2022-11-16 11:17:11 -08:00

595 lines
19 KiB

// PreferencesViewController.swift
// Steve ][
// Created by Tamas Rudnai on 6/4/20.
// Copyright © 2019, 2020 Tamas Rudnai. All rights reserved.
// This file is part of Steve ][ -- The Apple ][ Emulator.
// Steve ][ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// (at your option) any later version.
// Steve ][ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with Steve ][. If not, see <>.
import Cocoa
class DebuggerViewController: NSViewController {
static var shared : DebuggerViewController? = nil
@IBOutlet var CPU_Display: DisplayView!
@IBOutlet var Stack_Display: DisplayView!
@IBOutlet var Mem1_Display: DisplayView!
@IBOutlet var Disass_Scroll: DisplayScrollView!
@IBOutlet var Disass_Display: DisplayView!
@IBOutlet weak var MemoryAddressField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var DisassAddressField: NSTextField!
@IBOutlet weak var DisassAddressPC: NSButton!
required init?(coder: NSCoder) {
super.init(coder: coder)
DebuggerViewController.shared = self
override func viewDidLoad() {
self.preferredContentSize = NSMakeSize(self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height)
override func viewDidAppear() {
// // Update window title with the active TableView Title
// self.parent?.view.window?.title = self.title!
if let debugger = DebuggerWindowController.shared {
debugger.PauseButtonUpdate(needUpdateMainToolbar: false)
MemoryAddressField.formatter = HexDigitFormatter(maxLen: 4)
DisassAddressField.formatter = HexDigitFormatter(maxLen: 4)
override func scrollWheel(with event: NSEvent) {
super.scrollWheel(with: event)
let location = event.locationInWindow
if location.x > Disass_Scroll.frame.minX
&& location.x < Disass_Scroll.frame.maxX
&& location.y < Disass_Scroll.frame.minY
&& location.y < Disass_Scroll.frame.maxY
var scrollTo = Disass_Display.visibleRect.origin
let lineSpacing = CGFloat(1.5)
let lineHeight = Disass_Display.font!.pointSize * lineSpacing
// print("lineHeight:", lineHeight, "fontSize:", Stack_Display.font?.pointSize)
let y1 = round( (scrollTo.y + round(event.scrollingDeltaY) * lineHeight) / lineHeight) * lineHeight
// let y2 = round( scrollTo.y / lineHeight + event.scrollingDeltaY ) * lineHeight
scrollTo.y = y1
// if view.window?.firstResponder?.textView?.delegate === Stack_Display {
// print("scroll deltaY", event.deltaY, event.scrollingDeltaY)
// Stack_Display.scroll(Stack_Display.enclosingScrollView!.visibleRect, by: NSSize(width: 0, height: event.scrollingDeltaY) )
// }
func bin(n : UInt8, sp : String = "", mid : String = " ") -> String {
var str = ""
var n = n
for i in 1...8 {
if n & 0x80 == 0 {
str += "0"
else {
str += "1"
str += sp
if i == 4 {
str += mid
n <<= 1
return str
func DisplayRegisters() {
let registers = String(format:"""
A: %02X %3u %@
X: %02X %3u %@
Y: %02X %3u %@
SP: %02X
PC: %04X
N V - B D I Z C
%d %d %d %d %d %d %d %d
m6502.A, m6502.A, bin(n: m6502.A),
m6502.X, m6502.X, bin(n: m6502.X),
m6502.Y, m6502.Y, bin(n: m6502.Y),
m6502.N != 0, m6502.V != 0, m6502.res != 0, m6502.B != 0, m6502.D != 0, m6502.I != 0, m6502.Z != 0, m6502.C != 0
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.CPU_Display.string = registers
func DisplayStack() {
var stack = ""
for i : UInt16 in (0x100...0x1FF).reversed() {
stack += String(format:"%03X: %02X\n", i, getMEM(i))
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.Stack_Display.string = stack
func hexLine16(addr : UInt16) -> String {
var line = String(format: "%04X: ", addr)
for i : UInt16 in 0...15 {
line += String(format: "%02X ", getMEM(addr + i))
return line
let txtClear = [Character](repeating: " ", count: 16)
func textLine16(addr : UInt16) -> String {
var unicodeTextArray = NSArray(array: txtClear, copyItems: true) as! [Character]
// render the rest of the text screen
for i in 0 ... 15 {
let byte = getMEM(addr + UInt16(i))
let idx = Int(byte);
let chr = ViewController.charConvTbl[idx]
unicodeTextArray[i] = chr
return String(unicodeTextArray)
var mem_1_addr : UInt16 = 0x400
func DisplayMemory() {
var memory = ""
for i : UInt16 in stride(from: mem_1_addr, to: mem_1_addr + 0xFF, by: 16) {
memory += hexLine16(addr: i) + " " + textLine16(addr: i) + "\n"
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.Mem1_Display.string = memory
func ASCII_to_Apple2(line : String) -> String {
var converted = ""
for chr in line {
// make C character NORMAL Apple ][ character
let c = Int(chr.asciiValue!) & 0x3F | 0x80
// breakpoint marker
if c == 0xAA { // '*'
// converted.append("\u{E895}") // big dot (8x8)
// converted.append("\u{ED3C}") // big dot2 (8x8)
converted.append("\u{E095}") // right arrow
// converted.append("\u{E09B}") // diamond
// converted.append("\u{E080}") // closed apple
// converted.append("\u{E081}") // open apple
// converted.append("\u{E185}") // checkmark
// normal character
else {
return converted
func invertLine(line : String) -> String {
var converted = ""
for chr in line {
let c = Int(chr.asciiValue!) & 0x3F
return converted
let disass_addr_min : UInt16 = 320
let disass_addr_max : UInt16 = 512
var disass_addr : UInt16 = 0 /// Address disassembled in the window
var disass_addr_pc : UInt16 = 0 /// Address to disassemble
let disass_addr_pre : UInt16 = 20
let disass_addr_min_pre : UInt16 = 320 - 20
var line_number = 0
var scroll_line_number = 0
var highlighted_line_number = 0
var line_number_cursor = 0
let lines_to_disass = 300
func get_scroll_line(view: NSTextView) -> Int {
let scrollPos = view.visibleRect.origin.y
let lineSpacing = CGFloat(1.5)
let lineHeight = view.font!.pointSize * lineSpacing
return Int(scrollPos / lineHeight)
func scroll_to_old(view: DisplayView, line: Int) {
var scrollTo = view.visibleRect.origin
let lineSpacing = CGFloat(1.5)
let lineHeight = view.font!.pointSize * lineSpacing
scrollTo.y = CGFloat(line) * lineHeight
func getLine(inView view: NSTextView, forY: CGFloat) -> Int {
// var scrollTo = view.visibleRect.origin
let lineSpacing = CGFloat(1.5)
let lineHeight = view.font!.pointSize * lineSpacing
let line = round(forY) / lineHeight
return Int(line) + 1
func getLineRange(inView view: NSTextView, forLine: Int) -> NSRange? {
let layoutManager = view.layoutManager!
var numberOfLines = 1
let numberOfGlyphs = layoutManager.numberOfGlyphs
var lineRange = NSRange()
var indexOfGlyph = 0
while indexOfGlyph < numberOfGlyphs {
layoutManager.lineFragmentRect(forGlyphAt: indexOfGlyph, effectiveRange: &lineRange, withoutAdditionalLayout: false)
// check if we've found our line number
if numberOfLines == forLine {
return lineRange
indexOfGlyph = NSMaxRange(lineRange)
numberOfLines += 1
// could not find line number
return nil
let lineFromTopToMiddle = 15
func scroll_to(view: NSTextView, line: Int) {
if let lineRange = getLineRange(inView: view, forLine: line + lineFromTopToMiddle) {
let lineAttrAtSelected = [
NSAttributedString.Key.backgroundColor: NSColor.lightGray,
let lineAttrAtPC = [
NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor: NSColor.cyan,
func remove_highlight(view: NSTextView, line: Int) {
if line > 0 {
if let lineRange = getLineRange(inView: view, forLine: line) {
view.layoutManager?.removeTemporaryAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.backgroundColor, forCharacterRange: lineRange)
view.layoutManager?.removeTemporaryAttribute(NSAttributedString.Key.foregroundColor, forCharacterRange: lineRange)
func highlight(view: NSTextView, line: Int, attr: [NSAttributedString.Key : Any]) {
if line > 0 {
// remove old highlighted line
remove_highlight(view: view, line: line)
if let lineRange = getLineRange(inView: view, forLine: line) {
// view.selectedRange = lineRange
// view.scrollRangeToVisible(lineRange)
// remove_highlight(view: view, line: line_number_cursor)
// line_number_cursor = 0
view.layoutManager?.addTemporaryAttributes(attr, forCharacterRange: lineRange)
func isMouseInView(view: NSView) -> Bool {
if let window = view.window {
return view.isMousePoint(window.mouseLocationOutsideOfEventStream, in: view.frame)
return false
let textViewMouseYOffset = CGFloat(-4.0)
func convertMouseCoordinates(scrollView : NSView, display : NSTextView, mouseLocation : NSPoint) -> NSPoint {
var location = mouseLocation
let parent_frame = scrollView.superview?.frame
// let minX = parent_frame!.minX + scrollView.frame.minX
let minY = parent_frame!.minY + scrollView.frame.minY
// let maxX = minX + scrollView.frame.width
let maxY = minY + scrollView.frame.height
// location.x = maxX - location.x
location.y = maxY - location.y + display.visibleRect.origin.y + textViewMouseYOffset
return location
/// Highlight the entire line at the mouse location
/// - Parameters:
/// - scrollView: ScrollView of the scrollable TextView
/// - display: The TextView itself
/// - mouseLocation: Mouse location locally inside the ScrollView
func highlightCursor(scrollView : NSScrollView, mouseLocation : NSPoint) {
let display = scrollView.documentView as! NSTextView
let location = mouseLocation
let parent_frame = scrollView.superview?.frame
// covering rectangle of the entire document
let minX = parent_frame!.minX + scrollView.frame.minX
let minY = parent_frame!.minY + scrollView.frame.minY
let maxX = minX + display.visibleRect.origin.x + scrollView.frame.width
let maxY = minY + display.visibleRect.origin.y + scrollView.frame.height
if location.x > minX && location.x < maxX
&& location.y > minY && location.y < maxY
let line = getLine(inView: display, forY: location.y)
highlight(view: display, line: highlighted_line_number, attr: lineAttrAtPC)
remove_highlight(view: display, line: line_number_cursor)
highlight(view: display, line: line, attr: lineAttrAtSelected)
line_number_cursor = line
// select disassembly line
override func mouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
let location = convertMouseCoordinates(scrollView: Disass_Scroll, display: Disass_Display, mouseLocation: event.locationInWindow)
if location.x < 30 {
let line = getLine(inView: Disass_Display, forY: location.y)
let addr = getAddr(forLine: line)
if m6502_dbg_bp_is_exists(addr) {
else {
// force regenerate disassembly
disass_addr = 0xFFFF
DisplayDisassembly(scrollY: Disass_Display.visibleRect.origin.y)
else {
highlightCursor(scrollView: Disass_Scroll, mouseLocation: location)
// context menu
override func rightMouseDown(with event: NSEvent) {
let location = event.locationInWindow
highlightCursor(scrollView: Disass_Scroll, mouseLocation: location)
var addr_line = [UInt16 : Int]()
func getLine(forAddr: UInt16) -> Int {
return addr_line[forAddr] ?? 0
func getAddr(forLine: Int) -> UInt16 {
return addr_line.first(where: { $1 == forLine })?.key ?? 0
func DisplayDisassembly( scrollY : CGFloat = -1 ) {
var disass = ""
line_number = 0
let highlighted = self.highlighted_line_number
DispatchQueue.main.async {
self.remove_highlight(view: self.Disass_Display, line: highlighted)
// TODO: Also check if memory area updated!
// DispatchQueue.main.sync {
let addrpc = DisassAddressPC == nil || DisassAddressPC.state == .on
if addrpc {
disass_addr_pc = m6502.PC
// }
var need_disass = disass_addr_pc <= disass_addr || UInt(disass_addr_pc) > UInt(disass_addr) + UInt(disass_addr_max)
scroll_line_number = getLine(forAddr: disass_addr_pc)
highlighted_line_number = getLine(forAddr: m6502.PC)
// if disass_addr_pc > disass_addr && disass_addr_pc < disass_addr + disass_addr_max {
if scroll_line_number == 0 || need_disass {
let m6502_saved = m6502
if !addrpc {
m6502.PC = disass_addr_pc
need_disass = true
disass_addr = m6502.PC
if m6502.PC >= disass_addr_min_pre {
m6502.PC -= disass_addr_min_pre
// try to sync disassembly code
let addr_min = disass_addr >= disass_addr_min ? disass_addr - disass_addr_min : disass_addr
while m6502.PC < addr_min {
// hopefully instruction address is in sync
disass_addr = m6502.PC
// normal disassembly
for _ in 1...lines_to_disass {
// check if this is the current line before disassembling it (that will change PC...)
line_number += 1
addr_line.updateValue(line_number, forKey: m6502.PC)
let isCurrentLine = m6502.PC == m6502_saved.PC
let line = ASCII_to_Apple2( line: String(cString: disassemblyLine( isCurrentLine )!) )
if isCurrentLine {
// line = invertLine(line: line)
highlighted_line_number = line_number
if m6502.PC == disass_addr_pc {
scroll_line_number = line_number
disass += line + "\n"
m6502 = m6502_saved
DispatchQueue.main.async {
// let isEmpty = self.Disass_Display.string.isEmpty
if need_disass {
self.Disass_Display.string = disass
let currentScrollLine = self.get_scroll_line(view: self.Disass_Display) + 1
if self.highlighted_line_number <= currentScrollLine || self.highlighted_line_number > currentScrollLine + 35 {
if scrollY < 0 {
self.scroll_to(view: self.Disass_Display, line: self.scroll_line_number - 5)
// at the beginning it takes a while to fill up the buffer -- maybe allocation issue?
// if currentScrollLine == 1 {
// // so we need to scroll a bit later when the string is already populated
// // DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {
// self.scroll_to(view: self.Disass_Display, line: self.line_number_at_PC - 5)
// // }
// }
else {
// caller wants a specific scroll location...
self.Disass_Display.scroll(NSPoint(x: 0, y: scrollY))
self.highlight(view: self.Disass_Display, line: self.highlighted_line_number, attr: self.lineAttrAtPC)
// DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 0.5) {
// your code here
// }
func UpdateImmediately() {
let UpdateSemaphore = DispatchSemaphore(value: 1)
func Update() { {
if self.UpdateSemaphore.wait(timeout: .now()) == .success {
@IBAction func MemoryAddressEntered(_ sender: NSTextFieldCell) {
NSLog("MemoryAddressEntered %@", sender.stringValue)
mem_1_addr = UInt16(sender.stringValue.hexValue())
@IBAction func DisassAddressEntered(_ sender: NSTextFieldCell) {
NSLog("DisassAddressEntered %@", sender.stringValue)
// sender.stringValue = "4321" // MemoryAddressField.stringValue
DisassAddressPC.state = .off
disass_addr_pc = UInt16(sender.stringValue.hexValue())