Remove Apple 2 Pi dead code, won't be reusing it

This commit is contained in:
T. Joseph Carter 2018-04-22 18:19:03 -07:00
parent a3d67123cc
commit 2b9cd2c95d

View File

@ -114,7 +114,7 @@ while [[ $1 ]]; do
echo "-b: build A2CLOUD disks, rather than downloading premade images"
echo "-c: compile non-package items, rather than downloading binaries"
if [[ $isRpi ]]; then
echo "-os: update Raspbian OS, A2CLOUD, A2SERVER, and Apple II Pi"
echo "-os: update Raspbian OS, A2CLOUD, and A2SERVER"
[[ $0 == "-bash" ]] && return 1 || exit 1
@ -313,12 +313,6 @@ for _confscript in $a2cConfScripts; do
sudo install -m 755 "$a2cToolDir/$_confscript" "/usr/local/etc/$_confscript"
# DISABLED: This is part of Apple II Pi, do we want to do this at all here?
# Remove after Apple II Pi is restored as its own project
#if [[ $isRpi ]]; then
# sudo sed -i 's/^gsport.*$/gsport : GSport Apple IIgs emulator (or log in with user "apple2user")/' /usr/local/etc/a2cloud-help.txt
### A2CLOUD: Install aliases and make bash use them by default
echo "A2CLOUD: Setting up login script..."
sudo sed -i "s/a2cloud-aliases/a2cloudrc/" /etc/bash.bashrc
@ -1566,117 +1560,3 @@ fi
### A2CLOUD: If restarting, restart
[[ $doRestart ]] && sudo shutdown -r now
# FIXME: Redo this as its own top-level project later
# pending updated Apple II Pi release
#while [[ $1 ]]; do
# if [[ $1 == "-p" ]]; then
# shift
# noA2PiExtras=1
# elif [[ $1 ]]; then
# echo "options:"
# if [[ $isRpi ]]; then
# echo "-p: don't install Apple II Pi extras"
# fi
# [[ $0 == "-bash" ]] && return 1 || exit 1
# fi
#if [[ $isRpi ]]; then
# echo
# echo -n "Install Apple II Pi? "
# read
# [[ ${REPLY:0:1} == "Y" || ${REPLY:0:1} == "y" ]] && installA2Pi=1
#if [[ $installA2Pi ]]; then
# if dpkg-query -l a2pi &> /dev/null; then
# echo "A2CLOUD: Installing Apple II Pi..."
# cd /tmp/a2cloud-install
# if ! grep '' /etc/apt/sources.list; then
# echo "deb wheezy contrib" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list > /dev/null
# sudo apt-get -y update > /dev/null
# fi
# sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install a2pi
# sudo apt-get -y clean
# else
# echo "A2CLOUD: Apple II Pi is already installed."
# fi
# if [[ ! $noA2PiExtras ]]; then
# if [[ ! $(dpkg -l | grep libpcap0.8-dev) ]]; then
# sudo apt-get -y install libpcap0.8-dev
# sudo apt-get -y clean
# fi
# if ! command -v gsport > /dev/null; then
# # echo "A2CLOUD: Updating package repositories to include Apple II Pi..."
# # sudo apt-get -y update > /dev/null
# echo "A2CLOUD: Installing Apple II Pi extras (GSport)..."
# sudo apt-get -y --force-yes install apple2user
# sudo apt-get -y clean
# else
# echo "A2CLOUD: Apple II Pi extras (GSport) are already installed."
# fi
# fi
# sudo sed -i 's/( $SSH_CLIENT || $REMOTEHOST )/( $(tty | grep ttyUSB) || $(tty | grep ttyAMA) || $SSH_CLIENT || $REMOTEHOST )/' /usr/bin/gsport
# if [[ $slot6 ]]; then
# echo "A2CLOUD: Putting blank disks in GSport slot 6..."
# sudo sed -i 's@^s6d1.*$@s6d1 = /usr/share/gsport/disks/slot6drive1.po@' /usr/share/gsport/config.txt
# sudo sed -i 's@^s6d2.*$@s6d2 = /usr/share/gsport/disks/slot6drive2.po@' /usr/share/gsport/config.txt
# sudo sed -i 's@^s6d1.*$@s6d1 = /usr/share/gsport/disks/slot6drive1.po@' /home/apple2/config.txt
# sudo sed -i 's@^s6d2.*$@s6d2 = /usr/share/gsport/disks/slot6drive2.po@' /home/apple2/config.txt
# if [[ ! -f /usr/share/gsport/disks/slot6drive1.po || ! -f /usr/share/gsport/disks/slot6drive2.po ]]; then
# wget -qO- "${binaryURL}slot6-gsport-rpi.tgz" | sudo tar Pzx 2> /dev/null
# fi
# fi
# # set AppleTalk to turbo
# if ! grep -q 'g_appletalk_turbo' /usr/share/gsport/config.txt; then
# if grep -q 'bram1[00]' /usr/share/gsport/config.txt; then
# sudo sed -i 's/^\(bram1\[00\]\)/g_appletalk_turbo = 1\n\n\1/' /usr/share/gsport/config.txt
# else
# echo -e '\ng_appletalk_turbo = 1' | sudo tee -a /usr/share/gsport/config.txt > /dev/null
# fi
# fi
# sudo sed -i 's/^g_appletalk_turbo = 0/g_appletalk_turbo = 1/' /usr/share/gsport/config.txt
# # enable Uthernet
# if ! grep -q 'g_ethernet[^_]' /usr/share/gsport/config.txt; then
# if grep -q 'bram1[00]' /usr/share/gsport/config.txt; then
# sudo sed -i 's/^\(bram1\[00\]\)/g_ethernet = 1\n\n\1/' /usr/share/gsport/config.txt
# else
# echo -e '\ng_ethernet = 1' | sudo tee -a /usr/share/gsport/config.txt > /dev/null
# fi
# fi
# sudo sed -i 's/^g_ethernet = 0/g_ethernet = 1/' /usr/share/gsport/config.txt
# This was part of building the A2CLOUD disk image
# # A2PI
# if [[ ! $(acmd -ls "$a2CloudDisk" | grep '^ A2PI BIN') ]]; then
# echo "A2CLOUD: Downloading and copying A2PI client..."
# mkdir -p /tmp/a2cloud-install/a2pi
# cd /tmp/a2cloud-install/a2pi
# wget -qO a2pi.deb
# # dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile a2pi.deb | tar --strip-components=4 --wildcards -O -x ./usr/share/a2pi/A2PI*.PO >A2PI.PO
# dpkg-deb --fsys-tarfile a2pi.deb | tar --strip-components=4 --wildcards -x ./usr/share/a2pi/A2PI*.PO
# a2piImage=$(ls -1r A2PI*.PO | head -1)
# mkdir a2pidisk
# cppo -e "$a2piImage" a2pidisk &> /dev/null
# mv a2pidisk/A2PI* a2pidisk/A2PI
# cd a2pidisk/A2PI
# cd ..
# nulib2 -a -r -e ../a2pi.shk A2PI &> /dev/null
# cd ..
# shk2image a2pi.shk $a2CloudDisk &> /dev/null
# shk2image a2pi.shk $a2CloudDisk140 &> /dev/null
# cd /tmp/a2cloud-install
# rm -rf a2pi
# else
# echo "A2CLOUD: A2PI client is already on the target disk image."
# fi