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synced 2025-03-10 15:30:08 +00:00
As noted, Ivan has agreed to allow these scripts to be relicensed under CC0. We have one file under LGPL (a unit file we lifted wholesake from systemd) and the ADTPro wrapper which I'm pretty sure Ivan wrote, but if he didn't we need to fix its license to be the same as ADTPro. Either way, to the best of my knowledge, this resolves the question of how things are licensed explicitly. (Closes #21)
84 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File
84 lines
2.6 KiB
Executable File
#! /bin/bash
# vim: set tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 noexpandtab filetype=sh:
# a2cloud-alieases - User-installed command aliases for bash
# To the extent possible under law, T. Joseph Carter and Ivan Drucker have
# waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to the a2cloud
# scripts themselves. Software used or installed by these scripts is subject
# to other licenses. This work is published from the United States.
alias a2cloud-setup='wget -qO /tmp/a2cloud-setup ivanx.com/a2cloud/setup/; source /tmp/a2cloud-setup'
alias a2cloud-help='(IFS=""; while read thisLine; do [[ ${#thisLine} -eq 0 ]] && echo || echo "$(tput bold)${thisLine%% *}$(tput sgr0) ${thisLine#* }"; done < /usr/local/etc/a2cloud-help.txt | more)'
alias a2cloud-version='cat /usr/local/etc/A2CLOUD-version'
alias a2cloud-update='a2cloud-setup'
alias system-shutdown='sudo shutdown -h now'
alias system-restart='sudo shutdown -r now'
alias welcome-message-edit='sudo nano /etc/motd'
alias showip='ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet\ addr" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d" " -f1'
alias showmac='ifconfig eth0 | grep "HWaddr" | cut -dH -f2 | cut -c7-23'
alias showip-wifi='ifconfig wlan0 | grep "inet\ addr" | cut -d: -f2 | cut -d" " -f1'
alias showmac-wifi='ifconfig wlan0 | grep "HWaddr" | cut -dH -f2 | cut -c7-23'
alias ifreset='sudo rm /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules; echo Interfaces removed. You should system-restart now.'
alias adtpro-stop='sudo pkill -f [A]DTPro'
alias adtpro-restart='sudo pkill -f [A]DTPro; while [[ $(ps aux | grep [A]DTPro) ]]; do sleep 1; done; adtpro-start'
alias term='source term'
alias vsd1='source /usr/local/bin/vsd -d1'
alias vsd2='source /usr/local/bin/vsd -d2'
forfloppy () { [[ $1 ]] && { mv "$1" /usr/local/adtpro/disks && echo "moved $1 to /usr/local/adtpro/disks" || echo "Unsuccessful. $1 was not moved."; } || echo "Usage: forfloppy imageFileName"; }
alias vsdsync='adtpro-restart'
alias nulib=nulib2
alias a2cat='acmd -l'
VSD1=$(readlink /usr/local/adtpro/disks/Virtual.po)
VSD2=$(readlink /usr/local/adtpro/disks/Virtual2.po)
ADTDISKS=/usr/local/adtpro/disks; A2DISKS=/usr/local/adtpro/disks
oysttyer () { ( ansi=; seven=; [[ $(grep ttyUSB <<< $myTTY) || $(grep ttyAMA <<< $myTTY) ]] && { seven="-seven"; [[ $TERM=="ansi" || $TERM=="pcansi" ]] && ansi="-ansi"; }; [[ -f /usr/bin/oysttyer ]] && /usr/bin/oysttyer -ssl $seven $ansi $@ || /usr/local/bin/oysttyer -ssl $seven $ansi $@ ); }
alias raspple-update='rasppleii-update'
alias rasappleii-update='rasppleii-update'
alias rasapple-update='rasppleii-update'