// ChildView.h : interface of the CChildView class // #pragma once #include "../common.win32/activecommon.h" #include "../common/ki.h" // CChildView window class CChildView : public CWnd { // Construction public: CChildView(); // Attributes public: CEmulatorWin32* pEmulatorCtrl; int id; HINSTANCE hInst; CEmulatorConfig config; CWnd* parent; // Operations public: int CreateEmulatorWindow(CWnd* _w); // Overrides protected: virtual BOOL PreCreateWindow(CREATESTRUCT& cs); // Implementation public: virtual ~CChildView(); afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct); afx_msg void OnSetFocus(CWnd* pOldWnd ); afx_msg void OnDestroy(); afx_msg int OnMouseActivate(CWnd* pDesktopWnd,UINT nHitTest,UINT message ); afx_msg BOOL OnEraseBkgnd(CDC* pDC); afx_msg void OnSettingChange(UINT uFlags,LPCTSTR lpszSection); virtual CWnd*SetFocus(); virtual BOOL PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg); void resize(); // Generated message map functions //protected: afx_msg void OnPaint(); DECLARE_MESSAGE_MAP() virtual LRESULT DefWindowProc(UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam); };