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a2cloud (1.9.1) UNRELEASED; urgency=medium
[ Joseph Carter ]
* [78d247a] *.txt: Trailing whitespace removal
* [1824c4a] Re-indent scripts (tabs)
-- T. Joseph Carter <tjcarter@rem> Tue, 25 Oct 2016 10:40:29 -0700
a2cloud (1.9.0) stable; urgency=low
[ Ivan Drucker ]
* [40b55a5] fix motd, and icon creation error messages in setup
* [83a40d7] make "baud" command compatible with systemd
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Sat, 23 Jul 2016 06:59:22 -0500
a2cloud (1.8.3) oldstable; urgency=low
* First release from GitHub version
[ Ivan Drucker ]
* fix bug where language isn't properly selected for A2 login
* download from Apple first, then Internet Archive as fallback
[ Joseph Carter ]
* Archived Ivan Drucker's A2CLOUD site in source tree
* As this package will be native package, convert its changelog to Debian
style. Developers may want to install the devscripts package and have a
look at the manpage for dch(1). Mac developers, if you use TextExpander,
I can share a snippet for RFC-2822 compliant dates.
* Make adtpro.sh delay only happen when running interactively.
* Begin using $PATH to find things so we can replace local binaries with
packages later on.
* Use unar package if it's available.
* Use download.apple.com for Apple // files when possible, with archive.org
as a fallback.
* setup.txt is now 7-bit clean (the only reason it wasn't is the extended
changelog at the bottom)
* download from Internet Archive
-- Joseph Carter <tjcarter@spiritsubstance.com> Tue, 19 Jan 2016 05:08:01 -0800
a2cloud (1.8.1) stable; urgency=low
* ADTPro 2.0.1
* Apple II Pi client 1.5
* set JAVA_HOME correctly for Java 8 (Pi, webupd8, Ubuntu for Pi 2B)
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Tue, 05 May 2015 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.8.0) stable; urgency=low
* compatible with every Raspberry Pi, including Raspberry Pi 2 Model B
* GSport installed for non-Raspberry Pi computers, with option for
new GS/OS+Spectrum installation, or GSport Internet Starter Kit premade
* add Links web browser
* desktop shortcuts and Apple II menu group for emulators and ADTPro
* adds LXTerminal to desktop for non-A2Pi version
* new "a2cloud-update os" command will perform full Raspple II update,
including Raspbian OS and NOOBS install manager, A2CLOUD, A2SERVER, and
Apple II Pi
* ProDOS instruction screen on GSOS install
* provide via downloaded program that is dd notrunc'd over PRODOS (instead
of writeCharsHex)
* figure out why lines in autostart are supposed to start with @ (daemon;
restarts command on crash)
* install AppleCommander- (so Spectrum installer will work)
* fix mouse in VirtualBox framebuffer, requires uninstalling (or temporarily
disabling, if possible) VirtualBox guest additions
* offer to uninstall vboxguestmodule if gsport is in run console
* rename slot6drive1 and 2 to not contain "-blank" in slot6.tgz and gsport
and kegs (x86) archives
* fix webupd8team getting added twice to sources.list
* command "a2cloud-update rasppleii" to update raspple ii
* prevent samba update causing dialog to come up
* create rasppleii-update
* make rasppleii-update universal even for non-Raspple II installs -- it's
just raspbian-update + a2cloud-update + a2server-update
* download gsport and kegs icons
* no longer opens terminal window (since icons exist)
* create aliases for raspbian-update and rasppleii-update
* update A2CLOUD help file and aliases for GSport
* create raspbian-update
* update a2cloud-help
* update motd (vm, raspple ii/a2cloud-pi) for gsport
* see if shortcuts work in Raspple II 110
* check for /etc/xdg/lxsession/LXDE-pi; if so:
* create ~/.config/menus/lxde-pi-applications.menu, with reference to
* no xrandr VBOX0 on the Pi; remove it if present (a2cloud 1.7.x may have
put it there)
* user groups for pi user not only apple2
* gsport-setup and kegs post install text to say ctrl-F12 for reboot
* add "links" to motd and help
* added 'disablesafemode' to NOOBS recovery.cmdline (also in
raspbian-update) to make it work on (at least) my A+
* option for GISK rather than clean setup for GSport on x86
* provide actual command for clean GSOS + Spectrum install, which is what
gsport runs if no HD available
* provide command for clean GSOS install for KEGS
* add Dave's preflight/postflight stuff (groups, ownership permissions) for
* install libpcap0.8-dev as part of Apple II Pi, GSport install, and GSport
* make kegs-setup
* make kegs splash text
* doesn't add VirtualBox 800x600 if installing on Pi
* stop xrandr from being added multiple times to autostart in VirtualBox
* only install vbox 800x600 if running in VirtualBox
* disable screen blanking in vbox console
* disable screensaver/blanking in vbox LXDE
* don't create LXTerminal desktop shortcut if RPi
* -6 arg provides empty ProDOS disks in S6D1 and S6D2 to GSport/KEGS to
speed things up
* can test if password is "raspberry" or "apple2" and advise accordingly
* enable Uthernet by default in gsport-setup
* enable AppleTalk Turbo by default in gsport-setup
* make kegs run as root
* consolidate gsport-setup and kegs-setup
* gsport-setup is gsport, gsport-setup -k is kegs
* clean up KEGS/GSport installer sections to be consistent
* create kegs-setup placeholders that call gsport-setup -k
* gsport-setup only offer system disks/GSport if java/acmd are available
* suppress policykit error that appears after upgrade (see
http://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=98617 for details)
* see if uninstalling vbox additions is really necessary (nope)
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Tue, 17 Mar 2015 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.7.2) stable; urgency=low
* supports Raspberry Pi Model A and A+ (and Pi 2 Model B)
* manually triggers udev rules during startup if ttyusbhandler script didn't
execute (resolves issues with Raspbian 2015-01-31/kernel 3.18)
* doesn't provide Java space warning if java is already installed
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Sat, 07 Feb 2015 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.7.1) stable; urgency=low
* A2CLOUD is no longer “beta” on non-Raspberry Pi computers
* A2CLOUD includes KEGS and Linapple on debian_x86
* kegs launch script creates additional symlink called ROM
* linapple launch script sets up framebuffer and udev mouse rule
* A2CLOUD has a faster install script for non-Raspberry Pi computers
(downloads debian7_x86 and rpi binaries)
* unbit/unexec/bsq archive tools are installed
* perl version for ttytter not hardcoded
* apt-get clean after all installs
* installer option to compile all rather than download binaries
* login message mentions A2SERVER if it is installed
* LXDE terminal window now in global autostart (opens for any user)
* LXDE desktop defaults to 800x600 if running in VirtualBox VM
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Mon, 11 Aug 2014 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.7.0) stable; urgency=low
* a2cloud-setup installs Java 8 if not already installed
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Sat, 02 Aug 2014 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.6.9) stable; urgency=low
* ADTPro 2.0.0 (quicker and more reliable transfer; selectable filenames from
* new A2CLOUD disks with A2PI client 1.8
* tested working on Raspberry Pi Model B+ (use USB ports closest to Ethernet
jack for ttyUSBlower and ttyUSBupper)
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Thu, 24 Jul 2014 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.6.8) stable; urgency=low
* ADTPro 1.3.0
* tests for adtpro existence with either adtpro.sh or ADTPro.html
* TTYtter installs properly on non-Pi systems
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Mon, 07 Apr 2014 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.6.7) stable; urgency=low
* cppo installed from a2cloud directory on web server (a2server has symlink)
* fixed cppo -e bug that always created a resource fork file even if there
is no resource fork
* shk2image leaves nothing behind in /tmp
* wildcard copy all files on A2PI disk except PRODOS/BASIC.SYSTEM/*A3* to
A2CLOUD disks when building
* A2CLOUD boot floppy contains A2PI client version 1.4
* update before install for a2chat, a2news, kegs, kegs-setup, linapple,
gsport, gsport-setup
* a2cloud-setup updates a2news/a2chat/kegs/kegs-setup/linapple wrappers
* disables IPv6 for exim4 to properly prevent startup error messages;
restores log folder if not there
* A2CLOUD boot floppy splash screen provides simple menu for virtual drives,
Apple II Pi, or BASIC
* A2CLOUD.HDV is now called A2CLOUD.PO (a symbolic link called A2CLOUD.HDV
is still there for backwards compatibility/habits)
* renamed MACRO files on server to be .txt and moved to files
* added screen to a2cloud-help
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Mon, 19 Nov 2014 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.6.6) stable; urgency=low
* beta support for Debian and Ubuntu Linux on non-Pi machines
* compiles binaries rather than downloads if not running on Pi
* gets and supports Oracle x86 Java if not on Pi
* installs X11 and LXDE if not installed
* ttyUSBupper is always ttyUSB0, ttyUSBlower is always ttyUSB1
* adtpro.sh supports USB-to-serial on all architectures
* installs curl if not installed (for ttytter)
* ttytter support for color and avoiding non-ASCII characters when running
under Screen
* opens LXTerminal window by default when starting graphical desktop
* a2cloud-setup installs Screen if not already installed, also -v arg
* a2cloud-setup shows installed and available versions
* a2cloud-setup -y bypasses all prompts (removed -n)
* a2cloudrc is now downloaded rather than created by script
* LANG is now set in /usr/local/etc/a2cloud-lang rather than in a2cloudrc
* fixed bug which checked for nulib2 instead of unar when seeing if needing
to compile
* setup exits properly whether run via source or shell
* moved cftp to files
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Sat, 17 Feb 2014 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.6.5) stable; urgency=low
* can use "term mono" and "term color" instead of "term vt100" and "term
pcansi", "none" also works
* minor reorganization of configuration of a2cloudrc and screenrc
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Wed, 05 Feb 2014 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.6.4) stable; urgency=low
* support for "screen" command to allow switching between multiple terminals
on Apple II
* term command now has -f argument to force emulation setting
* bash.bashrc now calls /usr/local/etc/a2cloudrc, which in turn calls
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Fri, 31 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.6.3) stable; urgency=low
* Set TTYtter to always use -ssl mode, which is required by Twitter after
* Set TTYtter to avoid display of non-ASCII characters on serial port shell
* Set TTYtter to use color ANSI text (for IIgs) if shell is currently set to
display it
* Provided TTYtter readline module for enhanced input with -readline option
* Added "appleiipi-update" command
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Wed, 23 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.6.2) stable; urgency=low
* Improved display of non-ASCII characters in Apple II terminal emulation
programs by using ISO-8859 charset for serial port instead of UTF-8
* adds 'term' command for setting vt100 or ANSI emulation
This should help with Spectrum's ANSI display
* perform apt-get clean at end of A2CLOUD install
* Added "sciibin" and "unblu" for converting BinSCII and Binary II files
* add 300 to the supported rates of baud command, in case you *really* want
to kick it old school
* alias a2cloud-update to a2cloud-setup
* cmd line options and prompts to install everything or install individual
* revised intrudiction info in setup script
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Sun, 19 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.6.1) stable; urgency=low
* Added "telnet" and "ttytter" (Twitter client)
* fix for network boot failure when set up under v1.6
* prevents exim4 error messages after Tin installation
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Tue, 14 Jan 2014 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.6) stable; urgency=low
* include check for ADTPro updates
* remove hardcoding of ADTPro version in favor of script variable
* asks for prodos volume name for new disk image; 8192 max
* fixed order of files on 140K disk to be consistent with 800K disk
* adtpro-start start now checks for USB adapter before starting
* restarts ADTPro server on vsd1/vsd2 after prompting
* created vsdsync alias to adtpro-restart; acmd warns if neeed
* acmd warns if vsd1/vsd2 changes, and advises vsdsync if so
* acmd now provides acmd help even on AppleCommander error
* updates ADTPro/VSDRIVE to 1.2.9
* pro: VSDRIVE can be run via ProDOS program launcher, not just BASIC
* pro: much faster virtual drive read performance
* con: short delay on vsd# commands
* con: need to type vsdsync after changing active virtual drive image
directly on the Pi
* gets motd from web
* sets password to apple2
* if A2SERVER is installed, shares the ADTPro disks folder as ADTDISKS on the
* don't prompt for restart after install by default
* avahi-daemon installed (so "raspberrypi.local" works as on Bonjour-enabled
* include backup server for shrinkit
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Tue, 31 Dec 2013 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.5.2) stable; urgency=low
* Apple II Pi is now installed with GSport emulator and “apple2user” packages
* speedier install by downloading A2CLOUD disk images instead of building them
* cleans up after installation
* misc bug fixes
* -h option for installer help
* added "dos2pro" command
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Sun, 22 Dec 2013 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.5) stable; urgency=low
* Adds IRC and newsreader clients (Irssi and Tin) and, with shortcuts for
Apple II community ("a2chat" and "a2news" commands)
* adds KEGS and LinApple emulators
* installs Apple II Pi
* easy installation via Raspple II
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Sun, 01 Dec 2013 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.2.3) stable; urgency=low
* A2PI client version 1.3 added to A2CLOUD disk
* download pre-compiled unar/lsar, nulib2, and cftp if possible
* install only runtime dependencies for these tools if compiling them is
* console (built-in serial) login disabled, to allow Apple II Pi to have
that port
* installs xrdp/tightvncserver for remote desktop access from another
* adds DSK2FILE image utility to A2CLOUD disk
[Joseph Carter]
* Date is approximated in changelog format conversion
* Rewrote entry to combine multiple different changelogs
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Sat, 30 Nov 2013 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (1.0) stable; urgency=low
* first proper release with full documentation, bug fixes, and demo video
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Mon, 02 Sep 2013 00:00:00 +0000
a2cloud (0.99beta) stable; urgency=low
* internet access and virtual drives for any Apple II via a Raspberry Pi;
introduced at KansasFest 2013
-- Ivan Drucker <ivan@ivanx.com> Sat, 27 Jul 2013 00:00:00 +0000