blocks for i := 0; i < volumeBitmapBlocks; i++ { markBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap, 6+i) } // blocks beyond the volume totalBlocksInBitmap := volumeBitmapBlocks * 512 * 8 blocksBeyondEnd := totalBlocksInBitmap - numberOfBlocks if blocksBeyondEnd > 0 { for i := totalBlocksInBitmap - blocksBeyondEnd; i < totalBlocksInBitmap; i++ { markBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap, i) } } //DumpBlock(volumeBitmap) return volumeBitmap } func findFreeBlocks(volumeBitmap []byte, numberOfBlocks int) []int { blocks := make([]int, numberOfBlocks) blocksFound := 0 for i := 0; i < len(volumeBitmap)*8; i++ { if checkFreeBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap, i) { blocks[blocksFound] = i blocksFound++ if blocksFound == numberOfBlocks { return blocks } } } return nil } func getFreeBlockCount(volumeBitmap []byte, totalBlocks int) int { freeBlockCount := 0 for i := 0; i < totalBlocks; i++ { if checkFreeBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap, i) { freeBlockCount++ } } return freeBlockCount } func markBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap []byte, blockNumber int) { bitToChange := blockNumber % 8 byteToChange := blockNumber / 8 byteToAnd := 0b11111111 switch bitToChange { case 0: byteToAnd = 0b01111111 case 1: byteToAnd = 0b10111111 case 2: byteToAnd = 0b11011111 case 3: byteToAnd = 0b11101111 case 4: byteToAnd = 0b11110111 case 5: byteToAnd = 0b11111011 case 6: byteToAnd = 0b11111101 case 7: byteToAnd = 0b11111110 } //fmt.Printf("blockNumber: $%04X byteToWrite: 0b%08b volumeBitmap: $%02X byteToChange: $%04X\n", blockNumber, byteToWrite, volumeBitmap[byteToChange], byteToChange) volumeBitmap[byteToChange] &= byte(byteToAnd) } func freeBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap []byte, blockNumber int) { bitToChange := blockNumber % 8 byteToChange := blockNumber / 8 byteToOr := 0b00000000 switch bitToChange { case 0: byteToOr = 0b10000000 case 1: byteToOr = 0b01000000 case 2: byteToOr = 0b00100000 case 3: byteToOr = 0b00010000 case 4: byteToOr = 0b00001000 case 5: byteToOr = 0b00000100 case 6: byteToOr = 0b00000010 case 7: byteToOr = 0b00000001 } volumeBitmap[byteToChange] |= byte(byteToOr) } func checkFreeBlockInVolumeBitmap(volumeBitmap []byte, blockNumber int) bool { bitToCheck := blockNumber % 8 byteToCheck := blockNumber / 8 byteToAnd := 0b00000000 switch bitToCheck { case 0: byteToAnd = 0b10000000 case 1: byteToAnd = 0b01000000 case 2: byteToAnd = 0b00100000 case 3: byteToAnd = 0b00010000 case 4: byteToAnd = 0b00001000 case 5: byteToAnd = 0b00000100 case 6: byteToAnd = 0b00000010 case 7: byteToAnd = 0b00000001 } return (volumeBitmap[byteToCheck] & byte(byteToAnd)) > 0 }