Sean Fausett 8382195feb Initial sound emulation for WPF and XNA+Windows platforms via COM interop to DirectSound.
Added rudimentary UI to Silverlight and WPF platforms to enable disk selection at runtime.

extra : convert_revision : svn%3Affd33b8c-2492-42e0-bdc5-587b920b7d6d/trunk%4024459
2009-07-26 23:22:00 +00:00

110 lines
3.1 KiB

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis;
using System.Globalization;
namespace Jellyfish.Virtu
public sealed class MachineEvent
public MachineEvent(int delta, Action action)
Delta = delta;
Action = action;
public override string ToString()
return string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Delta = {0} Action = {{{1}.{2}}}", Delta, Action.Method.DeclaringType.Name, Action.Method.Name);
public int Delta { get; set; }
public Action Action { get; set; }
public sealed class MachineEvents
public void AddEvent(int delta, Action action)
LinkedListNode<MachineEvent> node = _used.First;
for (; node != null; node = node.Next)
if (delta < node.Value.Delta)
node.Value.Delta -= delta;
if (node.Value.Delta > 0)
delta -= node.Value.Delta;
LinkedListNode<MachineEvent> newNode = _free.First;
if (newNode != null)
newNode.Value.Delta = delta;
newNode.Value.Action = action;
newNode = new LinkedListNode<MachineEvent>(new MachineEvent(delta, action));
if (node != null)
_used.AddBefore(node, newNode);
public int FindEvent(Action action)
int delta = 0;
for (LinkedListNode<MachineEvent> node = _used.First; node != null; node = node.Next)
delta += node.Value.Delta;
if (object.ReferenceEquals(node.Value.Action, action)) // assumes delegate cached
return delta;
return 0;
[SuppressMessage("Microsoft.Design", "CA1030:UseEventsWhereAppropriate")]
public void RaiseEvents(int delta)
LinkedListNode<MachineEvent> node = _used.First;
node.Value.Delta -= delta;
while (node.Value.Delta <= 0)
node = _used.First;
private void RemoveEvent(LinkedListNode<MachineEvent> node)
if (node.Next != null)
node.Next.Value.Delta += node.Value.Delta;
_free.AddFirst(node); // cache node; avoids garbage
private LinkedList<MachineEvent> _used = new LinkedList<MachineEvent>();
private LinkedList<MachineEvent> _free = new LinkedList<MachineEvent>();