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synced 2025-02-06 19:30:00 +00:00
KIL instruction renamed to HLT
This commit is contained in:
@ -89,7 +89,7 @@ m6502_t m6502 = {
0, // bra_true
0, // bra_false
0, // compile
HLT, // IF
@ -225,7 +225,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
switch ( fetch() ) {
case 0x00: BRK(); return 7; // BRK
case 0x01: ORA( src_X_ind() ); return 6; // ORA X,ind
case 0x02: KIL(); return 0; // KIL - Hangs the CPU // t jams
case 0x02: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0x03: SLO( addr_zp_X() ); return 8; // SLO* zpg,X (undocumented)
case 0x04: NOP(); src_zp(); return 3; // NOP* zpg (undocumented)
case 0x05: ORA( src_zp() ); return 3; // ORA zpg
@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
case 0x0F: SLO( addr_abs() ); return 6; // SLO* (undocumented)
case 0x10: BPL( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BPL rel
case 0x11: ORA( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // ORA ind,Y
case 0x12: KIL(); return 0; // KIL - Hangs the CPU // t jams
case 0x12: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0x13: SLO( addr_zp_Y() ); return 8; // SLO* zpg,Y (undocumented)
case 0x14: NOP(); addr_zp_X(); return 4; // NOP* zpg,X (undocumented)
case 0x15: ORA( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // ORA zpg,X
@ -257,7 +257,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
case 0x1F: SLO( addr_abs_X() ); return 7; // SLO* abs,X (undocumented)
case 0x20: JSR( abs_addr() ); return 6; // JSR abs
case 0x21: AND( src_X_ind() ); return 6; // AND X,ind
case 0x22: KIL(); return 0; // KIL - Hangs the CPU
case 0x22: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0x23: RLA( addr_ind_X() ); return 8; // RLA* ind,X 8 (undocumented)
case 0x24: BIT( src_zp() ); return 3; // BIT zpg
case 0x25: AND( src_zp() ); return 3; // AND zpg
@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
case 0x2F: RLA( addr_abs() ); return 6; // RLA* abs 6 (undocumented)
case 0x30: BMI( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BMI rel
case 0x31: AND( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // AND ind,Y
case 0x32: KIL(); return 0; // KIL - Hangs the CPU
case 0x32: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0x33: RLA( addr_ind_Y() ); return 8; // RLA* izy 8 (undocumented)
case 0x34: NOP(); src_zp_X(); return 4; // NOP* zpx 4 (undocumented)
case 0x35: AND( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // AND zpg,X
@ -289,7 +289,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
case 0x3F: RLA( addr_abs_X() ); return 7; // RLA* abx 7 (undocumented)
case 0x40: RTI(); return 6; // RTI
case 0x41: EOR( src_X_ind() ); return 6; // EOR X,ind
case 0x42: KIL(); return 0; // KIL - Hangs the CPU
case 0x42: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0x43: SRE( addr_ind_X() ); return 8; // SRE* izx 8 (undocumented)
case 0x44: NOP(); return 3; // NOP* zp 3 (undocumented)
case 0x45: EOR( src_zp() ); return 3; // EOR zpg
@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
case 0x4F: SRE( abs_addr() ); return 6; // SRE* abs 6 (undocumented)
case 0x50: BVC( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BVC rel
case 0x51: EOR( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // EOR ind,Y
case 0x52: KIL(); return 0; // KIL - Hangs the CPU
case 0x52: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0x53: SRE( addr_ind_Y() ); return 8; // SRE* izy 8 (undocumented)
case 0x54: NOP(); src_zp_X(); return 4; // NOP* zpx 4 (undocumented)
case 0x55: EOR( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // AND zpg,X
@ -321,7 +321,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
case 0x5F: SRE( addr_abs_X() ); return 7; // SRE* abx 7 (undocumented)
case 0x60: RTS(); return 6; // RTS
case 0x61: ADC( src_X_ind() ); return 6; // ADC X,ind
case 0x62: KIL(); return 0; // KIL - Hangs the CPU
case 0x62: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0x63: RRA( addr_ind_X() ); return 8; // RRA* izx 8 (undocumented)
case 0x64: NOP(); return 3; // NOP* zp 3 (undocumented)
case 0x65: ADC( src_zp() ); return 3; // ADC zpg
@ -337,7 +337,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
case 0x6F: RRA( abs_addr() ); return 6; // RRA* abs 6 (undocumented)
case 0x70: BVS( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BVS rel
case 0x71: ADC( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // ADC ind,Y
case 0x72: KIL(); return 0; // KIL - Hangs the CPU
case 0x72: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0x73: RRA( addr_ind_Y() ); return 8; // RRA* izy 8 (undocumented)
case 0x74: NOP(); src_zp_X(); return 4; // NOP* zpx 4 (undocumented)
case 0x75: ADC( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // ADC zpg,X
@ -369,7 +369,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
case 0x8F: SAX( addr_abs() ); return 4; // SAX* abs 4 (undocumented)
case 0x90: BCC( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BCC rel
case 0x91: STA( addr_ind_Y() ); return 6; // STA ind,Y
case 0x92: KIL(); return 0; // KIL* (undocumented)
case 0x92: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0x93: SHA( addr_ind_Y() ); return 6; // SHA* izy 6 (undocumented, unstable)
case 0x94: STY( addr_zp_X() ); return 4; // STY zpg,X
case 0x95: STA( addr_zp_X() ); return 4; // STA zpg,X
@ -401,7 +401,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
case 0xAF: LAX( src_abs() ); return 4; // LAX* abs 4 (undocumented)
case 0xB0: BCS( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BCS rel
case 0xB1: LDA( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // LDA ind,Y
case 0xB2: KIL(); return 0; // KIL - Hangs the CPU // t jams
case 0xB2: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0xB3: LAX( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // LAX* izy 5 (undocumented)
case 0xB4: LDY( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // LDY zpg,X
case 0xB5: LDA( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // LDA zpg,X
@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
case 0xCF: DCP( addr_abs() ); return 6; // DCP* abs 6 (undocumented)
case 0xD0: BNE( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BNE rel
case 0xD1: CMP( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // CMP ind,Y
case 0xD2: KIL(); return 0; // KIL - Hangs the CPU // t jams
case 0xD2: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0xD3: DCP( addr_ind_Y() ); return 8; // DCP* izy 8 (undocumented)
case 0xD4: NOP(); src_zp_X(); return 4; // NOP* zpx 4 (undocumented)
case 0xD5: CMP( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // CMP zpg,X
@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
case 0xEF: ISB( addr_abs() ); return 6; // ISB* abs 6 (undocumented)
case 0xF0: BEQ( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BEQ rel
case 0xF1: SBC( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // SBC ind,Y
case 0xF2: KIL(); return 0; // KIL - Hangs the CPU // t jams
case 0xF2: HLT(); return 0; // HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
case 0xF3: ISB( addr_ind_Y() ); return 8; // ISB* izy 8 (undocumented)
case 0xF4: NOP(); src_zp_X(); return 4; // NOP* zpx 4 (undocumented)
case 0xF5: SBC( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // SBC zpg,X
@ -556,7 +556,7 @@ void m6502_Run() {
if ( m6502.IF ) {
switch (m6502.interrupt) {
case HLT:
case HALT:
// CPU is haletd, nothing to do here...
@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ extern unsigned int clkfrm;
typedef enum {
@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ m6502_t m6502 = {
0, // bra_true
0, // bra_false
0, // compile
HLT, // IF
@ -438,7 +438,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
// case 0x1F: // SLO* (undocumented)
case 0x20: JSR( abs_addr() ); return 6; // JSR abs
case 0x21: AND( src_X_ind() ); return 6; // AND X,ind
// case 0x22: KIL
// case 0x22: HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
// case 0x23: RLA izx 8
case 0x24: BIT( src_zp() ); return 3; // BIT zpg
case 0x25: AND( src_zp() ); return 3; // AND zpg
@ -454,7 +454,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
// case 0x2F: RLA abs 6
case 0x30: BMI( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BMI rel
case 0x31: AND( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // AND ind,Y
// case 0x32: KIL
// case 0x32: HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
// case 0x33: RLA izy 8
// case 0x34: NOP zpx 4
case 0x35: AND( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // AND zpg,X
@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
// case 0x3F: RLA abx 7
case 0x40: RTI(); return 6; // RTI
case 0x41: EOR( src_X_ind() ); return 6; // EOR X,ind
// case 0x42: KIL
// case 0x42: HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
// case 0x43: SRE izx 8
// case 0x44: NOP zp 3
case 0x45: EOR( src_zp() ); return 3; // EOR zpg
@ -486,7 +486,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
// case 0x4F: SRE abs 6
case 0x50: BVC( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BVC rel
case 0x51: EOR( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // EOR ind,Y
// case 0x52: KIL
// case 0x52: HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
// case 0x53: SRE izy 8
// case 0x54: NOP zpx 4
case 0x55: EOR( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // AND zpg,X
@ -502,7 +502,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
// case 0x5F: SRE abx 7
case 0x60: RTS(); return 6; // RTS
case 0x61: ADC( src_X_ind() ); return 6; // ADC X,ind
// case 0x62: KIL
// case 0x62: HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
// case 0x63: RRA izx 8
// case 0x64: NOP zp 3
case 0x65: ADC( src_zp() ); return 3; // ADC zpg
@ -735,7 +735,7 @@ void m6502_Run() {
if ( m6502.IF ) {
switch (m6502.interrupt) {
case HLT:
case HALT:
// CPU is haletd, nothing to do here...
@ -81,7 +81,7 @@ m6502_t m6502 = {
0, // bra_true
0, // bra_false
0, // compile
HLT, // IF
@ -436,7 +436,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
// case 0x1F: // SLO* (undocumented)
case 0x20: JSR( abs_addr() ); return 6; // JSR abs
case 0x21: AND( src_X_ind() ); return 6; // AND X,ind
// case 0x22: KIL
// case 0x22: HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
// case 0x23: RLA izx 8
case 0x24: BIT( src_zp() ); return 3; // BIT zpg
case 0x25: AND( src_zp() ); return 3; // AND zpg
@ -452,7 +452,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
// case 0x2F: RLA abs 6
case 0x30: BMI( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BMI rel
case 0x31: AND( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // AND ind,Y
// case 0x32: KIL
// case 0x32: HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
// case 0x33: RLA izy 8
// case 0x34: NOP zpx 4
case 0x35: AND( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // AND zpg,X
@ -468,7 +468,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
// case 0x3F: RLA abx 7
case 0x40: RTI(); return 6; // RTI
case 0x41: EOR( src_X_ind() ); return 6; // EOR X,ind
// case 0x42: KIL
// case 0x42: HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
// case 0x43: SRE izx 8
// case 0x44: NOP zp 3
case 0x45: EOR( src_zp() ); return 3; // EOR zpg
@ -484,7 +484,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
// case 0x4F: SRE abs 6
case 0x50: BVC( rel_addr() ); return 3; // BVC rel
case 0x51: EOR( src_ind_Y() ); return 5; // EOR ind,Y
// case 0x52: KIL
// case 0x52: HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
// case 0x53: SRE izy 8
// case 0x54: NOP zpx 4
case 0x55: EOR( src_zp_X() ); return 4; // AND zpg,X
@ -500,7 +500,7 @@ INLINE int m6502_Step() {
// case 0x5F: SRE abx 7
case 0x60: RTS(); return 6; // RTS
case 0x61: ADC( src_X_ind() ); return 6; // ADC X,ind
// case 0x62: KIL
// case 0x62: HLT* - Halts / Hangs / Jams / Kills the CPU (undocumented)
// case 0x63: RRA izx 8
// case 0x64: NOP zp 3
case 0x65: ADC( src_zp() ); return 3; // ADC zpg
@ -733,7 +733,7 @@ void m6502_Run() {
if ( m6502.IF ) {
switch (m6502.interrupt) {
case HLT:
case HALT:
// CPU is haletd, nothing to do here...
@ -34,19 +34,11 @@ INLINE int BRK() {
KIL Kills the CPU - Well, it hangs it untill the next power cycle
HLT / JAM / KIL Halts (Hangs / Jams / Kills) the CPU - Well, it hangs it untill the next power cycle
INLINE int KIL() {
dbgPrintf("KIL ");
disPrintf(disassembly.inst, "KIL");
PUSH_addr(m6502.PC -1); // PC, however, fetch already incremented it by 1
// B flag should be set before pushing flags onto the stack
m6502.B = 1;
PUSH( getFlags().SR );
m6502.I = 1;
m6502.PC = memread16(IRQ_VECTOR);
return 7;
INLINE void HLT() {
disPrintf(disassembly.inst, "HLT");
m6502.interrupt = HALT;
Reference in New Issue
Block a user