Clean up gsport-setup a little

We don't do unar picopkgs anymore.  We probably shouldn't even compile
it actually.  The reason why we do is because I don't want to give up on
the idea that a2cloud may run on macOS at some point—but I'm as likely
to just depend on Homebrew for that on the Mac.

Why Homebrew?  Well, I don't like its installation still (same reason I
don't like ours.  Running a command off a website is unwise.  And of
course people do stuff like that all the time, but Homebrew encourages
it and shouldn't!  So again, why Homebrew?

With fink, you build everything from source, but you inherit the Debian
library dependency hell nonetheless. MacPorts solves the dependency hell
and is very robust, but it's also pretty (subjectively) unfriendly to
new users who don't grok UNIX or even know where to find the M to RTFM.

So we come to brew.  It's pretty lightweight, it feels modern.  It's
distributed so that you need not be part of the in-crowd to work with
it, and its Cellar approach provides makes maintenance easy.  When I
first looked at it, it'd been around for years but it had never really
caught on.  Lots of things were not there or just really outdated and
unloved.  I'm glad to say that's changed and the project feels more
mature now.
This commit is contained in:
T. Joseph Carter 2018-05-10 07:28:38 -07:00
parent 6602f8491c
commit 3e961cd4b5

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@ -3,6 +3,39 @@
# to do: replace Spectrum Deluxe (2.5.3) with Spectrum Gold (2.5.4)
# from system_ident
if [[ -z $ras2_os || -z $ras2_arch ]]; then
if hash lsb_release 2>/dev/null; then
if [[ -f /usr/bin/raspi-config ]]; then
ras2_os="rpi-$(lsb_release -cs)"
case "$(lsb_release -is)" in
ras2_os="debian-$(lsb_release -cs)"
printf "\nUnknown OS with lsb_release\n"
lsb_release -a
uname_s="$(uname -s)"
case "$uname_s" in
printf "\nUnknown OS with uname -s\n$uname_s\n"
ras2_arch="$(uname -m)"
export ras2_os ras2_arch
readcharHex () {
# read one character from file & convert to corresponding hex value
# arg1: filename
@ -250,14 +283,6 @@ if ! hash unar 2> /dev/null; then
sudo apt-get clean
if ! hash unar 2> /dev/null; then
if [[ $downloadBinaries && "$(apt-cache search '^libgnustep-base1.22$')" ]]; then
# Dependencies: for unar
sudo apt-get -y install libgnustep-base1.22
sudo apt-get clean
wget -qO- "${a2cBinaryURL}/picopkg/unar-${arch}_${debianName}.tgz" | sudo tar Pzx &> /dev/null
# If all else fails, compile from source.
if ! hash unar 2> /dev/null; then
@ -303,7 +328,10 @@ if ! hash nulib2 2> /dev/null; then
cd $tempDir
if [[ $downloadBinaries ]]; then
### ArchiveTools: Install nulib2 binaries
wget -qO- "${a2cBinaryURL}/picopkg/nulib2-${arch}_${debianName}.tgz" | sudo tar Pzx
wget -q "${a2cBinaryURL}/picopkg/nulib2-${ras2_os}_${ras2_arch}.tgz"
if [[ -f "nulib2-${ras2_os}_${ras2_arch}.tgz" ]]; then
sudo tar Pzxf "nulib2-${ras2_os}_${ras2_arch}.tgz"
if ! hash nulib2 2> /dev/null; then