/* ActiveGS, Copyright 2004-2016 Olivier Goguel, https://github.com/ogoguel/ActiveGS Based on Kegs, Copyright 2004 Kent Dickey, https://kegs.sourceforge.net This code is covered by the GNU GPL licence */ #include "../Common.osx/cemulatorctrlmac.h" #include "../Common/svnversion.h" #include #include "../kegs/Src/sim65816.h" #include extern int macUsingCoreGraphics; extern int calcCRC(const char* ptr); #undef printf extern "C" int outputInfo(const char* format,...) { va_list argptr; va_start( argptr, format ); MyString st; st.FormatV(format,argptr); va_end(argptr); puts(st.c_str()); return 1; } int outputInfoInternal(const char* _str) { puts(_str); return 1; } extern "C" int fOutputInfo(FILE*,const char* format,...) { return 1; } #define printf outputInfo void* PosixThreadMainRoutine(void* data) { CEmulatorMac* p = (CEmulatorMac*)data; p->theThread(); return NULL; } void CEmulatorMac::x_LaunchThread() { // lance le thread pthread_attr_t attr; pthread_t posixThreadID; assert(!pthread_attr_init(&attr)); assert(!pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_DETACHED)); /*int threadError =*/ pthread_create(&posixThreadID, &attr, &PosixThreadMainRoutine, this); assert(!pthread_attr_destroy(&attr)); } void CEmulatorMac::x_WaitForEndThread() { while(bInThread) usleep(100); } extern void my_exit(int); void mac_get_resource_path(const char *_path,MyString& _resPath) { CFURLRef resourceURL; _resPath.Empty(); // Look for the resource in the main bundle by name and type. #ifdef ACTIVEGSPLUGIN CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetBundleWithIdentifier(__CFStringMakeConstantString("com.freetoolsassociation.activegs")); #else CFBundleRef bundle = CFBundleGetMainBundle(); #endif CFStringRef ce = CFStringCreateWithCString( NULL, _path, kCFStringEncodingASCII); resourceURL = CFBundleCopyResourceURL( bundle, ce, NULL, NULL ); if(!resourceURL) { printf("Failed to locate a file in the loaded bundle! (%s)",_path); return; } char fileurl[1024]; if(!CFURLGetFileSystemRepresentation( resourceURL, true, (UInt8*) fileurl, 1024)) { printf("Failed to turn a bundle resource URL into a filesystem path representation!"); return; } _resPath = fileurl; } CEmulatorMac::CEmulatorMac(CEmulator** _parent, int _usingCoreGraphics,PluginInstance* _pi) : CEmulator(_parent) { macUsingCoreGraphics = _usingCoreGraphics; pi = _pi; } CEmulatorMac::~CEmulatorMac() { outputInfo("~CEmulatorMac (%X)\n",this); } void CEmulatorMac::loadingInProgress(int _motorOn,int _slot, int _drive) { #ifdef DRIVER_IOS extern void x_loadinginprogress(int,int,int); x_loadinginprogress(_motorOn,_slot,_drive); #endif } void CEmulatorMac::getEngineString(MyString& engine) { if (macUsingCoreGraphics) { #if defined(ACTIVEGSPLUGIN) && !defined(DRIVER_IOS) if (isEventCocoa) engine="CG/Cocoa"; else engine="CG/Carbon"; #else engine="CG"; #endif } else engine = "QD"; } void CEmulatorMac::showStatus(const char* _str) { #ifdef ACTIVEGSPLUGIN extern MyString messageLine; extern int messageLineVBL; messageLine = _str; if (_str) { messageLineVBL=100; x_refresh_video(); } #endif }