Welcome to A2CLOUD!
Instructions and help: http://appleii.ivanx.com

Type 'a2cloud-help' for a list of A2CLOUD commands.
Type 'system-shutdown' to turn off your Raspberry Pi.

Type 'raspi-config' to configure your Raspberry Pi.
Type 'startx' to start the Raspbian desktop.

Type 'lynx' or 'links' to browse the web and 'cftp' to log into FTP sites.
Type 'a2chat' or 'a2news' to talk about Apple II stuff with others.
Type 'ttytter' to tweet. Type 'term color' for a color terminal on a IIgs.

Type 'gsport' or 'kegs' to use the GSport or KEGS Apple IIgs emulators.
Type 'linapple' to use the LinApple Apple IIe emulator.