package apple2; /* * This class interfaces to the ethernet device. */ public class Ethernet extends { static private int ethSlot, ethOutputBuff, ethInputBuff, ethRecvPacket, ethSendPacket, ethHeaderLen, ethPacketDone, ethCtrl, ethWrite, ethRead; static private byte[] MAC = {(byte)0x00,(byte)0x0a,(byte)0x99,(byte)0x1e,(byte)0x02,(byte)0x00}; static final int MIN_DATA_SIZE = 46; static final int MAX_DATA_SIZE = 1500; private static void copyBytes(byte[] src, int srcOfst, byte[] dst, int dstOfst, int count) { while (count-- != 0) dst[dstOfst++] = src[srcOfst++]; } public static boolean enable() { // // Search for ethernet card. // for (int slot = 1; slot < 8; slot++) { // // ID device // if ((( << 19), 0x90 + (slot << 1))) & 0x010000FF) == 0xE1) // CARRY clear == valid device IOCTL, 0xE1 == ethernet card ID { ethCtrl = 0x90 + (slot << 1); ethWrite = 0x80 + (slot << 1); ethRead = 0x70 + (slot << 1); ethSlot = slot << 16; ethInputBuff = ethSlot | ( 7 << 19); ethOutputBuff = ethSlot | ( 9 << 19); ethRecvPacket = ethSlot | (16 << 19); ethSendPacket = ethSlot | (17 << 19); ethPacketDone = ethSlot | (18 << 19); ethHeaderLen = ethSlot | 14; for (int oct = 0; oct < 3; oct++) | ((19 + oct) << 19) | ( MAC[oct*2] & 0x00FF) | ((MAC[oct*2 + 1] << 8) & 0xFF00), ethCtrl); // set MAC address if (( | (3 << 19), ethCtrl) & 0x01000000) == 0) // open port return true; } } return false; } public static void disable() { | 4, ethCtrl); // close port } public static byte[] localAddr() { return MAC; } public static byte[] broadcastAddr() { byte[] addr = new byte[6]; addr[0] = (byte)0xFF; addr[1] = (byte)0xFF; addr[2] = (byte)0xFF; addr[3] = (byte)0xFF; addr[4] = (byte)0xFF; addr[5] = (byte)0xFF; return addr; } public static byte[] newAddr() { return new byte[6]; } public static boolean isEqualAddr(byte[] addr1, byte[] addr2) { return ((addr1[5] == addr2[5]) && (addr1[4] == addr2[4]) && (addr1[3] == addr2[3]) && (addr1[2] == addr2[2]) && (addr1[1] == addr2[1]) && (addr1[0] == addr2[0])); } public static void copyAddr(byte[] src, byte[] dst) { copyBytes(src, 0, dst, 0, 6); } public static byte[] newHeader() { return new byte[14]; } public static void setHeaderSrcAddr(byte[] header, byte[] addr) { copyBytes(addr, 0, header, 6, 6); } public static void setHeaderDstAddr(byte[] header, byte[] addr) { copyBytes(addr, 0, header, 0, 6); } public static void copyHeaderSrcAddr(byte[] header, byte[] addr) { copyBytes(header, 6, addr, 0, 6); } public static void copyHeaderDstAddr(byte[] header, byte[] addr) { copyBytes(header, 0, addr, 0, 6); } public static byte[] getHeaderSrcAddr(byte[] header) { byte[] addr = new byte[6]; copyBytes(header, 6, addr, 0, 6); return addr; } public static byte[] getHeaderDstAddr(byte[] header) { byte[] addr = new byte[6]; copyBytes(header, 0, addr, 0, 6); return addr; } public static int getHeaderType(byte[] header) { if (header == null || header.length < 14) { System.out.println("Bad header in getHeaderType!"); return 0; } return ((header[12] << 8) & 0xFF00) | (header[13] & 0x00FF); } public static void setHeaderType(byte[] header, int type) { header[12] = (byte)(type >> 8); header[13] = (byte)type; } public static boolean sendHeader(byte[] header, int dataSize) { boolean success; int hmem = vm02.refAsBits((Object)header) & 0xFFFF; | (, 0x0E) & 0xFFFF) + 2, ethCtrl); // HMEM_LOCK header IOCTL_OUTBUFF success = ( | dataSize + 14, ethCtrl) & 0x01000000) == 0; if (success) // prepare to write packet of length len, ethWrite); // write 14 byte ethernet header, 0x10); // HMEM_UNLOCK header return success; } public static boolean sendHeader(byte[] dst, int type, int dataSize) { byte[] header = new byte[14]; copyBytes(dst, 0, header, 0, 6); copyBytes(MAC, 0, header, 6, 6); header[12] = (byte)(type >> 8); header[13] = (byte)type; return sendHeader(header, dataSize); } public static void sendData(byte[] data, int offset, int size) { int hmem = vm02.refAsBits((Object)data) & 0xFFFF; | (, 0x0E) & 0xFFFF) + 2 + offset, ethCtrl); // HMEM_LOCK data IOCTL_OUTBUFF | size, ethWrite); // write data, 0x10); // HMEM_UNLOCK data } public static void sendData(byte[] data) { int hmem = vm02.refAsBits((Object)data) & 0xFFFF; | (, 0x0E) & 0xFFFF) + 2, ethCtrl); // HMEM_LOCK data IOCTL_OUTBUFF | data.length, ethWrite); // write data, 0x10); // HMEM_UNLOCK data } public static int recvHeader(byte[] header) { int len; if (header == null || header.length < 14) { System.out.println("Bad header in recvHeader!"); return 0; } int hmem = vm02.refAsBits((Object)header) & 0xFFFF; | (, 0x0E) & 0xFFFF) + 2, ethCtrl); // HMEM_LOCK header IOCTL_INBUFF if ((len =, ethCtrl) & 0xFFFF) >= 14) // ETHRCTRL_RECVPKT {, ethRead); // read 14 byte ethernet header, 0x10); // HMEM_UNLOCK header return len - 14; }, 0x10); // HMEM_UNLOCK header return 0; } public static void recvData(byte[] data, int offset, int size) { int hmem = vm02.refAsBits((Object)data) & 0xFFFF; | (, 0x0E) & 0xFFFF) + 2 + offset, ethCtrl); // HMEM_LOCK data IOCTL_OUTBUFF | size, ethRead); // write data, 0x10); // HMEM_UNLOCK data } public static void recvData(byte[] data) { int hmem = vm02.refAsBits((Object)data) & 0xFFFF; | (, 0x0E) & 0xFFFF) + 2, ethCtrl); // HMEM_LOCK data IOCTL_OUTBUFF | data.length, ethRead); // write data, 0x10); // HMEM_UNLOCK data } public static void xferComplete() {, ethCtrl); // ETHRCRL_DONEPKT } }